With a tear in my eye…I give to you the last NXT UK Inclination before the Xmas/Holiday season begins. With the big day literally around the corner, NXT UK gave us a cracking main event. Along with some storyline progression, and a Takeover: Blackpool II match announcement, I give to you this week’s NXT UK Inclination!
Pretty Deadly vs Amir Jordan & Kenny Williams
A welcome return here for Amir Jordan. He’s been gone a few months after suffering a shoulder injury earlier in the year. He’s back tagging again with Kenny Williams and the crowd looks pretty happy at seeing the two again. The same can be said for Stoker and Howley aka Pretty Deadly. It’s been a few months since we’ve seen them too. I have a feeling that they may not walk out victorious here.
It wasn’t long before Pretty Deadly went to work on Jordan’s previously injured shoulder. Some great and ingenious double teamwork along with some great near falls put Jordan in jeopardy.
The hot tag to Williams was well worked and popped the crowd. Stoker and Howley offered themselves up on a plate to Kenny, and he used them to his full advantage. Destroying both men with his quick and effective offense.
Some devious double teaming from Pretty Deadly saw them hit a double Gutbuster on Williams, but he kicked out at literally the very last second. The tide soon turned not long after. Williams and Jordan hit both their finishers, with Jordan’s Swanton Bombay (I do love a good pun!) picking up the win for the team.
Winners – Amir Jordan & Kenny Williams
El Ligero is seen talking about Kassius Ohno. I mean why not? Ohno has been a big inspiration to many wrestlers…Anyway, Ligs goes on to talk about the first time he met Ohno (or Chris Hero, depending on who you talk to). He talks about the time they wrestled in New York earlier this year over WrestleMania weekend. He also remembers the cheap way that Ohno took. Ligs wants a rematch…next week!
In-ring promo now as Trent Seven talks about the disgusting beatdown that Eddie Dennis handed to Michael May last week. Trent goes on to call Dennis weird and creepy and calls him out. Dennis arrives and Trent goes on to say that he’s one of NXT UK’s founding fathers, he helped create the brand. Just as Trent gets into his flow, he’s cut off with a mic drop to his head from Eddie. He picks up the mic and says “I’ll see you at Takeover: Blackpool II”. End scene…
Jinny vs Amale
Welcome to NXT UK Amale! Hope you enjoyed your debut/beatdown!
Yes. Amale hails from France and this was her debut. One to forget if I was her. This was total annihilation on Jinny’s part. Stiff strikes, a few nasty submissions on Jinny’s part gave way to Amale hitting her back…once.
After the shock had worn off that Amale had dared to strike her, Jinny carried on beating the crap outta her. A springboard senton and her finisher, The MakeOver, and the match was done. Brutal in more ways than one.
Winner – Jinny
After the match, Jinny called Jazzy into the ring and ordered her to beatdown Amale some more. Which she did with some stiff lariats. Jinny then told Jazzy to carry on, but it seems that Gabert has developed a conscience. She walked off leaving an incensed Jinny in the ring. Could we see Jazzy splitting from Jinny soon? Could the two face off against each other? That’s a match I wouldn’t mind seeing.
Tyler Bate vs Noam Dar
Sometimes there are wrestlers that when paired together, just click. Cena and Punk, Taker and Shawn, Daniel Bryan and…well pretty much everyone. You get the point, and you can add Tyler Bate and Noam Dar to that list. They have so much chemistry it’s unreal. I could watch them wrestle to a 60 minute Broadway and still want more.
This match was a main event at a Takeover level. Full of the strong strikes we’ve come to expect along with some technical wrestling Zack Sabre Jr would be proud of. And the submissions? Oh the submissions! This is my kinda wrestling! Dar continually damaging Bate’s knee ready for his Champagne Super-Knee Bar submission, as well as taking away the base of Bate’s Tyler Driver 97 finisher. The psychology was spot on.
But Tyler came through when it mattered most, even with Jordan Devlin making an appearance to distract him. But Bate rose above the distraction, ignoring Devlin, and hitting his finisher for a great win in a great match.
Winner – Tyler Bate
After the bell, Devlin stormed into the ring and went to sneak attack Bate. But Tyler was ready, chased him out the ring and challenged him to a match at Takeover: Blackpool II
That was a lot of action and progression in such a short amount of time. I really did lose myself in that episode. And who knew that Eddie Dennis could pull off a great Patrick Bateman impression?!
In two weeks’ time we’ll have El Ligero vs Kassius Ohno and that No-DQ Alexander Wolfe vs Ilja Dragunov match. Why two weeks? Well, next week it’s an NXT UK Best Of 2019 episode. I’ll be taking some time off to eat leftover turkey and whatever else needs eating. So I’ll see you right here in fourteen days’ time!
Happy Xmas/Holidays my peeps!