Jordie Taylor is not a name many people outside of Vancouver and Victoria British Columbia have heard of. On April 21, 2019, at Without A Cause Volume 6 Fool’s Gold, the denizens of Everett Washington were introduced to an unfamiliar talent. He strutted into the auditorium with far more attitude than any one person has the right to possess. Jordie, also known as “OGB” Old Greedy Bastard, makes no qualms about what he’s there to do. He’s there to destroy his opponents, unapologetically and with prejudice. He has champion written all over him and he won’t let you forget it!
“OGB” resides in Vancouver B. C. where he works full time by day, and you don’t have to study his pictures very hard to see Jordie spends a lot of time in the gym. He’s an accomplished athlete with enviable results from years of hard work. Jordie trained under one of the best professional wrestling trainers of our time, Lance Storm, and it shows when “OGB” is in the ring tearing apart his competitors.

There is something spectacular when you are introduced to an unfamiliar talent and you see them not only perform well in the ring on a technical level, but they also connect with their opponents and the audience. This is somewhat of a trifecta of what constitutes a truly talented individual in my book. Jordie ticked all three boxes at his first appearance and did it again in his second match, one month later, proving it wasn’t a fluke.
Talent like this stands out. They draw our attention and it becomes clear; this is someone who has potential, that could easily take them well beyond the region. So why hasn’t Jordie blown up beyond the boundaries of the PNW? It isn’t because he isn’t good enough, seeing him at work quickly dispels any question about his abilities. I’ve heard from multiple talents in the Pacific Northwest who have spoken to how challenging it can be to get noticed outside our region. It’s likely this is beginning to change, in large part due to impressive talents like Jordie Taylor developing and working in our region.
It was my fortune that Jordie Taylor “OGB” was willing to give some of his time to do an interview. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Philip: Have you always been a fan? Did it come later? Was there a moment when you got pulled in and made you love professional wrestling?
Jordie Taylor: I have been a fan since the age of 5. I don’t have a specific moment that I can recall. But I know it was wrestling and ninja turtles before anything. Probably because the turtles were all in wrestling gear. To this day I still don’t really like anything but wrestling.
P: When did you decide to begin training and become a professional wrestler? How did you find training? Who do you train with now? What does training look like for you these days?
JT: I made the decision I was going to be a wrestler at 12. And from then on, I kept somewhat of an eye out for schools I would like to go to. Originally, I decided to go to Dory Funk Jr.’s school. But by the time I was able to go Lance Storm and opened a school in Calgary. It was a no brainer. As for my training these days. I don’t get as much “In” ring time as I would like to keep up on basics. But I’m in the gym every day as well as twice on weekends when I’m not wrestling. That said I only watch and brainstorm wrestling. So, my mind is always in the ring.
P: What was it like training with Lance Storm?
JT: He’s very to the point. Easily the best trainer I’ve seen.
P: Fitness is obviously an important thing for you and professional wrestling is frequently referred to as a body business. What do you do to stay fit? What kind of eating regime do you follow? I think I speak for everyone that we truly hate you if you have none and all of this came naturally!
JT: I guess I answered the majority of this question with the last. But, I eat a very strict diet. I believe a wrestler should look the part. Like they can fight and win. My workouts are usually 45 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of cardio. A few years ago, I could say I ate whatever I want but now I have to work hard to keep my ass from jiggling.
P: O.G.B. (“Old Greedy Bastard”) has been your moniker. How did you come by this? Was it given to you or did you develop this as part of your gimmick?

JT: I came up with OGB, yes. The name is a playoff ODB. A rapper from the ’90s. I’ve always kept my wrestling personal very close to who I am inside. There is nothing fake about me or my wrestling. I am an animal in every sense of the word. OGB cares about being the center of attention and getting paid. So, in my mind, if I put in as much energy as my body can muster, everyone will see this and I’ll be the center of attention like my ego secretly wants. Which will result in better matches and bigger paydays.
P: One of the things that really drew me to you as a fan is your ring banter and how well you execute the role of the heel in the ring. I have always felt the role of the heel has been an underappreciated part of professional wrestling. What drew you to leaning towards the heel persona? Do you feel heels are starting to get the recognition they deserve?
JT: One of my all-time favorite things to do while wrestling is talk trash. I crave the back and forth. So, I have become very good at it. In terms of being a heel. I’m a raging muscled up loudmouth who will shake my ass in your face while I extend my middle finger to the person next to you. What’s not to like about that? So, yes being a heel comes very naturally to me. And in terms of getting respect as a heel. If you’re a good heel you will get said respect. But it’s not easy as you have to be completely confident in your ability. If you aren’t, it will show in your actions.
P: Do you remember your first time in the ring? Who was it with and how did it go?
JT: The first time I actually got into a ring was when my friend and I snuck into it at a fair, so the ring was up all weekend. We were stupid but actually had a handful of people surrounding us cheering. And even a ref jumped in until we got kicked out by security. Was a wonderful experience though.
P: What has been your career highlight thus far?
JT: My career highlight to this point actually happened a few weeks ago when Cremator Von Slasher returned during my match by coming through the ring and pulling me under. I escaped but he doused me in blood. It was terrifying. Really cool, but terrifying.
P: You are both a singles wrestler and a tag team wrestler. Do you have a preference for one over the other? What are the pros and challenges to each for you?
JT: I prefer to wrestle in singles competition. As the name says, I’m greedy, so I want it all on me at all times. But I always enjoy teaming with close friends. When you’re in the ring with your closest friends and having a blast it’s not really a feeling I can describe. Especially when they’re stupid and make you laugh when you shouldn’t be.
P: Who are the people currently on your bucket list of talent you would like to face in the ring?
JT: As far as people I want to step into the ring with? I’m weird. I have five I would love to work with. First, Oliver Platt. Who is an actor that played Jimmy King in Ready to Rumble. I would love to wrestle Jimmy King. Second, The Green Power Ranger, Jason David Frank. He’s recently started wrestling too. Third, Screech, a.k.a. Dustin Diamond. Fourth, David Arquette, and fifth, The Green Bastard, a.k.a. Bubbles. The story I could tell with any one of those five would be tremendous I feel.
P: You’ve worked at Without a Cause now a couple of times and it appears you are becoming one of the regulars on their roster! This is great news! Tell us about some of the other promotions you’ve worked for in the region. Are there any you hope to work for in the near future?

JT: Yes, it would appear I’m a regular now at WAC. Outside of that, I work primarily in British Columbia, for VIPW, PWA Canada, ECCW, ASW, and PPW. RCW and Thrash and I have worked with Big West Wrestling. And Invasion Championship Wrestling when they run. I am hoping this year to branch out and expand as far as I possibly can. Just have to keep working hard and opening eyes. And I’ll get what I deserve.
P: When you look at how professional wrestling is growing and developing in the region, what kinds of changes have you seen? Where are you hoping this will all go?
JT: Wrestling in the PNW is a weird thing. It’s such a little pocket. I have seen a few booms and bust times, but right now it seems stronger than ever. That also has a lot to do with the level of talent. I just like anyone want it to grow as big as it possibly can. Means nothing but better times for the boys.
P: So, does professional wrestling pay the bills yet? Do you still have to hold down a day job? If so what do you do?
JT: No wrestling does not pay the bills. That’s always the goal though. I’m a heavy machine operator outside of wrestling. That’s all you’ll get from me.
P: Where would you like to see yourself in the next year or two in terms of professional wrestling? Do you want to rule the indies? NJPW? AEW? WWE?
JT: Where I want to be next year is signed to a major company, yes. It’s what we all aspire to do. WWE has always been the goal, but I will never turn down an opportunity to grow my brand somewhere else. I think I’m in a very lucky time and place where if I work again as hard as my body will allow me. Someone will take notice.
P: What is the best part of the business and what is something you would change about the business if you could?
JT: I can’t answer what the best part of the business is. And I wouldn’t change anything even if I wanted to. There’s room for everything but you have to work hard at whatever it is. But personally, I guess I like the story. The fact that the story as well as how I want to portray myself is all on me. I’m a very creative person so I love the ability to let my thoughts come to life.
P: Have you had any weird fan experiences? Or other strange or unusual things occur in your career so far? Tell us about one.
JT: I haven’t had any really weird experience with fans, but a lot are scared of me because of how I am in the ring. As for weird stories with wrestlers, everyone knows were crazy and I’m not stooging off the boys. You’ve gotten enough out of me already.
P: Tell us about a couple of professional wrestlers you know who haven’t been ‘discovered’ or haven’t gotten the attention you think they should.
JT: The two wrestlers I can say are a cut above everyone else around here are Elliot Tyler and Judas Icarus. Those boys work harder than anyone and it shows.
P: Tell us something about yourself not many people know. A hidden hobby or talent for example. Or maybe something you’ve done or accomplished.
JT: A hidden talent or interest… Since I don’t care about things outside of wrestling… I will say I have insane cardio. I’ve always been a runner. I can run 20km and not be winded when I stop.
P: Who have been the biggest supporters for you with Professional Wrestling?
JT: Supporters… Everyone either supports or they fall off as I don’t have interest for those who don’t support people they love in doing what they love. If anyone deserves honorable mention, it’s my buddy Daniel Adonis. You wouldn’t have OGB as you see him today without Adonis.
What you see is what you get, and he is perhaps one of the most talented heels I’ve seen in this region. Not everyone walks into the ring with the ability to connect with the audience the way Jordie can. His ring banter has few equals and if you have a real appreciation for cocky heels Jordie is your man!
He’s been around for a few years, and he is only just beginning to emerge from his little corner of the region. People are beginning to see him for the talent he is and he will be making his third appearance at Without A Cause to face Super Beetle. It is beginning to appear that he has joined the roster of regulars at WAC. As more promotions emerge and established promotions take notice, the opportunities for this young man are certain to present themselves.
“OGB” has made his mark in places like ECCW, Without A Cause and Vancouver Island Pro Wrestling, it won’t be long before he adds many, many more promotions.
Take a look at what some of the promoters and peers in the region have to say about him:

“Jordie Taylor was fairly unknown to me, actually. From his first appearance to his most recent, OGB has the stuff to get it done in the ring and on his intense video promos.” –Max Zaleski, Owner/Promoter at Without A Cause
“Jordie Taylor is one of the most passionate people I’ve ever meet in this business. Shoot. He is always thinking about wrestling, his mind never stops. Constantly trying to improve and hone his craft! He always wants the people around him to improve and grow with him as well. Watching everyone’s stuff and giving advice. I truly feel Jordie is an asset to any show he is part of.” – Riea Von Slasher, Professional Wrestler
“I’ve teamed with Jordie since early 2018, just over a year now, Jordie doesn’t ever stop, he is always going, his brains always ticking. Move ideas, stories, ways to promote himself. He’s inspiring, one of the most underrated wrestlers in all of the PNW, and it’s criminal that he isn’t everywhere.” – Tyler Elliot, Professional Wrestler
“My thoughts on Jordie right now is, there isn’t many who will work harder, or dedicate themselves more to their craft. He’s outrageous and explosive. I believe he will be in a top promotion sometime in the next couple of years. I’d be more surprised if he isn’t.” – Kevin Cox, Professional Wrestler
“I’ve had the honor and privilege of being considered a peer by Jordie Taylor since 2011. His love for wrestling took him from the island to Calgary to get trained by Lance Storm, and clearly, the investment has paid off in dividends. It is with great esteem that I welcome Jordie Taylor into the Class of 2019 Hall of Fa… wait… it isn’t? Well. He will be in one, one day anyway.” –Scootsie Collins, Referee
Watch Videos Jordie’s matches:
Chris Cruz vs. OGB Jordie Taylor at WAC
Vancouver Island Pro Wrestling- Jordie Taylor vs. Eddie Osbourne
Jordie Taylor vs. Eli Surge
Vancouver Island Pro Wrestling Tag Team Championship: Van City Triad (including Jordie Taylor and Elliot Tyler) vs. The Voros Twins
Scotty Mac vs. Jordie Taylor and Daniel Adonis
PWA Wrestling Internet Championship- Nathan Legacy vs. (c) Jordie Taylor
ECCW Champion, Randy Myers vs. Jordie Taylor
ECCW Jordie Taylor vs. Artemis Spencer