Welcome folks to this week’s Quick Hits Recapatory! Each and every week myself, co-editor Brandi Wagner and editor in chief Marc Madison will take turns on giving you loyal readers what we think are the highlights of the week’s WWE Raw and SmackDown Live.
All of us here at Pro Wrestling Post believe that there’s enough negative attention drawn to the WWE and wrestling in general, all over the internet. And because of that, we will only be looking at the positives of the main WWE weekly programming.
This week I, Mark Blake, will be stepping into the breach and giving you the highlights of this week’s RAW and SmackDown Live. Once again the landscape has shifted due to falling TV ratings and live event gates. The solution?….. Read below to find out!

WWE Wildcard Rule – I alluded above that TV ratings and live event numbers are dropping. So what does Uncle Vince do to stop the slide? He begins an initiative where four superstars can cross over brands each week. That applies to live events to folks. The long-winded promo that introduced the rule wasn’t all that, but the idea is. It opens up countless new and fresh matches and rivalries. You never know who will pop up where. It’s a great idea, and keeping it to a small number is genius. You don’t dilute either RAW or SmackDown Live, and you still keep the brand split. Nice work Uncle Vince!
Whose The Best? – It’s been a while where the top two babyfaces of any brand have faced off with nothing but professional pride (and the title) at stake. So congrats to the WWE booking team, as well as AJ Styles and Seth Rollins, for making me want to see who actually is the best. Their match at Money In The Bank will be a knockdown, drag-out, amazing match. Add professional pride to the mix and I for one am hooked.
Bray’s Firefly Fun House – Hands up whose completely and utterly hooked with Bray’s new gimmick? This is completely amazing. It’s out there, totally wacky, with an undercurrent of dark brooding fear. Everything I need on a wrestling show segment. But seriously, how great is Bray? He really does make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Where’s it all going? When’s he stepping foot inside the ring? I don’t know. But these segments make you want to know the answer to those questions so bad!
Bryan/Kingston Part II – THE best match at WrestleMania last month was for the WWE Championship match. And what better way to re-introduce Bryan than to pick up where he left off. Seriously this match was the best match on RAW this week. Probably the best match on RAW this year. From a wrestling/psychology standpoint, this was top class. It really solidified Kofi as THE top dog over on SmackDown Live, while also ending his feud with Bryan.

The Evolution Of Sami Zayn – Thank the holy deities that Sami is back! I have been a fan of the character since he debuted in NXT way back when. And to see where he is now compared to his NXT days is like comparing chalk and cheese. Admittedly it took some time for Sami to find his heel feet but HOT DAMN if he’s not possibly one of the best heel talkers in the company! His poise and confidence on the mic is amazing. The subject matter is outstanding. Long may he continue telling us the truth!
WWE’s Production Team – The guys and girls in the production team really are the unsung heroes. For years they have made every promo and hype package look outstanding. Case in point? Roman Reigns video. It highlighted his journey from back in FCW to right when he Superman punched Uncle Vince in the kisser. Sat at home watching this made me realize just how long he’s been in the company, what he’s done, and I admit, slightly emotional with the battle of leukemia part. Great way to keep Roman fresh in viewers minds while he’s away on European duty.
Kofi Finding His Voice – I was always concerned that Kofi wouldn’t be able to “pass” as WWE Champion. Now before the hate flies my way let me explain. I see the champion as THE standard bearer of the company/brand. They should be the absolute best of the best. And when it came to Kofi, I always thought his promos came across as….safe. Nice enough to get the point across, but not enough intensity or desire. Well, that changed last night. It may have been a quick end of episode promo, but boy did Kofi deliver it really well. Intensity against Kevin Owens for his actions a few moments earlier. Pushing the point across that Kevin will get what’s coming to him at Money In The Bank. Everything needed in a great promo. Long may it continue Kofi.
Daniel Bryan’s Tag Team Evolution – Ok technically what I’m referencing didn’t take place on SmackDown Live, but the title switch did and that’s the main thing 🙂 After Daniel Bryan and Harper won the vacant Tag Team Championships, Bryan cut an amazing promo for WWE.com. He basically said that the Women’s evolution ended with the division main eventing a Wrestlemania. Now that he is the SmackDown Live Tag Team Champion, he will take the division to those exact same heights. He will main event WrestleMania as a tag team wrestler. Seriously, click the video below and watch a promo masterclass…..Man, I’ve missed him.

What I’m Expecting Next Week: With both brands on their European jaunt next week, I’m not sure what to expect. You can guarantee more Wild Card action on both brands. It helps that both shows will emanate from The O2 Arena in London, England. Will The Miz carry on his recent attacks on Shane McMahon? I’m thinking you can bet your bottom dollar! Will The Revival carry on being the butt of Uncle Vince’s ire? Again you can bet your bottom dollar!
But seriously, more Sami ripping on the London crowd will be fantastic. Maybe a Bray appearance, with his puppet “friends” in tow too would go down a storm. And as it’ll be in the United Kingdom, maybe some of the NXT UK stars too. British Strong Style? Imperium? Some other surprise?
And that ends another week of the WWE Raw and Smackdown Live Quick Hits Recapatory. What were you’re best bits? Did they match mine? What do YOU think or want to happen next week? Let us know in the comments, or you can drop us a message personally on our social media, which can be found below.
Mark Blake-Facebook – MarkBlakeSmart
Mark Blake Twitter – @Smart_Mark_B
Pro Wrestling Post Facebook – ProWrestlingPST
Pro Wrestling Post Twitter – @ProWrestlingPST
WWE Raw and Smackdown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 5/1/19
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