On March 1st, 2009 Pro Wrestling NOAH aired their 7th Night of The 2nd Navigation tour & we got 11 matches (2 dark & 9 aired) we got 2 title matches (Junior Heavyweight & GHC Heavyweight) we also got inter-promotional tag team match between NOAH & NJPW.
Tsuyoshi Kikuchi defeated Mitsuo Momota (7:13) (Dark Match)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
6 Man Tag Team Match
Kentaro Shiga, Kishin Kawabata & Takuma Sano defeated Junji Izumida, Ricky Steamboat Jr & Tamon Honda (9:59) (Dark Match)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
Kenta Kobashi vs. Masao Inoue
Kenta Kobashi & Masao Inoue circle each other to start this match then they lock up Kobashi pushes Inoue into the ropes but Inoue ducks the Kobashi chop attempt before they lock up again and Inoue rakes Kobashi in the eyes then he grabs Kobashi and rubs his face against the top rope.
Rapid punches by Inoue and he rakes Kobashi’s eyes again with his fist. Irish whip by Kobashi but they collide with neither man going down.
Inoue goes off the ropes again & ducks a Kobashi chop and then a rolling chop before bailing out of the ring then he returns after a moment with Kobashi holding the ropes open for him, kick to the stomach by Inoue and he rakes Kobashi in the eyes. Inoue clubs Kobashi in the back but Kobashi just looks at him and catches one of Inoue’s kicks.
Chop to the leg by Kobashi then he waits for Inoue to stand up and chops him in the chest. Inoue rolls out of the ring again but he gets back in after regrouping they lock up Kobashi pushes Inoue into the ropes and he chops him in the chest.
Kobashi applies a reverse chinlock before chopping Inoue in the chest a few more times then a cover by Kobashi but Inoue kicks out. Kobashi picks up Inoue as Inoue tries to fight back but Kobashi chops him in the chest again. Kobashi picks up Inoue in the corner and chops him repeatedly. Inoue starts absorbing the blows and dares Kobashi to chop him again. Kobashi does staggering Inoue backwards. Inoue challenges him again, and again Kobashi chops him in the chest.
Inoue backs into the corner but he rakes Kobashi in the eyes when he approaches so Kobashi chops Inoue down then slides out of the ring and hangs Inoue’s head over the apron so he can elbow him in the chest.
Kobashi pulls Inoue out of the ring and goes for an Irish whip, but Inoue reverses it and Kobashi goes into the railing. Clubs to the back by Inoue, and Kobashi rolls back into the ring with Inoue right behind him. Crab hold by Inoue, but Kobashi gets out of it.
Inoue clubs Kobashi in the back but Kobashi returns to his feet and chops Inoue in the chest then an Irish whip to the corner by Inoue and he delivers a series of lariats before a side Russian leg sweep by Inoue connects then goes for the cover but Kobashi immediately kicks out of the pin attempt. Inoue hits a lariat then another cover but again Kobashi kicks out.
Inoue picks up Inoue and goes for the Argentine Backbreaker but Kobashi reverses it with a side headlock. Inoue connects with a backbreaker to get out of the hold then he picks up Kobashi and puts him in the Argentine Backbreaker but Kobashi chops out of it and goes for the half-Nelson suplex but Inoue grabs the ropes to block it.
Kobashi throws Inoue in the corner and hits his rapid fire chops then a rolling chop by Kobashi before he picks up Inoue and delivers a half-Nelson suplex then Kobashi picks up Inoue, but Inoue rakes him in the eyes and goes off the ropes, but Kobashi nails him with a lariat to get the win.
Winner: Kenta Kobashi (14:07)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
Kensuke Office (Takashi Okita & Kento Miyahara) vs. Taiji Ishimori & Ippei Ota
Kensuke Office attacks Taiji Ishimori & Ippei Ota to start the match but Ishimori & Ota soon get the better of it with Kensuke Office out of the ring then Ishimori goes off the far ropes and sails out onto them with a tope con hilo. Ishimori slides Kento Miyahara back into the ring then goes for a cover but it gets a two count.
Ishimori picks up Miyahara & does an Irish whip to the corner and he hits a back elbow followed by a diving elbow strike for a two count then he tags in Ota & Ota kicks Miyahara down in the corner. Scoop slam by Ota then goes for the cover but Miyahara kicks out. Ota applies a crab hold, but Miyahara crawls to the ropes and forces a break.
Irish whip by Okita, and he floors Ishimori with a shoulder block then a Spear by Okita then he goes for the cover, but Ishimori kicks out then Okita picks up Ishimori and hits a scoop slam then he goes up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a body press then hooks the leg but it gets a two count. Okita goes for a brainbuster but Ishimori reverses it with a DDT and makes the tag to Ota.
Ota picks up Okita & hits an Irish whip to the corner and he hits a back elbow then Ota goes up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a missile dropkick then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Ota picks up Okita, Irish whip to the corner, reversed, Ota moves when Okita charges in and he gets Okita onto his shoulders to give him the Airplane Spin before he ends the move with a Japanese Drop then goes for the pin but it gets a two count.
Ota picks up Okita but Okita gives him an elbow and they traded strikes then Okita goes off the ropes but Ota catches him with a dropkick. Okita fires back with a shoulder block and he makes the tag to Miyahara while Ota tags in Ishimori. Ishimori & Miyahara trade elbows before a superkick by Miyahara connects, and he throws Ishimori into the corner.
Jumping knee by Miyahara and he delivers another superkick to the back of the head followed by a running knee for a two count. German suplex by Miyahara but that gets a two count as well. Miyahara picks up Ishimori and goes for another one, but Ishimori blocks it.
Irish whip by Miyahara but Ishimori delivers a handstand rebound spinning heel kick off the ropes then goes for the pin by Ishimori but Miyahara kicks out then a waist lock by Ishimori as Miyahara tries to get out of it but Ishimori delivers a half tiger suplex for a two count.
Back up Sakauchi by Ishimori but again it gets a two count then Ota comes in the ring and drops Miyahara with a modified Michinoku Driver then Ishimori goes up to the top rope and nails 450 Splash to get the win for his team.
Winners: Taiji Ishimori & Ippei Ota (7:54)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
6 Man Tag Team Match
Akira Taue, Naomichi Marufuji & Atsushi Aoki vs. Buchanan, Roderick Strong & Davey Richards
Naomichi Marufuji & Davey Richards starts this match off with a lock up and they trade elbows then boots, and a wristlock by Richards but Marufuji flips out of it and reverses the hold. Richards kicks Marufuji away however and both wrestlers return to their feet. Richards tags in Roderick Strong & he does an Irish whip but Marufuji shoulder blocks him down. Marufuji goes off the ropes, and he rolls up Strong, but it gets a two count.
Armdrag by Strong and they trade pin attempts with neither getting moved then a two-count. Marufuji tags in Atsushi Aoki & he does a wristlock but Strong gets out of it and slams Aoki to the mat. Headscissors by Aoki but Strong gets out of it then an elbow by Aoki connects but Strong chops him in the chest.
Snapmare by Marufuji then he goes off the ropes, springboards himself over the top rope to the apron, and quickly swings around to kick Richards between the ropes in the chest. Marufuji twists Richards’s neck with his feet before making the tag to Aoki. Irish whip by Aoki, and he delivers a dropkick for a two-count.
Richards drives Aoki back and tags in Strong & he throws Aoki in the corner and chops him in the chest before they trade blows but Strong gets the better of it then an Irish whip by Strong but Aoki elbows him as he charges in. He goes for a missile dropkick by Strong moves out of the way and rolls him up for a two-count.
Irish whip by Roderick Strong and he connects with a dropkick but it gets a two count then a slingshot Falcon Arrow by Strong connects then goes for the cover but Aoki kicks out then Strong picks up Aoki but Aoki reverses a suplex attempt with a crucifix roll up for a two count.
They trade holds on the mat but Aoki applies the Fujiwara Armbar. Strong gets out of it and charges Strong but Strong hits an enziguiri then Heel kick by Aoki then he charges Strong and delivers an elbow followed by a Northern Lights suplex gets a two count.
Aoki goes back to the arm but Richards breaks it up then Aoki charges Strong in the corner but Strong moves out of the way then he picks up Aoki on to his shoulders and delivers the double knee gutbuster & this gives Strong time to tag in Richards while Aoki tags in Marufuji & Richards goes off the ropes and he slams Marufuji back into the corner.
Richards ducks an Marufuji enziguiri and chops him in the corner then a Irish whip but Richards hits a handstand rebound spinning heel kick for a two count then Richards picks up Marufuji and they trade elbows before Marufuji goes off the ropes but Strong runs in and kicks him in the face with Strong still in the ring they nail a Powerbomb/Lung Blower combination to Marufuji then goes for the cover but Richards but it is broken up.
Richards goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick then he goes off the ropes and delivers a kick to Marufuji’s head then Richards with a German suplex but it gets a two count. Richards grabs Marufuji but Taue comes in the ring and chops Richards in the head. Richards goes off the ropes so does Marufuji but Richards rolls up Marufuji for a two-count.
Rolling sole butt by Marufuji then he goes off the ropes, but Richards catches him with a lariat followed by a double wrist clutch German suplex by Richards then goes for the pin but Marufuji kicks out at two. Richards goes for the DR Driver but Taue breaks it up.
Taue chops Richards into the corner then he throws Richards into the other corner and both Aoki & Marufuji deliver running strikes. Nodowa Otoshi by Taue then Aoki hits a diving body press and Marufuji ends with a modified double underhook suplex for a two count.
Richards tries to fight off both Marufuji & Taue, but it doesn’t work, and they drop him with a Union Shiranui to get the win.
Winners: Akira Taue, Naomichi Marufuji & Atsushi Aoki (12:08)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
Tag Team Match
Disobey (Kotaro Suzuki & Takeshi Rikio) vs. Yoshihiro Takayama & Ricky Marvin
Kotaro Suzuki & Ricky Marvin start things off then Marvin charges Suzuki and they traded blows then an Irish whip by Marvin but it gets reversed but Marvin delivers a springboard hurricanrana. Marvin charges Suzuki but Suzuki sends him over his head but Marvin lands on the top rope and comes back with another diving hurricanrana.
Suzuki rolls out of the ring, Marvin goes off the far ropes and sails out onto him with a somersault tope suicida. Suzuki gets back in the ring but Marvin picks up him and slams him to the mat before tagging in Yoshihiro Takayama as Suzuki tags in Takeshi Rikio & they lock up before Rikio pushes Takayama into the ropes and elbows him in the head.
Takayama returns fire and they trade elbows then Takayama tries to throw Rikio to the mat but Rikio reverses it and it is Takayama that goes down but Takayama quickly gets back up and they collide with no result, Takayama goes off the ropes and again Rikio stands strong.
Rikio goes off the ropes when Takayama does and Rikio shoulder blocks Takayama to the mat. Takayama slowly returns to his feet, wristlock by Rikio before Takayama gets in the ropes but Rikio rakes him in the eyes and tags in Suzuki & a snapmare by Suzuki connects and he applies a reverse chinlock. Takayama kicks out of it however and slams Suzuki to the mat before tagging in Marvin.
Cover by Suzuki to Rikio but he kicks out at two then Suzuki tags in Rikio & he picks up Marvin, Irish whip to the corner and he delivers a running lariat then goes for the cover but it gets a two-count. Rikio picks up Marvin and slams him to the mat then picks him back up and tags Suzuki back in.
Stomps to the lower back by Suzuki & he picks up Marvin and connects with the back kick for a two count then a Boston Crab by Suzuki but Takayama breaks it up. Suzuki tags in Rikio & he picks up Marvin and applies a modified abdominal stretch. Rikio goes for a backdrop suplex but Marvin lands on his feet, Marvin goes off the ropes but Rikio knocks him down with a shoulder block.
Irish whip by Rikio but Marvin springboards off the ropes with a dropkick and makes the tag to Takayama. Takayama knees Rikio in the corner and hits a double armed suplex before applying a headscissors. Takayama knocks down Suzuki when he runs in the ring and nails a jumping knee onto Rikio then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Back up Rikio fights back and lariats Takayama to the mat. Rikio tags in Suzuki then some elbows by Suzuki but Takayama returns fire and gets the better of it.
Suzuki goes for a springboard attack but Takayama catches him and goes for a German suplex but Suzuki lands on his feet. Irish whip by Suzuki to the corner and he delivers a jumping knee followed by a jumping knee off the top turnbuckle for a two count.
Suzuki goes for a vertical suplex but he can’t get Takayama over as Suzuki goes off the ropes and hits a series of kicks before finally hitting the vertical suplex for a two count.
Waistlock by Suzuki but Takayama elbows out of it and knees Suzuki hard in the stomach then Takayama tags in Marvin follow by back kick by Marvin then a Irish whip, Suzuki goes off the ropes and goes for a handstand rebound attack but Marvin dropkicks him in the arm as he goes for the handstand. Irish whip by Marvin to the corner and he hits a jumping kick and then Takayama drops Suzuki with a knee to the stomach.
Cover by Marvin but Rikio breaks it up. Takayama and Rikio battle in the corner as Marvin powerbombs Suzuki & he picks Suzuki back up and nails Blue Destiny then goes for the cover but Rikio breaks it up. Rikio & Marvin trade blows, Rikio throw down the referee when he tries to catch him but then Takayama boots Rikio in the face.
Takayama follows Rikio outside while in the ring Marvin picks up Suzuki and hits 2 vertical suplexes. Marvin goes up to the top turnbuckle but Suzuki gets his feet up when he jumps off. Uppercut by Suzuki and he drops Marvin with the Blue Destiny.
Cover, but the referee is still woozy he has not recovered so Suzuki yells at him and while he is yelling at the referee he is roll up from behind by Marvin but Suzuki blows mist into Marvin’s face however he reverses the roll up to get the win.
Winners: Disobey (10:52)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
6 Man Tag Team Match
Disobey (Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Mohammed Yone & Genba Hirayanagi) vs. Takeshi Morishima, Makoto Hashi & Akihiko Ito
Mohammed Yone & Takeshi Morishima trade elbows to start the match before Yone goes off the ropes but Morishima shoulder blocks him down. Dropkick by Morishima & Yone falls out of the ring. Morishima goes off the far ropes but gets tripped from the floor and Genba Hirayanagi brings a chair into the ring.
Makoto Hashi comes in the ring and grabs Hirayanagi and pulls him back outside Hirayanagi comes back in after Morishima but Morishima throws him out of the ring and then sails out onto all 3 of his opponents with a plancha suicida. Morishima returns to the ring but outside the ring Yone and company regain control then Yone comes into the ring to face off with Morishima. Kick to the leg by Yone and he tags in Yoshinobu Kanemaru.
Kanemaru picks up Morishima and he goes for a suplex but Morishima blocks it and gets into the ropes then a elbows by Kanemaru, Irish whip but it gets reversed then Kanemaru goes for a sunset flip but Morishima blocks it but Kanemaru hits him low and delivers the suplex for a two count. Morishima tags in Hashi while Kanemaru tags in Hirayanagi.
Eye rake by Hirayanagi and he tags in Yone. Irish whip by Yone to Hashi and he kicks him in the chest. More kicks by Yone and they trade strikes after Hashi returns to his feet. Mongolian chops by Hashi, Irish whip, and he clubs Yone in the chest.
Hashi tags in Akihiko Ito & a Irish whip by Ito and he connects with the dropkick then Ito knocks Kanemaru off the apron and goes after him outside the ring but Kanemaru gains the advantage and throws Ito into the railing then a brawl starts outside the ring with people not even in the match with Kotaro Suzuki beating up Aoki.
Back in the ring Yone & Ito are still fighting as Yone hits a vertical suplex and tags in Hirayanagi & he throws Ito out of the ring where Kanemaru throws him into the railing as he kicks him in the head and then gives him a double stomp. He then scoop slams him into the floor before kindly rolling him back into the ring.
Irish whip by Hirayanagi to Ito and he hits an elbow then goes for the cover but it gets a two count then Hirayanagi applies the camel clutch but Ito gets a foot on the ropes and he breaks the hold. Hirayanagi tags in Yone & he hits a scoop slam then he delivers a leg drop before applying the neck crank. Kanemaru then runs in and dropkicks Ito in the head then a cover by Yone but it gets a two count.
Yone picks up Ito then a Irish whip to the corner and he hits a lariat follow by a 2nd turnbuckle leg drop by Yone then goes for the cover but Ito gets a shoulder up. Yone picks up Ito but Ito starts to fight back as Yone absorbs the blows but when Yone goes for a kick Ito catches it and hits a dragon screw.
This gives Ito time to tag in Morishima but Yone’s teammates quickly run into the ring. Morishima lariats Disobey then Morishima throws all 3 of them into the same corner and gives him all a running butt smash. Morishima throws Yone down then he goes up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a missile dropkick then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Morishima goes for the Backdrop Driver but Yone gets out of it and kicks Morishima twice in the head for a two count then Yone goes off the ropes and hits a lariat but Morishima doesn’t go down then a 2nd attempt doesn’t work and when Yone goes off a 3rd time Morishima knocks him to the mat and makes the tag to Ito.
Yone also tags in Kanemaru, Irish whip by Ito then Kanemaru goes for a sunset flip but Ito rolls throw it and dropkicks Kanemaru in the chest then a double arm suplex hold by Ito but Kanemaru kicks out at two.
Ito goes up to the top turnbuckle but Kanemaru joins him and delivers a superplex then a cover but Ito kicks out. Kanemaru picks up Ito and goes for a suplex but Ito goes down his back and hits a German suplex hold for a two count.
It picks up Kanemaru & hits a scoop slam before he goes up to the top turnbuckle again but Kanemaru gets his knees up when he goes for a diving body press. Crab hold by Kanemaru but Ito makes it to the ropes.
Kanemaru goes for a backdrop but Ito lands on his feet and hits an enziguiri followed by a jumping elbow this gives him time to tag in Hashi & Mongolian Chop by Hashi and he gets Kanemaru into the corner. Irish whip by Hashi, but Kanemaru boots him in the face. Hashi comes back with a lariat then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Scoop slam by Hashi, he goes to the 2nd turnbuckle but Kanemaru kicks him as he jumps off and tags in Hirayanagi & he elbows Hashi in the corner and delivers an elbow drop then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
An Irish whip by Hirayanagi as Hashi tries to kick him as he charges in but Hirayanagi kicks him low. Backdrop suplex by Hirayanagi as his teammates come in the ring Kanemaru holds Hashi & Hirayanagi hits a diving elbow drop to his groin.
Suplex by Hirayanagi to Hashi then goes for the cover but Ito breaks it up before Hirayanagi waits for Hashi to get up and goes for the Shoryu Genba but Hashi ducks it and hits a back fist followed by a lariat. Hashi picks up Hirayanagi as Morishima & Ito get in the ring, Ito & Hirayanagi hit running strikes and Morishima delivers a sidewalk slam.
Hashi then goes up to the top turnbuckle and nails the diving headbutt then foes for the cover but it is broken up. Hashi picks up Hirayanagi but Hirayanagi fights him off and goes off the ropes but Hashi catches him with a lariat.
Hashi picks up Hirayanagi and delivers a Michinoku Driver then goes for the cover but it gets a two count then Hashi grabs Hirayanagi and hits Tenchu Karasu Otoshi for the win.
Winners: Takeshi Morishima, Makoto Hashi & Akihiko Ito (14:50)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
6 Man Tag Team Match
Akitoshi Saito, Bison Smith & Doug Williams vs. Mitsuharu Misawa, Yoshinari Ogawa & Shuhei Taniguchi
Doug Williams & Yoshinari Ogawa lock up to get this match started then Williams pushes Ogawa into the ropes and he gives a clean break then they lock up again & this time Ogawa gets Williams into the ropes but he gives a clean break as well.
They lock up once more & this time with Williams getting the better of it with a cross-armed choke but Ogawa reverses it. Waistlock by Ogawa but it gets reversed by Williams but Ogawa dumps Williams out of the ring.
Williams returns, and Ogawa trips him but Williams gets a side headlock applied. They trade holds, arm drag by Ogawa and both men return to their feet then a side headlock takedown by Williams, reversed into a headscissors by Ogawa but Williams does a handstand to get out of it. Williams grabs Ogawa’s ankle but Ogawa kicks him off. Williams tags in Akitoshi Saito while Ogawa tags in Shuhei Taniguchi.
Saito & Taniguchi lock up but Saito gives a clean break in the ropes then lock up again & Taniguchi pushes Saito into the ropes and gives him an elbow before backing off before Taniguchi & Saito trade elbows, Taniguchi goes off the ropes and a running elbow sends Saito to the mat. Back up they lock up Taniguchi pushes Saito back and makes the tag to Mitsuharu Misawa.
They then give Bison a double vertical suplex followed by a double elbow drop then a cover but it barely gets a two count. Irish whip by Bison onto Ogawa and he delivers a spinning side slam backbreaker.
Smith tags in Williams & Williams picks up Ogawa and hits an uppercut. Scoop slam by Williams and he drops a knee onto Ogawa then goes for the cover but it gets two.
Headscissors by Ogawa but Ogawa gets out of it and makes the tag to Misawa before Williams & Misawa lock up follow by a hammerlock by Williams but it is reversed.
Williams gets Misawa to the mat and applies a Bow & Arrow but Misawa gets out of it and Williams rolls out of the ring. Misawa tags in Taniguchi as Williams returns as he hits a takedown then he tags in Saito.
Saito clubs Taniguchi in the back and kicks him in the chest then a Irish whip by Saito and he knees Taniguchi in the stomach. Saito picks up Taniguchi and he delivers a delayed vertical suplex then a cover but it gets a two count. Lariat by Saito then he quickly picks up Taniguchi and hits a backdrop suplex follow by a cover but Taniguchi barely gets a shoulder up.
Saito tags in Smith & a lariat by Smith and he throws Taniguchi into the corner follow by a snapmare by Smith and he applies a reverse chinlock. Taniguchi gets to the ropes to force a break and Smith tags in Williams. Uppercut by Williams as Taniguchi tries to fight out of the corner but Williams applies a headscissors and drops a knee onto Taniguchi for a two count.
Williams dumps Taniguchi out of the ring and outside Saito throws him into the guard rail then Saito throws Taniguchi into the ring post then Smith holds Taniguchi against the post so that Saito could deliver a lariat.
Saito slides Taniguchi back into the ring then a cover by Williams but it gets a two count. Williams tags in Smith then some clubs to the back by Smith onto Taniguchi and he delivers a powerbomb then goes for the cover but it is broken up by Misawa.
Misawa & Ogawa give Bison a double Irish whip but he lariats both of them to the mat then Smith tags in Saito & he does some clubs to the back before he kicks Taniguchi in the chest then more kicks by Saito as Taniguchi absorbs the blows and hits a few elbows but Saito levels him with a lariat for a two count then Saito tags in Smith.
Smith puts Taniguchi onto the top turnbuckle then applies the Iron Claw on the top turnbuckle. Taniguchi gets out of it by tossing Smith to the mat which gives him time to tag in Misawa. Irish whip by Misawa to Smith & Misawa hits an elbow followed by a senton.
Misawa picks up Bison then a Irish whip to the corner but its reversed but Misawa elbows Smith when he charges in. Misawa goes off the ropes but Smith catches him with a powerslam.
Smith then goes up to the top rope and hits a diving shoulderblock then he goes for the cover but it gets a two count then back up Smith applies the Iron Claw but Misawa gets out of it but Smith lariats him to the mat.
Smith tags in Saito as Misawa tags in Ogawa & he hits Saito with an enziguiri followed by a backdrop suplex then goes for the cover but it gets a two count. Ogawa goes off the ropes then a kick by Saito, he goes for a Scissors Kick but Ogawa delivers a dragon screw. Ogawa goes off the ropes but Saito kicks him in the leg and makes the tag to Williams.
Williams picks up Ogawa then a Irish whip to the corner but Ogawa kicks him back before Ogawa tries to roll up Williams but he reverses it and gets a two count then they trade pin attempts but neither are able to get the 3 count. DDT by Ogawa and he makes the tag to Taniguchi & he gives Williams a boot in the corner followed by a jumping knee.
Double arm suplex by Taniguchi then a cover but it gets a two count. Taniguchi picks up Williams and goes for the fisherman suplex but Williams blocks it. Williams kicks back Taniguchi and goes off the ropes but Taniguchi catches him with a spinebuster.
Misawa & Ogawa come into the ring and hits a combination of moves onto Williams that ends with a running knee by Taniguchi then goes for the cover but Saito breaks it up then a Karelin Lift by Taniguchi connects but Williams returns with a running elbow smash.
Williams kicks Taniguchi back and hits a corkscrew elbow off the 2nd rope then goes for the cover but it gets a two count. Williams throws Taniguchi into the corner and hits a jumping knee then goes off the ropes and hits a knee lift followed by a suplex then a cover but Taniguchi kicks out. Williams goes for Chaos Theory but Taniguchi shakes him off.
Smith comes in the ring and cleans house, then he & Saito give Taniguchi an Irish whip, and both hit lariats at the same time, followed by Iron Claw Bomb/Backdrop Suplex combination by Smith & Saito, then goes for the cover by Williams but Ogawa breaks it up.
Smith & Saito clear the ring while Williams throws Taniguchi into the corner then some jumping knees by Williams then he goes up to the top rope and he nails a diving knee drop then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Taniguchi fires back with elbows and applies a small package but Williams kicks out then back up Williams reverses a waistlock and delivers Chaos Theory to score the win.
Winners: Akitoshi Saito, Bison Smith & Doug Williams (21:12)
Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
Tag Team Match
Team NOAH (Takashi Sugiura & Go Shiozaki) vs. Team NJPW (Shinsuke Nakamura & Milano Collection AT)
Takashi Sugiura & Shinsuke Nakamura start things off and quickly begin trading elbows then a Irish whip by Sugiura but Nakamura avoids the boot and gives Sugiura one of his own. Sugiura comes back with a spear however as both men return to their feet follow by a takedown by Nakamura and they jockey for position on the mat.
Sugiura goes for the ankle but Nakamura rolls out of it and goes for the ankle as well then they roll towards the ropes with Nakamura getting the break and both men are back up as they lock up Sugiura pushes Nakamura towards the ropes but Nakamura tags in Milano Collection AT. Wristlock by Milano to Sugiura and he applies an armbar on the mat.
Hammerlock by Milano and he goes back to the wrist but Sugiura slams him to the mat and tags in Go Shiozaki & Shiozaki & Milano circle each other Milano ducks Shiozaki’s attacks and applies a side headlock. Shiozaki Irish whips out of it and they collide with no result.
Milano goes off the ropes again and ducks a Shiozaki then a punch again he goes off the ropes but Shiozaki shoulder blocks him to the mat. Shiozaki picks up Milano and gives him a chop followed by a scoop slam and knee drop for a two count. Reverse chinlock by Shiozaki and he chops Milano in the chest. Shiozaki. goes off the ropes but Milano rolls out of the ring to re group.
Shiozaki goes out after him but Milano quickly slides back into the ring and Milano kicks Shiozaki as he tries to climb through the ropes. Milano ties Shiozaki up in the bottom rope and dropkicks him in the head and Nakamura throws in a kick of his own for extra measure. Milano picks up Shiozaki. and makes the tag to Nakamura.
Nakamura picks up Shiozaki & he goes for a scoop slam but Shiozaki reverses it with a Dragon Sleeper but he breaks it up when Milano runs in the ring which gives Nakamura time to recover.
Nakamura charges Shiozaki. in the corner, Shiozaki kicks him back and goes up to the top rope but Nakamura kicks Shiozaki down over the ropes to the floor. Nakamura goes outside the ring but Sugiura greets him but Milano comes over and attacks Shiozaki.
Nakamura rolls back into the ring while Milano continues attacking Shiozaki on the floor but he finally rolls Shiozaki then back in the ring Nakamura stomps on Shiozaki and goes after the leg, which had been slam by Milano into the railing a moment earlier Nakamura tags in Milano & Team NJPW grab Shiozaki’s legs and yank on them. Leg lock by Milano as Shiozaki starts to fight back but Milano regains the advantage and tags in Nakamura.
Elbow to the leg by Nakamura but Sugiura comes in the ring by elbowing Nakamura repeatedly in the head. Sugiura knocks down Nakamura with a shoulder block but Nakamura recovers before Shiozaki and connects with a few elbows but Shiozaki comes back with a chop and they traded blows. Nakamura goes off the ropes but Shiozaki catches him with a chop, but Nakamura boots him back.
Nakamura goes off the ropes again but he is caught with a superkick & this gives Shiozaki time to tag in Sugiura & he spears Nakamura and knocks Milano off the apron. Sugiura picks up Nakamura but Milano comes in the ring & they double Irish whip Sugiura but Sugiura spears Milano and then slams Nakamura to the mat.
Running boot in the corner by Sugiura and he connects with 2 more then a German suplex by Sugiura then goes for the cover but Nakamura kicks out at two. Irish whip by Sugiura but Nakamura delivers a back kick. Nakamura goes off the ropes but Sugiura kicks him back Sugiura goes off the ropes but Nakamura hits a powerslam.
Inverted powerslam by Nakamura then goes for the cover but it gets a two count then Nakamura picks up Sugiura and puts him on his shoulders but Sugiura gets off and drops Nakamura on his head with a release German suplex. Sugiura goes for a running kick but Nakamura ducks it and hits a release German suplex of his own.
They trade elbows once they return to their feet follow by slaps by Sugiura but Nakamura returns with a hard right to the face then he goes for a 2nd punch by Sugiura knocks him down with a lariat. Sugiura is up first and tags in Shiozaki & he knocks Milano off the apron and goes back to Nakamura. Nakamura & Shiozaki traded strikes then a Irish whip by Shiozaki from the corner and he delivers a running chop.
Kicks to the chest by Nakamura but Shiozaki catches one and clubs Nakamura in the chest then a Irish whip attempt by Shiozaki but Nakamura slams on the breaks and applies a triangle choke. He goes for the cross armbreaker but Shiozaki keeps his hands locked until Sugiura can save him. Nakamura gives Sugiura a pair of high kicks and makes the tag to Milano.
Milano & Shiozaki trade chops, double Irish whip by Team NJPW and both hit strikes on Shiozaki in the corner follow by a face crusher by Milano and he nails Shiozaki with a superkick then goes for the cover but Sugiura breaks it up. Nakamura throws Sugiura out of the ring Milano picks up Shiozaki and goes for Victoria Milanese but Shiozaki reverses it and goes off the ropes but Milano avoids Shiozaki’s attack. Irish whip by Milano but Shiozaki. reverses it and delivers a Fisherman Buster.
Shiozaki goes up to the top turnbuckle but Milano protects himself with the referee and then gets up and goes for a powerbomb but Shiozaki reverses it with a hurricanrana then Milano & Shiozaki traded blows but Shiozaki nails a lariat for a two count.
Shiozaki picks up Milano with Sugiura & they do a double Irish whip to the corner then a chop by Shiozaki & Sugiura holds Milano on his shoulder so that Shiozaki can hit a diving knee drop to Milano’s chest, then a cover by Shiozaki but Nakamura breaks it up.
Nakamura kicks Shiozaki in the chest and goes for Landslide onto Sugiura but Sugiura slides down his back and delivers Olympic Slam. Milano & Shiozaki are back up trading blows follow by a superkick by Shiozaki and he delivers another one with Milano on his knees.
Lariat by Shiozaki but Milano barely gets a shoulder up. Then Shiozaki picks up Milano and goes for a lariat but Milano ducks it follow by enziguiri by Milano and he hits a backslide but Shiozaki gets out of it then a small package attempt by Milano, but Shiozaki rolls through it and nails Go Flasher follow by Lariat to get the win.
Winners: Team NOAH (20:30)

Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Katsuhiko Nakajima (c) vs. Kenta
Katsuhiko Nakajima & Kenta trade elbows to start the match off then Kenta goes off the ropes and hits a boot but so does Nakajima then they trade kicks as Kenta goes off the ropes and Nakajima goes for a leapfrog but Kenta kicks him in the face then a snapmare by Kenta and he tries to kick Nakajima in the chest but Nakajima ducks it.
They trade kick attempts and then both kick each other in the face by sending them reeling into opposite corners before they lock up Nakajima pushes Kenta into the ropes and he chops him before backing off before they trade chops then a Irish whip by Kenta and he delivers a running boot to the face.
Kenta picks up Nakajima and throws him into the corner follow by a Irish whip but Nakajima kicks him when he charges in. Nakajima goes off the ropes but Kenta catches him with a heel kick then goes for the cover but it gets a two count follow by a side headlock by Kenta but Nakajima gets a foot on the ropes.
Kenta pulls Nakajima to the middle of the ring and applies a camel clutch but he releases the hold to kick Nakajima in the back then Nakajima catches a Kenta kick and pushes him into the ropes and he kicks Nakajima in the chest then they trade kicks but Nakajima hits a dragon screw leg whip to gain the advantage before Nakajima picks up Kenta and kicks him in the chest again.
Irish whip from the corner, reversed but Nakajima moves when Kenta charges in bailing to the apron before Kenta tries to kick Nakajima while he is on the apron but Nakajima catches his leg and delivers a dragon screw then outside the ring Nakajima kicks Kenta in the leg then he picks up Kenta and slides him back into the ring.
Kenta follows him in and kicks him in the leg some more before applying a leg lock but Kenta gets to the ropes after a moment and returns to his feet as Kenta goes for a kick but Nakajima catches it and hits another dragon screw.
Nakajima stomps Kenta in the knee he picks him up and drapes his leg over the 2nd rope so he could kick it some more but Kenta gets himself free and they traded leg kicks which Nakajima gets the better of.
Leg lock by Nakajima but Kenta makes it to the ropes then a Irish whip by Nakajima from the corner but Kenta kicks Nakajima back when Nakajima charges in. Kenta runs at Nakajima but Nakajima dropkicks Kenta in the knee.
Kenta gets back to his feet then a kick to the leg by Nakajima and an Irish whip but Kenta hits a flying elbow followed by a pair of lariats follow by a vertical suplex by Kenta then he goes up to the top rope and delivers a diving lariat for a two count. Kenta picks up Nakajima and goes for a backdrop suplex but Nakajima lands on his feet.
Kicks by Nakajima but Kenta returns fire by sending Nakajima back in the corner then a running boot by Kenta but Nakajima comes back with one of his own follow by a back kick by Nakajima in the corner and he delivers a running dropkick to the face as Kenta sits on the mat. Nakajima pulls Kenta out of the corner and hits a snap suplex followed by a DDT.
Missile dropkick by Nakajima then goes for a cover but it gets a two count. Nakajima picks up Kenta & goes for a suplex but Kenta blocks it and puts Nakajima onto the top rope. Kicks to the chest by Kenta then he goes up to the top rope and goes for a knee drop but Nakajima moves out of the way and delivers a slingshot double stomp.
Nakajima then runs in the ring and dropkicks Kenta under the bottom rope to the floor then Nakajima goes outside as well and Irish whips Kenta into the guard rail. Nakajima then picks up Kenta and drops him leg first onto the railing at ringside then back up Nakajima throws Kenta into the ramp before going up there himself.
He goes to grab Kenta as he is still standing on the floor leaning against the ramp but Kenta gets Nakajima onto his shoulders and slams Nakajima to the floor then Kenta returns to the ring with Nakajima slowly following and Kenta knocks him back with a springboard dropkick.
Running kicks by Kenta in the corner and he nails a sit down powerbomb then goes for the cover but it gets a two count then Kenta applies an STF but Nakajima makes it to the ropes before Kenta goes for a suplex but Nakajima elbows him off but Kenta hits a powerslam for a two count. Kenta picks up Nakajima but Nakajima gets out of the suplex attempt and both wrestlers go for dropkicks.
Ankle lock by Nakajima but Kenta quickly gets to the bottom rope then a back kick and a Scissors Kick by Nakajima but Kenta comes back with a kick of his own follow by a Tombstone by Nakajima and he kicks Kenta in the back of the head then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Nakajima goes up to the top rope but Kenta kicks him before he can jump off and joins him then they battle on the top turnbuckle but Kenta delivers the superplex then Kenta goes up to the top rope but this time Nakajima kicks him as he goes up top with Kenta and goes for a Frankensteiner but Kenta reverses it with a powerbomb then a diving double stomp by Kenta then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Kenta picks up Nakajima and hits a strike combination but Nakajima catches him and delivers an uranage before they trade strikes but Kenta levels Nakajima with a lariat then Kenta picks up Nakajima and hits a strike combination before he goes off the ropes but Nakajima catches him with a heel kick then both wrestlers slowly get up and they trade boots in the middle of the ring.
Nakajima catches one and goes for the ankle and he gets the ankle lock applied with a grapevine but Kenta gets out of it and applies the STF but Kenta makes it to the ropes before Kenta picks up Nakajima and goes for a Tiger suplex but Nakajima lands on his feet and delivers a running high kick then a brainbuster by Nakajima then a cover but it gets a two count.
Nakajima picks up Kenta and goes for a backdrop suplex but Kenta elbows him but Nakajima picks Kenta onto the top rope before putting him in the tree of woe then a kick to the face by Nakajima then he picks up Kenta and hits a German suplex for a two count before Nakajima goes for Death Roll but Kenta ducks it and goes for Go 2 Sleep but Nakajima gets out of it.
Kenta ducks a Nakajima high kick and delivers Tiger Suplex but it gets a two count then Kenta is up first and charges Nakajima by hitting Busaiku Knee Kick for another two count then Kenta picks up Nakajima and goes for Go 2 Sleep but Nakajima tries to reverse it with a hurricanrana but Kenta reverses that with a powerbomb for a two count.
He goes for Go 2 Sleep again but Nakajima reverses it with a roll up for a two count then a high kick by Nakajima connects then he picks up Kenta and nails Death Roll then goes for the cover but Kenta gets a shoulder up. Nakajima picks up Kenta and goes for a suplex but Kenta elbows out of it.
He then catches a Nakajima kick and delivers the Go 2 Sleep then goes for the cover but Nakajima kicks out then Kenta picks up Nakajima to a seated position and kicks him 3 times in the head then a cover but again it gets a two count.
Kenta picks up Nakajima and they trade elbows and slaps then a superkick by Nakajima connects but Kenta catches his high kick attempt then gets Nakajima onto his shoulder and nails Go 2 Sleep for the win.
Winner: AND NEW Junior Heavyweight Champion: Kenta (25:45)

Pro Wrestling NOAH The 2nd Navigation Day 7
GHC Heavyweight Title Match
Kensuke Sasaki (c) vs. Jun Akiyama
The match starts off with a lock up then they break cleanly then a takedown by Kensuke Sasaki but Jun Akiyama applies a front facelock but Sasaki gets out of it and both men return to their feet then they go into a test of strength which is won by Sasaki then Sasaki pushes Akiyama into the ropes but he gives a clean break.
They lock up again then a side headlock by Sasaki before Akiyama Irish whips out of it but Sasaki shoulder blocks him down before they lock up again Sasaki pushes Akiyama into the ropes and gives a clean break but Akiyama elbows him and tackles Sasaki to the mat.
Sasaki returns to his feet and they traded strikes, Irish whip by Sasaki to the corner but Akiyama boots him as he charges in. Chop by Sasaki but Akiyama comes back with a jumping knee sending Sasaki out of the ring. Akiyama then gets up on the top rope and sails out onto Sasaki with a plancha suicida.
Akiyama gets back in the ring first with Sasaki slowly following Akiyama applies a sleeper hold into a front face lock but Sasaki gets into the ropes then Akiyama kicks Sasaki down in the corner, he charges Sasaki and delivers a running knee strike. Akiyama picks up Sasaki then a snapmare and he applies a headscissors. Sasaki eventually gets to the ropes to force a break he returns to his feet and they exchange blows.
Akiyama gets the better of it with a knee and he stomps on Sasaki as he is getting back up. Sasaki absorbs the blows it and gets up anyway, then then back bodydrops Akiyama to the mat then a backdrop suplex by Sasaki connects and he delivers a lariat followed by a 2nd one. Akiyama falls to the outside but Sasaki goes out after him and chops him on the floor.
Sasaki tries to Irish whip Akiyama into the railing but Akiyama reverses it then Akiyama gets back on the apron but Sasaki recovers and throws Akiyama from the apron throat first into the guard rail. Sasaki gets back into the ring with Akiyama then Sasaki goes off the ropes and levels Akiyama with a lariat.
Sasaki throws Akiyama back to the floor and hits a vertical suplex then Sasaki rolls Akiyama back in the ring and joins him as Sasaki goes off the ropes and knocks down Akiyama with a lariat then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Chops by Sasaki to the front and back of Akiyama then goes for the cover but it gets a two count then Sasaki picks up Akiyama and applies a reverse chinlock then a another cover but it gets two. Jumping elbow drop by Sasaki then a cover but again it gets a two count.
Sasaki chops Akiyama in the chest, Akiyama returns fire but Sasaki lariats Akiyama back to the mat. Sasaki goes for a powerbomb but Akiyama back body drops out of it then Sasaki goes for a lariat but Akiyama blocks it and hits an exploder.
Sasaki springs to his feet and charges Akiyama but Akiyama applies the front face lock then he goes for the cover but it gets a two count before Akiyama charges Sasaki in the corner but Sasaki catches him and throws him down then a Ipponzei by Sasaki and he charges Akiyama but Akiyama knocks him back.
Akiyama goes to the second turnbuckle by Sasaki joins him and delivers a Frankensteiner then Sasaki goes for the Tiger Suplex but Akiyama blocks it but Sasaki hits King Buster for a two count then a Strangle Hold Gamma by Sasaki but Akiyama makes it to the ropes to force a break.
Back up they trade strikes Sasaki goes off the ropes but Akiyama knees him in the stomach then a running knee by Akiyama then goes for the cover but Sasaki kicks out at one then Akiyama hits Sasaki with a lariat but Sasaki returns with a lariat of his own.
Both wrestlers are staggered, Sasaki goes off the ropes but Akiyama catches him with a trio of exploders then goes for the cover but Sasaki kicks out then Akiyama goes up to the top rope but Sasaki lariats him when he jumps off. Sasaki goes off the ropes and hits another lariat, he picks up Akiyama and delivers the Northern Lights Bomb.
He goes for the hook of the leg but Akiyama gets a shoulder up then Sasaki goes off the ropes but Akiyama catches him with a jumping knee. Akiyama picks up Sasaki and nails a wrist clutch exploder then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count.
Akiyama goes off the ropes and knees Sasaki in the back of the head then he picks up Sasaki and hits Sternness Dust Alpha to get the win.