ECW November To Remember 1998 | ECW Saturday Night RetroView Review

On November 1st, 1998, Extreme Championship Wrestling aired the sixth annual November To Remember with ECW November to Remember 1998.

We had seven matches with one title match (ECW World Tag Team) & the main event was a battle of Triple Threat 6 Man Tag Team match between the new Triple Threat goes against the OG Triple Threat (Bam Bam Bigelow, Shane Douglas & Chris Candido).

We also had Lance Storm going one-on-one with Jerry Lynn, with Tammy Lynn Synch and Mikey Whipwreck as Special Guess Referees.

ECW November To Remember 1998
Blue World Order (The Blue Meanie & Super Nova) vs. Danny Doring & Roadkill

Nova removes his gloves to fight Danny Doring before The Blue Meanie & Roadkill trade shoulder blocks, and Terry Funk returns. He takes over the timekeeper’s table.

Doring & Roadkill hit each other by accident and argued. Nova capitalizes with a suicide dive. Meanie continues with The People’s Leg Drop, and then Funk climbs on the apron and slaps Meanie. Meanie knocks Terry down, so Funk puts himself through a table in anger.

This allows Doring & Roadkill to take control. Roadkill uses a flying splash and a rope walk elbow. Doring hits G Spot Sweep before Nova rallies with a Sledge O Matic.

It leads to Meanie’s hot tag. Roadkill breaks a pin after a Frog Splash and a Meaniesault. Blue World Order connects with a tornado DDT, then Blue Light Special for the win.

Winners: Blue World Order (10:54)

ECW November To Remember 1998
Tommy Rogers vs. Tracy Smothers

Tracy Smothers & Tommy Rogers fight back & forth until Smothers regroups with FBI. When they fight again, Little Guido distracts the ref, so Ulf Herman hits a slingshot clothesline on Rogers, and Chris Chetti brawls backstage with him.

The FBI uses more ref distractions for double, as Guido and Smothers do a Leg Sweep/Sidekick combo and a Paisan Elbow. Rogers rallies with a Russian leg sweep and raises his knees for a splash.

They exchange crossbodies and roll-ups. Guido tries more cheating, but he almost decks Smothers with the flag. The distraction allows Rogers to hit Smothers with Tomakaze for the win.

Winner: Tommy Rogers (7:51)

ECW November To Remember 1998
2-On-1 Handicap Match

Ulf Herman & Mabel vs. Spike Dudley

Mabel tries to splash Spike Dudley through the table, but Spike moves. Herman intervenes, but Spike hits Acid Drop off Mabel’s body.

Mabel then retaliates with a splash, but it hits Ulf Herman by mistake. Spike nails a low blow on the confused Mabel and gives him an Acid Drop. Mabel falls on Herman, so Spike sits on both of them to win the game.

Winner: Spike Dudley (0:32)

ECW November To Remember 1998
Lance Storm vs. Jerry Lynn

They mat wrestle and trade pins before Tammy Lynn Synch fast counts Lance Storm and keeps asking if he submits, then they fight in and out of the ring. Synch trips Jerry Lynn.

Storm capitalizes with a botched triangle jump crossbody. Lynn answers with sunset flips, a sleeper, and powerbomb counters.

Lynn hits a gourd buster and a Pedigree for a two count before Storm lands a back superplex. Both men are down, and Synch does a ten count, but Synch shoves her.

They catfight until Mikey Whipwreck stops them. Whipwreck hits Whippersnappers on both Synch and Lynn, and Storm stops Mikey with a low blow.

He covers Lynn, but Synch uses a slow count, as Storm argues. So Synch gives him a Whippersnapper, but Whipwreck does the same to her. He thought Synch low-blows him.

Lynn hooks an inside cradle before Whipwreck flips it in Storm’s favor and does a fast count & gives Storm the win.

Winner: Lance Storm (16:48)

ECW World Tag Team Titles Match
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D Von) (c) vs. Balls Mahoney & Masato Tanaka

The Dudleys focus on Masato Tanaka’s injured head and neck. Balls Mahoney & Tanaka answer by sending The Dudleys outside for dives.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley tries his own plancha, but Tanaka gives him a running chair shot. After a ref bump, Axl Rotten & Mahoney fend off The Dudley’s entourage.

It leads to a four-way chair battle as Mahoney & Tanaka absorb shots and hits stereo Roaring Elbows.

Jeff Jones feigns an arm injury during the count before The Dudleys hits 3D on Tanaka. They go for a cover, but Tanaka kicks out, and then The Dudleys argue afterward.

While they argue, Axl cuffs Big Dick Dudley to the post, then Mahoney & Tanaka use chairs and their finishers on the arguing Dudleys.

The Dudleys answer with low blows, followed by a piledriver and a powerbomb. They go for the hook of the leg but it’s still not enough so they get tables.

But Rob Van Dam and Sabu arrive, and they put The Dudleys through the tables. Mahoney and Tanaka cover The Dudleys for the win.

Winners: AND NEW ECW Tag Team Champions: Balls Mahoney & Masato Tanaka (15:01)

ECW November To Remember 1998
Tommy Dreamer & Jake Roberts vs. Justin Credible & Jack Victory

Tommy Dreamer & Jake Roberts send Justin Credible & Jason to the floor for a slingshot crossbody.

Dreamer then fights off Jason & Lance Storm before Jake sends Justin outside again. Credible crotches Dreamer on the rail and takes control.

Credible lures Roberts into the ring for ref distractions then takes Dreamer to the ramp and double-teams him with Jason.

ECW November to Remember 1998
[Photo: 411Mania]
This ends when Credible crotches himself on a baseball slide. Dreamer & Roberts fend off Chastity & Jason before they nail stereo short-arm clotheslines.

Price & One Man Gang interfere, but it draws out New Jack and Kronus to help. Everyone brawls with Jack’s weapons. Dreamer hits a Frog Splash and a Spicolli Driver on Justin. Chastity & Nicole Bass interrupt.

Dreamer & Roberts dispatch them and fight Credible with a cane and a ladder. Roberts gives Credible a DDT on the ladder to get the win for his team.

Winners: Tommy Dreamer & Jake Roberts (12:26)

ECW November To Remember 1998
6-Man Tag Team Match

Triple Threat (Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow & Chris Candido) vs. New Triple Threat (Rob Van Dam, Sabu & Taz)

Both teams brawl before Bam Bam Bigelow & Rob Van Dam fight on the floor. Shane Douglas & Chris Candido work on Sabu’s neck in the ring.

Sabu fights back with a chair, then hits a double jump plancha and a triple jump moonsault. Bigelow cuts off Sabu’s rally, and the focus on Sabu’s neck continues.

ECW November to Remember 1998
[Photo: iMDB]
Chris Candido hits a piledriver. Shane rips off the neck brace. Bam Bam Bigelow keeps RVD & Taz at bay while Candido does a stalling suplex on Sabu. Sabu rallies with a wheel kick and an Arabian Press, then tags in RVD, but the ref misses it.

RVD ignores the ref and hits Candido with 5 Star Frog Splash, then takes Bigelow into the crowd and dives onto him. Taz tags himself in, but Shane Douglas doesn’t know.

He stands behind Douglas and grabs a Tazmission. Sabu hits an Atomic Arabian Facebuster on both men and then he covers Douglas for the win.

Winners: New Triple Threat (12:57)