Author: Nick Radford

Nick is a noted poet, thespian and wrestler hailing from the Pacific North West. He is the author of Notorious Notes and can be read here every other Friday or Saturday.

They say that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results,” and to an extent I can see the logic behind that. That said, I also kinda disagree with the sentiment. Something I’ve learned throughout the course of my life, specifically dealing with my social anxiety, is that everything is a muscle. I know that sounds a little vague and nonsensical, but hear me out. When one wishes to build a muscle, make it bigger and stronger, they literally do the same thing over and over expecting a result. To build muscle, you…

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One’s identity is a major point of discussion within the modern world. Internet access and social media create a nearly unified desire to have one’s own “brand” an identity crisis. Success is measured in influence and followers in the entertainment industry. The more someone understands their brand and plays to it, the more followers within their market they gain, the more opportunities they have the ability to monetize that influence. This system allows for a seemingly more accessible path to success than ever before. But this is not the only way that people are searching for their identity. LGBTQA+ rights…

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Getting started is the hardest part. I recently listened to the first episode of a new podcast from the creators of “Welcome to Night Vale” called “Start With This”, where the internet famous writers/creators discuss how difficult it is to start a new creative venture. It’s so easy to tell yourself “it needs to be perfect” or “I’ll start it when I can give it the time it deserves.” This mindset or behavior often leads to the creative outlet never getting started or seeing the light of day. So begins these notorious notes. How Is A Wrestler Like A Writing…

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