The First Navigation Night 2 2015 | Pro Wrestling NOAH Saturday Night RetroView

On January 18th, 2015, Pro Wrestling NOAH aired The First Navigation Night 2 2015 live in Fukuoka, Japan, inside Hakata Star Lane in front of 1,100 fans.

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
Brave (Atsushi Kotoge & Taiji Ishimori) vs. Junji Tanaka & Kitai Kubo

Junji Tanaka & Atsushi Kotoge go outside the ring, and Kotoge hits a superkick. Back in the ring, Kotoge stomps on Tanaka before Kotoge tags in Taiji Ishimori & Ishimori hits a jumping double knee followed by a running double knee.

It’s a vertical suplex by Tanaka, and he hits a lariat in the corner, followed by a side slam. Kick by Ishimori, but Tanaka hits a Samoan Drop for a two-count.

Handspring kick by Ishimori, and he makes the hot tag to Kotoge before Kotoge kicks Tanaka and applies a choke over the top rope.

Kotoge slides back in the ring and hits a cutter, then a cover, but it gets a two-count. Kotoge picks up Tanaka, and they trade elbows. Lariat is by Tanaka, and he tags in Kubo.

Running knee by Kubo, and he hits a diving kick to the face. Then Tanaka comes in, and both wrestlers lariat Kotoge in the corner. Double vertical suplex to Kotoge but it gets two.

Tanaka goes for a diving headbutt, but Kotoge moves before Ishimori slams Kubo to the mat, and Kotoge hits a springboard body press for a two-count. A running kick by Kotoge gets the win for his team.

Winners: Brave (8:39)

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
Triple Threat Match
Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Maybach Taniguchi vs. Jonah Rock

Maybach Taniguchi grabs Katsuhiko Nakajima and hits a chokeslam, then a cover, but Rock breaks it up. Rock hits a Samoan Drop on Taniguchi and kicks him in the face.

Lariat by Rock, and he hits a neckbreaker, then a body avalanche by Rock, but Nakajima hits a trio of superkicks. Lariat by Rock, then a cover, but it gets a two-count.

Rock hits a running forearm to Nakajima in the corner, but Nakajima quickly rolls him up with a cradle to get the win.

Winner: Katsuhiko Nakajima (7:48)

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
Cho Kibou Gun (Takeshi Morishima & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya) vs. No Mercy (Takashi Sugiura & Akitoshi Saito)

Takeshi Morishima hits Takashi Sugiura in the corner and hits a running hip attack. Sugiura gets away, and he hits a vertical suplex on Morishima. Then Sugiura tags in Akitoshi Saito & Saito hits a Scissors Kick. Lariat by Saito, and he hits a vertical suplex.

Another lariat is by Saito, but Morishima retorts with his own lariat. Morishima tags in Mitsuhiro Kitamiya, and he trades elbows with Saito.

Knee by Saito, and he tags in Sugiura, then a running big boot by Sugiura, but Kitamiya hits a power slam. Sugiura & Kitamiya trade elbows, and Kitamiya hits a release German suplex.

Sugiura applies a front necklock, but Morishima breaks it up. Sugiura hits a running knee on Kitamiya, but the cover only gets two.

Sugiura picks up Kitamiya, but Kitamiya elbows him back, and then Sugiura knees him in the stomach. He picks up Kitamiya and hits an Olympic Slam for the win.

Winners: No Mercy (5:53)

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
6 Man Tag Team Match
Suzuki Gun (Taka Michinoku, El Desperado & Taichi) vs. Yoshinari Ogawa, Zack Sabre Jr & Hitoshi Kumano

Yoshinari Ogawa hits a neckbreaker on Taka Michinoku and clears out Taichi & El Desperado as well. Ogawa pokes Michinoku in the eyes and hits an enzuigiri.

Ogawa tags in Hitoshi Kumano & Kumano dropkicks Desperado before we get an elbow smash by Kumano.

Zack Sabre Jr. also comes in, and they double-team Desperado in the corner. Then we get a missile dropkick by Kumano and a cover, but it is broken up.

Desperado rakes Kumano in the eyes and hits a spinebuster. Desperado picks up Kumano, but Kumano gets away and hits a schoolboy for a two count.

Michinoku knees Kumano in the corner, and Taichi hits a jumping kick. Desperado grabs Kumano and hits Guitarra De Angel to get the win for his team.

Winners: Suzuki Gun (10:23)

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
Quiet Storm vs. Shelton Benjamin

Body avalanche by Shelton Benjamin, and he goes for a slam, but Quiet Storm gets away and hits an elbow. Shoulder block by Storm, and he hits a lariat in the corner.

Another lariat by Storm, and he hits a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count. Storm & Benjamin trade strikes until Benjamin hits a superkick. Double underhook slam by Benjamin and he hits the Paydirt to put away Quiet Storm.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin (5:43)

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles Match
Cho Kibou Gun (Hajime Ohara & Kenou) (c) vs. Genba Hirayanagi & Daisuke Harada

Cho Kibou Gun hits a diving double stomp, then Ohara hits Muy Bien to Daisuke Harada. Kenou puts Genba Hirayanagi in a submission hold of his own, but Hirayanagi makes it to the ropes.

Kenou picks up Hirayanagi, and then we get some kicks from Kenou, but Hirayanagi kicks him low. Kenou snaps a German suplex, and he hits a dragon suplex hold for a two-count.

Buzzsaw Kick was by Kenou, but the pin attempt was broken up. Running double chop by Ohara & Kenou hits Shubou for the win.

Winners: AND STILL Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions: Cho Kibou Gun (17:45)

The First Navigation Night 2 2015
8 Man Tag Team Match
TMDK (Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls), Naomichi Marufuji & Mohammed Yone vs. Suzuki Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr, Takashi Iizuka & Lance Archer)

Lance Archer tags in Takashi Iizuka and chokes Mikey Nicholls with some twine. Shane Haste fights back, but Iizuka raises his eyes before tagging in Minoru Suzuki.

Suzuki applies a chinlock to Haste and then a crossface, but Naomichi Marufuji breaks it up. Iizuka takes care of Marufuji before we get a PK by Suzuki to Haste, which gets a two-count.

Archer is next in, and he hits a full Nelson slam. Then Archer picks up Haste, and he throws Haste to the mat by his head.

Haste kicks Archer back and hits a diving uppercut out of the corner. Haste finally gets the tag to Nicholls, and Nicholls lariats Archer before Archer hits a vertical suplex, but Nicholls avoids the leg drop and hits a sliding lariat for two.

Swinging side slam by Archer, and he tags in Suzuki as Marufuji is tagged in as well, and Marufuji hits a jumping double stomp to Suzuki’s head.

Slap by Suzuki, and he boots Marufuji in the corner as Suzuki hits a PK and then applies a cross arm breaker, but Marufuji gets a foot on the ropes.

Marufuji & Suzuki trade chops, Suzuki boots Marufuji’s arm but Marufuji hits a dropkick and tags in Yone.

Suzuki applies a sleeper to Mohammed Yone, and both Haste & Nicholls run in the ring. Everyone hits Suzuki in the corner, which leads to Suzuki Gun charging the ring as well.

Yone slams Suzuki in the ring and hits a second turnbuckle leg drop. Suzuki slides away from Yone and applies a sleeper, then spins Yone around and drops him with a Gotch-style piledriver for the win.

Winners: Suzuki Gun (16:21)