This 16th episode of PCW ULTRA – Mutiny comes just a month away from the epic two-day Wrestle Summit II show at DEFY’s home venue: Washington Hall in Seattle. The extravagant event takes place on November 30 and December 1st and is a cross-promotion conjoint effort between PCW ULTRA, DEFY and United Kingdom’s PROGRESS wrestling leagues. It will feature talent and title matches from all promotions.
This huge event is the second of its kind this year, with the first Wrestle Summit having taken place at PCW ULTRA’s home in Wilmington, CA this past March. Without further ado here is episode 16 for Mutiny.

Tessa Blanchard(c) vs. Delilah Doom – PCW ULTRA Women’s Championship (PCW ULTRA – Believe- December 2018)
Tessa Blanchard and Delilah Doom started the match quick, with lockups, rollouts, arm drags and a sudden springboard hurricanrana that sent Tessa sprawling on Mutiny. The two went back and forth in the early matchup, without any particular offensive advantage between the two.
Tessa tried to humiliate Delilah with some slaps to the face, which instead fired her up as the two went blow for blow. Delilah scored two suicide dives to the outside moments later. This was followed by a flying elbow off the top rope which pummeled Tessa.
Tessa looked vulnerable, barely escaping from an octopus stretch. Delilah reversed out of a wristlock, only to get caught by surprise with a cutter which only consolidated a two count.
Tessa looked bitter and frustrated, climbing to the top rope going for desperate measures. Delilah moved out of the way as Tessa flew, but landed on her feet avoiding disaster. Tessa darted towards Delilah. But Delilah quickly caught her in a crucifix bomb.
The two wrestlers struggled slowly to their feet in a race. Delilah beat Tessa and propped her on the corner rope. But Tessa delivered a head butt, knocking Delilah off. Tessa then flew through the air executing her Magnum finisher for the pinfall.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard
Talent and Match Announcements
Talent announcements were made for Wrestle Summit II, including Meiko Satomura defending her title at the event. Other talent announcements for the event included Jimmy Havok, Warbeast, Hammerstone, Artemis Spencer, Schaff, and the winner of this year’s New Japan Super J-Cup tournament: El Phantismo.
Also announced was Jake Atlas defending his PCW Ultralight championship against Douglas James for Wrestle Summit II.

Brody King vs. Puma King (PCW ULTRA – Possessed – October 2018)
Puma King used his faster speed and smaller size advantage to outsmart and keep away from King’s grasp early in the matchup in the next matchup on Mutiny.
Brody took the advantage of the early matchup with a surprise boot to the face, working down Puma with suplexes, and stiff forearms.
Puma tried to make a comeback off the ropes, but Brody flung Puma into the second rope then cannonballed into him. When Brody tried to throw Puma to the outside, Puma caught the second rope and lay across it mocking Brody’s attempt.
Puma then delivered a back body drop to Brody over the ropes. Brody was sent backwards barreling to the outside, lucky to land on his feet rather than his head or neck. But the damage was still heavy.
Puma then ran, jumped onto the second rope, then did a flying cross body onto Brody on the outside. Back in the ring, Puma was hooked upside down in the corner and Brody attempted to climb the ropes to stomp him.
But Puma got his feet untangled and caught Brody’s head with them, flinging Brody off the top rope with a variation of the hurricanrana.
Puma launched himself off the ropes, but Brody caught him up on his shoulders and sent him downward with a Cradle Shock (similar to a Death Valley Driver).
Brody worked Puma down with some chops, but Puma surprised Brody with a spinebuster out of nowhere, then a senton bomb off the ropes. On opposite sides of the ropes, the two ensued with a power struggle to suplex each other. Puma was able to turn it into a spinning neck breaker on Brody off the top rope.
But Brody quickly reversed an whip, kicking Puma in the gut, then powerbombed him. But moments later, Puma scored a double stomp on Brody’s back, followed by some kicks. Brody quickly shot back with a lariat out of the blue, and followed with a piledriver for the win by pinfall.
Winner: Brody King
Next Week’s Mutiny announcement: Jake Atlas vs Dezmond Xavier
Announced for next week’s episode of Mutiny is another matchup from the first Wrestle Summit show, featuring Jake Atlas’ first Ultralight title defense against Dezmond Xavier.

Sami Callihan vs. Brian Cage (Wrestle Summit I, March 2019) was the latest match on Mutiny.
Callihan was first to the ring, sporting a baseball bat in his hand. He took the microphone, giving making threats to Cage. “Once you go bat, you never go back.”
He trashed the fans’ home baseball team, the LA Dodgers, calling them “drizzling sh*ts.” He declared that he was not at Wrestle Summit to wrestle, but to break “The Machine” Brian Cage. He announced that this matchup would be a no rules and anything-goes matchup.
Sami jumped Cage while he was still entering the ring. The two brawled all around the outside of the ring. Beer cans, paper cuts to the mouth and chairs were deployed upon each other.
Sami delivered a running knee to Cage as he was sitting in a chair, flinging him backward. Sami tried it again, but Cage climbed to his feet and super kicked him. Moments later, Cage fireman carried Sami, belly-flopping him onto the ring apron. Then he ensued with a superplex off the second rope on Sami.
Moments later, Sami then smashed some sort of tile over Cage’s head.
Sami attempted piledriver, but Cage lifted him up and Sami turned it into a sunset flip. Cage rolled out then struck Sami with a knee to his face, then pump handle slammed him.
Sami reversed an Alabama slam, turning it into a powerbomb on Cage as he tucked his legs under Cage’s armpits. The two went off the ropes, back and forth, trading running boots to the face. But Sami decided to grab Cage by the groin to get the upper hand.
Sami delivered a piledriver on Cage, but only scored a 1 count. He went for a second piledriver, scoring two counts. Sami went for the baseball bat and swung it. Cage ducked then delivered an F5 to Callinan, barely avoiding pinfall putting his foot on the rope.
Cage picked up the baseball bat and threatened Sami. Sami begged him not to swing it, asking for mercy. Brian complied and Sami low-blowed him right as he dropped the bat. Sami then picked up the bat and rammed the end of it into Brian’s skull not once, but twice.
Brian somehow kicked out at 1 count, shocking everyone. Brian went into an adrenaline-induced fury of rage and anger. Cage knocked Sami down with a lariat.
Cage then powerbombed Sami into the corner, then attempted a second powerbomb. But Sami, using his last remaining bit of energy, lifted Brian up by the back of the legs and flung him on his back. Then Sami pinned Cage by using his feet as leverage by propping them on the second rope. The referee did not see Sami using the ropes and gave him the victory by pinfall.
Winner: Sami Callihan