AEW Dark is once again presented by Taz and Excalibur and Brian Cage is defending the FTW title in today’s main event. The commentary team talks about the Fight For The Fallen Dynamite special tomorrow. We present AEW After Dark for 7/15/20.

AEW After Dark for 7/15/20
Diamante/Rache Chanel vs The Nightmare Sisters
Allie comes out with a sign reading “We miss you QT”. Diamante and Allie get the match underway following an altercation with Diamante and Brandi. Allie gets the upper hand in the first exchange knocking Diamante to her corner where Chanel tags in. Brandi gets the tag after Allie hits an elbow in the corner. A quick two count follows Brandis kick. Allie and Brandi are working well together in contrast to their recent outings. Rache gets the better of Allie, making sure to utilize the tags to keep the advantage. Allie reverses an attempted wheelbarrow planting her opponent face-first into the mat. The team of Rache and Diamante manage the situation blocking Allie from making the tag and quickly find their way. Brandi eventually gets the tag and hits her spear to win the match for her team.
Winners Nightmare Sisters.
Allie and Brandi celebrate together and look like a united front thus for the first time looking like a genuine tag team.

Robert Anthony vs Ricky Starks
Robert comes out after some impressive showings on Dynamite still looking for his first win but has motivated Ricky Starks in his way. Anthony starts off throwing Ricky down and the two men take to the mat. Ricky manages to shut Anthony down by dropping him across the top rope. Both men show some athleticism in their offense Starks hits a spear but Anthony has enough awareness to roll to the apron Therefore avoiding the pin. Robert plants Ricky using his legs but is unable to take full advantage as Starks rolls through and manages to hit a modified front face slam to win the match.
Winner Ricky Starks
Shawn Spears talks about the importance of history and legacy in wrestling. Spears ends with if “Tully believes in me then I believe in me”.

AEW After Dark for 7/15/20
Shawn Dean\Joe Alonzo\Will Hobbs vs Dark Order
Dark Order is led out by Evil Uno who is out to watch how 3, 4, and 5 take on the trio of newcomers. Hobbs starts the match off with Alan Angels, Angels gets around Hobbs at first before being tossed across the ring. Silver gets in the match and fares better when Alonzo gets in the ring. Dark order hit some double team offense and Alex Reynolds gets the tag in. Shawn Dean gets in the match and knocks all three members of Dark Order to the outside before hitting a leap over the top rope to the men outside. Dean’s offense is short-lived as he’s driven into the guard rail. Dark Order maintains control for the most part from here. Dark order is victorious hitting a flipping destroyer DDT to win the match.
Winners Dark Order

Michael Nakazawa vs Marko Stunt
In what is one of the stranger matches out there in the realm of AEW Marko and Nakazawa go one on one in singles action. Nakazawa starts off saying he isn’t going to need the oil. Marko gets the better of the early part using his speed and quickness to knock Nakazawa off balance. Nakazawa gets some offense in and does indeed hit some offense with the baby oil. Marko does get in trouble after a spear but as Nakas underwear comes off the desperation of Marko pays off as he manages to knock the underwear into Michael’s face where it was stuck as Marko wins by roll-up.

AEW After Dark for 7/15/20
Brady Pierce/Pineapple Pete vs Luther/Serpentico
Luther and Pete start off for any fans of rhymes Excalibur marked the start as well as anyone could, “Luther knocks Pete off his feet”. Pete manages to get some offense against Serpentico. Both men make tags to their respective partners Pierce and Luther square off with Luther getting the better of the exchange. Pierce outsmart Luther sending him into the turnbuckle Pete tags in but can’t quite deal with the power of Luther. Pete is worked over by Luther and Serpentico. Pierce gets the tag back in and hits some powerful offense on Serpentico but the frequent tags of Luther and Serpentico are too much for Pierce and Pete to contend with. Luther hits a death valley driver to win the match for his team.
Winners Luther and Serpentico

Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler vs Jungle Boy/Luchasaurus
Jungle Boy and Peter Avalon start off the match Avalon gets Jungle Boy to his corner as early as he can to tag in Cutler but Jungle Boy gets the better of Cutler in the first instance. Cutler catches Jungle Boy with a dropkick to maintain some control. Jungle Boy catches Cutler with a hurricanrana before getting Luchasaurus in the ring. The big man hits a series of kicks and makes short work of Cutler and Avalon before tagging in Jungle Boy.
The match would again follow a similar pattern with Avalon and Cutler continuing to get the better of Jungle Boy. Cutler and Avalon hit their best on Luchasaurus and nearly get the win. Leva Bates helps out at ringside hitting a hurricanrana on Jungle Boy. Cutler and Avalon can’t put Luchasaurus away before Jungle Boy gets back in the action. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy win with a double team move to swing Avalon into a cutter to get the win.
Winners Jurassic Express

Brian Cage vs Brian Pillman Jr
Brian Pillman is going to be the first challenger to Brian Cage’s FTW title that Taz awarded Cage last week. Cage makes the announcer announce him as the FTW champion despite it being an outlaw title. Pillman would quickly avoid Cage and get some small hits in. All Pillman really did was annoy Brian Cage at best as he would make quick work to use his power to punish Pillman. A suplex into the ring followed by a Drillclaw would be enough for Cage to win and retain his FTW champion.
Winner Brian Cage.
Cage continues hitting Pillman with powerbomb after the match to send a message to AEW Champion Jon Moxley.