NWA-TNA PPV 49 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA 49 PPV in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Outside, Raven and The Gathering are outside the TNA Asylum, where Raven and Julio Dinero cut a promo.

Raven says he will become the NEW NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion tonight. Raven tells Dinero to ensure Brown doesn’t interfere in tonight’s NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship Match.

Dinero start telling Raven not to worry about Brown and what he’s going to do to Brown tonight in their singles match. D’Lo Brown, from behind, attacks Raven & Dinero.

Julio Dinero vs. D’Lo Brown

They brawl towards the ring, where Brown gets the early advantage, knocking Dinero off his feet with an elbow. Brown hits a nice top rope hurricanrana! Alexis Laree gets caught on a top rope attempt, but Dinero saves her by kicking Brown to the floor.

Dinero dropkicks Brown off the apron into the guardrail. Brown regains control as they come back into the ring, but Laree holds Brown on the apron to allow a swinging neckbreaker from Dinero.

Dinero dives off the top rope to take Brown out on the floor. Dinero puts a steel around Brown’s neck and sends him into the ring post! Dinero leg drops Brown across the middle rope, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.

Dinero hits a fisherman suplex, and the driver goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Dinero delivers an inverted DDT across his knee and chokes Brown across the middle rope. Dinero hits a tornado diamond cutter out of the corner, but Brown kicks out at two.

Brown drops Dinero across the top turnbuckle to stop the offense. Brown drops Dinero a few times with strikes and connects with a stunner, and a spinning heel kick goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count—Alexis Laree with a top rope tornado DDT on Brown.

Dinero goes for a pinfall, and Brown kicks out at two. D’Lo Brown with the Sky High goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: D’Lo Brown

NWA-TNA PPV 49 (June 11, 2003) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT!]
Mike Tenay conducts an interview with Glenn Gillbertti in the ring. Tenay asked Gilbertti Why did Vince Russo hit you with a baseball bat last week? Gilbertti says, “I don’t know Mike Tenay. You know everything about pro wrestling, you tell me”.

Tenay says, “I don’t either.” Gilbertti replied that for the last few years, he has been going around praising Russo for his ideas when they weren’t good ideas. Gilbertti thinks Russo is jealous that he brought S.E.X. to the next level.

Vince Russo comes to the ring, hits Gilbertti with a baseball bat, and yells, “F**k You Glen.” Don and Ron Harris, The Harris Brothers, come out to the ring. They pull Vince Russo off of Glenn Gilbertti.

The Harris Brothers escort Vince Russo out through the crown “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper help Glenn Gillbertti to the back.

Backstage, Scott Hudson, NWA-TNA’s newest member of the broadcast team, conducts an interview with NWA X-Division Champion Chris Sabin, who revealed that Shark Boy would be getting a NWA X-Division Championship title shot on this night.

Backstage, Shark Boy and New Jack are playing Twister.

NWA X-Division Championship Match
Shark Boy vs. (c) Chris Sabin

Shark Boy gets a two-count early on after a hip toss, but Sabin gets some strikes in to gain control. Shark Boy takes Sabin down with a side Russian leg sweep and clotheslines Sabin to the floor.

Shark Boy hits a springboard mule kick to Sabin on the outside. Sabin sends Shark Boy into the guardrail and is backdropped over the top rope to the floor. Sabin hits a German suplex Shark Boy on the floor.

Shark Boy, with a wheelbarrow bulldog, Sabin, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Shark Boy heads to the top to hit a missile dropkick, but Sabin kicks out at two. Sabin drops Shark Boy across his knee face first, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count.

Shark Boy returns with a neckbreaker, but Sabin kicks out at two. Sabin catches Shark Boy with a Hurricanrana and delivers a swinging backbreaker. Shark Boy hits the Dead Sea Drop, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count.

Sabin gets his boot on the bottom rope to break up the pinfall. Sabin kicks Shark Boy and, goes up to the top rope, and hits the Cradle Shock. Chris Sabin goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner AND STILL: NWA X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin.

After the match, Sabin wants to unmask Shark Boy, but New Jack comes out to make the save. Mike Sanders comes out and attacks New Jack!

Backstage, Ron Killings and Konnan say they are going to beat the “sh*t” out of the Harris Brothers.

Ron & Don Harris vs Konnan & Ron Killings.

Ron & Don Harris: The Harris Brothers kept Ron Killings in the ring for almost seven minutes. Konnan was getting frustrated because the referee didn’t see Ron Killings tag Konnan.

Ron Killings with a Flying Forearm Don Harris goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Mike Tenay mentioned on commentary they’re getting word that Desire has taken Glenn Gillbertti to the hospital.

Ron Harris, with a Snap Suplex on Ron Killings, followed by three clotheslines, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. At the same time, the referee was outside the ring on the floor with Ron Harris and Konnan. BG James comes out to the ring and hits Don Harris with a steel chair. Killings goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Konnan & Ron Killings.

Mike Tenay sat down with NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett for an interview earlier in the day. Jarrett says that AJ Styles doesn’t know how good he could be in this business.

He hypes up the triple threat with Styles and Raven as the most significant test he has faced thus far as champion. Jarrett believes the match was a punishment for his recent actions as champion. He assures Tenay that he is not partnered up with Vince Russo in any way.

Backstage, Scott Hudson conducts an interview with Erik Watts, Goldylocks, and Trinity about the 3-on1 Handicap Match vs. Kid Kash. Tonight, Watts is attacked from behind by a man wearing a mask, who sends Watts heads first into the doorway.

Kid Kash vs. Trinity & Goldylocks.

Kid Kash has his way with the ladies until a low blow from Goldylocks and Trinity, with a spin kick, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Trinity kicks Kid Kash on the top rope, but Kid Kash counters a superplex.

Trinity counters a powerbomb with a hurricanrana! The leather-masked man enters the ring and hits a swinging side slam on Trinity to Kid Kash, goes for a pinfall, and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Kid Kash. 

Backstage, Backstage, Scott Hudson conducts an interview with Devon Storm, who believes he knows how to beat Sandman in the Hard Ten tournament. Storm considered Sandman’s BAC, kilograms, and temperature.

Backstage, NWA representative Bill Behrens tells D’Lo Brown that he needs to leave The Asylum because he doesn’t want any interference in the main event.

Hard Ten Match
Devon Storm vs. The Sandman

As you’d imagine, this match is full of weapon shots, as that’s how you get points. Sonny Siaki came out with a shopping cart full of weapons. A ladder gets involved, and soon Storm hits a Northern Lights suplex with a chair across Sandman’s back.

Siaki attacks Sandman while Storm sets up a ladder. Sandman sends Siaki into the railing, and Storm is sent into Siaki. Sandman places Storm across a table laid across the apron and guardrail. Sandman leaps off the ladder to hit a Swanton bomb off the top rope through the table.

Winner: The Sandman

After the match, Sonny Siaki gets in the ring, hits Sandman with a kendo stick, and spits beer on him.

Mike Tenay and Don West Integration Segment. Justin Credible and Jerry Lynn Lynn and Credible put each other over along with their finishing moves. They both put over ECW as the best time of their careers.

Credible credits Paul Heyman for getting him going after the Aldo Montoya disaster in the WWE. Lynn takes a jab at Credible for being Heyman’s “butt buddy” while in ECW. Credible didn’t like that, leading to a brawl between the two.

Backstage, Scott Hudson conducts an interview with Tracy. She tells him that she ensured Erik Watts wouldn’t please a woman anymore. She asks Scott Hudson if he knows everything about pleasuring women. Hudson replies That’s a little personal. Tracy replies I’ll take that as a No walks off to end the interview. 

NWA Tag Team champions “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper make their way to ringside from S.E.X. locker room. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels joins Mike Tenay and Don West on commentary for this match.

Asylum Alliance Tournament Finals
“Cowboy” James Storm & “Wildcat” Chris Harris America’s Most Wanted vs. David Young & Tracy

Tracy distracts the referee. Skipper leaps over the top rope clotheslines Storm. Young, with a superplex on Storm, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Tracy, with a low blow to Storm Young, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Harris spears Young, goes for a pinfall, and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Asylum Alliance Tournament #1 contenders to NWA World Tag Team Championships, America’s Most Wanted.

After the match, David Young is upset with Tracy, and she costs them the match. Nurse Veronica comes to the ring with a steel chair and hits David Young with it.

Backstage, AJ Styles talked about his journey to the title match and dedicated the match to his friend, D’Lo Brown.

NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship
AJ Styles vs. Raven vs. Jeff Jarrett (c)

Styles gets double-teamed briefly and sent to the floor by Jarrett. Raven mistimes, stepping aside for Styles to strike Jarrett, so that looked a little odd. Jarrett dropkicks Styles, but Styles delivers a jawbreaker, and Raven jabs Styles before sending Styles over the top to the floor with a clothesline.

Jeff Jarrett begins to exchange blows with Raven. Styles pulls Raven to the floor, and all three men brawl on the floor. Styles takes Jarrett and Raven out with a somersault dive over the top to the floor.

Raven is sent hard into the guardrail, and Styles springboards off the ring steps but lands on the guardrail. Raven leaps off the ring steps to clothesline Jarrett on the floor. Raven catapults Styles into the corner, where Styles punches Jarrett several times until Jarrett hits a powerbomb, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.

Raven locks in a modified STF on Jarrett after avoiding a kick, but Styles breaks it up. Styles plants Jarrett with a springboard reverse DDT, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Raven decks Styles with a clothesline, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count.

Jarrett tries for the Stroke, but Raven counters and attempts a DDT, but Styles hits Raven over the head with a steel chair! Which busted Raven wide open. Jarrett and Styles hit a double suplex on Raven.

Styles hits a springboard hurricanrana on Raven for a two count. Styles and Jarrett prevent the other from getting a three-count. Styles comes off the top, and leg drops Jarrett after Raven trips Jarrett.

Raven fights back, dropping Jarrett and Styles with strikes. Raven clotheslines Styles and knee lifts Jarrett. Raven drop-toe holds Jarrett face-first onto a steel chair. The same happens to Styles, but they can’t get a three-count, thanks to Jarrett breaking up the pinfall.

Raven jabs Jarrett a few times but counters the Stroke with a DDT, but here comes Shane Douglas pulls Raven out of the ring, and they brawl into the crowd!

That leaves us with Styles and Jarrett as Douglas sends Raven through a table, and they go outside. Styles nails Jarrett with the championship and heads to the top to hit a frog splash, but Jarrett pops his shoulder up at two!

Styles pummels Jarrett in the corner with right hands. Styles runs into a back elbow, and Jarrett connects with a double leg slam, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Styles attempts a figure four, but Jarrett kicks Styles to the apron.

Styles attempts the Styles Clash, but Jarrett counters Styles shoves off the top rope. AJ then goes to the apron, trying a springboard 450, but Jarrett gets his knees up to block it! Vince Russo comes out with a guitar and hits Jarrett over the head with it!

AJ Styles hits the Styles Clash on Jarrett, and the referee counts the 1-2-3!

Winner: AND NEW NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles!

After the match, Vince Russo celebrates with NEW NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles! 

Jeff Jarrett gets on the microphone and says that Styles isn’t leaving until he gets an answer. Jarrett wants an answer. He wants a rematch next week for the title since it’s the anniversary show.

Styles returns to the ring and asks Jarrett who he thinks he is talking to. Styles says he has thirty days to defend the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship. Jarrett says he hadn’t backed down from anyone, and now Styles backed down on his first night as

NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion. Jarrett says that a man is going to be here next week. Jarrett has a deal for Styles to wrestle in a tag match. Jarrett’s partner is a guy who knows how to use a bat, and that man just so happens to be… Sting!

NWA-TNA PPV 49 goes off the air.