NWA-TNA PPV 62 – NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 62 in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews from the TNA Asylum from Nashville, TN.

#1 Contenders Match 

Sinn & Slash vs. Kid Kash & Abyss vs. BG James & Ron Killings vs. America’s Most Wanted.

Storm and Slash kick off the match with Storm hitting a side Russian leg sweep. Harris and Storm double team Slash hitting a neck breaker and a leg drop combo for a two count.
Harris is picked up by Slash and Sinn as they have a double Torture Rack and slam Harris to the canvas for a two-count. Sinn continues to work over Storm with strikes. James tags himself in and quickly attempts a pinfall on Storm, gets a two count.
James Storm can’t hit a pump handle slam, and Storm super kicks James for a two-count. Kash enters and dropkicks a seated James. Kash kicks James a few times and hits a springboard somersault dropkick across the ring!
Kash misses a forearm drop off the top, and Killings gets tagged in working over Kash hitting a scissors kick.
James lifts Kash up to allow Killings to deliver a leaping kick for a two-count. Kash flips off Killings after avoiding a leaping kick.
Abyss is tagged in but can’t hit Killings instead James gets tagged in and now everyone is tagging in quickly to confuse Abyss and keep him off balance.
They are all wrenching on his arm. Kash slaps Abyss, and that gets Abyss fired up to clean house on everyone in the match.
Abyss tosses Storm over his head onto Sinn and Storm. AMW hit a double spear on Abyss! AMW takes Abyss out with a dive to the floor.
Kash attempts the Money Maker, but Terry Taylor rolls into the ring and low blows Kash to allow Killings to hit a front suplex on Kash goes for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: BG James & Ron Killings!

Roddy Piper makes his return to TNA and talks about how his family and friends read on the internet that he was a drug addict and blames a promoter for that.
He takes credit for making WrestleMania a success and is here to ride on a rocket ship that is about to take off. Vince Russo comes out and says that Piper is only here because nobody else wants the Hot Rod.
Russo says that he or Piper will either stay in TNA because they can’t be in the same place working together.

D’Lo Brown vs. Sonny Siaki

Casket Match

Usually, the casket would be placed outside the ring. However, this match has the casket inside the ring. Brown goes right after Siaki hitting several right hands and continues to hammer away on Siaki ramming Sonny face first onto the casket.
Brown slams the casket door onto Sonny’s back. Trinity gets on the apron to distract Brown and prevents Brown from closing the casket. Brown hits a leaping kick and a snap suplex.
Brown sets the casket up in the corner and sends Siaki back first into the casket. Siaki lifts Brown up and drops Brown chest first over the casket in the corner to get control of the match. Siaki slams the casket onto Brown on the canvas.
Brown fights back with strikes, backdrop, and clotheslines. Siaki sends Brown into the casket and Trinity holds Brown in the corner so Siaki can shove the casket into the back of Brown.
[Photo: Facebook]
Brown plants Siaki onto the casket with a spine buster! Brown hits a frog splash off the top onto the casket! Ekmo FKA Jamal of 3 Minute Warning, in WWE enters the ring and attacks Brown hitting a Samoan Drop!
Ekmo goes to the top and hits a top rope big splash. Ekmo places Brown in the casket, and Siaki closes the casket.

Winner: Sonny Siaki

Backstage, Don Callis and Erik Watts have a confrontation regarding issues in TNA. Callis would make sure that Jerry Lynn didn’t have a title match tonight if he could have his way. Watts shows Callis that he has all the power by flipping him off.

Eric Young, Frankie Kazarian & Juventud Guerrera vs. Nosawa, Chris Sabin & Michael Shane.

Young is making his NWA-TNA in-ring debut. Guerrera and Shane kicks off the match. Guerrera works over Shane with a few chops, but Shane drops Guerrera with a spin kick.

Nosawa enters and is met with a dropkick from Guerrera. Young tags in but Nosawa dropkicks Young while he is seated. Sabin gets the tag and works over Young with strikes in the corner.

Eric Young hits a few dropkicks on Sabin and tags in Kazarian. Sabin is double teamed by Young and Kazarian as they hit a splash and leg drop combo for a two count.

Kazarian is kicked by Nosawa on the apron after knocking Shane off. Shane sends Kazarian into the guardrail and Sabin hits a springboard spinning heel kick goes for a pinfall gets a two count.

Shane legally tags in and trades right hands with Frankie. Kazarian blocks a tornado DDT attempt and they are both on the middle rope where Shane hits a swinging neck breaker for a two count!

Sabin tags in but is met with a kick from Kazarian rather quickly. Shane prevents Kazarian from tagging out. Kazarian fights off the three opponents with a hurricanrana on Sabin and a springboard back elbow to Shane and Nosawa.

Guerrera is tagged in and hits a wheelbarrow bulldog on Shane and Nosawa. Guerrera plants Sabin with a DDT and a spinning heel kick for Nosawa.

Shane prevents Guerrera from going to the floor, but Juventud takes Nosawa out the second time. Shane hits a somersault dive over the top to the floor. Young hits a suicide dive.

Kazarian dives over the top to take everyone out as well. Sabin springboards off the top to hit a somersault dive onto everyone.

Sabin has Guerrera but can’t hit a tornado DDT. Guerrera plants Sabin with the Juvi Driver! Guerrera heads to the top rope, but Shane crotches Juventud on the top. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock, but Kazarian breaks up the cover.

Kazarian connects with the Wave of the Future on Sabin. Shane plants Kazarian with a DDT. Guerrera head scissors Shane head first into the guardrail. Nosawa hits Young with a shining wizard.

Young hits a wheelbarrow neck breaker but Sabin hits Young with the title belt and Shane rolls up Young gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Chris Sabin, Nosawa, & Michael Shane

Backstage, Christopher Daniels is with three guys and tells them they need to get Jeff Jarrett ready for his final seven days. Daniels is going to get more members for his group.

Jeff Jarrett comes out and wants a rematch for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Jarrett believes the easy choice is to pick Piper because he cares about the company, while Russo doesn’t. He also makes it clear that he is coming for Christopher Daniels.

Shark Boy & Mad Mikey vs. Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger (c) with Glenn Gilbertti

Shark Boy with a hurricanrana on Diamond Shark Boy goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Shark Boy calls that the Sharkacanrana.

Mad Mikey and Shark Boy with a Double Elbow Drop on Diamond Mad Mikey goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Diamond with a Super Kick to Mad Mikey goes for a pinfall gets a two count.

Diamond with a Snap Suplex on Mad Mikey goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Shark Boy with a Neckbreaker on Swinger goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Mad Mikey attacks Glen Gilbertti on the floor.

Diamond and Swinger double team Shark Boy with the Problem Solver Swinger goes for a pinfall on Shark Boy and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett is brawling with Christopher Daniels minions up in the Crow Nest Jarrett tossed one of them from the Crow Nest through a table.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jerry Lynn vs. (c) AJ Styles

This was a big feud for TNA last year, so there is interest in this showdown for the top championship. The main event must have something big for it if this isn’t closing the show.

Lynn slaps Styles after Styles slaps Lynn on the chest. Lynn decks Styles with a clothesline and stomps away on Styles in the corner to continue his offense. Lynn monkey flips Styles chest first into the corner and hits a tilt a while back breaker for a two count.

Styles attempts a springboard reverse DDT, but Lynn drops Styles across the top rope and dropkicks Styles off the apron to the floor. Lynn slams Styles into the guardrail. Styles leaps off the guardrail, but Lynn hits a gut buster over his knee.

Lynn signals for the cradle piledriver, but Trinity distracts Lynn and allows Styles to catapult Lynn into the ring steps. Lynn has been busted wide open.

Lynn is bleeding quite badly as Styles is working over his hated rival in the corner. Styles attempts a tornado DDT, but Lynn counters with a suplex toss into the corner.

Lynn backdrops Styles followed by a swinging neck breaker. Lynn plants Styles with a TKO but can’t put the champ away on the cover attempt.

Styles attempts a hurricanrana but is power bombed by Lynn for another two count. Lynn attempts the cradle piledriver but Trinity shoves the referee into the move and allows Styles to hit a double leg slam.

Styles plants Lynn with a brain buster for a two-count. Styles attempts the Styles Clash but Lynn counters with a backdrop driver goes for a pinfall gets a two count. Trinity is arguing with the referee on the floor as Styles has a steel chair.

Lynn avoids the chair shot but is low-blowed. Styles hits a neck breaker onto the steel chair but Lynn kicks out at two. Styles hits the Styles Clash and goes for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: AND STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles!

Vince Russo comes out and says that the moment of truth is upon us as the decision who’s going to stay in NWA-TNA Roddy Piper or Vince Russo. “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes came out and gave AJ Styles a baseball bat to drop Vince Russo.

Rhodes turns his attention to Russo and is met with a baseball shot from Styles. Roddy Piper came down to the ring but was stopped by the red-shirt security and dragged to the backstage area.

Raven vs. Shane Douglas

Hair vs. Hair Match

They start trading punches with Raven sending Douglas to the floor but they quickly return to the ring. Raven sends Douglas to the floor again after a boot to the midsection but Douglas rolls back into the ring.

Raven sends Douglas into the guardrail and drops Douglas with a right hand. Raven tosses Douglas over the guardrail into the crowd. While in the crowd, Raven hits Douglas with a steel chair over the back. Raven leg drops the chair over the face of Douglas!

Raven sends Douglas into a steel chair that a fan is holding and hits Douglas with a plastic trash can. They get back into the ring, where Raven continues to jab Douglas.

Raven has a cobra clutch locked in, but Douglas refuses to give in. Raven attempts the DDT but Douglas gets away and drop toe holds Raven through the middle rope to the floor.

Douglas follows and hammers away on Raven to keep control of the bout. Raven jabs Douglas and hits a side Russian leg sweep against the guardrail. Raven rams Douglas head first into the ring steps.

Douglas has been busted wide open as Raven continues to deliver jabs. Douglas misses a punch and hits the ring steps head first instead. Douglas low blows Raven to avoid being sent face first into the announcers table.

Douglas rams Raven face-first into the ring steps. They are both busted wide open at this point. Douglas taunts fans in the front row by showing them the blood of Raven. Douglas hits a rolling neck snap to keep the advantage in the ring.

Douglas goes for an abdominal stretch, but Raven counters briefly with the cobra clutch. Raven counters the abdominal stretch, but Douglas hip tosses Raven over the top to the floor. Raven fights back with jabs, and Douglas drops to the mat.

Tenay is playing it off as if Douglas is physically spent. Douglas has a chain around his first and decks Raven to nearly win the match. Raven had brought a chair into the ring before being hit with the chain.

Raven drop-toe holds Douglas face first onto the chair but can’t put Douglas away on the cover. Raven hits a running bulldog onto the chair, but Douglas kicks out again. Raven ducks a clothesline to super kick Douglas for a two count.

Slash pulls the referee out of the ring, but Raven splashes Douglas and collides with Slash and the referee on the bulldog attempt. Sinn enters to super kick Raven and Raven is being attacked. Two tables are brought into the ring as Raven is laid out.

Julio Dinero and CM Punk run into the ring and make the save, sending the New Church to the floor. Douglas sets a table up, but Raven plants Douglas with a DDT for a two count.

Raven puts Douglas on the middle rope but Douglas fights off and tosses Raven through the table, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Douglas sets another table up and places Raven on top of it.

Douglas is stopped, and Raven hits a top rope DDT through the table! Raven has the cover, but the lights go out.

When the lights come back on, the mystery man reveals himself as being Vampiro! Vampiro plants Raven with a DDT and Douglas goes for a pinfall on Raven gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Shane Douglas

After the match, Raven doesn’t attack the men but instead sits on a steel chair and gets his head shaved. James Mitchell shaves Raven’s head, which he does incorrectly, and scalps the head of Raven as he bleeds more from the top of his head.

Douglas shows Raven his look in the mirror Don West says I can’t take it I can’t watch this anymore. West stands up takes off his headset leaves the announce table.

Mike Tenay saysI don’t blame you Don! This is BS! This sucks! I’ve loss my Objectivity and I don’t give a DAMN! NWA-TNA PPV 62 goes off the air.