ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996 | ECW Saturday Night RetroView

On April 20th, 1996, Extreme Championship Wrestling aired ECW Hostile City Showdown 199. It was the third annual Hostile City Showdown. For the show, we had matches with one title match as it was for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship.

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
El Puerto Riqueño vs. Super Nova

Both men do some athletic reversals until Nova sends El Puerto Riqueño to the floor. He then gives Puerto a somersault plancha over the post before El Puerto flips over Nova and evades him.

Nova pulls Puerto out of the corner and into a powerbomb then they reverse through a victory roll and fight to the floor again.

Puerto nails an Asai Moonsault before returning Nova to the ring. Nova hits him with a superkick before The Eliminators decide to interfere and cause a no-contest.

Winner: No Contest (2:07)

Mikey Whipwreck defeated Billy Black (7:09) (Match didn’t air)

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
Tag Team Match
The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray & D Von Dudley) vs. The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2)

Both teams spill to the floor and into the crowd then both teams take turns wrapping chairs around each other’s heads. They trade punches and chops.

Pitbull #2 breaks Buh Buh Ray Dudley’s glasses with a beer can. The brawl ends up below the eagle’s nest before Pitbull #1 dives off it with a chair.

The Pitbulls double-team D Von and throw him off the platform. They return to the ring, where D-Von uses a sunset flip before Pitbull #2 also does a wheel kick in the corner. The Pitbulls & Francine then attack a wheelchair-bound DW Dudley.

Francine even gives Chubby Dudley a low blow before Buh-Buh receives a Superbomb. D Von sees enough & he goes crazy with a chair as he hits everyone, including the ref.

He then turns his attention to Francine before The Pitbulls want to join the fun so they Superbomb the ref & the match ends in a No Contest.

Winners: No Contest (9:00)

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
Taz vs. Devon Storm

Taz & Devon Storm trade wristlocks, but Taz keeps taking Devon to the mat. Storm tries some leapfrogs until Taz catches him in a Tazplex, then Storm hits a springboard wheel kick and a baseball slide. He places Taz on a chair and nails a somersault plancha.

Storm follows that with a side slam and a moonsault. He even attempts a chair-assisted moonsault, but he misses and then sets up a table.

Storm evades this attack and bounces off a chair, but he misses a corner splash. Taz grabs Storm and suplexes him out of the ring. He aims for the table, but Storm only clips it. He lands hard on the floor, and the ref has no choice but to count him out.

Winner By Count Out: Taz (4:51)

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
Axl Rotten vs. Little Guido

Little Guido stalls, so Axl Rotten backdrops him onto the ropes and gives Guido forearms and elbows. He even spanks him, but Rotten misses a splash.

Guido capitalizes with sunset flips and arm drags before attempting a crossbody, but Rotten catches him. He dumps Guido over the ropes and takes a pie from a fan.

He smashes it into Guido’s face before Rotten uses a chair next so JT Smith begins interfering. He distracts Axl and the ref. He also chokes Rotten.

Guido begins using arm holds and submissions, but they don’t work, and then Guido misses a diving leg drop. Rotten fires back with punches and clotheslines, then hits a Dominator to get the win.

Winner: Axl Rotten (6:21)

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
2 Cold Scorpio & The Sandman vs. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)

The Bruise Brothers have trouble with 2 Cold Scorpio before they try double-teaming him, but Scorpio answers with arm drags and headscissors.

They finally send him to the floor and turn their attention to The Sandman. The Bruise Brothers whip him with their belt. It excites Missy Hyatt. She tells them to do it harder, but The Sandman fights back and pours beer on Hyatt.

He then licks it before the Bruise Brothers attack again, but Scorpio hits a flying double clothesline. Sandman also does a slingshot dive onto the Bruise Brothers.

They brawl into the crowd before Scorpio dives into the fans. He follows with some dancing until The Bruise Brothers stop it, but Scorpio hits a wheel kick and a moonsault for the win.

Winners: 2 Cold Scorpio & The Sandman (8:25)

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
Tommy Dreamer vs. Brian Lee

Tommy Dreamer uses the chair to give Brian Lee a jawbreaker. Then he tries baseball sliding into the chair, but Lee moves before they brawl into the crowd.

The fans hand them more chairs, and they end up under the eagle’s nest, where Dreamer hits a bulldog. Lee answers with more chair shots.

The fight continues around the building and back to the ring. Lee accidentally knocks out the ref, which brings out The Bruise Brothers before Dreamer hits a DDT, but The Bruise Brothers attack him.

They triple-team Dreamer and sandwich his head between chairs. Then, the Bruise Brothers nail big boots and a cover, but Dreamer kicks out despite the attack.

He uses another DDT but the brothers stop the pin again. Lee then places a cinder block on Dreamer’s crotch and hits it with a chair for the win.

Winner: Brian Lee (6:49)

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
[Photo: Classic Wrestling Review]

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu

Rob Van Dam evades Sabu and catches him with some kicks and a Rolling Thunder. Sabu answers by sending RVD to the floor and using diving leg drops.

Sabu also utilizes some submissions and then knocks RVD off the top rope and off the railing. Sabu begins his chair-based offense and even sets up a table.

RVD evades the danger and returns the chair favor, then hits a somersault plancha with the chair. Then, RVD uses a springboard leg drop and a surfboard stretch.

He can’t hold the move because of his wrist, as Sabu can barely stand, but he catches RVD with a DDT. However, RVD evades more chair-based attacks.

Both men take turns putting each other through tables and trade near falls. RVD starts giving Sabu apron leg drops, but Sabu drives RVD into a chair. He follows with a draping DDT and a triple jump moonsault for the win.

Winner: Sabu (18:57)

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
[Photo: Classic Wrestling Review]

ECW Hostile City Showdown 1996
ECW World Heavyweight Title Match

Raven (c) vs. Shane Douglas

Shane Douglas gets the better of the dejected Raven, so Raven keeps regrouping. Douglas knocks him off the apron and dives onto him before they fight on the floor and return to the ring. Then, both men trade sleeper holds until Douglas dumps Raven to the floor.

Douglas nails a flying crossbody and attacks Raven with weapons, then they brawl to the eagle’s nest and then outside.

Eventually, they return to the ring, and Raven is bleeding as Douglas lands the belly 2 belly, but Brian Lee distracts the ref. Dreamer chases away Lee, but Shane only sees Dreamer.

They fight until the officials stop it, and then Douglas returns his focus to Raven. Douglas uses a Figure Four and evades The Blue Meanie’s moonsault, but he doesn’t escape a Stevie Kick. Douglas rallies and removes Raven’s medical boot.

He places Raven in another Figure Four, but the Bruise Brothers interfere, so Raven uses the opening to nail Douglas with the boot for the win.

Winner: AND STILL ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Raven (16:40)