South East Professional Wrestling | A Brief History Of

Those that have followed my work here at Pro Wrestling Post know that I often speak about my local promotion. The promotion that I ring announce for, SEPW. Here is a brief history of South East Professional Wrestling.

This Sunday I will once again ring announce for them at Hustle & Heart VI, and I’ll be telling you all about that event next week. But to get you all up to speed on all things SEPW. Here is my Brief History Of South East Professional Wrestling or home as I call it….

A Brief History Of SEPW

SEPW, based in Folkestone Kent, was conceived by Matthew and Amy Huntley. Matthew aka Van Wicked is a 17-year pro wrestler who spent most of his formative years in Swindon, Wiltshire. The Huntley’s ran their first shows as promoters in 2013 and continue to do so to this very day.

After moving to the Kent area for Matthew’s job, they noticed that there was a lack of a wrestling scene in and around the area. After a while, The Huntley’s decided to create and run their own promotion. First branded as PitBull Pro Wrestling it has gone through a few name changes. They included 4FW South East, and South East Wrestling before settling with the SEPW brand.

SEPW runs the majority of its shows from a town close to Folkestone called Hawkinge, at their local community center. Regularly drawing crowds of over 100+ people and providing them with the best wrestling action around. Running at least 5 shows a year – most recently a lot more – drew the crowds in from miles around, all desperate to see some good old fashioned family wrestling action.

A few years into the promotions run, many of the loyal SEPW fans began to ask how to train as a wrestler, where the nearest wrestling school is, how hard is it to make it?

And in May 2016, after gauging local interest, Matthew and Amy took the plunge. They founded the SEW – later renamed SEPW – Academy. A local wrestling school to help train the wrestling hungry public and fans of the promotion. The lessons were also held at the home of the shows, Hawkinge Community Centre. Word spread like wildfire and many young aspiring (or in my case old) wrestlers soon joined and trained every Sunday.

South East Professional Wrestling

Word spread like the proverbial wildfire, and the Academy was booming. So much so that training sessions were increased to a second session a week. People were coming from miles around to train under the tutelage of Van Wicked and hopefully perform on a SEPW show.

Demand was so high that The Huntley’s invested in moving the Academy from the community center at Hawkinge, to a purpose-built unit in Folkestone to cope. Things are definitely looking up.

During it’s time quite a few famous faces have passed through the SEPW doors during its time. WWE superstar Chris Masters, current WWE superstar Eric Young, NJPW stars Hiromu Takahashi & Zack Sabre Jr, and current WWE UK Champion Pete Dunne made their way to Hawkinge to entertain and wow the Kentish crowds.

None of the above were fortunate enough to hold the SEPW championship, however. Only a select few have held the gold, six to be precise. JD Knight, Van Wicked, Eddie Ryan, Will Power & MeatHead.

Two of those names graduated from the SEPW Academy to SEPW Championship glory – Will Power and MeatHead. But they’re not the only ones to have made the transition from trainee to wrestler. Pretty much 75% of SEPW cards now contain Academy talent. Names such as “Cold Blooded” Conroy, Luke Vega, Justin Vincible are now commonplace at shows.

A Leap of Faith

But before they could be featured on the “main” shows (think of NXT and Raw/SD) Matthew took a leap of faith and began to promote an Academy only show. Where the whole card was just students and future stars of the promotion, looking to gain experience from working in front of a live show and the razzmatazz that comes with it. And thus Hustle & Heart was born.

Under the motto of “Hustle and Heart sets us apart”, the academy students (myself included as I transitioned from a trainee wrestler to a ring announcer) held the very first H&H show on March 19th 2017 and we put on a fantastic show, so much so that the demand was there for a second show which became a third show…..all the way to this Sunday’s sixth show. And with more Academy talent pushing through and staking claims to be included on the “main” shows, the future looks incredibly bright for Matthew, SEPW and it’s Academy.

And there boys and girls, is my very brief history of my second home, SEPW.

Over the next few weeks, you’ll be reading about my time at Hustle & Heart VI, both backstage and events in the ring. I won’t be pulling the curtain back all the way so you traditionalists can breathe easy, I won’t be breaking kayfabe.

So until then…..
