Hell one and all, welcome to your weekly irrelevant round up of the weeks hottest stories in pro wrestling. As always, I, “Smart” Mark Blake, have scoured the internet to find the biggest, strangest, and most interesting stories for the Pro Wrestling Post Week in Review for 12/09/18.
So kick back, put your feet up and feast your eyes on this week’s Week In Review!
Strickland Not Joining WWE In January?

A few weeks back I wrote that Shane Strickland (Killshot in Lucha Underground) is heavily rumored to be joining the January intake of new signees, but PWInsider is now reporting that due to some “contractual concern” with his Lucha Underground deal he may not be joining as originally planned.
Even though the latest season of Lucha Underground (season four) has just ended, and with no season five in sight, he won’t be able to join WWE until this issue is solved, whatever it may be.
Shane will continue to work for MLW (in news that will cheer up PWP resident MLW reviewer Brandie no end) and other various indie shows until he is able to join WWE.
Roman Reigns Appearing At Tribute For The Troops?
Word came out from Fort Hood, Texas – where WWE’s Tribute For The Troops is being taped – in regards to Roman Reigns. It appeared that he was at the event to “take part” in the day’s “festivities”.
PWInsider reported that although Roman is at the event there is no word if he will be on screen, backstage with the rest of the talent, or off-camera to meet the troops.
The annual Tribute To The Troops event is scheduled to air on Thursday, December 20 on the USA Network.
PAC Wins Top Dragon Gate Title
In news that fills me with joy, PAC (formerly Neville in WWE, but you knew that of course) won the Dragon Gate Open The Dream Gate Championship – the top championship in the company – by beating Masato Yoshino in Tokyo, Japan.
Their match was the main event at the Dragon Gate Fantastic Gate 2018 show.
Here’s an elated PAC with a Twitter commentary…
As you all know I adore PAC and want him to be the biggest thing in independent wrestling to show Uncle Vince that he well and truly effed up with him (also look at Cody and how huge he is now, it can be done!)
And that folks brings to an end another Week In Review. As always it’s been emotional but you can bet your last peanut butter cup that I’ll be back….RIGHT HERE….next week for more news from this crazy world of pro wrestling that we all love. Please feel free to leave a comment below or hit me and Pro Wrestling Post up at our Facebook and Twitter accounts. We love conversing with you guys and gals.
Mark Blake Facebook – MarkBlakeSmart
Mark Blake Twitter – @Smart_Mark_B
Pro Wrestling Post Facebook – ProWrestlingPST
Pro Wrestling Post Twitter – @ProWrestlingPST
So until next week….