The Stardom Cinderella Tournament is a 16 person tournament where people wrestle each other and the winner of that match will get to wear a beautiful dress along with the opportunity to have any match you want. It could be a title match or just a score you want to settle with your rival, it could even be both but it’s the best opportunity to have it done. Even Momo Watanabe won it last year to challenge Io Shirai for the Wonder of Stardom Championship and won it to become the new ace of the company. The Stardom Draft also happened recently as some people switched around while one unit was disbanded, so should be seeing some fresh match-ups. All the matches have a ten-minute time limit and you can win by either pinfall, submission, or throwing your opponent over the top rope. It’ll all take place in one show and we’ll be previewing the first round matches and give our prediction on who we think will win, so let’s get to it.

Battle Royal
Mary Apace vs. Natsumi vs. Rina vs. Hina vs. Saya Iida vs. Hanan vs. Leo Onozaki
Preview: Our opening contest before the tournament is a battle royal with Mary Apache and the rookies of Stardom such as Natsumi, Rina, Hina, Saya Iida, Hanan, and Leo Onozaki. This is just a regular match-up to just get the crowd going before the real fun begins. It’ll most likely be a short match but still something to look forward to if you’re a fan of the rookies. Will one of them win or does Mary squash them?

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
Hana Kimura vs. Andras Miyagi
Preview: Our first match in this tournament is Oedo Tai’s, Andras Miyagi taking on the leader of the Tokyo Cyber Squad, Hana Kimura. Tokyo Cyber Squad is what Hana decided to name her new faction instead of just being the International Army and it’s already a much better name. Andras struck out to take one of Momo’s titles last month and this could be her chance to try and get revenge by winning the tournament to ask for a rematch. Hana also has something to prove since she’s a new leader of a faction and would also need to look strong. Which one of them needs the win more?

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
Natsuko Tora vs. Jungle Kyona
Preview: Our next match is a singles match between two former JAN members, Natsuko Tora, and Jungle Kyona. Kyona was the last one to be defeated during the draft, meaning that JAN would have to disband as Kyona would be drafted to the Tokyo Cyber Squad while Natsuko Tora would be drafted to Oedo Tai. Natsuko is a very unique pick for Oedo Tai and it looked like she was happy that she wanted to be there with them too, so be interesting to see a new side of Natsuko when she faces her former partner. Jungle also has something to prove since she can now unleash her violent side here. Which one of them will win?

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
Arisa Hoshiki vs. Saki Kashima
Preview: Our next match is between two members of the STARS unit, Arisa Hoshiki, and Saki Kashima. Arisa has been pretty much in the middle ever since she returned to Stardom and is looking to try and get a big victory soon to show she’s still one of the best they have. Saki is another who wants to try and break that glass ceiling ever since she came back last year and is now ready to do what she must to win. Out of the two, who will have the better edge?

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
Kagetsu vs. Tam Nakano
Preview: Our next match is STARS, Tam Nakano as she takes on the leader of Oedo Tai and current World of Stardom Champion, Kagetsu. For those of you that are familiar with Stardom, these two do have a history together as Tam used to be a former Oedo Tai member before she got kicked out and was adopted by STARS to become her own individual. Tam would defeat Kagetsu during the Five Star Grand Prix last September, so she knows she has what it takes to defeat her but Kagetsu is going to make sure she’s more prepared this time around. It’s sure to be a fight but only one of them is going to come out the winner and advance to the next round.

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
Starlight Kid vs. Natsu Sumire
Preview: We’re halfway done with the first round as our next match is STARS, Starlight Kid as she’s set to fight Oedo Tai’s, Natsu Sumire. Ever since Starlight moved away from the Future of Stardom Championship, she’s been able to showcase more of what she can do and definitely is one of Stardom’s brightest futures if she keeps up what she’s doing. Sumire is a rather crafty one as we all know she’ll have a trick or two up her sleeve to get that dirty victory to advance. Will Starlight be able to overcome it or will Sumire be too much?

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
Bea Priestley vs. Hazuki
Preview: Our next match is Queen’s Quest’s, Bea Priestley as she takes Oedo Tai member and current High-Speed Champion, Hazuki. Hazuki has been one of the MVP’s in Stardom while now being considered the top female but she makes up for it with her personality and in-ring quality. Bea was in the finals last year and then she lost, so she wants to use this as redemption to try and win it this time around. Hazuki would love to have her hands on Momo and her title again as this tournament seems to be the only opportunity she’ll have to get it. Will Bea advance to redeem herself or does Hazuki advance?

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
AZM vs. Rebel Kel
Preview: Our next match is Queen’s Quest’s, AZM as she takes on a member of the Tokyo Cyber Squad, Rebel Kel. Kel has a chance to shut her critics up as AZM is one of the best workers the company has and if you do terrible with her, then there’s no helping you. AZM is another one that has been moving up in the ranks and her winning this tournament will help solidify that. Will Kel be able to improve or does AZM run circles around her?

Cinderella Tournament 2019 First Round Match
Konami vs. Momo Watanabe
Preview: Our final match of the first round is Tokyo Cyber Squad’s, Konami as she fights the leader of Queen’s Quest and current Wonder of Stardom/Goddesses of Stardom Champion, Momo Watanabe. Konami was apart of Queen’s Quest until she got drafted to Hana’s unit and ever since then, Konami has shown a lot of resentment towards her former crew by flipping them off and saying f#!k you to Momo and Queen’s Quest. It seems like Konami felt like she was being held back when she was apart of them and now she has a chance to show them what they’re missing by taking out the ace. Momo won it last year and she’s looking to try and win it again this time. Will the ace prevail or will she get a new rival?
So that’s it for the first round and we would talk about the others but they all happen on the same day, so it would be very difficult to talk about it. Shame that Mayu Iwatani and Utami Hayashishita are out with injuries since it feels like they could’ve used them for the tournament. Be sure to find it on the Stardom streaming service once it becomes available. If we had to pick a winner for this tournament, we would have to go with Arisa Hoshiki and we know it might be a long shot but it could be a chance to have her finally fight Hazuki one on one since that rivalry has been pretty heated lately. Another choice for me would be Kagetsu to challenge Momo Watanabe to do a title for title rematch as they ended in a draw last time. So many possibilities and only one can win.