Mike Tenay welcomes us to the show mentions we see Jeff Jarrett vs. BG James and X-Division Championship Lumberjack Match for NWA-TNA PPV 14. Jerry Lynn faces NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ron “The Truth” Killings. Tenay introduces Don West while they are doing their on camera about to run down the rest of tonight’s match card. Tenay I hear something going backstage he asked Director Keith Mitchell can we get a camera back there?
We briefly see Goldylocks as the camera gets in place Jerry Lynn is attacking Sonny Sakai for causing him the NWA World Heavyweight Championship vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings last week in the Main Event NWA-TNA. Sonny Siaki is fighting back a couple of security try to break up the fight between Lynn and Sakai they get knockdown by Lynn & Sakai. Don Harris head of TNA security pulls Jerry Lynn and Sonny Siaki apart.
Mike Tenay and Don West try the on-camera again, to rundown tonight’s match card AJ Styles vs. Lo-Ki the winner gets an X-Division Title match next week the loser goes to the bottom of the X-Division rankings. Scott Hall and Syxx-Pac vs. Brian Lawler and Elix Skipper. NEW NWA-TNA World Tag Team champions “Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris (c) against Ron Harris and Brian Lee Tables Match.
Finally, there will be an X-Division Championship Lumberjack Match between Jerry Lynn and Ron “The Truth” Killings.
The Special stipulation for that match X-Division wrestlers will be the lumberjacks surrounding the ring. Mike Tenay asked NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings Why are you challenging Jerry Lynn for the X-Division Championship? Killings said he’s going to eradicate the X-Division. The main event will be Jeff Jarrett against BG James.
Amazing Red vs. Sonny Siaki
Amazing Red with Red Star Press off the apron to the floor Red rolls Sakai into the ring goes for pinfall gets two. Sakai with Gorilla Press Slam Red goes for pinfall gets two. Sakai with a clothesline to Red goes for pinfall gets two. Tenay mentioned on commentary he just noticed Sonny Sakai isn’t wearing The Flying Elvises jumpsuit ring attire. Sakai is wearing Black leather pants, a black leather belt, and black wrestling boots.
Red with Flying Inverted DDT goes for pinfall gets two. Sakai drops Red face-first on the steel steps and face first the guardrail at ringside they show Mortimer Plumtree on the ramp with a notebook and pen taking notes Tenay mentions on commentary we haven’t seen Mortimer Plumtree in weeks on NWA-TNA PPVs.
Meanwhile, Sakai rolls Red back into the ring goes for a pinfall twice gets two both times. Sakai with an overhead Release Belly-to-Belly suplex to Red into the corner goes for a pinfall twice gets two both times. Sakai with Side Kick goes for a pinfall, Red grabs the bottom rope at two to break up the pin attempt. Red with CodeRed into pinfall gets two. Amazing Red with Spin Kick goes for a pinfall gets two.
Red goes to the top rope Sakai ducks to avoid Red coming off the top rope. Sakai kicks Red in the stomach Sakai hits Money Clip goes for a pinfall gets 1-2-3!
Winner Sonny Siaki.
After the match, Jorge Estrada of The Flying Elvises comes out to the ramp to confront Sonny Sakai. Estrada says before, the night is over he will strip Sakai of The Flying Elvises ring attire all the way down, to the Blue suede shoes. Estrada is going to kick Sakai out of The Flying Elvises tonight. Sakai goes to the back. Something is going on backstage? Tenay tosses it to the back.
NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings attacked Amazing Red as he came through the curtain.
They show a video package with highlights from the 10 team Gauntlet for the Gold, NWA World Tag Team Titles.
NWA World Tag Team Championship Tables Match
Ron Harris & Prime Time Brian Lee vs. (c) “Cowboy” James Storm & “Wildcat” Chris Harris
Ron Harris & Prime Time Brian Lee attacked “Cowboy” James Storm & “Wildcat” Chris Harris at the opening bell. Storm & Harris with a double team Harris & Lee the NWA World Tag Team champions are in control of the match. Ron Harris with Sidewalk Slam on “Wildcat” Chris Harris he goes for a pinfall referee Rudy Charles reminds him it’s a Tables Match you have to put one of your opponents through a table to win the match.
Harris tags Lee into the match, Ron Harris grabs a table on the floor slides it into the ring sets it up in Lee and Ron Harris’s corner. Ron Harris with a power slam to Chris Harris West asked Tenay on commentary What is Ron. Harris doing he had a chance to drive Chris Harris through the table to win the match What is he thinking? Tenay You don’t think with how dominant Ron Harris and Brian Lee were in the 10 team Gauntlet For The Gold,
Fans chanting Tables! Tables! Tables! Ron Harris tags in Lee with three elbow drops on Chris Harris. Lee with a bodyslam then goes to the top rope missed a knee drop Chris Harris rolls out of the way tags in Storm. Storm and Chris Harris with a double dropkick followed by a double clothesline knock Ron Harris off the apron, to the floor. Storm & Chris Harris go to double clothesline Lee ducks it. He charges at Storm and Chris Harris they back body drop him, over the top rope onto the apron.
Lee with a double clothesline to Storm & Chris Harris. Lee goes to chokeslam Chris Harris Storm stops it. Brian Lee goes for a suplex to Chris Harris off the apron through the table on the floor again, Storm stops it. Storm springs off Chris Harris hits Lee with Forearm sending him, through the table on the floor.
Winners AND STILL NWA World Tag Team champions, “Wildcat” Chris Harris & “Cowboy” James Storm.
After the match, Ron Harris gets back into the ring grabs one of the NWA World Tag Team titles hits “Wildcat” Chris Harris & “Cowboy” James Storm in the face. Ron Harris sets up a table in the ring, powerbomb “Cowboy” James Storm through the table. Ron Harris continues the attack on “Wildcat” Chris Harris security comes to the ring try and restore order Ron Harris attacks starts to attack the security.
Head of TNA security Don Harris comes to the ring puts a stop to the attack by his brother Ron Harris they exchange words and shove each other. Ron Harris goes to the back.
Earlier Today Miss TNA Bruce arrives to TNA Asylum cuts off takes a parking spot from TNA ticket taker Sara Lee. Goldylocks asked Miss TNA Bruce about last week’s match? Sara Lee threatens to shove an umbrella up Miss TNA Bruce’s butt. Miss TNA Bruce gets slapped across the face by Sara Lee a few TNA staff separate Miss TNA Bruce and TNA ticket taker Sara Lee. Unfortunately, NWA-TNA keeps bringing back Bruce on their pay-per-views.
Jeremy Borash introduces NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings comes to the ring. Killings cut his music. Calls the fans Nashville Trashville rejects tells them to shut up. He has something he wants to get off his chest. Fans boo Killings. Killings says growing up in the projects there was no doubt to the smell of a rat. Rats were everywhere in our food, in our bathtub, in our bed where we slept.
Oh boy, Killings is playing the race card. Killings asked what happened to Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat after he gave me my title shot? Have you seen him, I sure haven’t. You know what since I became the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, what happened to my special treatment. Where’s my t-shirt? Where’s my Ron “The Truth” Killings’ merchandise? I haven’t seen any of it.
Forget all that, where is my private dressing room? They gave Ken Shamrock one. Where’s my at? You know what else, I’m PO’ed about tonight I have to wrestle Jerry Lynn alongside X-Division wrestlers.
Mike Tenay mentions on commentary X-Division Championship Lumberjack Match Ron “The Truth” Killings against Jerry Lynn X-Division wrestlers will surround the ring. Killings asked how did that happen why does Lynn get a posse? Where are my homies at? Music hits BG James says to cut the music and comes to the ring. James, I hear you talking, whining like a prima donna asked Killings is that what it’s come to. Are you a prima donna?
Allow me to verbally ground you. Maybe you forgot who was it that, extended that hand of friendship called you a couple of years ago. Who was it covering your booty when all the boys were burying you to the higher-ups? I think maybe what you need is a wake-up call, maybe me slapping those braids out of your hair will sound that alarm. Killings interrupts James You know what you let me tell you the way I see it.
Mr. Brian G. James? Killings tells the fans to shut up again, you brought me aboard the WWF because; your butt was in trouble. You went out and found the Suntan Superman the Great Black Hope to carry the load a little bit, shine it up, pick up the load I did that. I carried your butt like a 10-pound bag of Idaho sweet potatoes. James listen to me, Ronnie? Killings replies Shut your mouth! Rule 1 Don’t speak when the champ is speaking.
Let your mind go Engage before, your mouth go and give. In spite of using me in the WWF, last week your first time seeing me, my first time seeing you I extended my hand & you slapped it away as if you had bigger fish to fry. I guess you want to hang out with your two clown ex-friends in the back. You know what Mr. Brian G. James? You can hang as much, as you want to but, when you get a chance take a long look in the mirror.
As you can see it’s a new day and time & the place is my Asylum. And, as long as you are in my Asylum. James replies I’ll tell you what. Why don’t I give you a little posse? BG James attacks NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings. They exchange right hands. James Irish Whip Killings reverses it goes for Ax Kick James ducks it, right-hand Killings rolls out of the ring. James grabs a microphone.
Ron Killings, you want me to be Demi Moore? Well, I ain’t Jack Nicholson and I ain’t Tom Cruise I can handle The Truth. BG James with a reference to the movie Few Good Men, The name is BG James and the G stands for You just got it! Get it! Good! That segment seemed like it went on forever.
The first 40 minutes of NWA-TNA PPV #14 had too much, talking for me. Mike Tenay throws it backstage to Goldylocks conducts an interview with Brian Lawler accompanied by his girlfriend April. Goldylocks I’m here to ask you about your tag team match tonight, later in the show vs. Scott Hall & Syxx-Pac, it seems like there are some other issues at hand pertaining to you and your girlfriend?
Lawler interrupts Goldylocks says First of all what goes on between me & my girlfriend is nobody’s business but, mine. Issues?
There are no issues April has been talked to and straightened out. And there, will be no more disrespect right? April interrupts Lawler says Wait a minute, Brian I don’t need you to speak for me. I did what I did to find comfort and since day one I have been putting up with your mental, verbal & she started to say physical abuse Lawler interrupted by grabbed the microphone.
Lawler tells Goldylocks this interview is over get out of here. No, No, No! Lawler says to his girlfriend April What did I tell what goes on between us is nobody’s business but, mine. Lawler tells the cameraman to get out of here.
X-Division 2 Out of 3 Falls Match
AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki
Nice chain wrestling between Styles and Lo-Ki to start the match. Low-Ki with a Spinning Elbow goes for a pinfall gets two. Low-Ki with a Body Slam followed by a kick to the Spine goes for a pinfall gets two. Styles with a Backbreaker across the knee followed by Gut Buster across the knee, knife edge chop, forearm, drop kick in the corner goes for a pinfall gets two. Low-Ki with a Front Kick puts Styles in Dragon Sleeper Styles tries to get to the ropes to break the hold. Low-Ki turned his around Styles taps out.
Winner of the 1st Fall, Low-Ki.
Start of the 2nd Fall Styles catches Low-Ki with a Lariat goes for a pinfall gets two. Styles with a vertical Suplex holds it up in the air the blood rush to Low-Ki’s head follows up with a Knee Drop goes for a pinfall gets two. Styles with a Leg Lariat followed by an Enziguri Kick to Low-Ki. Low-Ki rolls out of the ring. Styles went for a Baseball Slide Dropkick gets caught by Low-Ki. Low-Ki kicks Styles in the face Styles rolls out of the ring.
Low-Ki puts Styles in a Dragon Sleeper on the floor. Styles falls back onto his backdrops Low-Ki onto the ramp rolls Low-Ki into the ring. Styles goes for a pinfall gets two. Low-Ki goes for a Hurricanrana Styles counters into a Sunset Flip gets the 1-2-3!
Winner of the 2nd Fall AJ Styles.
The match is tied 1-1.
Start of the 3rd Fall Styles working on Low-Ki’s left knee on the floor, rolled Low-Ki back into the ring. Styles with a Shine Breaker off the middle rope. Low-Ki catches Styles off guard with an Inside Cradle gets a two. Styles goes for the Styles Clash Low-Ki counters it with a Hurricanrana goes for a pinfall gets two. AJ kicks out Low-Kai’s left leg out from underneath him.
Styles with a Back Kick which looked like a low blow to me. I didn’t see at first Styles pushed referee Scott Armstrong out of the way that’s why Armstrong didn’t see Styles Back Kick Low-Ki. Styles goes for a pinfall has his feet on the middle rope gets two.
Styles goes for the Styles Clash goes for the pinfall gets the 1-2-3!
Winner AJ Styles!
New #1 Contender gets an X-Division Championship Match next week on NWA-TNA PPV AJ Styles. Low-Ki goes to the bottom of the X-Division standings.
Mike Tenay throws it backstage to Goldylocks she conducts an interview with Jeff Jarrett. Things aren’t maybe exactly going how you planned on TNA, since day one it’s been all about the NWA World Heavyweight Championship? Week after a week you’re derailed and derailed again, now with Scott Hall, BG James, Syxx-Pac they are all on the scene. It’s got to be so hard for you? A dream than a reality. The NWA World Heavyweight Championship it’s more of a dream than I reality.
Jarrett replies A dream more than a reality? Keep smoking that, Hemp Goldylocks keep smoking that Hemp dad after day and in a year you will be selling Lifetime hits from the 60s on some obscure cable station at four in the morning. Nothing has been derailed not one thing as a matter of fact, I’m more focused on the situation. BG James, Scott Hall, and Syxx-Pac all on the scene it’s got to be so hard for you? they are three obstacles I need to eliminate and I’m going to do that one by one.
And as far as Ron “The Truth” Killings goes? It’s nothing personal it’s business that, NWA World Title will be mine in time. Tonight I have three obstacles I need to eliminate.
Elix Skipper & Brian Lawler w/ April vs. Scott Hall & Syxx-Pac
Scott Hall with a Chokeslam on Elix Skipper goes for a pinfall gets two. Skipper to the top rope hits Legdrop on Hall goes for pinfall gets two. Lawler charges at Hall in the corner shoulder block to midsection goes for a pinfall gets two. Syxx-Pac with X-Factor on Skipper goes for pinfall gets two before, Lawler breaks it up. Skipper to the top rope Syxx-Pac counters it into an X-Factor goes for a pinfall gets 1-2-3!
Winners Scott Hall & Syxx-Pac.
After the match, Jeff Jarrett hits the ring gives Syxx-Pac The Stroke. Jarrett with Enziguri Kick to Hall followed by The Stroke. Lawler, Jarrett and Skipper attack Scott Hall and Syxx-Pac in the ring. Jarrett stops security from restoring order. TNA Head of security Don Harris comes out to the ring Jarrett, Lawler & Skipper go to the back.
Tenay toss it to Goldylocks backstage conducts an interview with AJ Styles. Styles doesn’t care who wins the X-Division Championship Match tonight, Jerry Lynn or Ron “The Truth” Killings. Styles challenges the X-Division Champion to a Ladder Match next week on NWA-TNA PPV.
Kid Kash vs. Jorge Estrada
Nice chain wrestling between Kash and Estrada to start the match. They show Mortimer Plumtree by the ramp with a notebook and pen taking notes. Estrada with a Dive over the top rope comes up short. Kash with a Double Springboard flip off the top rope onto Estrada on the floor rolls him, back into the ring goes for a pinfall gets two. Estrada with a Hip Toss goes for a pinfall gets two. Estrada with a Standing Moonsault goes for a pinfall gets two.
Winner Jorge Estrada.
After the match, Jorge Estrada grabs a microphone calls out Sonny Sakai. Bring it to me before, I bring it to you. Sakai apologies to Estrada. Sakai says he gave his Flying Elvises jumpsuit a proper burial. They show on the big screen a video of Sakai he has Goldylocks and a cameraman with him, he throws his Flying Elvises jump suit into a metal trash can set on fire.
They show a video package with highlights of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match X-Division Champion Jerry Lynn vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings. Sonny Siaki cost Jerry Lynn the NWA World Heavyweight Championship last week on NWA-TNA PPV.
X-Division Championship Lumberjack Match
Ron “The Truth” Killings vs. (c) Jerry Lynn
Lynn with a Bulldog off the middle rope Killings rolls out of the ring. Amazing Red rolls Killings back into the ring Lynn goes for a pinfall gets two. Killings with a Wheelbarrow Slam Lynn face first on the mat goes for a pinfall gets two. Killings tosses Lynn out to the floor. Kash gets a couple cheap shots in kicks Lynn. #1 Contender for X-Division Championship AJ Styles has come out to the ramp to watch this match. Killings with a Muscle Buster goes for a pinfall gets two.
Killings with a Power Slam goes for a pinfall gets two. Lynn charges out of the corner Killings with another Power Slam goes for a pinfall gets two. Lynn with Sit-out Powerbomb goes for a pinfall gets two. Killings with Low Blow referee Scott Armstrong didn’t see Amazing Red and Jorge Estrada tried to tell Armstrong about it. Low-Ki jumped up on the apron caught Killings throat first across the top rope. Lynn hits TKO goes for pinfall gets 1-2-3!
Winner AND STILL X-Division Champion, Jerry Lynn.
After the match, NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings isn’t happy referee Scott Armstrong.
Don West runs down Next Week on NWA-TNA PPV X-Division Championship Ladder Match AJ Styles vs. (c) Jerry Lynn. Plus NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings, Sonny Sakai, Jeff Jarrett, Syxx-Pac, Scott Hall and more. So you better tune in!
BG James has a microphone says Jeff Jarrett earlier tonight you talked about three mountains to climb I guess that makes me next. I promise as much, as you are going to hate it this obstacle won’t be negotiated. Jeff Jarrett I promise you this, It ain’t nothing BG Thang. You’re about to feel my BG Sting. Because you see BG James and The G stands for Get it! Got it Good!
Jeff Jarrett vs. BG James
BG James off the ropes with a knee drop goes for a pinfall gets two. Elix Skipper came down, to ringside to help Jarrett James knocks Skipper off the apron. Jeff Jarrett grabbed a steel chair at ringside stuck it between the top and middle turnbuckle Jarrett tried to send James into the steel chair James sent Jarrett headfirst into the steel chair goes for a pinfall to get two. Skipper back up on the apron, James knocks him to the floor for his efforts.
Jarrett goes for Sunset Flip James sit down goes for a pinfall gets two. Brian Lawler comes down, to ringside gets up on the apron to distract James Lawler is holding James for Jarrett. Jarrett charges at James. James moves Jarrett runs into Lawler. James with a School Boy gets a two. Referee Rudy Charles is distracted by Lawler and Skipper Jarrett grabs the steel chair he wedged in between the turnbuckles early in the match hits James over the head with it.
Jarrett crawls over goes for a pinfall gets two. BG James with a Pump-handle Slam goes for a pinfall 1-2 Lawler and Skipper hit the ring causing the match to be thrown out.
Winner by DQ BG James.
Jarrett holding Hall Killings hits him, with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Killings, Lawler and Skipper are holding Syxx-Pac Jarrett asked for NWA World Heavyweight Championship comes off the middle rope hits Syxx-Pac with it. NWA-TNA #14 PPV goes off the air.