NWA-TNA PPV 63 – NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 63 from the

TNA Asylum Nashville, TN.

Outside, Erik Watts has a confrontation with Don Callis for favoring Vince Russo instead of Roddy Piper. Callis tells Watts that Watts is in charge of the stuff in the ring while he controls everything else.

3LK comes out for a rap routine. Eventually, Simon Diamond, Glenn Gilbertti, and David Young came out to attack Konnan, BG James, and Ron Killings. They head to the ring and say that their opponents are in no condition to compete.

Raven, CM Punk, and Julio Dinero come out for a brawl. Raven gets a microphone, saying he wants to scream, cry, and puke every time he looks at himself in the mirror because he is embarrassed.

Raven reveals that he has been diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia, clinical depression, and manic depression.

Kid Kash comes to the announcers’ table to inform us that he is not responsible for what happened to Terry Taylor tonight.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviews Jerry Lynn. Lynn says he has heard people say that he can’t hang with the young guys, and he doesn’t think that the young guys can hang with him.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Chris Sabin vs. Nosawa vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Jerry Lynn
Elimination match
(To determine the Number One contenders match).

Nosawa is highlighted at first with his various kicks, but that doesn’t last overly long. Lynn and Sabin traded some hurricanranas until Lynn dumps Sabin to the floor where Lynn leaps off the apron to hit another one.

Juventud and Nosawa enter with Nosawa sending Guerrera face first into the corner hitting a German suplex moments later. Juventud plants Nosawa with a fisherman buster to eliminate Nosawa.

First Elimination: Nosawa by Juventud Guerrera.

Lynn dropkicks Sabin to the floor as Kazarian gets met with a head scissors from Guerrera. Juventud continues with a dropkick to a seated Kazarian and a head scissors on the floor. Sabin dropkicks Guerrera off of Kazarian’s shoulders.

Sabin continues with a dropkick on Kazarian for a two-count. Lynn’s leg drops Sabin’s throat first over the middle rope and hits a slingshot splash, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count.

Guerrera gets in on the action, dropping Lynn with a springboard missile dropkick. Kazarian hits a somersault leg drop on Sabin, who tags in Lynn. Lynn avoids a slingshot DDT attempt by Frankie.

Kazarian drives Sabin down with the Wave of the Future, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock on Kazarian, goes for a pinfall, and gets the 1-2-3!

Second Elimination: Frankie Kazarian by Chris Sabin.

Sabin tosses Guerrera into the corner chest first, but Lynn lifts Sabin into the corner. Guerrera delivers a dropkick, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count.

Guerrera hits a frontward bulldog on Lynn, who takes Sabin down with a reverse neckbreaker. Sabin sunset flips Lynn, who takes Guerrera over with a German suplex.

Sabin kicks Lynn after jumping off of Guerrera’s back. Lynn and Guerrera trade a series of pin attempts. Lynn spikes Guerrera with a backpack, and the driver goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Third Elimination: Juventud Guerrera by Jerry Lynn.

Sabin has Lynn over his shoulder, managing to hit a spinning DDT, but Lynn kicks out at two. Sabin shoves Lynn off the middle rope but gets crotched on the top. NWA X-Division Champion Michael Shane is on the ramp to see the match.

Lynn takes Sabin down with a superplex but only manages a two-count. Lynn comes off the ropes and runs into a big boot. Sabin plants Lynn with a brainbuster but still can’t put Lynn away.

Sabin sends Lynn to the referee, and Lynn goes for the TKO, but Shane enters the ring and accidentally hits Sabin with the title. Lynn takes care of Shane with a DDT. Lynn finishes Sabin off with the cradle piledriver, goes for a pinfall, and gets the 1-2-3!

Fourth Elimination: Chris Sabin by Jerry Lynn

Winner: Jerry Lynn

Backstage, Ekmo and Sonny Siaki attacks Mad Mikey and Shark Boy during their interview.

Mike Tenay interviews “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and informs him that TNA decided to go with Vince Russo instead of him.

Piper sees the company as a rocket ship and wants to be part of it. Piper also sees the guys in the company as having tremendous talents.

Don Callis comes out to the ring and says that he chose Vince Russo and banned “Rowdy” Roddy Piper from the Asylum for life.

Callis is going to announce Jeff Jarrett’s firing until Erik Watts comes out and says that Jarrett will be wrestling Christopher Daniels tonight.

NWA World Champion AJ Styles will wrestle “The American Dream”Dusty Rhodes in a Bunkhouse Match Oh, and the trio of Simon Diamond, David Young and Glenn Gilbertti will compete against 3LK.

Chris Vaughn & Rick Santel vs. Ryan Wilson & Kevin Northcutt.

Erik Watts gets involved, dropping Wilson with a choke slam, and Santel goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Chris Vaughn & Rick Santel.

Backstage, Terry Taylor is interviewed about his match with Kid Kash. Taylor says he is going to teach Kash a lesson tonight.

Kid Kash vs. Terry Taylor

Kash has Abyss in his corner, and Taylor has America’s Most Wanted, “Cowboy,” James Storm & “Wildcat” Chris Harris in his corner. Kash takes Taylor down to the mat and taunts him, but Taylor comes back with a clothesline, and Kash bails to the floor to regroup.

Taylor takes Kash down with a dragon screw leg whip and has an ankle lock on Kash but isn’t able to get a submission. Kash bites Taylor’s forehead and stomps Taylor on the groin. Kash comes off the ropes to hit a swinging neckbreaker.

Kash springboards off the top rope to hit a cross body but Taylor kicks out at two. Kash sends Taylor to the floor and tells Abyss to go over there and he attacks AMW.

Taylor atomic drops Kash, but here comes Abyss, who hits the Black Hole Slam. Storm takes Abyss out while Harris spears Kash and puts Taylor on top of Kash goes for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Terry Taylor.

Backstage, Vince Russo is yelling at Erik Watts, who tells Russo that if he wants to play games, then the games are officially on.

Christopher Daniels vs. Jeff Jarrett.

Daniels chops Jarrett early on, but Jarrett takes Daniels over with a backdrop. Daniels clotheslines Jarrett over the top to the floor where Daniels misses a double axe handle and hits the guardrail.

Jarrett sends Daniels into the guardrail a few more times. Jarrett leaps off the top but is caught in midair as Daniels hits a Rock Bottom. Daniels continues to work over Jarrett with basic strikes.

Daniels following a vertical suplex goes for a pinfall gets a two count. Daniels heel kicks Jarrett after getting out of a rollup. Daniels slams Jarrett and hits the Best Moonsault Ever but Jarrett kicks out again.

Jarrett drops Daniels with a kick to the head. Jarrett battles back with a gut buster and a dropkick. Jeff goes to the top rope, hits a cross body goes for a pinfall gets a two count.

Jarrett blocks a kick to the head and attempts the figure four but Daniels nearly wins with an inside cradle. Daniels drives Jarrett down with a spinning sit out slam. Jarrett kicks one of the minions into the ropes to crotch Daniels and Jarrett pins Daniels with a rollup.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett.

After the match, Daniels whips the minion that messed up with a belt.

Backstage, Dusty Rhodes says that he is an icon and that he has several women waiting for him in his truck after his match with AJ Styles tonight. David Young is subbing for Johnny Swinger, who had an Emergency Appendectomy.

NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championship 
3 Live Kru vs. Simon Diamond, David Young & Glenn Gilbertti (c)

3LK go right after the champions, sending them to the floor. Diamond and Konnan start the match with Konnan eventually hitting a rolling thunder clothesline. BG James gets tagged in as does David Young.
Young decks BG James with a right forearm shot. BG James clotheslines Young in the corner and holds David to allow Killings to come off the top and hit a leg drop to the groin area. Young rolls to the floor to regroup. Gilbertti tags in to try his luck against Killings.
Gilbertti hits Killings with a clothesline and continues with stomps in the corner. Killings ducks a clothesline to hit a spinning heel kick and goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.
Killings has Gilbertti and hits a power slam for goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Diamond cheap shots Killings from the apron, and Gilbertti takes Killings down, working on his knee before tagging in Diamond to continue the onslaught.
Diamond, with three snap suplexes and a fisherman suplex on Killings, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Young tags back in and kicks Killings several times in the corner.
Young drops Killings with a clothesline and tags in Gilbertti. Killings hits a scissors kick on Gilbertti. James and Young get the tags with BG James cleaning house. BG James jabs Diamond several times and hits Gilbertti and Young before hitting a knee drop on Diamond.
James has Young for a pump handle, but Gilbertti makes the save. Konnan plants Gilbertti with a facebuster, but Diamond super kicks Konnan. Killings is sent into a super kick from Diamond and Diamond accidentally super kicks Young.
Killings hits a missile dropkick on Diamond. BG James sends Diamond over the top rope to the floor with a clothesline. Killings takes Diamond out with a dive to the floor.
Gilbertti hits BG James with a steel chair, and Young hits a spine buster on BG James, goes for a pinfall, and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: AND STILL NWA World Tag Team Champions Glenn Gilbertti, Simon Diamond & David Young.

Outside, the TNA Asylum AJ Styles attacks Dusty Rhodes at his pickup truck, but Rhodes is fighting back.
NWA World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles vs. “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes Bunkhouse Match.
They are brawling in the grass, and Vince Russo is punching Rhodes as well. Rhodes low-blows Styles and sends Styles into his pickup truck. Rhodes then sends Styles into a wooden building, but Styles fights back with his right hands.
They brawl into the arena, with Russo hitting Rhodes with a bag or something. Rhodes hits Styles over the head with his boot. Styles uses the boot on Rhodes as well. Styles chokes Dusty with his belt as they finally enter the ring.
Rhodes gets out of the corner and elbows Styles. Rhodes exposes Styles’ butt and spanks the champion. Jeff Jarrett comes out to prevent Vince Russo from escaping the ring.
Jarrett has Trinity over his knee and Rhodes spanks Trinity’s bare @$$ as well. The bell sounds Bunkhouse Match Thrown out.

Winner: No Contest.

Next week, on NWA-TNA PPV Sonny Siaki & Ekmo vs. Mad Mikey & Shark Boy, Part 2 of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper interview, NWA X-Division Championship Match Michael Shane vs. Jerry Lynn, Kid Kash & Abyss vs. American’s Most Wanted, “Cowboy” James Storm & “Wildcat” Chris Harris.

AJ Styles comes over to the announcers’ table and says he is embarrassed and deserves a little bit more respect than what has been shown.

Styles invites “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes to the “house of style” and challenges Rhodes to an NWA World Heavyweight Championship match next week.

Vince Russo comes over and says there will not be a title match with Rhodes next week. Russo says he wants revenge and has a bigger picture. Russo says he will team with Styles to take on Jarrett and Rhodes next week. Styles agrees.

Backstage, James Mitchell wonders how Raven feels knowing he is the first person to be scalped on live television.

Shane Douglas, Slash & Sinn vs. Raven, CM Punk & Julio Dinero
Dog Collar Match

Raven, Punk, and Dinero run to the ring and go on the attack. Raven is tied up with Douglas and chokes him over the middle rope. Dinero is paired up with Slash and Punk with Sinn. Raven yanks on the chain and sends Douglas face-first into the ring post.

Punk sends Sinn into the ring post as well. Raven has a bloodied Douglas in the Cobra clutch. Sinn enters the ring to make the save. Sinn clotheslines Punk with the chain as the heels now have control of the match.

Sinn works over Punk with punches, while Douglas works over Raven on the floor. Sinn yanks on the chain from the floor, and Punk slides out of the ring, crashing to the floor.

[Photo: TNA]

Slash is pressing Dinero’s face into the ring steps. Sinn comes off the top with the chain and whacks Punk with it.

Raven and his men are able to stop Douglas and his men on the middle rope as they went for triple axe handles. Raven low blows Douglas with the chain, allowing Dinero and Punk to hit a double bulldog on Douglas.

Raven, Punk, and Dinero pummel the heels in three corners and send them into each other. Raven brawls with Douglas on the floor. Dinero goes for a pinfall on Slash and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Raven, CM Punk & Julio Dinero.

After the match, Vampiro enters the ring and attacks Raven. Slash drops Punk with a spinning slam.

Douglas brings Raven to the outside towards the balcony. Slash is hanging Raven, Punk, and Dinero from the balcony. NWA-TNA PPV #63 goes for the air.