Author: Robski McFadden

Rivers symbolize freedom. If you place a rock into a river, the water will flow around it. If you block a river, it will cause a flood, or the river will try to forge a new path. Given enough time, a river will wear away any barrier that tries to restrict it. The story of Michinoku Pro-Wrestling is about finding a way around limitations. It is a universal truth that promoters tend to prefer more prominent athletes with muscular physiques—modern-day giants who can attract fans with their feats of super-strength. Japan is a small island nation. Their potential talent pool…

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Every nation has their cultures and traditions. The Siva Afi is an important ritual of Polynesian heritage. It requires skill, concentration, and courage. Those who doubt themselves risk being burned or extinguishing the flames. For Papali’itele Taogaga, he had to be consumed by the fire before he could learn to control it. Max Taogaga was born in Samoa. Unlike most of his countrymen that found their way into the World Wrestling Federation, he was not part of the Anoa’i-Maivia dynasty. His family had no connections to them or to wrestling until Max tried to break into the industry. They specialized…

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The Biblical proverb tells us that the spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. Paul Orndorff was the living definition of this adage. He dedicated so much of his life to making his body strong. He pushed it beyond its breaking point. Yet where his body may have failed, his spirit would not. Paul Orndorff, Jr. was born in Winchester, Virginia, in 1949. He was named after his father, who raised him in their trailer home alone. But if you asked, he would say he was raised by his neighborhood in Palm Beach, Florida. He had to learn how…

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Much more goes into a wrestling show than many realize. For every dozen wrestlers who step into that ring, there are a few dozen more people responsible for putting that show together. You should not notice them if they do their job right. For the Nitro Girls, they had no choice but to get noticed. Every week they went up against the harshest opponents there are; wrestling fans. One of WCW Monday Nitro’s main marketing points was that it was broadcast live. Even when some episodes were pre-taped. While it was a wrestling show, it was still a television show.…

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Progress is a process. Every profession requires you to work your way up. Those who take shortcuts often find they do not have the experience they need to stay there. It may seem like Danny Boy Collins had his success handed to him. That only made him work harder to earn what he already had. Daniel Collins was born in Bristol, England. He was a fan of wrestling for as long as he could remember. He watched it on television on with his parents every Saturday since he was ten years old. He knew this was what he wanted to…

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Faith is important to all of us. Whether it is in God, justice, science, family, or even just yourself. Life is the hardest thing any of us will ever have to endure. Faith in the right things can help us through the worst times and create the best ones. AJ Styles has no doubt his faith has gotten him to where he is. Allen Jones was born on a Marine base in Jacksonville, North Carolina, in 1977. He grew up in a loving family. However, they also grew up living in near poverty. His childhood home was a trailer park…

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We are saddened to report that Mexican tag team veteran Raziel had passed away. He was 49. Raziel was born in Mexico City, Mexico. He was trained by Brazo Cibernetico and Skyade. He formed a tag team with a fellow classmate. “Neo” (Raziel) and “Geo” would make their official debuts in 1996. The pair used a high-flying style that is typical for luchadors. They took advantage of their similar appearances and quick tags to give the illusion of being one luchador who never tired. They signed with Asistencia AsesorÌa y AdministraciÛn (AAA) early into their careers. The highlight of their…

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The life of a wrestler is never easy. Ask any one of them, and they will tell you all about the sacrifices and hardships they have endured. Klondyke Kate earned every bit of her reputation as the toughest woman in the United Kingdom. However, the honor came with a price that she paid with her body, mind, heart and even part of her soul. Jayne Porter’s earliest fights were on the playgrounds of Stoke-on-Trent, England. Being large for her age made her an easy target for bullies. Those who did take shots at her quickly learned that she could bully…

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We are heartbroken to report that Joe D’Orazio, the world’s oldest living wrestler has passed away. He was 99. D’Orazio has been a key figure in preserving and honoring British wrestling history. His own life story is one that deserves to be remembered and revered also. There is little that D’Orazio has not done with his adventurous life. He was born Guiseppe Scala in 1922. His parents were Italian immigrants who had resettled in the industrial district of Bermondsey in London, England. They were well respected within the working classes from all backgrounds. They ran a traditional British takeaway on…

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We are saddened to pass on the news that veteran referee Mickie Henson passed away on Monday. He was 59. The Tampa native was a lifelong wrestling fan. He used to study the matches that he used to watch as a youth. His favorite promotion was Championship Wrestling from Florida. He attended every show that he could and strived to meet as many on-air personalities as possible. When Henson began training as a wrestler, his obsessive viewing habits helped him to pick up the craft quickly. His personality and drive helped to win over the likes of Steve Keirn, Mike…

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