On Wednesday, November 5th, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 69 from the TNA Asylum in Nashville, TN.
The show opens with footage from Japan; NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett hit Hulk Hogan over the head with a guitar, busting him wide open.
Jarrett no-hit Hogan twice with a steel chair. Jimmy Hart being interviewed by Mike Tenay and wanting to know what happened at Bash at the Beach 2000 were also highlighted.
That led to Jarrett whipping Hart with a leather belt. Footage of Jarrett winning the NWA-TNA World Championship the same night is shown when he defeated AJ Styles.
This was all over the internet at the time. All of this led to Jarrett wrestling two legends last week. This week, Jarrett battles Sting in a singles match. Jarrett wasn’t too excited about that.
Scott Hudson is with Jimmy Hart, and they promote the match between Sting and Jeff Jarrett. Jimmy Hart says that Jarrett’s worst nightmare could be right underneath the tip of his nose.
CM Punk & Julio Dinero vs. Kid Kash & Lazz.
Kash doesn’t want to be teamed up with Lazz, who appears to be a flamboyant character. Punk and Lazz kick off the match, with Punk getting control with several stomps.
Dinero hits Lazz with a slingshot clothesline from the apron and a vertical suplex. Dinero drives Lazz down to the mat with a back suplex, and Lazz tries to comfort Kash, but his partner isn’t interested in that.
Dinero takes Kash down with an arm drag followed by strikes. Dinero plants Kash with a back suplex before tagging in Punk, who hits a slingshot senton.
Punk works over Kash in the corner with boot scrapes. Dinero gets tagged in and dropkicks Kash for a two count—Kash low blows Dinero and an eye poke.
Lazz drives Dinero down with a back suplex for a near fall. Lazz nearly wins with a fisherman suplex for a two-count. Dinero continues to be double-teamed with a backdrop.
Dinero stops Kash on the middle rope but gets shoved off by Kash. Kash leaps off the middle rope to hit a missile dropkick, followed by a slam.
Kash comes off the top to hit a moonsault for a two-count. Lazz comes off the middle rope to drop Dinero with a neckbreaker.
Lazz and Kash have a tug of war with Dinero, with Lazz pulling Dinero towards him from behind. They miscommunicate, allowing Dinero to tag in Punk.
Punk cleans house with strikes and boots. Punk snap scoop slams Kash for a two-count. Kash sends Punk to the floor, and Dinero is met with a spear/clothesline combo, but Punk pulls while standing on the floor.
Kash is sent into the ring post and hits a neckbreaker powerbomb off the top rope; they call Death Sentence on Lazz Dinero gets the 1-2-3!
Winners: CM Punk & Julio Dinero.
After the match, Kash attacks Lazz and hits a powerbomb. Abyss comes out and clotheslines Abyss to make the save. Kash runs outside the building.
Backstage, Raven talked about his match with Father James Mitchell later tonight. Mike Tenay conducted an interview with NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett, who talked about Hulk Hogan and the likelihood that Hogan wouldn’t recover from his knee injuries.
Jarrett didn’t like the questioning presented by Tenay and demanded he leave the ring. AJ Styles appears in the crowd to confront Jarrett. Jarrett doesn’t consider Styles a contender for the title and suggests Styles wrestle in the X-Division.
Styles thinks the heavyweight division needs him, and they begin to brawl until Jarrett whacks Styles with a steel chair. The Red Shirt Security guys were also involved in the brawling.
Abyss attacked the Red Shirt Security as Styles was thrown from the building. Abyss put his hands on Don Callis in the ring, but the security guys saved Callis from the attack.
Backstage, Father James Mitchell was interviewed. He said that Raven always picks on people weaker than himself. Mitchell claims that clever people defeat strong people.
The Sandman vs. Shane Douglas.
Sandman hammers away on Douglas to start the match, followed by a back elbow strike. Douglas tried to attack Sandman as the referee was wrestling the kendo stick away from him.
Douglas sends Sandman to the floor and hits a baseball slide. Douglas continues with a slingshot crossbody to the outside. Sandman leaps off a chair and hits the guardrail.
Douglas tosses Sandman into the railing with a belly-to-belly suplex, which gets a two-count in the ring. Douglas hits a few rolling neck snaps. Douglas goes to the top rope, but Sandman slams Douglas to the mat.
Sandman drops Douglas gut first over the top rope and hits an awkward-looking leg drop off the top. Sandman hits a slingshot leg drop from the apron into the ring.
Sandman takes Douglas over with a hurricanrana off the top. Sandman goes for his kendo stick, but Douglas put the referee in the way. Sandman still hits a side Russian leg sweep, but Douglas kicks out.
Tracy Brooks comes off the top rope to splash Sandman. Douglas takes Sandman over with a belly-to-belly suplex for a two-count. Douglas hits a second belly to belly gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: Shane Douglas.
After the match, Douglas tells us to look at the newest member of the Franchise. Brooks tells Douglas that there is nothing she wouldn’t do to protect the Franchise.
“Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart wanted to find out why Jeff Jarrett laid down for Hulk Hogan three years ago on the biggest night of your wrestling career at WCW Bash at the Beach; Sting appeared and said it was showtime.
America’s Most Wanted vs. Ekmo Fatu & Sonny Siaki.
Siaki and Storm start the match by trading arm drags and hip tosses in the early moments of the contest. Storm head scissors Siaki before tagging in Harris.
Harris atomic drops Siaki, and Storm takes Siaki down with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Ekmo tags into the match and clotheslines Harris to the mat. Ekmo slams Harris, leading to Siaki getting a two-count.
Harris takes Siaki down with a vertical suplex. AMW hit a double dropkick on Siaki for another near fall. Siaki stops Storm with a strike, and Ekmo chokes Storm over the ropes.
Ekmo slams Storm and comes off the ropes to deliver a leg drop. Siaki tries to get a submission with a bear hug, but Storm gets out of the hold and plants Siaki with a DDT.
Harris gets the hot tag and hits Ekmo on the apron. Harris backdrops Siaki, followed by a full Nelson slam on Siaki. Harris backdrops Ekmo and comes off the ropes with a leaping clothesline for a two-count.
Siaki gets backdropped to the floor by Harris. Siaki shoves Harris off the top rope. Ekmo lifts Harris up, and Siaki hits a Flatliner for a two-count.
Storm tries to super-kick Siaki and settles for a weird-looking cutter for a two-count. Ekmo accidentally splashes Siaki in the corner, and Harris spears Ekmo for another two count. Storm takes Siaki out with a crossbody to the floor.
Siaki sends Storm into the guardrail, and Trinity sends a chair to Harris in the ring. Harris looks around and hits Ekmo over the head with a steel chair.
Harris has the cover, Trinity distracts the referee. Harris tries for the Catatonic, but David Young comes out and hits Harris with a tennis racket. Siaki, with a swinging neckbreaker, gets the 1-2-3!
Winners: Ekmo Fatu & Sonny Siaki.
Backstage, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger cut a promo saying they don’t defend the titles against losers like America’s Most Wanted.
David Young tells Glenn Gilbertti that part one is complete, and there’s another part of their plan. They will be wrestling Three Live Kru tonight, which didn’t make Gilbertti happy.
8-Man X-Division Battle Royal
Low Ki vs. Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Shark Boy vs. Johnny Storm vs.
Chad Collyer vs. The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels vs. X.
X, Sonjay Dutt, Low Ki, Jonny Storm, Christopher Daniels, Shark Boy, Chris Sabin and Chad Collyer. The final five wrestlers in the match will wrestle in qualifying matches next week to get a title shot.
X plants Shark Boy with a Death Valley driver. X plants Storm with a pop-up powerbomb to eliminate Jonny Storm. X also eliminates Shark Boy. Dutt head scissors X to the mat.
X tosses Dutt in the corner, and press slams Dutt over the ropes onto Storm and Shark Boy. So, Dutt, Shark Boy, and Jonny Storm will not be involved in qualifying matches next week.
Collyer fights from the apron to avoid being eliminated, but Low Ki hits a springboard kick as Daniels held Collyer. Daniels tosses Collyer to the floor.
Daniels staggers X with a step-up kick, but X drives Daniels with a sit-out chokeslam. X catches Low Ki in the corner and delivers a powerbomb to the corner. X clotheslines Low Ki, in the corner, followed by a DDT.
Low Ki hits X with a handspring kick on the top, and Daniels slams X to the mat. Sabin frog splashes X from the top rope. Sabin kicks Low Ki and plants Daniels with a swinging backbreaker.
Daniels tries to eliminate Low Ki, but that doesn’t work. They begin to trade chops after Daniels avoided being sent to the floor. Low Ki puts a dragon sleeper on Daniels, but Sabin eliminates them both.
X and Sabin brawl on the floor, and X sends Sabin into the ring steps. Daniels and Low Ki was also brawling on the floor. X has gotten a chair and spikes Sabin with a package piledriver onto the chair! X dumps Sabin over the top and onto the floor.
Winner: X
Piper claimed that NWA was his home and was thinking about stopping Hulk Hogan from winning the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship.
David Young & Glenn Gilbertti vs. BG James & Ron Killings.
Young and Killings start the match and have a standoff, as Young couldn’t get a three count on a rollup. Killings head scissors Young to get control of the match.
James tags in, and Young gets hip-tossed to the mat, leading to a near fall. James jabs Young several times and misses a right hand. James comes off the ropes with a knee drop for a two-count.
Young decks James, allows Gilbertti to hit a Russian leg sweep and comes off the ropes with an elbow drop. Young and Killings get tagged in with Killings hammering away on Young with several strikes.
Killings comes off the ropes with a forearm strike. Killings delivers a DDT for a two-count. Gilbertti and Young are sent into each other.
James low blows Young, and James gets a chair out of the ring. James hits Young over the back with a tennis racket, and Young hits a scissors kick to get the 1-2-3!
Winner: Glenn Gilbertti & David Young.
After the match, Gilbertti gets attacked until Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger make the save. America’s Most Wanted runs into the ring and sends the heels to the floor to make the save, too.
Chris Harris says that the tag titles belong to them, and they demand a rematch. BG James chimes in and thinks they deserve a title shot, too. James throws a few insults in there, of course.
Wait, Sonny Siaki and Ekmo come out to throw their names into the mix. Siaki says they took care of the problem for Gilbertti and thinks that Gilbertti owes them a favor.
Gilbertti says they didn’t make a deal, and David Young says he did. Gilbertti promises to make everyone happy and walks off.
Last Man Standing Match
Raven vs. Father James Mitchell
Mitchell tries to escape to the floor, but Raven catches him and sends Mitchell into the railing and steps. Raven beats Mitchell on the floor, causing Mitchell to be busted wide open.
Raven whips Mitchell with a steel chain and chokes Mitchell with it. CM Punk and Julio Dinero come to ringside, and Mitchell gets a low blow to stop Raven.
Mitchell hits Raven over the back a few times with the steel chair for a two-count. Mitchell uses the chain on Raven a few times. Raven fights back with a discus clothesline and a running clothesline.
Raven drop toe holds Mitchell face first onto the chair. Raven plants Mitchell with a DDT for a three-count. Mitchell has to get up before the count of ten.
Winner: Raven
Raven attaches the chain to Mitchell’s neck and hangs Mitchell over the top rope. Mitchell is bleeding.
After the match, Raven says he is coming for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship.
And he’s coming for Jeff Jarrett. Raven tells Punk and Dinero that he must do it independently. He’s setting Punk and Dinero free.
Punk pleads with Raven and tells him not to do this. Punk begs Raven not to walk away from them. Raven heads backstage.
NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting
Jarrett stalls on the floor. Sting comes off the ropes to shoulder block Jarrett to the mat. Sting continues with a running clothesline. Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock and has it locked in.
However, Jarrett quickly reaches the ropes. Sting goes to the floor and continues to beat on Jarrett. Sting grabs a blanket from the fan and puts it over Jarrett’s head Sting right hand to Jarrett.
They brawl into the crowd with Sting hammering away on Jarrett. Sting hits Jarrett over the back a few times. Sting hits Jarrett over the head with a fan, and drops Jarrett throat first over the guardrail.
Jarrett has been busted wide open from the fan shot. Jarrett stops Sting with a sleeper hold in the ring. Sting fights out of the hold, and they trade several strikes.
Sting clotheslines Jarrett a few times, followed by a splash in the corner. Sting goes for the Scorpion, but Jarrett kicks Sting away, and the referee goes down in the corner.
Jarrett goes to the floor and grabs the championship. Sting ducks a shot and plants Jarrett with the Death Drop, but Don Callis pulls the referee out.
Callis gets slapped by the referee. Jarrett is able to deck Sting with the championship, but Jimmy Hart comes out and stops the pin. Sting holds onto the ropes to avoid a dropkick and puts the Scorpion on Jarrett.
The Red Shirt Security runs into the ring and tries to help, but Sting takes them out with splashes. Jarrett hits Sting over the head with a steel chair, which causes disqualification.
Winner by DQ Sting.
After the match, Jarrett smashed the referee over the head with a steel chair. Sting is being triple-teamed in the corner. Raven slides into the ring and confronts Jarrett.
They begin to trade strikes in the ring. Raven tries for a DDT, but Northcutt prevents that from happening. Raven pummels Wilson with strikes. Raven bulldogs Northcutt, but Jarrett nails Raven with a kick to the head.
Jarrett jabs Raven with a chair shot to the gut. Styles hit a springboard crossbody to take the Red Shirt guys out. Styles decks Jarrett, but the Red Shirts stop Styles with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo.
Abyss runs into the ring, and the heels bail to the floor. Styles raises Abyss’ arm, but Abyss plants Styles with the Black Hole Slam! Sting blocks a guitar shot and beats on the heels with his baseball bat, which Jimmy Hart gave him.
Don Callis says that Raven will never be World Champion. Callis says that the Red Shirts will take care of Raven next week. Sting reveals he’ll be back next week, too.
He’ll return next week, but only if AJ Styles teams up with him. Jarrett says the tag match is fine because Jarrett has a partner Lex Luger! Sting was surprised to hear that news NWA-TNA PPV #69 went off the air.