NWA-TNA PPV 45 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews

On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 45. In the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Glen Gilbertti arrives in a limo and tells the camera to follow him for the rest of the night. He tips the driver a dollar, and we see Erik Watts following Gilbertti into the TNA Asylum.
Sonny Siaki and the members of S.E.X. introduce their leader Glen Gilbertti, who came out wearing a robe similar to Ric Flair. They are really playing up Glen’s rise here. Glen says that by the night’s end, they will be taking over the entire building.
NWA-TNA PPV 45 (May 14, 2003) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT Wrestling]
He believes that Raven is actually against him, despite having helped him last week. The Extreme Revolution make their way down to the ring and tell Gilbertti they are not here to join S.E.X Gilbertti invites Sandman to have a chat later on in the night, but instead, Sandman spits beer in Gilbertti’s face, and a huge brawl breaks out between S.E.X. & Extreme Revolution.
Tonight, an Exclusive Interview with NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett.
Backstage, Goldylocks conducts an interview with Chris Sabin and talks about tonight being a night he has been waiting for his entire career. Jerry Lynn comes into the picture to let us know it will be a three-way dance.

NWA X-Division Championship Match
Amazing Red (c) vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Sabin. 

Lynn works over Sabin with a bodyslam after telling Amazing Red to stay to the side. Sabin gets worked over by Lynn and Amazing Red, but Lynn shoves Amazing Red, asking what he is doing.
Amazing Red hits a hurricanrana on Lynn, but Lynn hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Sabin drops Lynn across his knee back, goes for a pinfall gets a two count. Amazing Red with a tornado DDT on Sabin goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count.
Low Ki, Daniels, and Skipper are down at ringside to watch the match. Lynn has Sabin on his shoulders, and Amazing Red hits a springboard hurricanrana, but Lynn clotheslines Amazing Red and goes for a pinfall and gets a two count.
Lynn goes for another pinfall and gets another two-count. Lynn hits a German suplex on Sabin, goes for a pinfall gets a two-count. Sabin nearly beats Lynn with a sit-down powerbomb.
Amazing Red nails Sabin with a twisting kick. A double reverse DDT spot with Sabin and Amazing Red feeling the move. Amazing Red plants Lynn with a tornado DDT sending Lynn to the floor, and gets cut off by Sabin with a big boot.
Sabin takes Lynn out with a cross body on the floor. Amazing Red takes both men out with a nice somersault dive over the top on the floor! Sabin catches Amazing Red on a springboard, but Lynn’s leg drops Sabin across the middle rope.
Lynn breaks up a pinfall with a Swanton Bomb on Lynn from the top rope. Amazing Red leaps off the middle rope to plant Lynn face-first on the mat. Sabin hits the Future Shock on Amazing Red, but Lynn manages to break the pinfall before three count.
Lynn clotheslines Sabin in the corner and hits the cradle piledriver, but Amazing Red breaks the pinfall before, three count. Amazing Red hits the Code Red, but Lynn manages to kick out before the three count.
Low-Ki distracts the referee, and Skipper shoves Amazing Red off the top rope. Skipper hits the Play of the Day on Amazing Red. Skipper pulled Sabin over and put him on top of Amazing Red 1-2-3!

Winner: AND NEW NWA X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin!

After the match, Low-Ki gives Chris Sabin a S.E.X. t-shirt. NEW NWA X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, puts on the S.E.X. t-shirt. Sports Entertainment Xtreme (S.E.X.) now has the NWA X-Division Championship back in the faction.
Backstage, the Extreme Revolution members can’t come to an agreement with Sandman meeting with Gilbertti.
Backstage, Glenn Gilbertti is hyping up S.E.X. for their matches later on in the night. Kid Kash enters S.E.X’s locker room and offers Trinity S.E.X to keep the peace S.E.X. moving forward. Kid Kash leaves Trinity in S.E.X’s locker room.

Tables Match
Mike Awesome vs. Mike Sanders. 

Awesome drops Sanders with a clothesline early on and quickly goes for a powerbomb, but Sanders gets out of it. Awesome sends Sanders into the guard railing back first to continue control of the bout.
They head into the crowd, where Awesome slams Sanders on the floor. Sanders avoids being hit with a table while up against the wall. Mike whacks Sanders over the back with a steel chair several times.
Awesome places Sanders on the table but is attacked by the Harris Brothers. The New Church runs over, and they fight outside, where the rest of S.E.X. attack The Disciples New Church, Awesome places a table in the ring, but Sanders hits Mike over the head with the table.
Sanders goes to the top rope but Awesome crotches him quickly. Glen Gilbertti runs down with a steel chair and hits Awesome twice, causing Awesome to fall off and crash through the table in the ring.

Winner: Mike Sanders.

Backstage, Goldylocks conducts interviews “Wildcat” Chris Harris about the problems he is having with “Cowboy” James Storm. Harris is tired of people trying to get America’s Most Wanted to break up. Thus, he requested a match with David Young; you show his loyalty tonight!
Backstage, Trinity is being harassed by the members of  S.E.X. when Gilbertti enters the room. Glenn suggests that Kid Kash join S.E.X.  Erik Watts enters the room and demands to know why Gilbertti attacked Jarrett last week. Watts teases that “Eric from WCW” is coming to NWA-TNA. The Harris Brothers also enter with a gift for Gilbertti, the duo of Alexis Laree and Julio Dinero.

Ron Killings vs. Kid Kash.

Kid Kash quickly goes after Killings before the bell sounds. Kash misses a splash in the corner. Killings comes off the top rope to hit a missile dropkick. Killings punches Kid Kash on the apron and delivers a leaping kick.
Killings catches Kid Kash on a springboard off the ring steps and hits a slam on the floor. Kid Kash tosses a steel chair at Killings to get control of the match. Kid Kash hits a top rope clothesline on Killings, goes for a pinfall gets a two count.
Kid Kash hits a slingshot suplex goes for a pinfall gets a two-count. Killings manages to hit the scissors kick goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Kid Kash, with a swinging neckbreaker, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count.
Killings hits a wheelbarrow slam driving Kid Kash face-first to the mat goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. The Harris Brothers come out and attack Konnan. Kid Kash. hit a somersault double kick into the corner from across the ring for a two-count.
Killings has Kid Kash. on the top rope and hits a middle rope fall-away slam! Killings takes the Harris Brothers out with a cross body off the top to the floor! Killings pins Kid Kash when the masked wrestler hits the ring and drops  Kid Kash with an Inverted DDT. Ron Killings crawls over and goes for a pinfall on Kid Kash 1-2-3!

Winner: Ron ‘The Truth’ Killings.

Outside, The Sandman is about to meet with Glenn Gilbertti. Sonny Siaki has some beer for Sandman to keep his interest in the meeting. Desire sat on his lap and stroked his cane. David Young is not happy to see this and attempted to hit Sandman with a kendo stick, but Desire ends up getting hit with it instead.
We then get a brawl between the Extreme Revolution guys, and S.E.X Perry Saturn challenges Glenn Gilbertti to a match later tonight, and he accepts the challenge.
Exclusive Interview with NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett says he would be an idiot to be in the Asylum with his injuries. He talks about how the business has fallen since WCW closed, and he is proud of TNA. The S.E.X. vs. NWA feud is about wrestling vs. entertainment. Jarrett believes Gilbertti wants the belt for the power and to present a different product.
Backstage, Kid Kash is flipping out due to his loss, and Traci Brooks comes over and tells Kid Kash she likes it rough and knows her place. She proceeds to give Kash a simulated hand job, and the lubricant burns Kid Kash. Brooks attacks Kid Kash and yells at him.

“Wildcat” Chris Harris vs. David Young.

Harris hammers away on Young in the corner to kick off the match. Harris continues with an atomic drop and clotheslines Young to the floor. On the floor, Harris constantly sends Young into the guardrail.
Harris hits a top rope cross boy, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Harris drives Young down with a delayed vertical suplex. Sonny Siaki is out at ringside to distract Chris. Young comes off the ropes, and Harris hammers away on Young.
Siaki pulls the top rope, and Harris crashes to the floor. Young hits Harris with a nice springboard moonsault on the floor! Young proceeds to keep control of the match.
Harris comes off the ropes to hit a leaping clothesline, and a DDT goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Harris gets another near fall after a full nelson slam. Young turns around, and Harris hits a spear!
Siaki comes in and plants Harris with a swinging neckbreaker. Young covers, but Harris manages to kick out. Siaki sets a chair up in the corner, but James Storm runs down to super-kick Siaki to the floor, and they brawl.
Young sends Harris head first into a steel chair, but Harris kicks out. Harris avoids a moonsault and hits the Catatonic, goes for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: “Wildcat” Chris Harris.

After the match, Siaki tosses Storm out of his locker room, and Storm has been busted wide open.
Backstage, Glen Gilbertti tells Alexis Laree and Julio Dinero that Raven doesn’t care about them. He offers them a spot in S.E.X. if they want to be part of the faction..

Perry Saturn vs. Glen Gilbertti.

Saturn takes Glen over with a double under-hook belly-to-belly suplex. Gilbertti gets control after a clothesline. Saturn crotches Gilbertti on the top rope and proceeds to hit an awkward springboard clothesline sending them both to the floor.
Saturn sends Alexis Laree into the guard railing but is kicked by Dinero. Gilbertti focuses his offense on Saturn’s knee. Saturn battles back with a couple of German suplexs despite an injured knee.
Saturn sends Gilbertti into the referee but is attacked by Dinero. Saturn fights him off and tosses Laree down as well. Gilbertti hits the Stunner, goes for a pinfall gets a two count.
Backstage, D’Lo Brown talks about S.E.X. taking TNA guys out, but he and Styles are still standing. Styles chimes in, saying that he didn’t turn down a WWE contract for nothing… because TNA is his HOME.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
AJ Styles and D’Lo Brown vs. (c) “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper.

All four men start in the ring, with the champs getting met with backdrops. A side slam/leg drop combo on Skipper goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Styles quickly hits a swinging neckbreaker, goes for a pinfall gets a two count.
Christopher Daniels gets tagged in and hammers away on Brown. D’Lo stops Daniels with a spin kick and a leg drop, goes for a pinfall gets a two count. Brown slams Styles onto Daniels, goes for a pinfall gets a two-count.
Styles knocks Skipper off the apron, but Daniels hits him with one as well. Styles is sent into the guardrail and is worked over by the champs. Skipper walks the top rope to hit a hurricanrana on Styles! Elix nearly wins after a slingshot-twisting splash on Styles.
Daniels comes off the top to deliver an elbow while Skipper held Styles. Low-Ki gets a cheap shot in on the challenger while Brown is distracting the referee. Styles plants Daniels with a quick powerbomb, and both men are down!
Brown gets tagged in and cleans house on the champs. Brown plants Daniels with a swinging side slam! Brown switches from a suplex into a Stunner on Skipper! Daniels has his leg wrapped around Brown’s face while having a choke hold but Styles breaks up the hold.
Brown blocks the Angels Wings, and Styles missile dropkicks Daniels. Styles hits the Pele kick on Daniels to send him to the floor. Brown backdrops Styles over the top rope to take Low-Ki and Daniels out on the floor!
Brown leaps off the top and hits a cross-body on Skipper on the floor! Daniels counters a springboard neckbreaker but Styles counters with an inverted DDT. Daniels rolls Styles up and has Styles’ tights for leverage 1-2-3!

Winner: AND STILL NWA World Tag Team Champions, Elix Skipper & “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels 

S.E.X. proclaimed they were taking TNA Asylum and said they had attacked the fan favorites and office personnel in the backstage area. D’Lo Brown and AJ Styles continued to be attacked by S.E.X.
The Disciple of the New Church returned, but they got beaten down by S.E.X. Glen Gilbertti enjoyed the moment by sitting in his chair saying, “I’m the King of the World.” NWA-TNA PPV 45 goes off the air.