Original Series

For so many wrestlers, their dreams of stepping into the ring start at a young age. After they get a bit older and begin their career between the ropes, it can go in any number of ways, and there can be ups and downs along the way. ‘ The King of the North’ Carter Mason not only had aspirations of being a wrestler at a young age, but he also started his career before adulthood. The native of Toronto, Ontario, began training with long-time veteran Johnny Devine in 2005 when he was only 16. Carter Mason – Travel Over Seas…

Trending News Stories

It’s June 24, 1974. I’m a skinny, 14-year-old and it’s my first wrestling match EVER. My heart is beating out of my chest because these superheroes and supervillains have suddenly come to life. And finally, there he is. “The Italian strongman,” Bruno Sammartino. The building literally shakes as he enters without a hint of pyro or entrance music. This powerhouse who hid from the Nazis as a child in WW II and built himself up into a superman. His partner, Chief Jay Strongbow and he stood across the ring from the Russian monster Nikolai Volkoff who could shatter fruit in…

Most Viewed Articles

“I was Handsome Jimmy (Valiant) in the ’60s and the ’70s, I was a bad cat, man. I strutted around and was one of the first blonds with a good body…When I went into the Carolinas in the ’80s I looked around and saw all the pretty boy blonds. “You know (Ric) Flair was there just getting going and Buddy Landel was just getting going, so there was a lot of those kids that already did that. So I reinvented myself, and you have to continue and have a long career like I did. So I threw away my razor…

Commemorative Articles

Iron Women are often an area of the history of professional wrestling that isn’t given nearly the amount of attention that it deserves. Whether that means in competition, stamina or opportunities women competing in “iron” competitions doesn’t appear to be one in which has happened extensively. In the case of men, the ‘iron-man’ match tests one’s endurance and stamina and is often tied to the term’ hour Broadway’. Iron Women of the Ring -A True Test of Endurance A match that pushes the limits on a wrestler’s ability to tell a story that pushes beyond the realm of a brief…

List Articles

2023 marked a groundbreaking period for professional wrestling in Great Britain, highlighted by All Elite Wrestling’s historic showcase at Wembley Stadium. Drawing in leading global talents and fans from across the globe, the event proved to be one of the most remarkable in recent memory. While such grand spectacles captured the spotlight, the thriving wrestling scene in the UK continued to deliver performances of the highest quality on a regular basis. The Ones To Watch 2024 – British Pro-Wrestling Weekly shows by various promotions showcased a myriad of exceptional emerging talents and homegrown individuals poised on the brink of international…


One of the great pleasures of routinely attending local wrestling promotions is the opportunity to be introduced to new talent. Then watch talent as they develop and grow. From time to time, you see someone who stands out for one reason or another. Perhaps they are exceptionally talented. Or, they have an outstanding gimmick. One of the more satisfying things to see in the industry is when someone stands out as unique, different, and imaginative. In a profession where it’s difficult to stand out from the rank and file, it is a pleasure to see someone burst out defying conformity…