Author: Philip M. Jones

A social service worker by day, and a writer by night, I defy all labels, boxes and societal definitions. I am a classically trained violinist, published author and proud member of the LGBTQ community. I spend most of my time at home indulging in my favorite interests including reading, writing, horror films, eating and watching independent wrestling shows.

Prestige Wrestling Presents: Attribute of the Strong June 29, 2019 Bossanova Ballroom Portland Oregon On the final leg of their tour, Prestige Wrestling is making a stop in Portland Oregon at the Bossanova Ballroom on East Burnside for Attribute of the Strong. Here owner/promotor William Quintana has put together an incredible show for those lucky enough to be in the Portland area on June 29th! This card is stacked with some of the best wrestling talent on the globe and while there are several debut’s most of these people are making return appearances, if not members of the Prestige roster…

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Jordie Taylor is not a name many people outside of Vancouver and Victoria British Columbia have heard of. On April 21, 2019, at Without A Cause Volume 6 Fool’s Gold, the denizens of Everett Washington were introduced to an unfamiliar talent. He strutted into the auditorium with far more attitude than any one person has the right to possess. Jordie, also known as “OGB” Old Greedy Bastard, makes no qualms about what he’s there to do. He’s there to destroy his opponents, unapologetically and with prejudice. He has champion written all over him and he won’t let you forget it!…

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Without A Cause Volume 8 Five Moves of June June 23, 2019 Everett Washington On Sunday June 23rd Without A Cause puts on their eighth show since the promotions kicked off last October with Five Moves of June. Promotor Max Zaleski has made each show better than the last and with the line up he’s announced thus far, there is little doubt this trend will continue. WAC continues to showcase local talent while bringing in talent from other places from around the world and introducing us to some of the greatest wrestlers in the industry. With the championship being introduced…

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DEFY Onslaught June 15, 2019 Portland Oregon Hawthorne Theater Making their appearance in their home away from home, DEFY introduces Onslaught! Based on the matches they have announced thus far; Onslaught is a highly appropriate title for their latest entry in the DEFY catalog. The Hawthorne Theater in Portland Oregon will play host to this incredible event and with only five matches announced you can count on there being more than a few surprises. Here is what we know thus far! Singles Match Schaff vs. Travis Williams The Baddest MFer in Professional Wrestling Schaff heads south to make an appearance…

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Texas has a long and glorious tradition of wrestling that shares much in common with their neighbors to the south, Mexico including Chris Cruz. On a dense playing field of exceptional talent every once in a while, someone stands out from the others. Perhaps they possess a spark that draws your attention, or they have a certain way of connecting with the audience. One thing is for certain Chris Cruz is one of those talents who stands out on a crowded playing field. He has a unique gimmick as that of a nurse, however, he isn’t playing around. In his…

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If this is a name you haven’t heard before, take the time to learn it. She is a spectacular talent. Her name will linger on the lips of every household in America in the next couple of years. If you have any doubt about my bold statement, go, spy, some of her matches online, or even better make it to one of the DEFY show’s where she is emerging as one of their regularly featured talents. Danika Della Rouge made her debut in Ring of Honor. This last weekend on Sunday, June 2, 2019, Danika made a particularly important debut.…

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In October of last year Without A Cause had its inaugural event. As you arrived there were two homeless youth outside the venue panhandling as fans entered the building. Even though Everett is a small community about thirty minutes north of Seattle, it isn’t a particularly unusual thing to have panhandlers combing the street. They had ripped shirts and pants with enormous holes and looked as though they had slept in a dumpster the night before. This is Tyler ‘The Beefboy’ Elliot. The evening progresses much as one would expect. The show was fantastic, and we came to a spot…

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Prestige Wrestling The New Fury May 24, 2019 Spokane Washington The Pin In what is their second stop on their regional tour Prestige Wrestling presents The New Fury, introducing Spokane Washington to this incredible promotion. This show is a testament not only to the success of Prestige but to the health of professional wrestling in the Pacific Northwest. This is especially refreshing since we are little more than a couple of years away from being considered a black hole of professional wrestling. Now we have promotions, like Prestige, putting on shows that are spectacular! They are using the best in…

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Without A Cause Volume 7: That’s What I Call Music May 19th, 2019 Everett Washington Normanna Lodge May 19th is just around the corner and That’s What I Call Music is the seventh volume of this fantastic new promotion’s entry of incredible shows. With Chase James declared the first Without A Cause Champion, WAC joins a short list of promotions around the Pacific Northwest with a coveted championship belt. It seems likely it will require a great deal on the part of Mr. James to keep this belt around his waist. At Volume 7 we are going to see the…

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Prestige Wrestling Vendetta May 18th, 2019 Corvallis Oregon What are you going to be doing on May 18th in Corvallis Oregon? Going to Prestige Wrestling Vendetta you say?  We here at certainly hope that’s the case because there likely isn’t going to be anything better than this going on in the entire state of Oregon that evening! This is the first stop on Prestige Wrestling’s tour, taking place in the months of May and June but begins with Vendetta. They have a show later this month in Spokane and another in June that will take place in Portland Oregon.…

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