Author: Brandon Dack

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA’s 1st Year Anniversary Show in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Outside the arena, a limo arrives to the TNA Asylum with Mike Tenay believing it would be Sting. Instead, Shane Douglas stepped out and let out his trademark laugh, stating that it was time to make some noise. NWA-TNA’s first-anniversary show had a new set at the TNA Asylum. NWA-TNA PPV 50 Don Harris, David Young & Sonny Siaki vs. The Sandman, D’Lo Brown & Frankie Kazarian.  Kazarian and Siaki start off the match with Kazarian hitting a springboard…

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On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA 49 PPV in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Outside, Raven and The Gathering are outside the TNA Asylum, where Raven and Julio Dinero cut a promo. Raven says he will become the NEW NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion tonight. Raven tells Dinero to ensure Brown doesn’t interfere in tonight’s NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship Match. Dinero start telling Raven not to worry about Brown and what he’s going to do to Brown tonight in their singles match. D’Lo Brown, from behind, attacks Raven & Dinero. NWA-TNA PPV 49 Julio Dinero vs.…

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On Wednesday, June 4, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 48 in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Outside, Kevin Northcut, the new TNA director of security, lets NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett know that his actions won’t be tolerated anymore. Jarrett wants Northcut to tell the guys in the ivory tower to tell that to his face. Backstage, Glen Gilbertti led a prayer with S.E.X. faction about winning the title and bringing Vince Russo back to the group. NWA-TNA PPV 48 Damien, Johnny Swinger & Kid Romeo vs. CM Punk, Matt Stryker & Frankie Kazarian. Romeo and…

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On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA #7 PPV. In the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView. Outside, Glen Gilbertti tells Julio Dinero and Alexis Laree that he is going to beat Raven’s @$$ tonight! NWA-TNA PPV 47 Jason Cross & CM Punk vs. AJ Styles & D’Lo Brown. Cross and Punk attack before the bell. Cross takes Brown out with a corkscrew dive on the floor. Styles kicks Punk but on a springboard off the apron saw Punk dropkick Styles in midair. Back in the ring, Styles goes for a springboard DDT on Cross but Punk cuts him…

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On Wednesday, May 21, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 46 in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Raven is sitting on the edge of a trailer rooftop, complaining about how he was denied from reaching his destiny. He accuses  Jarrett of sitting at him, milking his injuries. Moments later, Raven is attacked from behind, and we hear Jarrett’s voice! We also briefly saw Jarrett’s face as he attacked Raven. Jarrett grabs the microphone and tells Raven that he figured he would first pay him a visit. NWA-TNA PPV 46 X-Division #1 Contenders Elimination Match CM Punk vs. Jason…

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On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 45. In the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Glen Gilbertti arrives in a limo and tells the camera to follow him for the rest of the night. He tips the driver a dollar, and we see Erik Watts following Gilbertti into the TNA Asylum. Sonny Siaki and the members of S.E.X. introduce their leader Glen Gilbertti, who came out wearing a robe similar to Ric Flair. They are really playing up Glen’s rise here. Glen says that by the night’s end, they will be taking over the entire building. He…

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On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 44 in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. A video highlighting what happened last week on the program is shown. Chris Sabin is the number one contender for the X-Division Championship. Konnan and Ron Killings are now an alliance. Amazing Red won the NWA-TNA X-Division Championship by defeating Kid Kash, only to be attacked by a mysterious masked person. Plus, Raven failed to win the NWA-TNA World Championship in a long-anticipated match with Jeff Jarrett. The show opens with Mike Tenay and Don West are in the ring. They…

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On Wednesday, April 30, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 43. In the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. NWA-TNA PPV 43 Disciples of The New Church w/ Father James Mitchell vs. S.EX. Ron & Don Harris vs. Justin Credible & Perry Saturn vs. American’s Most Wanted Lee and Saturn start the match. Lee drops Saturn with a clothesline, but Saturn hits a German suplex before locking in a cross-arm breaker, but Slash breaks that up. Lee tries to chokeslam Credible, but Credible gets out of it and, after playing to the crowd, is met with a big boot from Don…

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On Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 42. Raven reminds us that his championship match with NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett is next week. Raven also has a surprise for Jarrett later on in the show. Backstage, Glen Gilbertti and Mike Sanders are arguing over who has the “it factor” and who doesn’t. The rest of the S.E.X. group, Sonny Siaki, Desire, David Young, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Ron, and Don Harris, go into the TNA Asylum. Gilbertti is mad at them for being late. He is so mad that he slaps Sonny Siaki in the face.…

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On Wednesday, April 16, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 41. In the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Outside the TNA Asylum, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes is waiting for Jeff Jarrett to arrive at the building. Raven, Alexis Laree, and Julio Dinero are sitting in the Nest. Raven says that they are his followers who believe in him. He also says that, along with S.E.X., they are sick of Jarrett. Raven is going to take away Jarrett’s championship in an attempt to take away his power. He says that Jarrett to close to being in a rubber room,…

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