2020 was a rough year, and the wrestling community had already lost many beloved sisters and brothers, real family members from Hana Kimura to Johnny “Rubberman” Walker, aka Mr. Wrestling II.
Another one pro wrestling lost was colorful heel Killer Tim Brooks (Timothy Paul Brooks) at the far too young age of 72.
He was initially trained and broken into the business (later finessed by prior Red Bastien’s work ‘brother’ Lou “Bastien” Klein) via his legit cousin Dick Murdoch in 1969.
So his ring intros stating he was from Waxahachie, Texas, were perhaps legit. Dick got him first started in Detroit and Toronto at the same time because Dick was already there and teaming with his most famous global partner in Dusty Rhodes.
What a trio backstage that was, besides promoter/boss The Sheik, Abby, Johnny Valentine as a face, Mark Lewin, Tiger Jeet Singh, Ernie Ladd, ThunderBolt Patterson, and Pampero Firpo.
The list of names also includes Bobo Brazil, Sweet Daddy Siki, Ed Carpentier, Tony Marino, Luis Martinez, George “Crybaby” Cannon, The Fabulous Kangaroos, and so many other greats.
Tim, on his own after various character changes (including a hood), eventually became a name early 1970s star with Eddie Creatchman as his manager for Sheik (Ed Farhut) in Detroit, Tunney in Toronto, and Ohio (for promoting a duo of past CAC attendees Pedro Martinez and Johnny Powers).
Tim wrestled and teamed with the best in those classic circuits, including Pampero Firpo, Ernie Ladd, the Funks, Ox Baker, and Flyin’ Fred Curry.
Plus Bobo Brazil, TBolt Patterson, Tony Marino, Ed Carpentier, Tiger Jeet Singh, Chris Tolos, Sweet Daddy Siki, Tex McKenzie, Ben Justice (who he held Sheik’s NWA World Tag Titles with twice), Stomper(Guy Mitchell) and more.
Killer Tim Brooks

Plus, he wrestled with international traveling sensation attractions Haystack Calhoun, McCreary Twins, and Andre. Tim had loads of memorable Texas history, later working for Fritz in Dallas and Paul Boesch in Houston.
He held tons of titles in Texas, including the NWA Texas Tag Team belts with CAC honoree Stan Hansen plus others like Leroy Brown and former WWWF champ Stan Stasiak.
He was twice the SouthWest champ for Joe Blanchard in San Antonio. Tim also had a long history in the Pacific Northwest, holding Don Owen’s NWA Pacific NW Tag straps with Roddy Piper!
And yep, he came into my home base in Los Angeles. Mike Lebell’s promotion in 1974 during our great Detroit To L.A. invasion along with Sheik, Firpo, Might Igor (Dick Garza), Wolfman Farkas, Ed Carpentier, The Mighty Zulu, and more.
Tim attended the first of his two CACs 15 years ago(and was CAC men’s honoree in 2006), the first time flying in from Dallas with his longtime pal Gary Hart.
Terry Funk shouted out, “Look what the cat dragged in! You sonofab–‘s sit down and have a beer with us!” The love and brotherhood of friendship were about as strong as they got that day.
Cauliflower Alley Club
Brooks was just a barrel of fun that weekend (CAC still did Thursday to Saturday nights back then) but said,
“I have to play the straight man. Gary’s not feeling great.”
Gary was reasonably serious about Vegas CAC and just not his usual talkative booking genius self. He said he was battling cancer but that Tim was a great supportive friend and aide to him.
Tim also had many other great, longtime wrestling friends. He competed on Tenyru’s WAR promotion van to a major show along with CAC 2019 honoree Tonga King/Haku/Meng.
In the main event, he faced promoter Tenyru. Tim was underneath, teaming with one of his longtime pals, Bob Orton Jr. (another CAC regular and 2005 WWE Hall of Famer), against Koko Ware and Jim Neidhart.
But before the show started, Tim and Bob nearly trashed the Kyoto venue backstage, having a fun, silly Bento Box food fight.
Killer Tim Brooks – Japan’s Role
Jack Lanza was WWF’s agent for all the Gaijin (foreigner) talent sent for this Tenyru tour. But Japan was the only place Jack wasn’t “no-nonsense/serious” and didn’t allow any monkey business from the boys.
As usual, he let his hair down that night in Japan, just sitting back, laughing, and watching the boys go. Tim said he was “pretty proud to get a happy reaction out of Jack”. And the Rockers Jannetty and Michaels even joined in.
Shawn told me at the time,
“Vince just fired us again. We know it’s just temporary punishment, but Tim and Bob don’t even work for him to get away with going wild. We just get to watch and enjoy their fun.”
Tim’s “Killer” name is claimed to have come from Murdoch, who said, “I nicknamed him that because the originator of Rock and Roll, The Killer, Jerry Lee Lewis, was my favorite musician.”
Others say either The Sheik or Crybaby Cannon came up with it. All over the midwest, however, fans were led to chant “Crazy Brooks” at him, ala Crazy Luke Graham before him. Tim came up with that!
Brooks also created history in Ole Anderson’s Georgia Championship Wrestling in 1983 in an angle “selling” the lead strap to Kevin Sullivan. He worked in Puerto Rico, feuding with Hercules Ayala, Miguel Perez Jr, and TNT (Savio Vega).
As Montreal historians Pat and Bertrand will recall, Tim also cruised into the Rougeau Family’s Lutte International circuit, oddly billed as Bruiser Brody’s kayfabe brother “Buster Brody.”
We’ll have to ask Barbara about that, but Tim was indeed pals with Frank.
Tim’s hilarious gimmick there was going to the ring in a straight jacket, managed by Eddie (and for the first time Ed’s son Floyd Creatchman as well, which was pretty unique).
Time with All Japan
Tim had some earlier All-Japan tours and worked in Europe as well. In 1990, while still not slowing down, Tim opened his NAWA (No.
American Wrestling Allegiance) wrestling school dojo in Ft. Worth. CAC honoree Scott Casey was one of many pals he had taught and wrestled him on his NAWA shows.
In-ring Tim finally retired in 1997 but still kept busy with his school and tv promotion. He also had a daughter (who reportedly wrestled a bit)with female wrestling great Sandy Partlow.
On June 30th, 2020, former WWE talent and current AEW talent Keith Lee dedicated his NXT Championship win to Killer Tim Brooks, his impact on him, and his memory.
It would never be lost on Lee how much Brooks meant to him.
Acutely aware of the pain today brings. He was my birth, my knowledge, my preparation. Home when I was homeless. Had I not seen him when I did…I never would again. Thank you Killer Tim Brooks for training me. I love you. #RIPKillerBrooks This next one is dedicated to you.
In GA, Brooks sold the National title to Larry Zbyszko, not Kevin Sullivan.
Hi Brian, Mr. Lano wanted me to share this with you. “Tim Brooks told me that it was Kevin Sullivan in 2008. I’d forgotten the angle and stand corrected by, and thank you Brian Rosenberger for the correction.