& On December 12th, 1999, the WWE presented Armageddon 1999. In a feud that had been raging between Triple H and Vince McMahon, we witnessed the marriage of Stephanie and Triple H unbeknownst to a young and naive Stephanie.
The pyro filled the arena as the show began, live from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler on commentary. The show began with a sixteen-man eight-team battle royal to determine the number one contenders at the Royal Rumble.
Armageddon 1999
Sixteen Man – Eight Team Battle Royal
The Dudley Boys, Edge, and Christian, The Head Bangers vs. The Hardy Boyz
The Dudley Boys come to the ring first, followed by Edge and Christian through the crowd. Once E & C come to the ring, they immediately attack the Dudleys. Mosh and Thrasher came down to the ring next, followed by Matt and Jeffy Hardy accompanied by Terri Runnels.
The Mean Street Posse consisting of Pete Gas and Rodney were next out to the ring. The Acolytes would come down next, consisting of Bradshaw and Farooq. Too Cool’s Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay were out next to the ring. Mark Henry and The Godfather were out next led to the ring by The Godfather’s “train.”
Once the final team comes to the ring, all the others enter beginning the match. When one member is eliminated, the entire team is eliminated from the competition. Edge and Mosh are battling outside the ring.
Joey Abs charged the ring after Rodney slid under the ring. However, Abs was eliminated, and Rodney slipped back into the ring. Now, Pete Gas was eliminated, and the first team was eliminated.
Mean Street Posse has been eliminated.
Mosh was tossed over the top rope leading to the Headbangers being eliminated from the competition.
The Headbangers have been eliminated.
The action continues in the ring. Multiple teams are attempting to get the better of the other as they jockey for position. The Acolytes eliminated Mark Henry leading to The Godfather being eliminated as well.
Mark Henry and The Godfather have been eliminated.
Christian and Scotty 2 Hotty battle in one corner as Grand Master Sexay and Edge battle in another. The Hardy’s and the Dudleyz battle each other from another side of the ring. Christian and Scotty 2 Hotty battle on the ring apron until Grandmaster Sexay is tossed out with Scotty.
Too Cool is eliminated.
Christian, Edge, The Dudleyz, The Hardys, and The Acolytes battle each other. Edge is on the apron and forced to the floor leading to team E & C to be eliminated.
Edge and Christian are eliminated.
The Hardy’s, The Dudleyz, and The Acolytes are the remaining three teams in the battle royal. Bubba Ray hits a fisherman suplex on Jeff Hardy off the top rope. Bubba then hits a DDT on a member of the Acolytes. Finally, Matt Hardy throws Devon over the top rope unsuspectingly!
The Dudley Boyz have been eliminated.
Jeff Hardy beats down on Farooq as Matt Hardy leads to Bradshaw to go over first. He has the match continue as both men hit the floor. As Matt is recovering on the floor, Farooq and Bradshaw beat down on Jeff Hardy.
However, as the referee was preoccupied on one side of the ring, Farooq went over the top rope to the floor. Farooq slides back in the ring, as does Matt Hardy leading to all four men battling in the ring once again.
Bradshaw gets dropkicked but doesn’t go over the top rope to the floor. At this point, Jeff Hardy is tossed over the top rope to the floor in grand fashion.
The Hardy Boys have been eliminated.
Winners: The Acolytes
Lillian Garcia interviews Kurt Angle backstage. Angle spoke of his being undefeated but how Steve Blackman led to them losing, but that wasn’t Kurt’s fault. He also said he couldn’t understand why he was being jeered by fans recently.
This led to Kurt Angle’s arrival to the ring. He picked up the microphone and shared…nothing as Steve Blackman interrupted him.
Armageddon 1999
Steve Blackman vs. Kurt Angle
Blackman wastes no time and charges to the ring and goes right at Angle. A dropkick off the top rope by the Lethal Weapon takes down Angle. Blackman attempts a diving headbutt but to no avail as Kurt moved.
Angle hits an impressive dropkick. He then follows up with a cover on Steve Blackman. Angle then climbs the top rope and misses a moonsault on Blackman. Blackman then has a modified bow and arrow on Kurt Angle.
Steve whips Kurt into the turnbuckle hard. He then grapevines the leg leading to a submission attempt. Angle then catches Blackman with his head down and hits a DDT. He follows this up with a pinning attempt.
Fans are chanting ‘boring’ to the match. But both men make it on the floor leading to both men battling there. The referee was making a count, but Kurt Angle makes his way back in the ring first.
Blackman reverses a crossbody by Angle and then makes a pinning attempt but only for a count of two. Angle then begins to work over Blackman. Fans begin to chant ‘Angle sucks’ leading to Kurt being distracted.
Steve Blackman hits a drop toehold on Kurt Angle into the turnbuckle. This leads to Blackman regaining the advantage. He hits a suplex on Angle and uses an array of elbows and knees on the fallen Kurt Angle. Finally, Blackman hits a spinebuster followed by a pinning attempt.
Angle capitalizes on a mistake by Blackman, leading to a German suplex for a pinfall and the win.
Winner: Kurt Angle
After the match, Blackman goes after Kurt Angle with nunchucks beating him down in the process.
We then see Barbara Bush “BB” changing in the back, who Michael Cole then interviews in the backstage area. Golfer Greg Norman is then at ringside.
Armageddon 1999
Evening Gown Match
(Guest referee’s Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young)
Miss Kitty vs. Jacqueline vs. BB vs. Ivory
The premise is to keep your evening gowns on in order to win. Jacqueline was thrown in the pool by Miss Kitty. Then while Ivory is being announced, the other two contestants manage to end up in the pool.
We see BB, and Miss Kitty is thrown into the pool. All four women battle in the pool with their evening gowns being torn off. Jacqueline is the first one eliminated as her entire gown is removed.
Jacqueline is eliminated.
Ivory, Miss Kitty, and BB remain in the match. Miss Kitty & Ivory begin working on BB, pulling off her evening gown having her moved. Ivory is then trying to remove her bra, too, but she is able to get away.
BB is eliminated.
Miss Kitty and Ivory continue to battle. She then pulls off Ivory’s dress as she’s in the pull.
Ivory is eliminated.
Winner: AND NEW WWF Women’s Champion, Miss Kitty.
After the match, Miss Kitty says that everyone is there to see her get naked, and she wasn’t going to disappoint. At this point, she removed her dress, and she then jumped into the pool.
She then removes her bra top. To which Sgt Slaughter was quick to cover her up. Now, Mae Young was beginning to strip down, to which Sgt Slaughter is covering her up as well.
In the backstage area, Kevin Kelly interviews Rikishi Phatu as they show how he beat down The Holly’s earlier in the night. He then says that Armageddon may be the last day for the Holly’s when he gets his hands on him. For Viscera, he says that he better have his back like he’ll have his.
Armageddon 1999
The Holly’s (Hardcore & Crash Holly) vs. Viscera & Rikishi Phatu
As soon as Rikishi hits the ring, the match is supposed to be a battle of the super heavyweights. Interestingly enough, The Holly’s are announced at being over 800 pounds while both Viscera and Rikishi are close to a legitimate ton themselves.
Early on in the match, Rikishi has the advantage on both Holly’s in the match. He then attempts a tag, but Viscera refuses to tag in. Eventually, Viscera does tag into the match. He hits a Samoan drop on Hardcore Holly and then beats down on Crash Holly.
Viscera attempts to splash both of the Holly’s, but that is temporary as the cousins move. Hardcore Holly hits a dropkick on Viscera from the top rope and then makes a tag. Both Hardcore and Crash attempt to beat down on Viscera, but he makes the hot tag to Rikishi.
Rikishi Phatu then hits a DDT on Hardcore Holly, who then hits a Rikishi driver on Crash, but Hardcore prevents the pin. Then, when Viscera attempts to hit Hardcore Holly, he misses and hits Rikishi knocking him down, leading to a pinfall by Hardcore Holly.
Winners: The Holly’s
After the match, Rikishi and Viscera discuss what happened. Things get heated, and both men battle them on the outside of the ring. Officials attempt to pull both men away from one another.
Lillian Garcia is then shown backstage speaking to Val Venis and addresses his chance to become the new WWF European Champion. Venis then shares how he has major plans after he wins. It leads to an exchange of overtures in Spanish between Garcia and Venis.

Armageddon 1999
European Championship
Triple Threat Match
D’Lo Brown vs. Val Venis vs. The British Bulldog (c) with The Mean Street Posse
The final entrant in the match is the British Bulldog, who then kicks the Mean Street Posse out from being at ringside. D’Low and Val begin to double team The British Bulldog. They then focus on one another.
The British Bulldog then gets involved and brings the fight to Val Venis. Venis then focuses on D’Lo Brown, who then hits a tope suicida onto both Venis and The Bulldog on the outside area.
Venis and Brown continue to battle inside the ring until The Bulldog breaks up the three count. The fight between Venis and The Bulldog makes its way to the floor leading to Val being whipped into the steel steps.
Now, Brown and the Bulldog focus on Venis. Several stomps and chokes by Brown and the Bulldog on Venis. Brown then turns on the Bulldog, leading to him ending up on the ringside area.
Venis regains control beating down on Brown. Val then hits a suplex on Brown but didn’t attempt a pinfall but rather brought the Bulldog back into the ring. Val rams both of their heads together.
Then Val and D’Lo hit stalling suplex on the Bulldog in the middle of the ring. Consistently, D’Lo double-crosses both Val and the Bulldog at any point and multiple points throughout this match.
Val hits a dropkick on D’Lo, knocking him off the top rope. But D’Lo counters it into a sunset powerbomb. With referee Teddy Long counting, the Bulldog pulls him out of the ring, making a count.
Venis hits a spinebuster on the Bulldog, but the Bulldog recovers with his power slam leading to D’Lo putting Val’s foot on the rope. In the ring, D’Lo hits the Low Down, but Val Venis hits the money shot, knocking out both men.
Winner: AND NEW WWF European Champion, Val Venis.
Micheal Cole was interviewing X-Pac before the match; he demanded that Kane that he can only win the match by pinfall but that he can win by climbing over the top rope if he so chooses to. He then says that Kane’s girlfriend (Tori) should back off because she isn’t going to get any of him.
Armageddon 1999
Steel Cage Match
Kane with Tori vs. X-Pac
Kane comes down to the ring with Tori, and it’s only been decided that he can only win by pinfall. X-Pac makes his way to the ring next. Jim Ross spoke about the teamwork and history between Kane and X-Pac.
As X-Pac makes his way to the ring, he locks the door and makes his way to Tori, clutching his wrist. This leads Kane to come after X-Pac. X-Pac hits him with a ring bell leading to him getting the advantage. Except that is short-lived as X-Pac attempts to take down Kane but is caught time and time again.
Kane stalks X-Pac stopping him throughout the match. He hits a military press on X-Pac. X-Pac is whipped into the corner, and Kane attempts to drop him with a slam but to no avail.
Kane and X-Pac both climb the top of the cage, but Kane straddles the top rope. X-Pac then climbs the top again but hits a leg drop. He attempts a pinfall but only for a count of two. Kane then beats down on X-Pac once again. However, X-Pac hits a DDT and attempts to climb the cage but then is caught with a tilt a whirl backbreaker.
Kane whips X-Pac from one side of the ring to the other. The Big Red Machine climbs again and cuts the chain to get into the match. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg slide a chair into the ring to help X-Pac.
They then slam the cage door to his head. But X-Pac catches Kane with an X-Factor onto a steel chair. X-Pac then handcuffs Kane to the top rope. He then hits him with several chair shots. Then, X-Pac gets taken down from the opposite side, and he hits the X-factor on Tori. However, Kane is handcuffed to the top rope, but he breaks the handcuff off the top rope.
Kane then climbs back into the ring, and he proceeds to follow X-Pac out and hits a clothesline from the top of the cage. The Big Red Machine then hits a tombstone on X-Pac and makes the pinfall for the win.
Winner: Kane
Before the next match, we see the highlight package of the rivalry between Chyna and Y2J over the Intercontinental Championship. Chyna and Y2J have both had a point when either had the advantage over the other.

Armageddon 1999
WWF Intercontinental Championship
Chris Jericho vs. Chyna (c) with Miss Kitty
Jericho makes his way to the ring first, looking to get his hands back on the Intercontinental Championship. We hear how Jericho had attacked Chyna previously with a sledgehammer.
Miss Kitty accompanied Chyna to the ring after winning the Women’s Championship earlier in the evening. Before the match begins, Jericho attacks Chyna from behind. This leads to the bell ringing and Chyna regaining the advantage. She works over Jericho in the corner. But he recovers momentarily until he misses her and flies over the top rope.
The two battle one another on the outside. Jericho regains control with a thumb to the eye and then a forward suplex on the commentator table. He then attempts a chair shot on her and whips her into the steel steps.
Jericho then kisses Miss Kitty at ringside. The referee didn’t see Chyna hit Jericho with a low blowback in the ring. She then goes for the cover but only for a count of two.
Jericho recovers with a spin heel kick. He then punches her injured thumb as she is tied in the ropes. This led to her being untied from the ropes. Jericho then attempts a massive powerbomb, but Chyna reverses it into a hurricanrana.
Y2J then hits a suplex and attempts a cover but only for a count of two. He follows up with knife-edge chops on Chyna in the corner turnbuckle. He then removes the top turnbuckle leaving the steel exposed.
As he attempts a clothesline, she hits a reverse short-arm clothesline on Y2J. Jericho recovers and hits a backbreaker forcing a submission, but she refuses to quit. Chyna managed to get a pinfall attempt on Jericho in a mid-air collision.
Instead, she works him into the corner, beating on him. He then hits a running bulldog on Chyna. Jericho then hits a scoop slam but misses a springboard moonsault off the middle rope.
Chyna hits a swinging neckbreaker on Jericho. Jericho then hits with a powerbomb and then a slingshot into the exposed turnbuckle. She then attempts a pedigree, but Jericho reverses it into a backslide but only for a count of two. Jericho then attempts a suplex off the top, but Chyna reversed it in mid-air.
Jericho reverses a pinning attempt by Chyna, who is then caught in the walls in the Jericho. He pulls her back and synchs in, who then is forced to tap out.
Winner: AND NEW Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho
After the match, Jericho is interviewed in the backstage area by Michael Cole. Cole congratulates Jericho and shares that the title has been restored to a whole new level.
Chyna proceeds to shake his hand, congratulating him in the backstage area. Jericho thought it was going to be an attack by the former champion, but that was not to be.
Armageddon 1999
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Rock N Sock Connection (Mankind & The Rock) vs. New Age Outlaws (‘Road Dogg’ Jesse James & ‘Bad A**’ Billy Gunn)
The challengers make their way out to the ring first, followed by the champions. Once in the ring, the referee Jimmy Korderas took the titles from the champions. Mankind and Road Dogg begin the match for their respective teams.
The Road Dogg is locked in a side headlock by Mankind, who follows up with a fist. Mankind locks in a rear chinlock on Road Dogg, who battles out of it and attacks the shoulder of Mankind.
Mr. A** is tagged in and begins to beat down on Mankind. The Rock is then tagged into the match. Billy Gunn and The Rock square off in the middle of the ring. Gunn attempts to take his shirt off in front of The Rock, who clobbers him with a right hand.
Mankind is then tagged in and tries to maintain control, but Gunn tags out to the Road Dogg. Road Dogg attempts to beat on Mankind, who recovers and locks in a mandible claw. But that is temporary as both The Rock and Billy Gunn battle.
All four men end up on the outside area and then into the crowd. The Rock and Mr. A** then move from the audience back to the ringside area. Gunn is tossed back into the ring, catches The Rock, and is centering him out.
At least he attempts to as The Rock battles out of it. The Road Dogg attempts a knee in the back of the Rock, who knocks Road Dogg off the apron. Once again, The Rock maintains focus on Billy Gunn but only temporarily. Gunn has control over The Rock, who then tags in the Road Dogg.
While the referee is distracted, Billy Gunn works over The Rock up the aisleway. Road Dogg then takes over for Billy Gunn, working over The Rock but inside the ring at this point. A hard right by Road Dogg knocks The Rock off his feet.
Chops in the corner by Road Dogg leads to The Rock returning the favor and beating down on the People’s Champion. Quick tags by both Gunn and Road Dogg maintain control on The Rock.
Mr. A** has a rear chinlock that appears to be working over The Rock, who is lying on the mat. The referee attempts to count The Rock out, but he raises his hand after a third attempt.
He then hits a float over DDT on Billy Gunn with both men out in the middle of the ring. Billy Gunn makes the tag first to Road Dogg, and Mankind is then tagged in by The Rock. Mankind is a house of fire going after both of the Outlaws.
Billy Gunn attempts a splash in the corner, but he hits the Road Dogg. At this point, Mankind knocks down the referee as this point. But then Billy Gunn knocks both Mankind and the referee down again.
A double arm DDT by Mankind leads to Socko coming out as he then applies it to the Road Dogg. Then while the referee isn’t aware, Al Snow charges the ring with head and hits Mankind in the head with…head. This leads to the Road Dogg to cover Mankind. The Rock stops the count and beats on Al Snow in the process.
But in the ring, the referee doesn’t see Gunn, and Road Dogg hit Mankind with a ring bell. The Rock makes his way back to his corner after Mankind kicks out. He then kicks out after a piledriver by Billy Gunn.
Then, Mankind hits back body drop on Billy Gunn and knocks Road Dogg off the top rope. He then attempts to get to The Rock and finally does so. The Rock comes in with the hot tag and hits a Samoan Drop on Billy Gunn.
But Road Dogg gets involved. Al Snow once again comes into the match leading to a disqualification.
Winners via disqualification: Rock N Sock Connection.
Al Snow and Mankind battle on the outside. But Al Snow makes his way back into the ring and is hit with a Rock Bottom and a peoples Elbow. Before the next match, we see a promo package of the ongoing feud with the Big Show and Big Boss Man.
It was over the passing of the Big Show’s father. It even included the removal of the casket from the gravesite. We then see how The Big Show became the number one contender for the WWF title. We then see Big Boss Man speaking to Big Show’s mom and that he was born illegitimately, making him a ba**ard.
Armageddon 1999
WWF Championship
Big Show (c) vs. Big Boss Man (Hardcore Champion) with Prince Albert
Boss Man makes his way to the ring first, with Prince Albert by his side. Then, Boss Man picks up the microphone and mocks The Big Show and his father. But, whether it’s who’s his daddy or not, he promises to be HIS daddy after tonight.
Next up is the WWF Champion making his way to the ring. The Big Show charges the ring and goes right after The Big Boss Man whipping him from one side of the ring to the other.
The Big Show then follows up with a running elbow across the head of The Boss Man. Boss Man is whipped to the floor, and as The Big Show attempts to beat him down, Prince Albert attempts to jump The Big Show from behind.
Albert is then dropped through the table, and Boss Man immediately attacks The Big Show with steel steps.
Big Show is then pushed into the ring post knocking him out. However, as the Boss Man attempts to lift him into the ring, he then needs to break the count because he can’t get the Big Show in.
He ultimately does and then goes for a pinfall attempt. Then The Big Show hits a nip up, a high boot, and then a chokeslam on the Big Boss Man. Finally, he goes for the pinfall and gets the win.
Winner: AND STILL WWF World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show
Next is the No Holds Barred Match between Triple H and Vince McMahon. But we then see the promo video leading up to the attack on the McMahon’s by Degeneration X. We see the vendetta of Vince McMahon and his attack on DX.
First, McMahon is handcuffed and then attacked by the rest of DX. We then see a moment in which Vince throws Triple H off the ramp onto a series of tables.
This is followed up by the wedding of Stephanie McMahon and Test interfering Triple H with this and that he will get the documents signed to get another shot at the title or the marriage will be annulled.
Stephanie McMahon makes her way down to ringside first and sits at ringside in the process.
Armageddon 1999
No Holds Barred Match
Triple H vs. Vince McMahon
Triple H makes his way to the ring first with a sledgehammer and a bottle of water in hand. We then see Triple H kiss his wedding ring as he comes down to ringside and then slams the sledgehammer atop the ring steps.
Vince McMahon then makes his way to the ring next. Stephanie is then applauding at ringside as Vince makes his way to the ring.
As soon as Vince steps into the ring, Triple H attempts to hit him with a sledgehammer, and Vince throws salt in the eyes of Triple H, blinding him. We then see Vince throwing fists at the head of Triple H.
He then follows up with a clothesline. Vince then hits a low blow on Triple H and then proceeds to follow him to the outside area. However, Triple H attempts to gain the advantage on Vince until Triple H ends up in the steel steps and then the audience.
Both men battle in the crowd. It isn’t a wrestling match. But, this is no question a fight. They then head up an entranceway and into a closed garage door. Triple H then drives Vince’s head against the wall.
The Game has the advantage now as debris falls from the rafters from the crowd. Triple H then leads Vince back through the crowd but continues to beat down on the chairman.
Both men are now just outside the ringside area with Triple H beating down on the chairman. That was until Vince hits a back body drop on the Game inside the barricade. Then, Mankind comes down to the ring with a shopping cart filled with a number of weapons to help him.
Mankind gives him the thumbs up and then heads back to the locker room. Vince attempts to hit Triple H with a trashcan lid and eventually does. McMahon hit Triple H several times as Stephanie looks on in support.
Vince then brings out a trash can hits Triple H with that across the head with it. After that, McMahon hits Triple H several times, with him falling over the barricade in front of Stephanie.
Vince then chokes out Triple H with a crutch across the throat. That was until Triple H drove Vince’s head into the steel steps at ringside. He then uses the crutch against Vince to give him a low blow.
Triple H drives Vince’s head into the shopping cart with various weapons, knocking him down in the process. The Game then uses a chain to beat down on Vince’s head. But Vince regains control, hitting a stick across the back of Triple H, breaking it.
The two fight up the aisle way. Triple H then drives Vince’s head into the helicopter prop up the aisleway. The Game then uses a sandbag across the head of Vince, knocking him down. Vince is being beaten down, having his head slammed across the footlocker up the aisleway.
Triple H then drives the steel shopping cart into the head of Vince again, knocking him down. The Game then uses a trashcan lid across the head of Vince. But Vince is fighting back, taking the trashcan across the head time and time again.
Stephanie applauds with what she sees taking place. Next, Vince attempts to use a wrench, but Triple H stops him. Finally, the two return up the aisleway as Triple H hits Vince in the head with the machinegun as its whipped round.
Triple H then is grinding the items in the sandbags into Vince’s head. He attempts to whip Vince into the airplane, but Vince reverses it whipping Triple H into it. The two men continue to battle up the aisleway and now towards the backstage area.
Triple H drives Vince’s head near the sound equipment and then into the steel door. Now both men are fighting in the backstage area. Triple H drives an elbow onto Vince, who wasy lying on the hood of a truck.
Vince walks around the truck, but we don’t know where Triple H is at this point. McMahon then goes outside with the referee follows suit. A battered and beaten Vince proceeds to look for Triple in the parking lot.
Vince instructs to let him know if Triple H is nearby. Then Triple H proceeds to drive a car into Vince, who managed to avoid it. Helmsley then drives McMahon’s head into the trunk of the car.
He then walks away as Triple H pursues him. The two men battle in front of an 18-wheeler and then on a white limousine. Triple H then slams Vince onto the top of the limo.
The Game then leads Vince back towards the building but drives his head into a car just outside the arena. Both men make their way back into the arena. The move from the backstage area to inside the arena.
Vince blocks Triple H’s attempts to drive his head into the concrete. The Game is then hit with a led pipe by the chairman. Triple H then climbs a tower, attempting to avoid Vince. Vince drops the pipe in pursuit of Triple H.
Both men battle at the top of the tower, with Vince falling into the bunker below. Triple H then makes his way back down. The Game then grabs a gas can and drives a bleeding Vince McMahon in the head.
Triple H then makes his way down to the ringside area grabs a microphone at ringside. He then proceeds to ask Stephanie how does it feel to see her daddy getting beat down. Triple H then says to tell Vince to quit. He then brings a bloody Vince to Stephanie, who is crying, saying, ‘I love you, daddy.’
Triple H has a pipe and threatens to beat him in the head. He asks for the sledgehammer and throws Mike Chioda in the process. Vince manages to get a low blow on Triple H and hits him with a led pipe.
McMahon beats Triple H down with a led pipe and then gets a sledgehammer to use on Triple H. Then Stephanie jumps over the barricade and into the ring. She pleads with him that she wants to hit Triple H with the sledgehammer.
She then can’t do it, and it’s Triple H that does it to Vince and knocks him out as he makes the pin for the three count and the win.
Winner: Triple H
Stephanie then proceeds to show remorse on her father, and Triple H threatens to hit her with the sledgehammer. At this point, she smirks and embraces with Triple H in the process.
Stephanie then turned on her father. The shock in the arena of the McMahon-Helmsley Era has begun. Stephanie and Triple H leave the ring together.