On August 10th, 2008, Pro Wrestling Noah had their 2nd annual Shiodome Street Pro Wrestling show. The event featured three matches.
Shiodome Street Pro Wrestling
Davey Richards vs. Ippei Ota
The match starts with a lock-up, then Davey Richards pushes Ippei Ota into the ropes and gives a clean break. Then they lock up again, then a wristlock by Richards, but Ota reverses it, and Richards gets out of it.
Lock up for a 3rd time, then a side headlock by Richards, but Ota Irish whips out of it, but Richards’ shoulder blocks him to the mat. Hiptoss by Ota, then both wrestlers go for dropkicks, but they both miss. They circle each other as they go into a test of strength, kick to the stomach by Richards, Irish whip, and he delivers a lariat.
Richards picks up Ota and hits a backdrop suplex, then a cover, but it gets a two-count. Then Richards locks in a Camel Clutch and kicks Ota in the back. Richards picks up Ota and kicks him repeatedly until Ota falls back to the mat, then a cover, but it gets a two count.
Boston Crab by Richards, but Ota makes it to the ropes to force a break. Then Richards picks up Ota and hits a snap suplex, followed by a cover, but Ota kicks out. Richards goes off the ropes and hits a knee drop, then a cover, but again, it gets a two count.
Headscissors by Richards as he throws Ota into the corner, then an Irish whip, but Ota kicks Richards when he charges in. Richards goes off the ropes, but Ota drops him with a dropkick, then a neckbreaker by Ota before he goes up to the top rope, but Richards jumps up and headbutts him. Richards joins him up top, but Ota pushes him off.
It’s a missile dropkick by Ota, then a cover, but it gets a two-count. Ota picks up Richards and gives him an airplane spin, then he stops for a second before spinning him around again before hitting a Samoan Drop, then a corner rebound bulldog by Ota, then hooks the leg, but it gets a two-count.
Ota picks up Richards. Then an Irish whip gets reversed, Ota kicks Richards back and hits a jumping neckbreaker off the 2nd rope. Ota picks up Richards and goes for the airplane spin again, but Richards punches out of it.
They trade blows, but Richards slams Ota back into the corner, then an Irish whip by Richards, but it gets reversed, but Richards slides through Ota’s legs and hits an enziguiri. German suplex hold by Richards, but Ota gets a shoulder up.
Richards picks up Ota, scoop slam, then he goes up to the top rope, but Ota moves out of the way of the diving headbutt. Then they trade waist locks, then a cradle by Richards, but it gets a two-count.
Richards kicks Ota in the stomach and goes for a powerbomb, but Ota reverses it with a hurricanrana for a two count. Then, Ota goes off the ropes, but Richards kicks him in the chest and nails a powerbomb to get the win.
Winner: Davey Richards (9:00)

Shiodome Street Pro Wrestling
Taiji Ishimori vs. Genba Hirayanagi
Genba Hirayanagi pushes Taiji Ishimori back, which knocks the referee down, and Hirayanagi takes the opportunity to kick Ishimori low. Hirayanagi takes some tape off his wrist and chokes Ishimori with it, but he releases it after a moment.
Hirayanagi picks up Ishimori, an Irish whip, from the corner, but it gets reversed. Ishimori charges Hirayanagi, but Hirayanagi back body drops him over the top rope. However, Ishimori lands on the apron and hits a swan dive dropkick.
Ishimori picks up Hirayanagi, then an Irish whip, but it gets reversed. But Ishimori delivers the handstand rebound heel kick for a two-count.
Back up, they trade waist locks, then Hirayanagi goes for a German suplex, but Ishimori lands on his feet and hits a German suplex hold of his own for a two count.
Irish whip by Ishimori reversed, but Ishimori kicks Hirayanagi back. Ishimori gets on the top turnbuckle, but Hirayanagi recovers and slams him off. Hirayanagi then hits a 2nd turnbuckle elbow drop, then a cover, but it gets a two-count.
Back up, Hirayanagi goes for a suplex, but Ishimori fights him off. Hirayanagi hits an STO, then a Saito Suplex by Hirayanagi connects, then a cover, but Ishimori kicks out.
Irish whip by Hirayanagi to the corner, but it’s reversed. Hirayanagi jumps up to the top rope, but Ishimori arm drags him off. Then, a German suplex held by Ishimori connects, but it gets a two count.
Ishimori picks up Hirayanagi, but Hirayanagi rakes him in the eyes and nails Shoryu Genba, but he is too hurt to cover. however, after he recovers, he picks up Ishimori, but Ishimori gets away.
He goes for the move again, but Ishimori ducks it and hits a release German suplex followed by a crucifix pin for a two count. Then Ishimori picks up Hirayanagi & hits a scoop slam, followed by Superstar Elbow to get the win.
Winner: Taiji Ishimori (8:59)
Shiodome Street Pro Wrestling
Tag Team Match
Jun Akiyama & Atsushi Aoki vs. Kenta Kobashi & Akihiko Ito
Jun Akiyama comes into the ring & they do a double Irish whip to Ito, and they hit double elbows. Akiyama picks up Ito and body-slams him to the mat. Akiyama picks him up again and delivers a second one, cover, but it gets a two count.
Ito gets close to making the tag, but Akiyama runs over and boots Kobashi in the face before tagging in Aoki. Ito tries to fight them both off but fails as Aoki hits Ito with a vertical suplex for a two-count.
Aoki picks up Ito and tags in Akiyama, then some chops in the corner by Akiyama, but Ito fights him off. Ito goes off the ropes and avoids a Akiyama boot before hitting a lariat.
Kenta Kobashi chops Jun Akiyama in the corner before hitting his rapid-fire chops then Atsushi Aoki finally comes in to help, but Kobashi knocks him back then an elbow by Akiyama onto Kobashi but Kobashi chops him in the neck and then puts him draping over the top rope so he can chop him some more.
Kobashi picks up Akiyama and goes for a half-Nelson suplex, but Akiyama blocks it. Then, a chop to the neck by Kobashi, and he goes for it again, but Aoki grabs Akiyama’s hand from the apron. Ito runs in and dropkicks Aoki off the apron, but Akiyama elbows Kobashi.
Irish whip by Akiyama to the corner, but Kobashi kicks him when he charges in then. Kobashi sits on the top turnbuckle, but Akiyama runs over and hits an exploder for a two-count.
Akiyama goes off the ropes and hits Kobashi with a running knee, then another cover, but again, it gets a two-count. Akiyama applies the grounded front face lock, but Ito breaks it up. Then Ito goes off the ropes, but Akiyama hits him with a boot.
Kobashi comes up from behind and puts Akiyama in the sleeper hold as Akiyama reaches for the ropes, but Kobashi grabs his arm and nails a sleeper suplex then. Kobashi gets up first, but Akiyama hits a jumping knee and tags in Aoki.
Aoki picks up Kobashi and dropkicks him in the knee. He then delivers a dragon screw leg whip. Dropkick to the leg by Aoki, then he picks up Kobashi and goes for another dragon screw, but Kobashi blocks it and drops him with a half-Nelson suplex.
Kobashi tags in Ito, who comes up to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick onto Aoki. Cover by Ito but it gets a two count. Ito picks up Aoki, but Aoki gets out of the hold. Aoki goes off the ropes and attempts a sunset flip, but Ito rolls through it and delivers a dropkick.
Kobashi runs in to knock Akiyama off the apron before Ito goes up to the top rope and hits a diving body press for a two-count. Ito picks up Aoki and delivers a double-arm suplex hold, then hooks the leg, but again, it gets a two-count.
Akiyama DDTs Kobashi outside the ring, then in the ring, Ito goes for another body press, but Aoki moves out of the way, and Akiyama runs into the ring to hit him with a running knee.
Both wrestlers hit running strikes in the corner to Ito, and then Aoki sits up on the top rope while Akiyama hands Ito to him. And Aoki delivers an avalanche powerbomb, then a cover, but Kobashi breaks it up.
Akiyama stomps on Kobashi, and they roll out of the ring while Aoki picks up Ito and hits a Northern Lights suplex. Ito rolls through it and connects with a Death Valley Bomb, then a cover by Ito, but Akiyama breaks it up.
Akiyama & Kobashi trade blows and Akiyama hits him with an exploder, but Kobashi jumps back to his feet and hits a lariat.
They roll to the apron while Aoki hits Ito with a German suplex hold for a two-count. Running knee by Aoki in the corner, and he nails Ito with the Assault Point for the win.