On Sunday, February 19th, 2012, the WWE presented Elimination Chamber 2012. In what was a lead into WrestleMania, the winner of the Elimination Chamber would challenge the champion at the showcase of the immortals.
The video promoting the upcoming Chamber match shared that the winner leaving the Elimination Chamber would, in fact, walk into WrestleMania as the champion.
From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T are all on commentary. As the three men look on, the Chamber is lowered to the ring, as the upcoming match is for the WWE Championship.
Justin Roberts goes over the rules, sharing how two men enter the ring, and another competitor comes into the match every few minutes.
Elimination Chamber 2012
WWE Championship
Chris Jericho vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk ©
Chris Jericho comes to the ring first, but we hear that he will enter the match last by virtue of a recent win on Raw.
The Miz is next to follow Jericho to join the Chamber. Following The Miz would be Dolph Ziggler with his manager, Vicki Guerrero.
Next to come to the ring is R-Truth, boasting his ‘Little Jimmy Says’ t-shirt. Next up is Kofi Kingston, making his way to the ring. The final competitor to come to the ring is then WWE Champion CM Punk.
Kofi Kingston and CM Punk will begin the match by virtue of being the last two to come to the ring. The bell rings, and both Punk and Kingston are set to square off against one another. A point made is that the champion, Punk, could be eliminated before the match has come to an end.
Punk whips Kingston into the ropes, but he gets caught in a series of pinning predicaments. Kingston takes Punk down with a leaping back elbow.
Punk then catches Kingston with a kick to the head. Kingston then back body drops Punk onto the steel grate. But then Punk counters and slingshots Kingston into the pod that Chris Jericho is inside of. Punk then suplexes Kingston onto the grate as well.
Fans begin to chant CM Punk, who hits a slingshot senton onto Kingston and then attempts a pin, but only for a count of two.
Punk is favoring his back while he has Kingston onto the mat. It was just then that we saw the countdown begin to release the next competitor into the match. That competitor is DOLPH ZIGGLER.
Ziggler goes right after Punk and hits a fireman’s carry onto Punk onto the grate. He then does knee lifts off of the cage and then follows up by dropping a leg onto Punk.
He climbs into the match and proceeds to work on Punk but misses a corner turnbuckle splash. Kingston then hits Ziggler with a clothesline.
We then get a scoop slam, but Kingston is onto Ziggler. We then get both Punk and Kingston taking shots at Ziggler. In an attempt to take out Ziggler, Punk and Kingston took one another out as they leaped from opposing sides of the ring.
Punk then attempts a pinfall on Kingston as we begin to hear the next countdown for the next entrant. That entrant is R-TRUTH.
R-Truth goes right after Dolph Ziggler and then hip-tosses him over the top rope onto the steel grate flooring. R-Truth hits a leg drop on Ziggler, followed by a pinfall attempt, but only for a count of two.
Then Dolph Ziggler attempts to roll up Punk, but Punk reverses it himself for a pinfall attempt. After a count of two, Kingston hits a trouble in paradise on Punk.
Ziggler then gets whipped over the top rope to the grate. Kingston then attempts to take out Punk, but the champion kicks out at two. Ziggler then gets hit with a. DDT off Kingston, who leaps off the cage and catches him.
The countdown is on to the second to last competitor to be a part of the match. That entrant is THE MIZ. Fans are aware that Chris Jericho will be the final entrant when his time comes.
The Miz comes in and goes right after CM Punk and whips him shoulder-first into the steel post. He then whips Kofi Kingston into the pod and then drives him headfirst into the steel cage.
Ziggler then gets whipped over the top rope onto the steel gate as well. Miz then drives Kingston back first into the steel turnbuckle.
The Miz then drags Kingston into the ring and attempts to make a pinfall, but only for a count of two. Miz then hits a Punk with a. clothesline.
Punk then gets caught with a. modified DDT by Miz and a pinfall attempt. The Miz then wrenches on the head and face of CM Punk across the ropes. Punk then hits a neckbreaker on The Miz.
The Miz then gets caught with a power slam and then an anaconda vice on The Miz. As The Miz is held in the anaconda vice, the countdown begins to release the final competitor, CHIRS JERICHO.
When Jericho enters the ring, Punk releases the hold on The Miz. Jericho and Punk are now face to face in the ring as the rest of the competitors lay all over the ring.
The two then begin to exchange punches. Punk is caught by Jericho, who attempts the Walls of Jericho, but he catches Punk with a lionsaut. Ziggler tries to roll up Jericho but gets caught with a codebreaker, pinfall, and elimination.
Jericho then continues to attack Kingston and beat on Punk in the middle of the ring. Punk then whips Jericho over the top rope onto the steel grate. Jericho is then whipped with the back of his head onto the pod doors.
Jericho then locks himself into a pod to separate himself from CM Punk. It’s temporary, as Punk is caught in the pod door and gets his arm pulled, forcing stress on the shoulder.
Jericho then gives his attention to Kofi Kingston, too, then gets hit with a DDT on the steel grate. This leads Miz to try to pin Jericho, but he only gets a two-count. The Miz then comes back after Kingston, who is quite disoriented.
We then get The Miz to whip Kingston into the corner turnbuckle, but Kingston avoids it only to hit him with a kick to the head of The Miz.
Miz then stops Kingston, who is prone on the top rope, and tries to hit a superplex, but CM Punk stops and hoists Miz with a powerbomb and a pinfall attempt. Kingston then climbs to the top of the pod and leaps, taking out Punk and The Miz.
Kingston then tries to pin Miz but Jericho gets involved and locks Kingston in the walls of Jericho. This leads Kingston to tap out.
But Jericho wouldn’t release the hold, trying to make a point in the process. Jericho then tosses Kingston over the top rope and continues beating on him after he’s been eliminated.
Kofi is then thrown out of the cage. But when Jericho does not pay attention, Punk kicks Jericho, leading to him being kicked and knocked out of the Chamber.
Punk looks on inside the cage as Jericho and the cameraman are being checked at ringside. Replays continue to show what happened previously.
Back in the ring, Miz tries to take over by taking advantage of a distracted CM Punk. But Punk hit Miz with another high kick that took him down.
Punk follows up with a pinfall attempt, but only for a count of two. The champion then hits his patented high knee, followed by bulldog on Jericho.
Punk then rests outside and attempts a springboard clothesline on The Miz but gets caught and hit with the skull-crushing finale. Miz goes for the pin, but Punk kicks out at two!
The Miz is screaming, thinking that he has it. He’s now clearly frustrated with Punk collecting himself in the corner and fans cheering his name. The Miz then goes back over and works on Punk beating on him in the corner.
Miz appears to have snapped, but when he charges after Punk, he misses and hits the pod. Punk then hits the GTS. He follows up with a pinfall and the win.
Winner: AND STILL WWE Champion, CM Punk.
After the match, we see a replay of what happened, from Jericho’s elimination to The Miz being hit with the GTS and pinned.
When Punk leaves the ring, he looks over to still see Chris Jericho being tended to by officials. Why he wasn’t stretched out afterward wasn’t conveyed.
Michael Cole shared about what happened on the previous week’s Raw, with Daniel Bryan taking out both The Big Show and Randy Orton.
The problem was that Orton was concussed and eliminated from the upcoming Elimination Chamber matchup. In a battle royal to determine his replacement, Santino Marella was the winner and would replace Randy Orton in the World Championship Elimination Chamber 2012 matchup.
We then see Santino channeling his inner Rocky and prepping raw eggs, only to drink them and ultimately throw them up. He is then happy with himself.
A video montage shows John Cena’s work in making his match with The Rock at the upcoming WrestleMania a reality.
We see him training at the gym with a young Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Xavier Woods, sharing how Cena leaves his gym open for others to train.
He speaks to all the emerging talent. We then see Big E hit a raw bench press with Cena and others looking on. Cena shares how much the gym means to him at this, Hard Knocks Gym. Cena shares how The Rock will look good before and after the bell.
Elimination Chamber 2012
Divas Championship
Beth Phoenix © vs. Tamina Snuka
The champion makes her way to the ring first, followed by the challenger, Tamina. Cole shared that Beth’s plaid is in tribute to Roddy Piper, who had legendary battles with Tamina’s father, Jimmy’ Superfly’ Snuka.
Phoenix told Tamina to get out of her ring and then called her a ‘coconut head.’ This infuriated Tamina, leading to Phoenix attempting a headbutt on the challenger.
As the challenger tried to climb to the top, Phoenix pushed her off the top rope to the floor. Phoenix then proceeded to beat on her while on the floor. She then mocked Tamina with the Superly pose.
Phoenix then locks up a rear chin lock on Tamina, who enters the ring. Beth then puts the boots on her and locks in a Dragon sleeper on Tamina.
The referee continues asking Tamina if she quits but hasn’t answered one way or another. But the challenger returns to her feet and then hits a Samoan drop on Phoenix. This leads to her attempting to climb to the top, but Beth stops her again when she tries to hit the Superfly splash.
Beth then hits a superplex on Tamina, which takes out both women in the process. She then goes over and tries to put the boots on Tamina, but Tamina is coming back.
She hits chops and then a short-arm clothesline. Tamina whips Phoenix in the corner and hits a splash, followed by a superkick.
Tamina then climbs to the top and hits a superfly splash on Beth Phoenix, only for the champion to kick out! The challenger attempts it again, but Beth rolls out of the ring.
Winner: AND STILL Divas Champion, Beth Phoenix.
After the match, we see a replay of what took place, with the turning point leading into the Glam Slam finish by The Glamazon.
We then see Santino continue to train by punching a large cold cut inside a freezer! We then see Josh Matthews hoping to speak with Chris Jericho about what happened earlier, but he is still being checked on.
Justin Roberts then introduces Raw Interim General Manager John Laurentius with David Otunga, who is ready to make an announcement. Laurenitius is getting WHAT chanted out of the building.
But as he continues, Alberto Del Rio interrupts him, much to the delight of those in attendance. Del Rio comes in driving an Excalibur. He comes into the ring and shares that Teddy Long is a ‘dog’ in Spanish.
He calls Teddy Long corrupt and good for nothing. Del Rio tells Laurenitus he should be the permanent GM for not only Raw but Smackdown as well.
This brings out Mark Henry. Henry also shares that Teddy Long is a ‘bully’ and then proceeds to share that he was physically abused and suspended for it. Henry then calls Laurenitus someone that has never thrown his weight or abused his power. (this didn’t age well).
Henry thinks Laurentius should be the GM of both brands, which brings out former two-time World Champion Christian.
As Christian walks in, he’s embraced with a hug and shares that he would be competing for the world championship but was forced to compete by Teddy Long while he was injured.
Christian is the third man to advocate for John Laurentius as the GM of both brands. Otunga takes a pair of pictures showing their support for Laurentius. The ring then clears as all those involved follow JL to the back.
We then see Santino continue to train as he stands at the base of the stairs, preparing to run up them, showing he continues to channel his inner Rocky Balboa.
Josh Matthews is then shown interviewing Big Show backstage ahead of his upcoming match in the Elimination Chamber for the World Championship.
Show shared that it’s important to go into the Chamber with confidence and walk out as the World Heavyweight Champion.
Elimination Chamber 2012
World Championship
The Great Khali vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Santino Marella vs. Daniel Bryan © vs. Wade Barrett vs. The Big Show
The first to make their way to the ring is The Great Khali. As he walks in, he makes his way to the first pod. Rhodes then walks up to Khali and then enters the next available pod.
This brings out the third entrant in Santino Marella, making his way to the Chamber and going into the next available pod. Next out is the World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan will be in the next pod.
The final two entrants will be the two who begin the match. They would be Wade Barrett and The Big Show. Upon entering the ring, The Big Show heads right to the World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan, who is locked in the pod.
The bell rings, and Barrett and Show lock up to start the match. Show hits Barrett with an open-hand chop on the chest of Barrett.
But Barrett tries to mount an attack upon Big Show when he’s temporarily distracted by Daniel Bryan. Barrett hits Big Show with a series of kicks to the head and body of The Big Show. Big Show is then whipped headfirst into the steel cage.
Barrett is relentlessly stepping onto the throat and chest of The Big Show. Wade Barrett works on the left ankle of the Big Show while he’s on the mat.
But Big Show kicks him off and forces Barrett outside the ring. He is then suplexed inside the ring. The Big Show once again backs Barrett in the corner and hits him with another open-hand chop across his chest. Show then stands on the chest of Barrett and tosses him back into the ring.
As the clock counts down, the next entrant in the match is WWE Intercontinental Champion CODY RHODES. Rhodes slowly comes into the ring but gets caught by The Big Show.
He’s then tossed over the top rope onto the steel grate flooring. Big Show is taking the fight to both Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. The Big Show then takes Cody Rhodes from the top rope and tosses him headfirst into the cage.
Barrett reveres a chokeslam attempt and takes down Big Show with a chop block as Barrett tries to continue the assault on Big Show.
Both Cody Rhodes and Barrett hit him with a high low. But then Barrett hits Cody Rhodes with a clothesline over the top rope onto the steel grating. Barrett repeatedly drives Rhodes headfirst into the steel cage.
Barrett then whips Rhodes into the steel ring post and then goes after the beaten Big Show on the mat. But the clock continues to count down, leading to the next entrant to come into the match, SANTINO MARELLA.
Santino comes in as a house of fire and shows his enthusiasm in this match. This leads to Big Show taking the fight to Santino.
This leads to Rhodes attacking Big Show from behind, going after his leg in the process. Rhodes continues to work over Big Show and then Santino as well.
Big Show hits Rhodes and Barrett, tossing both men over the top rope. Show is pointing to Daniel Bryan who is waiting in the pod.
Then, both Barrett and Rhodes hit a double suplex on the Big Show onto the steel grate. Show appears virtually motionless. Barrett and Rhodes try to drag him into the ring, but he’s dead weight.
This leads Rhodes and Barrett to give up on him and go after each other. Rhodes then goes after Santino on the outside of the ring. Cody continues to work over Santino, tossing his arm and hand into the steel cage.
As this continues, the time runs down, leading to the next entrant joining the match THE GREAT KHALI. When Khali comes in, he lays chops and boots to everyone in the ring.
He hits a pair of Punjabi Plunges along with a chop to the head of Santino. Then the Big Show hits Khali with a spear and proceeds to go for the pinfall and get the elimination.
Daniel Bryan looked on as The Big Show stood up, watching him until it was his time to enter the match. Bryan was smiling behind the plexiglass, and The Big Show stood on the top rope and tried to pull the champion out through the cage.
The Big Show is ripping the chains off the top of the pod to get to Daniel Bryan. Big Show is trying to get into the pod and eventually does and beats on the champion well before his time to enter. Big Show is resting his foot across the throat of the champion.
The time elapses, and the final competitor, Daniel Bryan, joins the matchup. It is just then that the pod is unlocked, and he manages to get out, leaving the Big Show inside the pod alone. Big Show then gets Daniel Bryan and throws Bryan back through the plexiglass and into the pod.
Bryan is then tossed into the ring. Barrett attempts to get to Big Show, but Daniel Bryan receives a beating from one end of the ring to another.
But Wade Barrett stops Big Show’s pursuit. Wade Barrett hits a prone Big Show with a big boot. But he isn’t paying attention, and Santino attempts to get the roll-up, but to no avail.
Cody Rhodes and Big Show get into it. He hits him with a pair of disaster kicks, followed by an elbow drop by Wade Barrett.
But Barrett’s momentum rolled him off of Big Show. This led to Cody Rhodes taking advantage and getting the pinfall and the elimination.
But while Rhodes is gloating at pinning Big Show and screaming to ‘get him out,.’ Santino sneaks up behind and rolls up Rhodes for the pinfall and the elimination.
It is now down to three men. But Santino is hit with a crossroads by an angry and eliminated Cody Rhodes. As Barrett tried to gets a pinfall Marella kicks out at two.
Barrett then traps Marella’s arms through the chamber cage. Then Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett exchanged lefts and rights. Bryan then attempts to go for the LeBell Lock/YES lock on Barrett.
Barrett counters it, but Daniel Bryan lays in kicks to Wade Barrett’s chest. He then attempts a hurricanrana from the top rope, but Barrett stops it and nails the champion with a clothesline.
Barrett then powerbombs the champion into the cage. He follows up by pressing the door frame against the head and neck of the champion. He follows this up by slamming Bryan’s head by closing the door on it!
Barrett then stops Bryan from maintaining the advantage. Wade attempted to hit Wasteland from the top rope, but Santino stopped him.
He then attempts a superplex from the top rope. Wade tried a top rope elbow, but Santino moved! Bryan then follows up with a top rope headbutt and hits it!
But Bryan’s momentum causes him to roll over. This leads to Santino making the cover on Barrett, getting the three count and the elimination.
It is now down to just two! Bryan and Marella are the final two in the ring. But the champion is laughing at this matchup, leading Marella to hit a sambo throw judo style on the champion.
Bryan hits stiff kick after stiff kick on the challenger. The challenger continues to fight through the kicks. Bryan attempts his running dropkick, but Marella moves!
Although Marella tried to capitalize, Bryan regained control. He went to the top rope and avoided a diving headbutt. Marella pulls out the cobra and hits Bryan with it!
He tried to make the pin, but Bryan kicked out at two and then slipped back into locking in the LeBell lock on Santino. Marella is trying to fight through it. But he can’t and is choked down and forced to tap out.
Winner: AND STILL World Champion, Daniel Bryan.
After the match, Bryan celebrates the win. We then get highlights of the match and how the Big Show was eliminated.
Then, we get a replay of how Bryan got the win in the end. As Bryan continues to celebrate, Sheamus’ music hits, and out comes the Great White.
Sheamus approaches the champion and then proceeds to hit him with white noise. Sheamus won the 2012 Royal Rumble but still had to decide who he would face at WrestleMania.
Backstage, we see Hornswaggle eating cheese. Be then says to Natalia, ‘Cut the cheese.’ This leads to her blowing wind and running out of the scene. Upon Natalia’s exit, Justin Gabriel enters the scene with Jack Swagger and Vicki Guerrero in the background.
Hornswaggle continues to share his love of cheese at this time. He says, ‘Jack cheese,’ which gets Swagger’s attention. He then says, ‘Cottage Cheese,’ and points to Vicki Guerrero (Gabriel is chuckling at this point).
Swagger then throws a piece of cheese at the head of Hornswoggle. This leads to a match between Swagger and Gabriel up next for the United States Championship.
Elimination Chamber 2012
United States Championship
Jack Swagger with Vicki Guerrero vs. Justin Gabriel with Hornswoggle
As the bell rings, Swagger goes right after Gabriel. He hits a powerbomb. He then hits a Swagger bomb on Gabriel and attempts to go for the pinfall.
But Gabriel kicks out. Swagger then locks in the rear chinlock on the challenger. Gabriel then has a springboard crossbody off the top rope.
He then follows up with a corkscrew splash on the champion on the floor. Swagger catches Gabriel’s leg and ties him into an ankle lock, leading to a tap-out submission.
Winner: AND STILL United States Champion, Jack Swagger.
After the match, Guerrero celebrates with Swagger in the ring. We then see a promotional video between The Rock and John Cena leading into their upcoming match against one another at WrestleMania 28.
Jerry Lawler then shared that The Undertaker would be at Monday Night Raw the following night to address Triple H’s challenge.
Before the next match, we see the lead-up to this match. We see what John Cena faces and what Kane says he will do to ensure that Cena embraces the hate.
From attacks on Zack Ryder and Eve to how this led to betrayal towards Ryder, in the process, we see Kane point out what John Cena is up against because of Kane.
Elimination Chamber 2012
Ambulance Match
Kane vs. John Cena
The Ambulance is brought out at the entrance. We then hear Justin Roberts share the rules: the only way to win is to have your opponent loaded into the Ambulance and have it leave.
Kane is first out to the ring and then followed by John Cena. Cena reacts to his usual mixed reactions by those in attendance of cheers and jeers.
The match begins with Kane getting an early advantage. As this takes place, a chorus of ‘Let’s Go Cena/Cena Sucks’ comes out in unison.
The match immediately makes its way back up the aisleway. Cena then calls for the Ambulance to come out. This leads to Kane regaining the advantage and then opening the back door.
Kane pulls out a stretcher and tries to put Cena into the Ambulance. This causes Cena to regain control with clubbing blows and a knee lift on Kane.
Cena looks around, but this gives Kane a chance to regain control. The match makes its way back towards the ring. Cena then whips Kane into the steel steps.
Both men eventually make their way into the ring, leading to Kane regaining control. Kane hits a big boot, which takes Cena out.
Cena continues to receive punishment from Kane. Kane is relentless, with clotheslines to Cena’s head. Cena then manages to recover, but only momentarily, as Kane hits a side slam on John Cena.
As Kane attempts to hit Cena with a clothesline off the top rope, Cena hits a dropkick. Cena hits a pair of shoulder tackles followed by a suplex slam and a five-knuckle shuffle.
While he attempts to hold him up on his shoulders, Kane stops him and covers Cena’s face and mouth, preventing him from breathing. This leads to Kane dragging a lifeless Cena out of the ring.
Kane then pulls out a wheelchair and places Cena in the wheelchair. Kane then proceeds to push the wheelchair up the rampway. Cena comes through, but Kane attempts to do it again.
But Cena fights off Kane’s grip, and the two battle towards the Ambulance. Cena then tosses Kane into the side of the Ambulance.
Cena then takes the wheelchair and crushes Kane against the Ambulance with it. Cena then proceeds to push Kane into a set of tables near the entranceway.
But Kane gets a laptop and hits Cena with it. Chairs are then introduced into the match as the two begin to battle around the fans near monitors and in the stands.
Cena then tosses Kane over the barricade area, leading both men back to ringside. This leads to Cena hitting Kane with a microphone.
Cena then begins to move monitors and strike Kane with them at ringside. He continues to clear off the Spanish announce table. John Cena then pulls out the steel steps and hits Kane with them. Kane appears lifeless.
He then asks the camera, ‘Want to have some fun?’. Cena picks up the steps again and strikes Kane against the head of Kane.
Cena sets up the steps and wants to hit Kane with an AA. But he walks up the steps with Kane on his shoulders, but Kane stops it and hits a chokeslam on Cena through the table!
Both men are lying at ringside, trying to regain their senses. Kane then walks back to the ambulance area and proceeds to drag the stretcher back to ringside.
With Cena still lying next to the announce table, Kane pulls him out and then proceeds to put him on the stretcher and proceeds to bring the stretcher back up the aisleway.
Kane is trying to throw Cena into the Ambulance. Kane closes one door, but Cena prevents the second door from closing!
Cena then comes out of the Ambulance and carries Kane, and the fireman carries Kane into the Ambulance and closes the door, leaving Kane inside!
Winner: John Cena
As Cena’s music plays, we see Kane taken away in an ambulance.