It’s a new day in WWE’s cruiserweight division and for the first episode after the WWE draft and the announce partnership between 205 Live and NXT, it was time for several members under the weight class to show out. This is the review of WWE 205 Live from Friday, October 25, 2019, with the main event of Isiah ‘Swerve’ Scott vs Ariya Davari.
The show starts with Aiden English and Tom Phillips introducing us to this week’s episode as we are treated to an opening match between the new NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Lio Rush and top contender for the purple brand’s title, Oney Lorcan.
Lio Rush vs. Oney Lorcan
Lio and Oney have great chemistry between the ropes. Lorcan’s power and Rush’s speed are a great contrast of styles and they were able to show it in this match. While Oney was able to pull off some great offense including a devastating Running Blockbuster that looks as if it knocked the wind out of Rush, the champion’s innovation is a step above everyone. Rush hits his bottom rope springboard stunner, now being dubbed The Come Up, and into the Final Hour with authority.
Winner: Lio RushÂ
Immediately after the match ends, last week’s main event winner, the ‘Premier Athlete’ Tony Nese comes down to the ring to greet Lio Rush. I love when Nese gets a chance on the mic as he’s very fluid and works much better as a heel. Lio sticks around after the match to watch Tony’s match with NXT standout, Raul Mendoza.

Tony Nese vs. Raul Mendoza
Mendoza has been impressive in almost all of his matches in NXT, and this was no different. While Nese was able to pull off some good offense but Rush’s presence distracted him throughout the entire match. The same goes for Aiden and Tom, as they were constantly bringing up tweets from Angel Garza, who won his match against Jack Gallagher on Wednesday. Tweets aside, this was a short match as Tony Nese focus on Lio Rush led to, as named by Aiden English, a “Raul-up” for the upset.
Winner: Raul Mendoza
Next up, we are treated to an appearance by The Brian Kendrick. The former cruiserweight champion has been in-between storylines and even moreso now that Akira Tozawa and The Lucha House Party are no longer apart of the brand. This promo was some of the best work Kendrick has pulled off in years. A berated veteran frustrated by a young locker room looking for respect from his peers is Brian’s lane. Everything from speaking on etiquette from the “boys in the back” to wanting to be all about impressing fans and not being wrestlers.
The promo ended with a call out of general manager Drake Maverick Gulak attempted this same type of vitriol in his early 205 days, but Kendrick with his experience pulls this off 10 times better. If WWE can capitalize this with some wins, you can see where the former tag team champion becomes the king of the cruiserweights again. And any time we potentially see Maverick in the ring again would be a plus.
Our main event is next, as Aiden and Tom are speaking on the rise of one of our competitors, the man is known as Isaiah Swerve Scott, who’s fresh off his big win with Breezango on NXT on USA. Meanwhile, on 205 Live, Ariya Davari continues to be one of the last remaining originals against Swerve. In some hot white pants, we start our last match of the evening.
Ariya Davari vs Isaiah ‘Swerve’ Scott
Ariya has improved greatly since the start of 205 Live. His clotheslines are stiffer, his dropkicks are precise and his cadence is impactful. Davari is a true heel as he plays up to the crowd. But it’s Scott’s offense including an amazing rope-assisted moonsault as Ariya was coming back into the ring. A sunset flip counter into a devastating sideways side kick to the head which seems to be Scott’s official finisher gets him a main event W.