Original Series
In a ring career that spans nearly two decades, Roderick Strong has continued to develop his skillset and nowadays showcases it on a weekly basis in front of a televised audience. His initial in-ring exposure occurred when he tagged along to his father’s training under the late Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart. It was at this time that Strong befriended a young Harry Smith (Davey Boy Smith Jr), which helped him develop his craft. He emerged from this as a young performer named ‘The Jester.’ By his own admission, the name was reflective of nothing more than simply being a tween…
Trending News Stories
It’s June 24, 1974. I’m a skinny, 14-year-old and it’s my first wrestling match EVER. My heart is beating out of my chest because these superheroes and supervillains have suddenly come to life. And finally, there he is. “The Italian strongman,” Bruno Sammartino. The building literally shakes as he enters without a hint of pyro or entrance music. This powerhouse who hid from the Nazis as a child in WW II and built himself up into a superman. His partner, Chief Jay Strongbow and he stood across the ring from the Russian monster Nikolai Volkoff who could shatter fruit in…
Most Viewed Articles
“I was Handsome Jimmy (Valiant) in the ’60s and the ’70s, I was a bad cat, man. I strutted around and was one of the first blonds with a good body…When I went into the Carolinas in the ’80s I looked around and saw all the pretty boy blonds. “You know (Ric) Flair was there just getting going and Buddy Landel was just getting going, so there was a lot of those kids that already did that. So I reinvented myself, and you have to continue and have a long career like I did. So I threw away my razor…
Commemorative Articles
Trailblazers are only celebrated if they are successful. Little thought is given to the ones who made way for them. Nobody dreams of following in the path of Men On A Mission. But when you are on a mission, you need to be brave enough to go forward, no matter who is behind you. Robert “Bobby” Horne was born in Monroe, North Carolina, in 1967. He played multiple different sports at school. But his favourite sport was pro wrestling. After graduation, he went to indie wrestling shows in a bid to get his foot in the door. He managed to…
List Articles
2023 marked a groundbreaking period for professional wrestling in Great Britain, highlighted by All Elite Wrestling’s historic showcase at Wembley Stadium. Drawing in leading global talents and fans from across the globe, the event proved to be one of the most remarkable in recent memory. While such grand spectacles captured the spotlight, the thriving wrestling scene in the UK continued to deliver performances of the highest quality on a regular basis. The Ones To Watch 2024 – British Pro-Wrestling Weekly shows by various promotions showcased a myriad of exceptional emerging talents and homegrown individuals poised on the brink of international…
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In 2015, then one-half of Ring of Honor’s The Addiction, Frankie Kazarian recently, took some time to participate in an interview. Kazarian reveals his past, his present and his future in professional wrestling. He opens up about his time with TNA, training under the legendary Killer Kowalski and his thoughts about working alongside Ric Flair and how to always appreciate what you have. Check out the complete interview below. For Frankie Kazarian and a number of wrestlers have been trained by the legendary Killer Kowalski. What can you say his teaching and growth taught you about the business when you…