Lee Moriarty wrestling’s ‘Apex of Combat’

An apex is best described as the tip, the point, the summit, a climax, or a peak. The best definition of combat is ‘to oppose vigorously’. Put these two words together, and you have the nickname for Lee Moriarty, but it is evident that this isn’t merely a nickname.

Lee Moriarty carries himself with a sense of calm that erupts upon the battlefield. The earliest influence on his ring style was AJ Styles.

But he has shown growth over his time in the industry due to his exposure to Chris Hero and Tiger Mask 1.

They, along with contemporaries such as ACH, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, and Bryan Danielson, who represent diverse styles that he wanted to be incorporated, have shaped who he is in the ring.

For most in the industry, growing pains occur when they first begin. Moriarty walked into a very accepting and welcoming environment, surrounded by good energy, under Brandon K and Dean Radford’s watchful eyes at PWX in McKeesport, PA.
From trainers to classmates, he is grateful for all aspects of this particular school where he began his career.

Lee Moriarty – ‘The Apex of Combat’

Now a five year veteran of the ring, Moriarty describes his style as being TAIGASTYLE. This is defined as a collaboration of techniques, with each element’s prominence varying, depending on his opposition. Adaptation and the ability to adjust are essential in combat.

For Moriarty, it is crucial to utilize several skills to achieve. Firstly, his ability to change up what he does gives him his greatest opportunity for success. Secondly, it makes for an immensely entertaining match for spectators.

Despite only wrestling for five years, there are moments in his career that certainly stand out.

Moriarty has shared that attending an episode of SmackDown where Edge cashed in his Money In The Bank briefcase against The Undertaker greatly impacted him, as he witnessed the Rated R Superstar win the title. It was his most memorable experience as a fan.

When he stepped into the ring in December 2015 is an occasion he recalls even more fondly.

During a tag team match, when he was paired with Ganon Jones Jr as part of The Order, the duo captured the PWX Tag Team Titles at the PWX No Limits event at the PWX Wrestleplex.

Familiarity with an opponent brings with it a sense of trust and understanding. Moriarty’s most memorable match was with a veteran who achieved success in Ring of Honor and TNA/IMPACT Wrestling.

The most memorable match I was in was my submission match with Alex Shelley.

Being in the ring for a third time with someone that caliber in front of an AIW crowd who seemed extremely invested in the match was unlike anything else.

Someone even told me there was a fan near them crying at the end of it. Wild haha.

As their career progresses, how someone is valued and how prominent they are on the card is very important to a talent.
To Lee Moriarty’s credit, he’s never felt that he was treated differently or unfairly and has always felt valued. He’s often stated that he has been accepted everywhere he has been.


An outlet that has the ability to be a wrestler’s friend is social media, and though in many instances, it can be a double-edged sword, that isn’t the case with Lee Moriarty. He feels it has advanced his character and reputation.

It has given him a platform to express himself outside the ring. He sees that social media will give him the opportunity to demonstrate layers for others to see. He doesn’t allow it to weigh on him mentally as he has a strong sense of who Moriarty is and what he can do.

The Rise of Lee Moriarty

Social media has the ability to silence many people. However, in the case of the apex of combat, he’s thankfully never faced any challenges to being heard or respected.

He admittedly keeps to himself, but that nature doesn’t keep him quiet, and if he needs to speak up about something, he will. That said, he has never felt that someone hasn’t listened to him if he has something to say.

His career is approaching its…apex, and since his future is still ahead of him, he has aspirations. One of those is competing in Japan, which is always a significant accomplishment for a foreigner.

He is proud of what he’s achieved to this point but has ambitions of performing in Europe along within the land of the rising sun.

To date, Moriarty has competed in Mexico and the United States. Prior to the pandemic, he was scheduled to compete in Canada.

As his aspirations for growth lead him to other countries, Moriarty plans to travel. It is that variation in experience that Moriarty wants to embrace, and he is on his way in doing so.

Wrestling is different everywhere, and I want to experience all the different perspectives and styles firsthand.

In wrestling, comparisons between performers are made to give fans an idea of what to expect from an unfamiliar competitor.

A scope with which they can gauge the upside of an emerging star—for Lee Moriarty, being compared to a young Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan), while an honor, wasn’t one he made.

He is well aware of Danielson’s accomplishments throughout his career. And that he will likely be considered one of the greatest of all time once his career has come to an end, and is flattered by the comparison.

One of the most essential movements in all forms of entertainment, including professional wrestling, has been the push to educate society, and wrestling promotions, better understand the importance of representation.

In wrestling, that means giving a platform to black athletes. While things have improved, there is still a long way to go.

I think we’re portrayed better than we were years ago, but opportunities to be seen as THE star aren’t always there mainstream wise.

It’s always gonna be an uphill battle. I haven’t felt like I was made to be someone I’m not, but I’ve heard others’ stories of the glass ceiling.

Moriarty doesn’t feel any pressure and embraces an intensity that has made him one of the fastest-rising stars today. He continues to work on building that intensity even more.
As difficult as 2020 was, Moriarty has hope because of the push for equality. Not just for all genders but for people of color as well.

2020 has taught me that if you find a way to stay optimistic and focused, you stand a chance.

It’s not easy, but I’ve lived by that, and even though one of the most exhausting years for a lot of us, I had the best year of my life, both professionally and personally.