On September 23rd, 2014 Pro Wrestling NOAH & Zero1 did a joint show together in Niigata Japan inside Niigata City Gymnasium with Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2024. We had 8 matches & 1 title (GHC Heavyweight) & we got a 6 Man Tag Team Current Blast Death Match
Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
Non Title Triple Threat Match
Daisuke Harada vs. Hitoshi Kumano vs. Yoshinari Ogawa
Yoshinari Ogawa & Hitoshi Kumano shake hands as the match starts but Kumano attacks Ogawa from behind then a double Irish whip to Ogawa and they hit a double elbow strike. Kumano Irish whips Daisuke Harada & Harada hits a shoulder block. Harada goes off the ropes but Kumano delivers a dropkick then goes for the cover but Ogawa breaks it up.
Ogawa punches Kumano to the mat, Harada rolls up Ogawa but Kumano breaks it up. Kumano applies an ankle lock to Harada then Ogawa applies an armbar to Harada. Ogawa hits an enzuigiri on Kumano, Ogawa throws Harada into the corner then Ogawa kicks Harada low but Kumano rolls up Ogawa for a two count.
Ogawa hits a DDT to Kumano & Ogawa throws Harada into the ring post. Ogawa then throws Kumano into the ring post as well and Ogawa hits a backdrop suplex to Harada then goes for the cover but it gets a two count. Ogawa applies an armbar to Kumano but Harada breaks it up.
Ogawa & Harada trade elbows Ogawa throws Harada into the corner but Harada moves and puts Ogawa in the tree of woe. Harada then puts Kumano into the tree of woe in the same corner, Harada gets a running start and delivers a dropkick.
Harada hits a pescado down onto Kumano, Harada slides back into the ring and he throws Ogawa into the corner, hitting a jumping elbow smash. Harada hits a vertical suplex to Ogawa then goes for a cover but it gets a two count.
Kumano elbows Harada but Harada elbows him back and they trade blows before Harada throws Kumano into the corner, Kumano kicks Harada back when he charges in and hits a missile dropkick before Kumano hits a bridging fallaway slam then hooks the leg but Ogawa breaks it up.
Kumano & Ogawa trade elbows, eye rake by Ogawa but Harada hits him from behind then Kumano & Harada threw Ogawa into the corner and both hit running elbow strikes. Harada slams Ogawa onto Kumano then he covers Kumano but it gets a two count.
Harada goes off the ropes but Kumano rolls him up for a two count then a Henkei Knee Upper by Harada and he hits Kumano with Katayama German Suplex to get the win.
Winner: Junior Heavyweight Champion Daisuke Harada (5:55)
Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
Tag Team Match
Akitoshi Saito & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya vs. Shinjiro Otani & Tatsuhito Takaiwa
Akitoshi Saito & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya attack Shinjiro Otani & Tatsuhito Takaiwa before the bell rings, and Kitamiya stomps down Otani in the corner then Kitamiya picks up Otani, chops by Kitamiya but Otani pushes him back. Otani & Kitamiya trade chops and Otani punches Kitamiya to the mat then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Otani tags in Takaiwa & he picks up Kitamiya, Irish whip and Takaiwa hits a back elbow then a cover by Takaiwa but it gets a two count. Takaiwa picks up Kitamiya and hits an elbow, but Kitamiya elbows him back then some elbows by Kitamiya before he throws Takaiwa into the corner and tags in Saito.
Punches by Saito but Takaiwa elbows him off and they trade elbows then a Irish whip by Saito and he hits a shoulderblock. Saito picks up Takaiwa but Takaiwa drives him back and tags in Otani. Double Irish whip to Saito and they hit a double shoulder block. Otani throws Saito into the corner and chokes him with his boot.
Otani trips Saito and applies a single leg crab hold then Takaiwa comes in and applies a half camel clutch follow by wristlock by Takaiwa but Saito reverses it so Kitamiya can come off the top turnbuckle with an ax handle to Takaiwa’s arm. Saito tags in Kitamiya and Kitamiya hits an armbreaker. Wristlock by Kitamiya and he yanks on Takaiwa’s arm.
Kitamiya tags in Saito, Irish whip by Saito and he knees Takaiwa in the stomach. Saito picks up Takaiwa and he hits a delayed vertical suplex then goes for a cover but it gets a two count. Saito tags in Kitamiya, Kitamiya picks up Takaiwa and goes for a suplex but Takaiwa blocks it then a vertical suplex by Takaiwa and he tags in Otani.
Otani kicks Saito off the apron and throws Kitamiya into the corner follow by facewashes by Otani to Kitamiya then he picks him up, Irish whip to the corner and he hits a big boot. Irish whip again but its reversed but Otani kicks Kitamiya as he charges in. Kitamiya hits a spear and he tags in Saito.
Saito hits a lariat on Otani in the corner followed by a snap vertical suplex then Saito goes off the ropes and hits another lariat then a cover but it gets a two count. Saito applies a waistlock but Otani elbows out of it, Saito goes off the ropes but Otani avoids the scissors kick then Saito with a uranage by Saito but it only gets a two count.
Kicks to the chest by Saito but Otani catches one and hits a elbow then Otani tags in Takaiwa & Takaiwa chops Saito in the corner then a Irish whip by Takaiwa and he hits a lariat before a scoop slam by Takaiwa connects then he goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving elbow drop then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Takaiwa picks up Saito but Saito hits a back body drop. Saito & Takaiwa trade lariat attempts, Saito hits another lariat and tags in Kitamiya. Kitamiya picks up Takaiwa, Irish whip to the corner and he hits a running back elbow.
Kitamiya picks up Takaiwa and hits a suplex then hooks the leg but it gets a two count. Kitamiya with a scoop slam then he goes up to the top turnbuckle but Takaiwa is up. Takaiwa joins Kitamiya and headbutts Kitamiya before hitting a superplex.
Takaiwa tags in Otani, Otani picks up Kitamiya and goes for a suplex but Kitamiya reverses it. Kitamiya charges Otani in the corner and hits a jumping elbow then a another elbow by Kitamiya and a cover but it gets a two count.
Kitamiya goes off the ropes but Otani knees him in the stomach then a backdrop suplex by Otani then he picks up Kitamiya but Kitamiya pushes him off. Kitamiya goes off the ropes but Otani hits a big boot followed by a release German suplex then hooks the leg but Saito breaks it up. Lariat by Saito to Otani but Takaiwa hits Saito with a lariat.
Takaiwa charges Kitamiya but Kitamiya dropkicks him and hits a shoulder block. Otani from the top turnbuckle hits a missile dropkick to Kitamiya then he picks him up and goes off the ropes but Kitamiya ducks under the lariat and applies an Octopus Hold.
Elbow to the back by Kitamiya and he hits a German suplex hold for a two count then Kitamiya picks up Otani and goes for another one but reversed by Otani then Kitamiya goes off the ropes but Otani hits a jumping heel kick.
Release dragon suplex by Otani then goes for the cover but Kitamiya barely gets a shoulder up so Otani picks up Kitamiya and nails another dragon suplex to score the win.
Winners: Shinjiro Otani & Tatsuhito Takaiwa (13:31)
Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
6 Man Tag Team Match
Daemon Gun (Kamikaze, Demon Ueda & Takuya Sugawara) vs. Cho Kibou Gun (Takeshi Morishima, Kenou & Hajime Ohara)
Daemon Gun attacks Cho Kibou Gun as they come down the ramp and both teams battle around ringside and into the stands then Takuya Sugawara throws Hajime Ohara into the ring and stomps him in the back. Ohara elbows him back but Sugawara rakes Ohara in the eyes, he goes off the ropes but Ohara hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker.
Ohara throws Sugawara into the corner but Ueda comes in and breaks it up. Demon Ueda picks up Ohara and puts him across the ropes in the corner before hitting a body avalanche.
Ueda gets a table and sets it up in the ring then he picks up Ohara and puts him on the table. Sugawara holds the table while Ueda gets an axe but Sugawara rolls off the table before Ueda can use it.
Takeshi Morishima runs in to help and he knocks Ueda out of the ring with his giant club then he chokes Ohara in the corner before he goes off the ropes but Kenou trips him from ringside. Ohara tags in Kenou & Kenou chokes Sugawara in the corner with his boot.
Kenou snapmares Sugawara and kicks him in the back. Kenou goes out to the apron and hits a slingshot double stomp then goes for the cover by Kenou but it gets a two count so Kenou picks up Sugawara and kicks him in the chest before tagging in Morishima.
Morishima hits a running butt smash in the corner on Sugawara, and then hits a 2nd one before Morishima tags in Ohara & Ohara hits a vertical suplex. Ohara applies a single leg crab hold but Sugawara gets a hand on the ropes. Elbows by Ohara to Sugawara, he goes off the ropes but Sugawara hits a step up enziguiri. Ueda & Morishima runs into the ring and trade elbows and Morishima throws Ueda out of the ring.
Kamikaze comes in the ring with a drill & he Irish whips Ohara but Ohara avoids the drill and goes off the ropes. Kamikaze kicks Ohara to the mat and goes to drill him but Kenou hits Kamikaze from behind with a kendo stick.
Sugawara runs in and throws Kenou out of the ring, Sugawara then throws Ohara out as well then they battle around ringside and into the crowd area again with Kamikaze & Morishima ending up on the 2nd floor.
Kamikaze then gets out on the ledge and hits a moonsault off the balcony down onto everyone down on the first floor then everyone slowly makes their way back to ringside as Morishima & Ueda have a chair duel. Ueda brings the chair in the ring and knocks the referee down before hitting Morishima with the chair.
The referee tries to stop him but Ueda knocks him down again and keeps working over Morishima so Morishima gets his giant club and hits Ueda with it then he picks up the club and hits him with it again then everyone gets in the ring and faces off with weapons but the referee has had enough and calls the match a Double DQ.
Winners: No One (Double DQ) (11:50)
Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
Brave (Atsushi Kotoge & Taiji Ishimori) vs. Ikuto Hidaka & Minoru Fujita
Taiji Ishimori & Ikuto Hidaka starts this match off with a lock up then a wristlock by Hidaka but Ishimori flips out of it and reverses the hold but Hidaka kicks him off. Ishimori elbows Hidaka, drop toehold by Hidaka and he applies a hammerlock.
Ishimori reverses it wristlock by Hidaka and he gets Ishimori to the mat. Leglock by Ishimori but Hidaka gets out of it and both men return to their feet.
Hidaka tags in Minoru Fujita and Ishimori tags in Atsushi Kotoge then a side headlock by Fujita, Kotoge Irish whips out of it and Fujita hits a shoulderblock then they both run off the ropes and Kotoge hits a dropkick.
Headbutt by Kotoge to Fujita and he hits another headbutt. Kotoge tags in Ishimori & Ishimori chops Fujita in the corner then a snapmare by Ishimori then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Ishimori tags in Kotoge & they do a double Irish whip to Fujita and they hit a double elbow strike then a cover by Kotoge to Fujita but it gets a two count. Kotoge stomps Fujita in the back but Fujita elbows him and they trade strikes. Fujita kicks Kotoge low and both men are hurt on the mat. Fujita gets to his corner and tags in Hidaka & Hidaka stomps Kotoge.
Hidaka picks up Kotoge then a Irish whip and Hidaka delivers a dropkick before a senton by Hidaka connects then cover but it gets a two count. Hidaka kicks Kotoge in the leg and tags in Fujita. Fujita & Hidaka yank on Kotoge’s legs and Fujita knees Kotoge in the groin then he goes for the cover but Kotoge gets a shoulder up.
Another cover but it gets the same result so Fujita bites Kotoge in the groin while the referee tells him to knock it off. Fujita picks up Kotoge and tags in Hidaka. Hidaka picks up Kotoge but Kotoge elbows him off then a back kick by Hidaka, Irish whip by Hidaka to the corner and he hits a cartwheel heel kick.
Hidaka goes off the ropes but Kotoge catches him with a reverse DDT then Kotoge tags in Ishimori & Ishimori dropkicks Hidaka before Fujita knees Ishimori and comes in the ring then a double Irish whip to the corner but Ishimori avoids them both and kicks Fujita to the mat.
Double knee strike by Ishimori to Hidaka in the corner and he hits a 2nd one then a cover by Ishimori but it gets a two count. Ishimori picks up Hidaka & he does a Irish whip but it gets reversed as Ishimori flips off the ropes and dropkicks Hidaka but Hidaka kicks him back and tags in Fujita.
Fujita hits an atomic drop to Ishimori and rakes his eyes, Fujita goes off the ropes but Ishimori elbows him. Handspring cutter by Ishimori to Fujita and he tags in Kotoge. Kotoge boots Hidaka off the apron, they Irish whip Fujita but Fujita applies The Claw to both of their groins. Fujita dropkicks the referee by accident, and Hidaka hits a tornado DDT onto Ishimori.
Fujita sets up Kotoge in the corner and Fujita slaps him before putting his foot against Kotoge’s groin. Fujita gets a running start and dropkicks Kotoge in the groin area, cover by Fujita but Ishimori breaks it up. Hidaka throws Ishimori out of the ring, Fujita picks up Kotoge, Irish whip to the corner but Kotoge kicks Fujita back and applies a choke over the top rope.
Kotoge gets on the apron but Fujita hits him, Fujita goes off the ropes but Kotoge gets in the ring and hits a cutter then a cover but it gets a two count. Ishimori picks up Fujita and hits a knee buster and Kotoge hits a swandive body press then a cover but it gets two.
Ishimori throws Hidaka out of the ring while Kotoge picks up Fujita and goes for the Killswitch, but Fujita pushes him off then some headbutts by Kotoge then he goes off the ropes but Fujita hits Kotoge low then a dropkick to the back of the head by Fujita follow by a cover but it gets a two count.
Hidaka hits a reverse DDT onto Kotoge & Fujita hits a Shining Wizard then a cover but Kotoge kicks out at two then Hidaka hits a superkick and Fujita drops Kotoge with a reverse piledriver then a cover but it is broken up.
Fujita picks up Kotoge & he scoops slam in front of the corner and Fujita goes up to the top turnbuckle but Kotoge kicks Hidaka into the ropes which shakes them sending Fujita crashing to the mat.
Ishimori comes in the ring as he goes off the ropes and Ishimori swings Hidaka’s leg into Fujita’s groin then Kotoge gets Fujita in a horizontal cradle to get the win for his team.
Winners: Brave (14:03)
Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
6 Man Tag Team Match
TMDK (Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls) & Quiet Storm vs. Kohei Sato, Hideki Suzuki & Yoshikazu Yokoyama
Shane Haste & Hideki Suzuki starts things off as we get a waistlock by Suzuki but Haste reversed it then a wristlock by Suzuki but Haste flips out of it and hits a snapmare. Suzuki applies a front face lock and he tags in Kohei Sato so Haste tags in Mikey Nicholls.
Sato ties up with Nicholls, Sato pushes Nicholls into the ropes and he gives a clean break. Sato trips Nicholls and applies a front facelock but Nicholls reverses it and tags in Quiet Storm.
Storm & Sato circle each other then lock up Storm pushes Sato into the ropes and he clubs him in the chest. Storm & Sato trade chops and Sato elbows Storm in the face. Sato tags in Yoshikazu Yokoyama, Yokoyama & Storm trade elbows and Storm hits a shoulder block. Storm & Yokoyama trade chops, shoulderblock by Storm and he tags in Haste.
Haste pulls Yokoyama out of the ring and throws him into the guardrail then Haste poses on Yokoyama on the railing and he slides Yokoyama into the ring then a cover by Haste but it gets a two count. Haste tags in Nicholls, double Irish whip by to Yokoyama and Haste hits a moonsault then a cover by Nicholls but it gets a two count.
Nicholls picks up Yokoyama and throws him into the corner then a snapmare by Nicholls and he rakes Yokoyama into the eyes. Storm is tag in and he clubs Yokoyama in the back then Storm hits a neckbreaker onto Yokoyama and he hits an elbow drop then a cover but it gets a two count before Storm stomps Yokoyama & Storm tags in Haste.
Haste rakes Yokoyama in the eyes and he hits a neckbreaker then a cover by Haste but it gets a two count then Haste picks up Yokoyama and hits a few uppercuts, Irish whip by Haste to the corner but Yokoyama moves when Haste charges in.
Uppercut by Haste but Yokoyama hits a powerslam. Nicholls runs in to help but Yokoyama hits a double spear and makes the tag to Suzuki. Suzuki uppercuts Haste, Irish whip to the corner and Suzuki hits a running elbow strike then a exploder by Suzuki then a cover but it gets a two count.
Suzuki picks up Haste, uppercut by Suzuki and he pushes Haste into the corner then a Irish whip by Suzuki but Haste kicks him back then another kick by Haste and he hits an uppercut out of the corner.
Haste gets to his corner and makes the tag to Nicholls, Irish whip by Nicholls and he hits a lariat on Suzuki in the corner. Another lariat by Nicholls and he hits a vertical suplex. Cover, but it gets a two count.
Nicholls picks up Suzuki and they trade elbows Suzuki goes off the ropes but Haste hits him from the apron. Haste comes in the ring and they hit a backdrop/neckbreaker combination then a cover but it gets a two count.
Nicholls goes off the ropes and hits a sliding lariat then a cover but Suzuki gets a shoulder up. Elbows by Nicholls, he goes off the ropes but Suzuki hits a backbreaker. Suzuki tags in Yokoyama, Irish whip by Yokoyama to the corner and he hits a shoulder tackle then a Reverse splash by Yokoyama but it gets a two count.
Yokoyama picks up Nicholls but Nicholls pushes him off and hits a spinebuster. Nicholls tags in Storm while Sato is tag in and Sato trades elbows with Storm then a lariat by Storm as Haste and Nicholls both come in the ring, and they all hit strikes on Sato in the corner. Reverse STO by Storm then he goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Storm picks up Sato and hits a fisherman buster, cover but it gets another two so Storm picks up Sato and goes off the ropes but Sato blocks the lariat. Sato blocks another one as Yokoyama runs in the ring and hits a spear onto Storm.
Suzuki drops him with a dragon suplex then Sato picks up Storm and hits a brainbuster. Cover by Sato but Nicholls breaks it up. Sato picks up Storm but Storm hits a back body drop. Storm goes off the ropes and hits an elbow smash.
Storm picks up Sato then he goes off the ropes but Sato knees him in the stomach then a Falcon Arrow by Sato then goes for the cover but Storm gets a shoulder up. Sato picks up Sato and hits a piledriver then a cover but again it gets a two count. Sato drags Storm to his feet and hits a German suplex to score the win for his team.
Winners: Kohei Sato, Hideki Suzuki & Yoshikazu Yokoyama (11:50)
Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
Tag Team Match
Dangan Yankees (Masato Tanaka & Yusaku Obata) vs. Brave (Katsuhiko Nakajima & Mohammed Yone)
Katsuhiko Nakajima & Yusaku Obata starts things off with a lock up before Nakajima pushes Obata into the ropes then Obata switches positions with him and clubbed Nakajima in the chest then a another lock up then a side headlock by Nakajima, Obata Irish whips out of it and boots Nakajima.
Nakajima boots him back and they trade boots and then elbows then a snapmare by Obata and he kicks Nakajima in the back then a elbow by Nakajima follow by a snapmare and he kicks Obata in the back. Obata returns the favor, but Nakajima gets up and does the same to him. Nakajima Irish whips Obata, reversed, and Obata delivers a dropkick.
Obata kicks Nakajima in the back and makes the tag to Masato Tanaka & he chops Nakajima in the corner and they trade elbows follow by a kick to the chest by Nakajima but Tanaka elbows him to the mat. Tanaka picks up Nakajima and throws him into the corner. Irish whip by Tanaka and he hits a jumping elbow smash.
Tanaka tags in Obata & Obata stands on Nakajima in the corner then Obata picks up Nakajima and headbutts him before kicking him in the head. Nakajima headbutts him back but Obata hits a headbutt and throws Nakajima into the corner.
Chops by Obata, Irish whip, reversed, Obata kicks Nakajima back and gets up on the top turnbuckle so Nakajima joins Obata up top but Obata headbutts Nakajima to the mat. Nakajima hits a jumping kick to Obata up on the top turnbuckle he then climbs up top again and hits a superplex.
Nakajima tags in Mohammed Yone & Yone hits a scoop slam to Obata. Yone goes off the ropes and hits a leg drop then goes for the cover but it barely gets a two count.
Neck crank by Yone but Obata gets a foot on the bottom rope. Back up, chops by Obata but Yone kicks him in the leg. Yone tags in Nakajima, and Nakajima kicks Obata in the ribs. Nakajima stomps down Obata and chokes him with his boot.
Nakajima & Obata trade elbows and Nakajima kicks Obata in the leg then more leg kicks by Nakajima and he tags in Yone.
Yone & Nakajima take turns kicking Obata in the back then he goes for the cover by Yone but it gets a two count. Yone picks up Obata and hits a vertical suplex then Yone chokes Obata with his boot and he tags in Nakajima.
Nakajima applies a leg submission hold to Obata but Obata makes it to the ropes to force a break. Nakajima picks up Obata and goes for a suplex but Obata reverses it by hitting his own vertical suplex.
Obata tries to make it to Tanaka but Nakajima grabs his leg and slams his knee into the mat. Nakajima picks up Obata but Obata elbows him and they trade strikes. Obata goes off the ropes and dropkicks Nakajima & Obata makes the hot tag to Tanaka. Tanaka scoop slams Brave back & forth, Tanaka charges Nakajima in the corner and hits a lariat.
Tanaka lariats Yone as well and then lariats Nakajima again then Tanaka picks up Nakajima and elbows him against the ropes, and Tanaka hits a jumping elbow smash then Tanaka goes off the ropes but Nakajima catches him with a kick. Nakajima goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick then a cover by Nakajima but it gets a two count.
Nakajima picks up Tanaka and goes for a backdrop suplex but Tanaka elbows out of it. dragon screw leg whip by Nakajima and he makes the tag to Yone then Yone charges Tanaka in the corner and hits a lariat Yone throws Tanaka into the corner follow by a kick by Tanaka but Yone hits a lariat. Scoop slam by Yone then he goes up to the 2nd turnbuckle and hits a diving leg drop then a cover but it gets a two count.
Yone kicks Tanaka in the chest repeatedly and they trade elbows, and Yone levels Tanaka with a lariat then a cover but it gets two so Yone goes off the ropes but Tanaka hits a lariat and tags in Obata.
Lariat by Obata and he hits a jumping knee on Yone in the corner. Dropkick by Obata then he picks up Yone and snaps off a DDT. Obata goes out to the apron and hits a swandive double stomp then a cover but it gets a two count.
Obata picks up Yone and goes for a suplex but Yone blocks it then some elbows by Obata then he goes off the ropes but Yone kicks him in the face. Nakajima comes in the ring & he throws Obata into the corner and connects with a big boot then Yone follows with a lariat, kick by Nakajima and both wrestlers kick Obata in the chest.
Nakajima hooks the leg but Tanaka breaks it up then Brave picks up Tanaka, Irish whip but Tanaka lariats them both to the mat. Obata goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick to Yone, backstabber by Obata & Tanaka comes in to hit Yone with the Sliding D.
Fisherman Buster by Obata then goes for the cover but Yone barely gets a shoulder up then Obata locks in a cross armed backstabber by Obata then he goes for a double stomp but Yone rolls out of the way.
Lariat by Yone then goes for the cover but it gets a two count then a lariat to the back of the head by Yone then a another cover but again it gets a two count. Yone picks up Obata, he puts him up on the top turnbuckle and he hits Muscle Buster for the win.
Winners: Brave (17:10)

Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
GHC Heavyweight Title Match
Naomichi Marufuji (c) vs. Maybach Taniguchi
The match starts off with a lock up then Naomichi Marufuji pushes Maybach Taniguchi into the ropes and he gives a clean break then a another lock up Taniguchi pushes Marufuji into the ropes and he also gives a clean break. Waistlock by Taniguchi, reversed by Marufuji and they jockey for position on the mat. Waistlock by Taniguchi but Marufuji grabs the rope to force a break.
Marufuji chops Taniguchi in the chest but Taniguchi elbows him back then they trade blows back & forth then a side headlock by Marufuji, Taniguchi Irish whips out of it and knocks Marufuji out of the ring. Marufuji slowly returns to the ring, kick by Marufuji and he applies a side headlock, Marufuji takes Taniguchi to the mat but Taniguchi struggles back up again.
Irish whip by Taniguchi but Marufuji gets the side headlock re applied but Taniguchi gets out of the hold but again Marufuji gets it locked back in then a snapmare by Marufuji and he stomps on Taniguchi’s head. Neck twist by Marufuji then a cover but it barely gets a two count. Reverse chinlock by Marufuji, and he throws Taniguchi into the corner.
Chops by Marufuji and he elbows Taniguchi in the back of the head then Marufuji gets out of the ring and he goes for a dropkick but Taniguchi moves out of the way. Taniguchi gets Marufuji by the throat and he chokeslams Marufuji onto the apron.
Taniguchi picks up Marufuji and throws him into the guardrail. Taniguchi throws Marufuji into the railing again before he takes him up towards the crowd and throws him into a row of chairs.
Scoop slam on the floor by Taniguchi and he gets in the ring & Marufuji gets back in as well and Taniguchi hits a back body drop then goes for the cover but it gets a two count before Taniguchi picks up Marufuji and he hits a scoop slam then a elbow drop to the back by Taniguchi then a cover but it gets another two.
Stomp to the back by Taniguchi then he picks up Marufuji and elbows him and the two trade strikes then a shoulder block by Taniguchi and he applies a camel clutch then back up Taniguchi hits a elbow then Marufuji elbows him back. Marufuji goes off the ropes and Taniguchi hits a spinebuster then a cover but it gets a two count.
Irish whip by Taniguchi to the corner, but Marufuji kicks Taniguchi back when he charges in then a elbow by Taniguchi but Marufuji hits a lariat follow by Irish whip by Taniguchi but Marufuji dropkicks him to the mat. Marufuji charges Taniguchi in the corner and hits a jumping elbow but Taniguchi elbows him back.
Elbows by Taniguchi in the corner but Marufuji chops him then a chops by Marufuji, Irish whip, reversed and Marufuji kicks Taniguchi back then a kick to the head by Marufuji, he goes off the ropes and hits a double stomp to Taniguchi’s head follow by a superkick by Marufuji then he goes for the cover but it gets a two count.
Marufuji goes for the Shiranui but Taniguchi pushes him off and shoves Marufuji out of the ring. Taniguchi goes out after Marufuji and slides him back into the ring Taniguchi charges Marufuji in the corner and hits a lariat then a Irish whip by Taniguchi and he hits another lariat. Taniguchi goes for a chokeslam but Marufuji kicks out of it but Taniguchi still hits a powerslam for a two count.
Taniguchi charges Marufuji and lariats him in the back of the head before hitting a release German suplex then goes for the cover but it gets a two count. Taniguchi picks up Marufuji and goes for a suplex but Marufuji lands on the apron then a slingshot backstabber by Marufuji then Taniguchi goes out to the apron Marufuji goes for a sunset flip powerbomb to the floor but Taniguchi grabs his throat and pulls him up onto the apron.
Marufuji elbows Taniguchi and goes for a Shiranui but Taniguchi blocks it but Marufuji kicks Taniguchi down to the floor. Marufuji goes for a moonsault but Taniguchi pulls him out of the ring. Taniguchi throws Marufuji into the guardrail and slides into the ring Marufuji goes for a swandive move but he misses. Taniguchi picks up Marufuji by the throat and chokes him in the air before throwing Marufuji to the mat.
Taniguchi charges Marufuji but Marufuji kicks him back & their heads collide and they both fall down. Back up, Taniguchi hits a lariat and he hits a half nelson suplex. Taniguchi picks up Marufuji and goes for a 2nd one but Marufuji elbows out of it. Front flip Snapmare Driver by Marufuji then goes for the pin but it gets a two count. Marufuji hits a superkick to Taniguchi and hits Shiranui then hooks the leg but it gets a two count.
Marufuji picks up Taniguchi and goes for a Tiger Driver but Taniguchi gets out of it and hits a lariat. Chokeslam by Taniguchi then goes for the cover but Marufuji gets a shoulder up. Taniguchi picks up Marufuji and goes for a powerbomb but Marufuji gets out of it.
Taniguchi puts Marufuji up on the top turnbuckle and he hits a powerbomb then Taniguchi goes up to the top turnbuckle and he hits a diving body press then a cover but it gets a two count. Taniguchi picks up Marufuji and hits another powerbomb then he goes up to the top turnbuckle but Marufuji knees him in the stomach when Taniguchi jumps off.
Taniguchi goes for a lariat but Marufuji ducks and knees Taniguchi then a another knee by Marufuji then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count. Marufuji waits for Taniguchi to get up and knees him in the back of the head as he picks him up and hits Tiger Flowsion to get the victory.
Winner: AND STILL GHC Heavyweight Champion: Naomichi Marufuji (22:55)
Great Voyage Big Fireworks 2014
6 Man Tag Team Current Blast Death Match
No Mercy (Takashi Sugiura, Yoshihiro Takayama & Genba Hirayanagi) vs. Atsushi Onita, Ichiro Yaguchi & Hideki Hosaka
Both teams started off brawling then Atsushi Onita pairs off with Takashi Sugiura while Hideki Hosaka & Genba Hirayanagi slug it out. Yoshihiro Takayama & Ichiro Yaguchi lock up and do something while everyone tries to push their respective opponent into the barbed wire. Sugiura comes over to help Takayama as they both club on Yaguchi and they push him into the barbed wire to give us our 1st explosion.
Yaguchi rolls out of the ring and Onita throws Takayama out after him while everyone else slides under the barbed wire as they take the fight into the crowd. Takayama & Onita battle while Yaguchi has already recovered and has control of Sugiura.
Onita throws Takayama into the guard rail and then into a table at ringside. Onita gets a chair and he hits Takayama in the face with it.
Yaguchi is handling Sugiura while Yaguchi hits Takayama and slides him back into the ring for Onita then Onita picks up Takayama and hits a slow motion vertical suplex. Sugiura comes in and stomps Onita & Sugiura hits a vertical suplex onto Onita.
Sugiura picks up Onita while Hirayanagi slides back in the ring Onita grabs Hirayanagi but Sugiura pushes Onita into the barbed wire causing an explosion then a cover by Sugiura but it gets a two count.
Hosaka comes in the ring with a chair and he hits Takayama with it then Yaguchi hits Hirayanagi with the chair and slides him out of the ring. Yaguchi & Hosaka take turns on Takayama but Takayama fights them off. Onita hits Takayama with a steel chair and all 3 of them push Takayama into the barbed wire as we get another explosion.
Hosaka grabs Sugiura and holds him for Onita & Onita gets a barbed wire bat and hits Sugiura repeatedly in the chest with it until Sugiura backs up into the barbed wire then Onita covers Sugiura, but it gets a two count.
Yaguchi & Hosaka set up a chair in the ring and they put Sugiura onto it then Onita hits Sugiura in the chest with the barbed wire bat then goes for the cover but Takayama breaks it up. Onita & Yaguchi club on Takayama but Takayama fights them off until Hirayanagi comes in to help.
Everyone applies headlocks to each other and they slowly inch together into the barbed wire causing it to explode then everyone is back up pretty quickly as Onita throws Hirayanagi into the barbed wire exploding Hirayanagi in the process then a cover by Onita but Hirayanagi gets a shoulder up.
Takayama comes in the ring but Onita spits red stuff in his face again and Hosaka rolls Takayama out of the ring. Hosaka & Yaguchi grab Hirayanagi with Onita and they help Onita hits a Thunder Fire Powerbomb to get the win.