NWA-TNA PPV 44 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews

On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 44 in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. A video highlighting what happened last week on the program is shown. Chris Sabin is the number one contender for the X-Division Championship.
Konnan and Ron Killings are now an alliance. Amazing Red won the NWA-TNA X-Division Championship by defeating Kid Kash, only to be attacked by a mysterious masked person. Plus, Raven failed to win the NWA-TNA World Championship in a long-anticipated match with Jeff Jarrett.
The show opens with Mike Tenay and Don West are in the ring. They rundown tonight’s match card. Anarchy in The Asylum will start with two wrestlers every 90 seconds a new wrestler will enter Anarchy in The Asylum.
Wrestlers can wear anything and bring anything they want. You’re Eliminated from Anarchy in The Asylum when you’re thrown over the top rope. Pinfall and Submission can take place anywhere in The Asylum.
When Anarchy in The Asylum gets down to the final two wrestlers, Anarchy in The Asylum becomes a Singles Match the Pinfall, or a Submission MUST OCCUR in the ring.
NWA-TNA PPV 44 (May 7, 2003) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT Wrestling]

Low-Ki & Elix Skipper vs. AJ Styles & D’Lo Brown

Early on, Brown gets the better of Ki by using his size. Low-Ki fights back with a series of chops but is stopped by a missile dropkick from AJ Styles. Styles continues to work over Low-Ki, until Low-Ki nails Styles with a somersault kick.
Styles hits a nice kip-up hurricanrana on Skipper, goes for the pinfall, and gets a two count. Brown slams Styles onto Skipper to maintain control of the contest. Low-Ki drops Brown with a springboard kick as the referee has been knocked down.
Brown absorbs the offense and takes Skipper down with a snap suplex and a flapjack. Styles gets tagged and cleans house on both Low-Ki and Skipper. Skipper sends Brown to the floor and delivers a series of kicks before sending Brown into the guardrail.
Styles is battling Low-Ki in the ring but is stopped by Skipper on the apron so that Low-Ki could deliver a kick. Styles is getting face washed into the corner by both Low-Ki and Elix in the corner. Styles counters the Play of the Day by hitting a sit-down powerbomb!
Brown and Skipper fly over the top to the floor. Low-Ki kicks Styles into the corner, but Low-Ki gets caught with a Sky High and a neck breaker combo to give Brown and Styles the win! Referee Rudy Charles counts the 1-2-3!

Winners: AJ Styles & D’Lo Brown Advances to Anarchy in The Asylum.

Backstage, in S.E.X.’s locker room, Goldylocks interviews Glenn Gilbertti, who says he is going to win the battle royal tonight and get a title shot. He demands that the rest of the S.E.X.’s locker room supports him in his goal.
Gilbertti ends up going into NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett’s locker room and viciously attacks Jarrett with crutches and steel chairs before security was able to come in and stop Gilbertti’s attack on Jarrett.

New Jack vs. The Sandman vs. Sabu

Sabu tosses a trash can into Sandman’s face, which had a trash lid in front of it while hanging upside down in the corner. New Jack uses a staple gun on Sabu. Jack has been busted wide open. Sabu has a spike to work over on New Jack.
He places New Jack on a table and went for the triple jump, but Sandman hits Sabu with a kendo stick. They head into the crowd to continue the brawling. Sabu is put on a table, and New Jack gets on a scissor lift.
Sandman wanted to dive off the balcony, and they argue over who gets to do it. Jack is higher than the balcony! Sabu moves out of the way, and New Jack crashes through the table. Sabu goes for a pinfall on New Jack referee Andrew Thomas counts, the 1-2-3!

Winners: Sabu Advances to Anarchy in The Asylum.

Tracy Brooks uses sexual advances on NWA representative Bill Beherns to convince him to make a women’s match, with the winners getting into the battle royal later tonight. NWA representative Bill Beherns turns to Goldylocks and says Why can’t you be more like her to end the interview.
Backstage, “Cowboy” James Storm says that tonight they will find out which side “Wildcat” Chris Harris really is on. Harris is going to prove himself, but he will be all business inside the ring.

“Wildcat” Chris Harris vs.  “Cowboy” James Storm

They start off with a standoff after a series of exchanges, and the crowd gives them half-hearted applause. Storm backdrops Harris, who didn’t like that, and clotheslines Storm over the top to the floor.
Harris mounts Storm with a series of left hands. Storm comes back with a kick to the head and heads to the top rope. Harris crotches Storm on the top rope. Harris hits a superplex, and both men are down. Harris hits a top rope elbow drop on Storm, goes for a pinfall gets a two-count.
Storm hits a superkick on Harris, goes for a pinfall gets a two-count. Storm is out of it, and Harris follows up with a DDT! Storm manages to hit the Eight Second Ride, but Harris manages to get his shoulder up, and Storm flips out.
Harris spears Storm in midair after leaping off the middle rope, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Storm counters a sunset flip by sitting down; on Harris, referee Rudy Charles counts, the 1-2-3!

Winner: “Cowboy” James Storm Advances to Anarchy in The Asylum.

After the match, Harris leaves the ring but comes back and shakes Storm’s hand & they hug.
Backstage, Erik Watts is crying over Jeff Jarrett’s beaten body and says he should have been there for Jarrett. Watts gets a phone call and says that “Eric from WCW is interested in coming to TNA.”
Kid Kash comes out with handcuffs and prevents Trinity from competing in the next match. She didn’t take the easy way and was attacked by Kid Kash before escorting her out of the ring in handcuffs.
Sonny Sakai joins Mike Tenay and Don West on commentary.

Desire w/ Sonny Sakai and David Yong vs. Tracy

Desire worked over Tracy Brooks early on, leaping off the ring steps to clothesline Tracy Brooks on the floor. Tracy Brooks fights back with a spear in the ring. David Young distracts Tracy Brooks and gets in the ring but punches Desire by accident. Tracy Brooks goes for a pinfall referee Andrew Thomas counts, the 1-2-3!

Winner: Tracy Advances to Anarchy in The Asylum.

Ron and Don Harris The Harris Brothers sat down for the Interrogation with Mike Tenay and Don West. They put over S.E.X. as a great concept. They’d rather go to Japan over Puerto Rico for the money.
They’ve held twenty-five tag team titles, and they consider the tag team of Ron Killings and Konnan to be great stars.
Backstage, Amazing Red says that Jerry Lynn has taught him a lot. Jerry Lynn suggests that Amazing Red learn about integrity and give him an X-Division Championship match.

NWA-TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red

Lynn head butts Daniels in the corner. Lynn has Daniels on his shoulders for Amazing Red to hit a top rope spinning heel kick, goes for a pinfall gets a two count. Elix Skipper is on the apron, and Low-Ki is as well.
Daniels hit Amazing Red on the knee with a steel chair! Daniels puts a half Boston Crab on Daniels in the middle of the ring. Lynn breaks the hold by slapping Daniels. Daniels continues to focus his attack on Amazing Red‘s knee.
Amazing Red avoids the Best Moonsault Ever! Lynn, with a DDT on Daniels & goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Daniels goes for the Angels Wings, but Lynn counters with the TKO! Lynn knocks Skipper and Ki off the apron.
Lynn tries for the cradle piledriver, but Daniels sends Lynn into the referee and hits an STO. Amazing Red kicks Daniels but is shoved off the top by Low-Ki. Lynn avoids a steel chair shot from Skipper.
Daniels with another STO on Lynn. Lynn has a steel chair that hits Daniels! Lynn hits Low-Ki. And Skipper with the steel chair. Lynn smashes Daniels over the head with the steel chair and gets disqualified.

Winners: AND NEW NWA Tag Team champions Triple X.

Anarchy in The Asylum Brian Lawler and D’Lo Brown start the match. Sonny Sikai is the third entrant and quickly goes after Brown. David Young hit Brown with a spine buster, and Chris Harris accidentally clotheslines Storm.
Siaki is able to eliminate Storm as a result. Kid Kash is next into the bout. Here comes Rick Steiner! Steiner eliminates Siaki with a clothesline over the top. Mike Awesome makes his way out with a table.
Justin Credible runs down with a Kendo stick and goes after Awesome. Ron Killings enters and drops Brown with a scissors kick. Awesome and Credible are brawling on the floor. Tracy is next to come out, and she is attacked by Lollipop.
She manages to get into the ring. Kash, with a Money Maker to Tracy, quickly eliminates her. Kash is eliminated by the masked person.
Glenn Gilbertti is next to compete in the battle royal with the Harris Brothers by his side. Rick Steiner is eliminated by the Harris Brothers. Killings is also eliminated by the Harris Brothers.
Lawler tried to get the Harris Brothers on his side, but that didn’t work at all. Konnan goes right after Gilbertti. Konnan gets H-Bombed through a table and pinned by Gilbertti on the floor. Buff Bagwell makes his return to the company.
Bagwell hits the Blockbuster on Credible. Bagwell backdrops Lawler over the top to the floor. Gilbertti hits the Chartbuster and clotheslines Bagwell over the top. AJ Styles comes down to compete in the battle royal.
Mike Sanders runs in and superkicks Awesome off the apron through a table on the outside. Perry Saturn came into the match at one point that I didn’t notice. Sabu is the last entrant for the battle royal.
Credible is eliminated by Sabu.
Styles manages to eliminate Brown with a springboard dropkick.
Sabu plants Saturn with a springboard DDT. Sabu head scissors Saturn over the top to the floor, and they both hit the floor, but only Saturn is eliminated because Sabu initiated the move. Give me a break.
Sabu, Styles, and Gilbertti crash to the floor. Sabu nails Styles with a chair shot. Sabu sets up a chair in the ring and hits a triple jump dive into the crowd. He isn’t eliminated because he did it himself. Gilbertti is busted wide open. He is busted up big time.
Back in the ring, Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Gilbertti backdrops Styles to the floor to eliminate Styles!

Sabu vs. Glenn Gilbertti
#1 Contenders Match

Sabu nails Gilbertti in the head with the spike a couple of times to cause Glenn to be busted open even more. Sabu can’t get a three-count on the cover attempt. Sabu accidentally splashes the referee in the corner and tosses a steel chair at Gilbertti.
Sabu follows up with a springboard moonsault. Raven enters the ring and hits Sabu over the head with a steel chair, and plants Sabu with a DDT! Gilbertti rolls over and, covers Sabu goes for a pinfall referee Andrew Thomas counts, the 1-2-3!

Winner: Glenn Gilbertti is the #1 contender to NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett. 

NWA-TNA PPV 44 PPV goes off the air.