Hello one and all, welcome once again to my RETROspective of RIPTIDE Wrestling events. Over the last few weeks, I have covered The Storm, Black Water 2017, and Deep Six 2018. You can read those reviews by clicking their respective links.
It cheers me up no end to see and hear that those articles have been greatly received by you great readers, RIPTIDE and Powerslam.tv.
I mention Powerslam as to review these shows I have been using their online portal to watch RIPTIDE and many more promotions too. Have a look at their site right here to see the huge array of content they have.
Now without further ado, I give to you RIPTIDE Wrestling’s Spring Break 2018!!!

Maverick Mayhew v Spike Trivet
As always, the numbers game is with Trivet, it’s amazing what a boatload of cash can do for your inring career! Anyway the match begins when Chris Ridgeway and Damon Moser (Spike’s lackeys) give a pre-match beat down to Mayhew, before Trivet takes over with an even more vicious beat down.
There’s a nice smattering of boos as Chris Ridgeway – who’s out with Spike – is wearing one of Jack Sexsmith’s Proud tees. Serious heat to kick off the show.

That’s not to say that Mayhew was overwhelmed this entire match. He definitely had some comeback moments here. A crisp head scissors into a sweet 619 was almost poetic to watch and a sweet Steamboat-esque arm drag into a David Starr BlackHeart Buster tribute was stunning
But alas it was always Spike winning this one, the biggest heel in the company (and possibly the UK) who polished off Mayhew with his Birthright finisher, much to the dismay of the RIPTIDE faithful.
Winner – Spike Trivet
Chakara vs Sammii Jayne vs Sierra Loxton
Chakara, being the wily villain of the piece, powders out of the ring as soon as the bell goes and watches Sammii and Sierra go at it.
And that’s pretty much the story of the match as Loxton and Jayne keep Chakara on the fringes of another great physical match up. I’ve not seen a lot of Sammii Jayne, and it’s safe to say that I came away thoroughly impressed by her.
I’m not kidding about the physicality of the match, all three of the ladies involved threw some stiff forearms, kicks, and manoeuvrers, Chakara especially. She really was putting some extra sauce on hers.

Loxton (the current IPW:UK Women’s Champion) looked great, definitely looks like she could go onto bigger and better things if she performing as she has been, but unfortunately for her it was Chakara that won this match with a tribute to Tajiri (spraying mist in Sierra’s eyes) and pinning her with a roll-up…..of all things!
Good match with the future of the UK women’s division.
Winner – Chakara
Jack Sexsmith vs Mark Andrews
Now, this was a match I was really looking forward to. Jack (at this point was one of the unsung stars of the BritWres scene) was getting major buzz and being positioned as the number one babyface in the company against “White Lightening” Mandrews, one of the greatest high-flyers this country has ever produced. Oh yes!
But this match began on the canvas and not in the air, as Mandrews kept Jack on the mat with a succession of wristlocks via armdrags. Very strange but very welcome start.
Jack finally gets into it and surprises everyone by taking to the skies, a little role reversal there methinks. The vocal crowd is eating this up.

This match had more than it’s fair share of spots. Andrews finally takes to the air with 450 splashes, hurricanranas and more from his repertoire, while Sexsmith hits his LGBDT, Sliced Bread and Pearl Necklace – is it wrong that I love the names of his moves?
But it was Mandrews Stundog Millionaire and Shooting Star Press that wins the match for him, and as he celebrates Jack looks inconsolable. Don’t worry Jack, good things are around the corner 😉
Winner – Mark Andrews
WALTER vs Wild Boar
Oh yes! It’s time for some BIG LADS WRESTLING! The leader of RINGKAMPF versus half of the 198. Bring it on!
And from the onset of the ring bell, this was a vicious match! Both men went at it from the get-go before WALTER slowed the pace with his, now famous, chops. SHESH they look so damn nasty!
But Boar is so thick – as in body shape – that those chops don’t really affect him, who then throws some forearms at WALTER but again they don’t affect him either! These men are like Superman and they’re both looking for each other’s Kryptonite.

The majority of the match happened outside the ring, and even involved a few audience members too for good measure, but eventually, they both roll back int the ring, only for Boar to be put in a wicked-looking crossface, the screams from Wild Boar drowned out the crowd. Now that’s selling!
The referee actually stopped the contest and awarded the victory to WALTER after he has spent literally the last 12 minutes beating the tar out of Boar. The final straw was an STF that sapped the strength and will from Boar.
What a great intense match!
Winner – WALTER
Lord Gideon Grey vs Chuck Mambo
Brilliantly British promo to start as Grey tells Mambo not to do any of his “high flying bollocks” 🙂 Loved it!
We’re back to the start of the Sexsmith/Andrews match as it’s taken to the mat instantly. You name it, they performed it – trips, wrist locks, armbars, reversals – a proper old school World of Sport beginning. But it’s ruined when Gideon’s protege Kurtis Chapman tries to intervene, but the ref has none of it.
A great looking Gory Stretch from Mambo has Grey in all kinds of trouble but he escapes and performs some beautiful looking butterfly suplexes in return.

The match spills outside and Chapman once again tries to get involved but is ushered away by Gideon, who takes him back into the ring and hits a draping DDT that must have stunted Mambo’s growth, it was that hard.
But at the end of the day, it’s Mambo that picks up the win with his patented Reefbreak/Big Splash combo.
The darling of the Rippers wins once again!
Winner – Chuck Mambo
Jinny vs Jimmy Havoc
Teacher vs Student, Master vs Padawan, Jimmy “Effing” Havoc vs Jinny – ‘Nuff said!
The theme of this show, I think, is physicality. Pretty much all the matches so far have been brutal, but this….This moves the theme onto another level. Crowd participation, fantastic in-ring action and old fashioned British grit are the ingredients of this grudge match.
And as with all grudge matches, there really was no need for a referee. So seeing him say to Jimmy that he was going to count him out at one point really popped me….ah, Tom Scarborough, you cracked me up!
Anyway, this match is another one where you really have to watch it to understand how great it was. I mean I can write around another 500 words to describe it, but it won’t do it justice.

I mean, it was like watching two Jimmy Havoc’s in the ring, total mirror images doing whatever it takes to get the others respect. There were hardcore aspects, technical aspects, even ground-based mat aspects…. So…Damn…Good!
A chair THROWN at the head of Jinny, followed by, I think, the third Acid Rainmaker of the match gets the big win for Jimmy Havoc, but he wasn’t finished there as he wanted to beat some respect into Jinny. So he tried THREE damn times to put her through a table, except she bounced off said table THREE damn times!
Bah Gawd she’s broken in half!
Winner – Jimmy Havoc

And that folks is today’s big finish! Once again I’d like to thank RIPTIDE Wrestling and Powerslam.tv, and let’s not forget yourselves for reading not just this piece but all the work here at Pro Wrestling Post.
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