Author: Guest Blogger

Welcome to the second edition of Randoms from Ringside. I had the chance to catch Evan Ginsberg’s “350 Days” during its premiere nationwide last week. Incredibly candid, it’s an old school wrestling fan’s dream movie. Evan said something to the effect of this not being about bottom line commerce but being more about the “art” of it all. It’s a masterfully done documentary. Bret Hart and “Superstar” Billy Graham’s segments were riveting. We’ve all watched or read plenty of shoots from both legends, but these interviews give something new that I personally have never seen before. Leaving the theatre I…

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You had your run, and it was a good one. -Willie Nelson, “Old Timer” from the inaugural edition of Randoms from Ringside. 2018 marks 20 years since I made my pro wrestling managerial debut. I had hair then. A lot of it. Now I can grow more hair out of my ears than out of the top of my head. Hey, laugh all you want now, Sport, you too will experience my pain someday soon, God willing. I had no idea what I was doing that night in Eau Claire, Wisconsin at Regis High School. I had been to training,…

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On Friday, August 3rd fans are encouraged to come and check out some spectacular wrestling action courtesy of the Premier Wrestling Federation. Come and see as Premier Wrestling Federation presents the Legacy Cup X on Friday, August 3rd, 400 Hubert Blvd, Hashimoto Hall, Hubert NC. Expect the following talent to appear. Bojack, Patrick Scott, Victor Andrews, Devin Cruise, Movie Myk, James Anthony, Curtis “The Hook” Robinson and Donnie Ray compete in a one night the only tournament to determine who is the Legacy Cup X champion. The event is sure to set the stage for something both exciting and push the…

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