Randy Orton Cashes in Money in the Bank at SummerSlam 2013

On this day, Randy Orton cashes in Money in the Bank at SummerSlam 2013. On August 18th, 2013, at SummerSlam, the Main Event for The WWE Championship was Champion John Cena vs Daniel Bryan.

John Cena was allowed to choose his challenger for the title at the biggest party of the summer. He chose Daniel Bryan. The WWE Universe was excited overseeing the two superstars’ clash at SummerSlam.

However, Vince McMahon was not happy. Daniel Bryan was not Mr. Mcmahon’s idea of what a WWE Champion should be.

He stacked all the obstacles he could against Bryan. However, the underdog still came out on top. This is the story of Randy Orton, who cashes in his Money in the Bank contract at SummerSlam 2013.


On an episode of Raw, McMahon booked Daniel Bryan against Wade Barret with Raw GM Brad Maddox as his hand-picked referee.

He made the fast count on Bryan giving the victory to Barrett. He then offered his services for the Cena vs Bryan match at SummerSlam.

WWE COO Triple H took exception to this and told Maddox he was not invited to the summer’s biggest party and finished him off with a pedigree.

The Game then made himself the special guest referee. It was no secret that Vince McMahon did not want Bryan or Cena to be victorious.

However, the question on everyone’s mind was why would Triple H, Vince McMahon’s son-in-law, make himself the referee. That question was about to be answered.

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan
Randy Orton Cashes in Money in the Bank at SummerSlam 2013

On August 18, 2013, Arguably the most popular superstars of the year were about to compete for the WWF Championship.

After a few minutes of catch-as-can wrestling, Daniel Bryan was knocked outside the ring onto the announce table. John Cena followed that up with a suplex on the floor. He rolled Daniel Bryan in the ring and continued to punish the challengers back.

He even hit a powerbomb on Bryan. Daniel Bryan used his amazing endurance to stay toe to toe with the champion. He hit Cena with several kicks. The crowd was chanting ‘YES YES YES”.

John Cena wasn’t WWE Champion for nothing he stopped Bryan’s momentum with a back body drop. Signaling for the five knuckle shuffle, Cena got caught with a kick to the head.

The challenger hit a missile dropkick from the top rope on Cena, but the champion kicked out. Danielson finally got the Yes lock on but Cena powered out of it. Cena hit the attitude adjustment but Bryan kicked out.

The Game was doing exactly as he said he would and call it right down the middle. Cena uncharacteristically went to the top rope for a legdrop but was met by Bryan. He suplexed Cena off the turnbuckle. Still, the champion kicked out. The crowd was on their feet.

Bryan wins the WWE Championship.
Randy Orton cashes in Money in the Bank at SummerSlam 2013

After the two traded blows, Cena once again climbed to the top and hit Bryan on the back of the neck with a leg drop. Cena went for the cover, but Bryan wouldn’t quit.

As the match proceeded, both stars began to get frustrated. Cena slapped Bryan, and Bryan slapped Cena. Respect was being thrown out the window.

Daniel Bryan went for a flip but was caught by Cena. Bryan countered it into a rollup. Still, the Champ kicked out.

In a split second, Bryan caught Cena with a brutal kick to the back of the neck. This was enough to daze the champion. The time was now. Danielson hit Cena with the running knee and made the cover.

Triple H counted to three Daniel Bryan was the new WWE Champion….for a few seconds. John Cena shook Daniel Bryan’s hand. Even Triple H was proud of the new champion. However, the Game Plan was about to begin.

Randy Orton cashes in Money in the Bank at SummerSlam 2013
Enter the Viper

As the celebration was going on in the ring Randy Orton walked down the aisle with his Money In The Bank briefcase. The briefcase guaranteed him a match anytime for any championship.

The Viper was ready to cash in, but instead, he walked away. As Daniel Bryan’s attention was on Orton, The Game attacked the new champion and gave him a pedigree.

The McMahon family had a game plan all along. The Viper struck. Orton cashed in his briefcase. HHH demanded the bell be rung.

It was academic Randy Orton pinned Daniel Bryan becoming the new WWE Champion. Vince McMahon got what he wanted. Triple H got what he wanted. Randy Orton was the new WWE Champion.

SummerSlam has proven to be very good to Randy Orton. He won his first World Heavyweight Championship there in 2003.  This Saturday, August 21, 2021, should be no exception.

Summerslam results: Randy Orton cashes in Money in the Bank on Daniel Bryan, wins WWE Title - SBNation.com
[Photo / SB Nation]