On August 10th, 2007, Pro Wrestling NOAH presented its Shiodome Street Pro Wrestling 2007 show. The promotion had four matches slated to take place.
Shiodome Street Pro Wrestling 2007
Mushiking Terry vs. Ippei Ota
Mushiking Terry & Ippei Ota lock up to start this match, then Terry gets Ota against the ropes, and he gives a clean break before they lock up again. This time Ota gets Terry into the ropes and gives him a chop before backing off. Wristlock by Terry, but it gets reversed into a hammerlock by Ota, but Terry reverses it back.
Ota forces Mushiking Terry back into the corner, then Irish whip & he does a backflip off of Terry and hits an elbow. Irish whip again by Ota, but Terry flips over him when he charges in. They jockey for position, snap mare by Ota, but Terry lands on his feet; Ota avoids a back kick and goes for a dropkick, but Terry swats him out of the way.
Takedown by Terry, and he applies a front facelock, but Ota rolls out of it and applies a hammerlock on the mat. Armdrag by Terry, and he applies an arm wringer, but it gets reversed by Ota, but Terry reverses it back and applies an armbar. Ota rolls out of it, but Mushiking Terry flips around until he has the move re-applied.
Headscissors by Ota, but Terry gets out of it and applies a side headlock, then back to the headscissors by Ota, but again Terry gets out of it & this time with a kip up & once they are back on their feet, they exchange elbows until Terry hits a jumping back kick then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count.
A stretch hold is applied by Terry, then goes for the cover, but it gets a two-count. Mexican Surfboard by Mushiking Terry as he picks up Ota after a moment and elbows him in the back. Irish whip by Terry from the corner, and he connects with a jumping knee.
Terry snap mares Ota, then a cover, but it gets a two count. Irish whips by Terry to the corner, but Ota moves out of the way and dropkicks him in the back. Corner rebound bulldog by Ota, then a cover, but it gets a two-count. Ota calls for the end as he goes for the airplane spin, but Terry reverses it with a crucifix pin for a two count.
Irish whip attempt by Terry, but it’s reversed & Terry goes for a handstand elbow strike but Ota reverses it with a jumping lariat for a two count then 2nd rope neckbreaker by Ota connects but it also gets a two count.
Ota picks up Mushiking Terry and gives him the dreaded Airplane Spin before hitting a Samoan Drop, then hooks the leg, but Terry gets a shoulder up. Dropkick to the back by Ota and he goes for the 619 but he gets caught in the ropes.
Monkey flip by Terry into the 2nd rope, and he hits Tiger Feint Kick then Ota quickly applies a small package, but it gets a two count, then hits another quick pin attempt for another two count.
Back up, they trade strikes, but Terry gets the better of it and then hits a Death Valley Driver, followed by Myst Crash gets the win.
Winner: Mushiking Terry (10:18)
Shiodome Street Pro Wrestling 2007
Atsushi Aoki vs. Kenta
The match starts off with a lock-up, then they trade waist locks followed by an arm wringer by Kenta into a hammerlock, but Atsushi Aoki reverses it with a wristlock. Irish whip by Kenta, then a drop-down, leapfrog as he connects with a kick, but Aoki hits an arm drag before both men spring back to their feet.
They lock up, then a waistlock by Aoki, but Kenta applies an armbar. Arm wringer by Kenta, but Aoki rolls out of it and applies one of his own. Kenta elbows Aoki into the corner Irish whip, but Aoki avoids his charge and hits a quick arm drag.
Back up, Aoki drops Kenta to the mat and applies a wristlock before Kenta struggles back to his feet but Aoki dropkicks him in the arm. Irish whip by Aoki, and he hits another arm drag before dropping a leg onto Kenta’s arm. Kenta slowly gets back to his feet. Aoki goes for a suplex, but Kenta blocks it and drops Aoki onto the top rope before kicking him in the face.
With Aoki draped over the top rope, Kenta goes to the top turnbuckle and drops a knee onto the back of Aoki’s neck. Snapmare by Kenta, and he kicks Aoki in the back. Kenta picks up Aoki, Irish whip to the corner, and he hits a back body drop, then a cover by Kenta, but it gets a two count.
He gets back up and grabs a waistlock by Aoki, but Kenta elbows out of it. Then he goes off the ropes, but Aoki catches him with a heel kick. Aoki picks up Kenta and elbows him into the corner, Irish whip, and he hits a jumping elbow. Northern Lights Suplex by Aoki, but it gets a two-count.
Back up, they trade blows, Aoki goes for a leapfrog, but Kenta catches him and delivers a power slam. Both men are slow to get up, but Kenta recovers first then some kicks by Kenta, and he hits a springboard missile dropkick then a cover, but Aoki kicks out.
Kenta picks up Aoki, Irish whip, and he delivers a dropkick then another cover, but again it gets a two count. Kenta goes for a powerbomb, but Aoki reverses it Kenta then goes for a Falcon Arrow but Aoki slides down his back. Kick by Kenta in the corner, Irish whip but Aoki elbows Kenta when he charges in and hits a double jump missile dropkick off the top rope.
Aoki picks up Kenta and hits Assault Point, then a cover, but it only gets a two-count. Back up, takedown by Aoki and he applies the cross armbreaker but Kenta gets a foot on the bottom rope. Scoop slam by Aoki, he goes up to the top turnbuckle, but Kenta is up in time and kicks him while he is still up top.
Kenta then joins him and hits a top-rope superplex. Then he goes for the cover, but Aoki gets a shoulder up. Kenta picks up Aoki but Aoki fights back Kenta hits a fisherman buster for another two count. Liger Bomb by Kenta then goes for the pin, but again Aoki kicks out.
Back up Aoki fights back with elbows, but Kenta slaps him and hits a lariat then goes for the cover but it gets a two count before Kenta drills Aoki to the mat with a Tiger Suplex to get the victory.
Winner: Kenta (11:35)
Shiodome Street Pro-Wrestling 2007
Ricky Garvin vs. Mohammed Yone
Mohammed Yone starts the match by kicking Ricky Marvin in the stomach, then a side headlock by Yone. Marvin Irish whips out of it & avoids a Yone leg drop, and dropkicks Yone for a two-count cover. Irish whip by Yone, but Marvin hits a handstand springboard elbow strike.
Yone falls out of the ring, and Marvin quickly flies out after him with a springboard plancha off the side ropes. Marvin gets back into the ring, and Yone slowly follows as they lock up, Yone forces Marvin to his knees and slaps him in the back. Scoop slam by Yone, and he delivers a high-speed leg drop and then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count.
Yone applies a neck crank into a headscissors, but Marvin makes it to the ropes. Marvin slowly gets up, kicks by Marvin, and he delivers a DDT, then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count. Irish whip by Marvin from the corner, but it gets reversed, and Yone hits a knee to the midsection. He is kicked to the chest by Yone, and he throws Marvin out of the ring.
Yone follows him out and scoop slams him on the mat floor, then Yone picks up Marvin and slides him back into the ring before getting back in himself, Irish whipped by Yone, but Marvin hits a moonsault off the top rope for a two-count. Elbows by Yone, but Marvin trips him up and hits a quebrada for a two count. Irish whip by Marvin, but Yone kicks him in the chest.
Yone goes off the ropes, but Marvin catches him with an Octopus hold. Yone gets out of it, superkick by Marvin before he catches a Yone kick and hits an enzuigiri, but Yone fires back with a lariat. Marvin charges Yone in the corner, Yone back body drops him out to the apron, but Marvin kicks him over the top rope.
Marvin then goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a rope-running dropkick, then a cover by Marvin, but it gets a two count. Marvin goes out to the apron, but when he does a springboard move, Yone catches him with a heel kick and then a cover, but it gets a two-count.
Back up Irish whip by Yone to the corner, and he hits a jumping knee then Yone scoop slams Marvin goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a leg drop, but the lazy cover only gets a two-count. Yone goes for a lariat, but Marvin ducks it and goes for a kick, but Yone catches the kick and delivers the lariat, then he hooks the leg, but Marvin barely gets a shoulder up.
Yone puts Marvin onto the top turnbuckle & sets him up for the Muscle Buster, but Marvin reverses it with a stunner. Marvin goes off the ropes, but Yone catches him with a dropkick. Yone puts Marvin onto the top turnbuckle again, and this time he nails Muscle Buster for the win.
Winner: Mohammed Yone (10:00)
Shiodome Street Pro-Wrestling 2007
Mitsuharu Misawa & Go Shiozaki vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura
Go Shiozaki & Takashi Sugiura starts things off with a side headlock by Sugiura, but Shiozaki Irish whips out of it but gets shoulder-blocked down. Sugiura goes off the ropes, but Shiozaki catches him with a dropkick, then an arm drag by Sugiura, but Shiozaki chops Sugiura to the mat.
Wristlock by Sugiura, reversed into a side headlock by Shiozaki before Sugiura gets Shiozaki into the corner, and he gives him an elbow. Shiozaki comes back with a chop, and Sugiura makes the tag to Naomichi Marufuji. Marufuji & Shiozaki circle each other, then a side headlock by Shiozaki, but Marufuji pushes Shiozaki into the ropes, and he gives a clean break.
They lock up, then a side headlock by Marufuji, Shiozaki Irish whips out of it, and they collide in the middle of the ring. Shiozaki goes off the ropes, but Marufuji leapfrog, but Shiozaki chops him in mid-air.
Shiozaki tags in Mitsuharu Misawa & they lock up followed by an elbow by Marufuji, but Misawa returns fire. Another elbow exchange which Misawa gets the better of. Marufuji has had enough and tags in Sugiura.
They lock up Snapmare by Misawa, and he elbows Sugiura in the eye. Misawa tags in Shiozaki & he clubs Sugiura in the back. Irish whip by Shiozaki, and he delivers a high dropkick then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count. Knee to the chest by Shiozaki, then another cover, but again it gets two.
Shiozaki applies a reverse chinlock as Sugiura struggles to his feet but Shiozaki drives him back into the corner. Marufuji tags himself into the match & wristlock by Marufuji on Shiozaki, and he applies a keylock. Irish whip by Marufuji, and he takes Shiozaki to the mat before going back to the arm.
Shiozaki slowly inches to the ropes and makes it to force a break. Marufuji tags in Sugiura, then an arm wringer by Sugiura, and he applies an armbar on the mat. Again Shiozaki makes it to the ropes, and back on their feet, they exchange strikes. Shiozaki goes off the ropes, but Sugiura hits a gutbuster followed by a front suplex for a two-count.
Sugiura tags Marufuji and then holds Shiozaki over the 2nd rope so that Marufuji can hit a running dropkick from the floor. Marufuji rolls in the ring to make the cover, but it gets a two-count. Irish whip by Marufuji, but Shiozaki hits a sunset flip for a two-count.
Back up Marufuji goes for the Shiranui, but Shiozaki blocks it, so Marufuji tags in Sugiura & he drops Shiozaki with a backdrop suplex then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count. Sugiura goes for a suplex, but Shiozaki blocks it. Sugiura suplexes him onto the top rope. Sugiura goes for a kick, but Shiozaki slides out to the apron and hits a springboard shoulder block & this gives him time to tag in Misawa.
Misawa goes off the ropes and hits Sugiura with an elbow. Scoop slam by Misawa, he goes up to the 2nd rope and hits a tiger press for a two count. Irish whip by Misawa to the corner, but it gets reversed, Misawa kicks Sugiura when he charges in, but Sugiura hits an overhead slam anyway and tags in Marufuji.
Irish whip by Marufuji to the corner, and he hits a jumping elbow. Superkick by Marufuji, and he dropkicks Misawa in the knee. He goes for a dropkick, but Misawa moves, then an elbow by Misawa and he hits a monkey flip out of the corner. Misawa tags in Shiozaki, Irish whip by Shiozaki, and he delivers a shoulder block and then a cover, but it gets a two count.
Shiozaki chops Marufuji into the corner, Irish whip, and he hits a diving elbow. Scoop slam by Shiozaki in front of the corner, and he hits a knee drop from the second turnbuckle for a two-count cover. Shiozaki picks up Marufuji and goes for a German suplex then Marufuji elbows out of it and wins a strike exchange by driving Shiozaki’s face into the mat.
Marufuji tags in Sugiura & he waits for Shiozaki to get up and delivers a spear. Irish whip by Sugiura to the corner, and he hits a running kick, then another Irish whip, and he delivers a 2nd one. Sugiura goes off the ropes, but Shiozaki catches him with a chop and delivers a suplex.
Misawa comes in the ring, Irish whips to the corner, and both he & Shiozaki hits elbows into Sugiura. Scoop slam by Misawa as he hits a senton, and Shiozaki follows with a top turnbuckle knee drop, then a cover, but Marufuji breaks it up. Shiozaki & Sugiura trade strikes in the ring before Shiozaki hits a lariat and then a cover, but it gets a two-count.
German suplex held by Shiozaki, but Sugiura barely gets a shoulder up. Scoop slam by Shiozaki in front of the corner, then he goes up to the top rope, but Sugiura rolls out of the way of the moonsault. Running knee by Sugiura, then he picks up Shiozaki and hits a backdrop suplex while Marufuji hits a springboard lariat and then a pin, but Misawa breaks it up.
Marufuji takes care of Misawa while Sugiura picks up Shiozaki and nails a release German suplex, then a cover, but it gets a two count. Shiozaki sneaks in a small package but Sugiura knees out of the Go Flasher attempt.
Dragon suplex hold by Sugiura, but Shiozaki kicks out yet again before Sugiura drills Shiozaki to the mat with Olympic Slam, getting the win for his team.