205 Live Landscape 9/26/19 (Nese/Gulak Vs Lorcan/Burch)

Hello, one and all! Grab a chair and settle down while I talk you through this past weeks 205 Live with the main event of WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak and Tony Nese against Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch in what you can imagine will be a hard-hitting spectacle.

I have a small announcement to make but that will be after the review. It’s not too long and nothing too drastic so don’t worry!

Enough of my faff, let’s get to it!

We begin with a quick recap from last week’s NXT. Why I hear you ask? Because it shows former 205 Live member Lio Rush beating current 205 Live member Oney Lorcan to become number one contender for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

Drew Gulak, the current champ, is then shown on the screen. He comments that it doesn’t matter that Lio Rush is the challenger, and it definitely doesn’t matter what he does. The champ will defeat him just like he and Tony Nese will beat Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch in tonight’s main event.

Another promo, this time from the Singh Brothers. They were taking more time off from 205 Live, but they would be watching the show from their studio (apartment?)

Humberto Carrillo vs Angel Garza

Cousin vs Cousin here in our first match of the evening. Both men lock up very strongly, that family rivalry is showing its face again I see. Garza backs Carrillo into the corner and immediately jaw-jacks with the audience rather than taking care of his cousin/opponent. He eventually takes down Carrillo but Humberto reverses into an arm lock with body scissors.

After some more back and forth action Hector sensed that both himself and Carrillo were evenly matched. He extended his hand but Humberto kicked it away in disgust, not trusting his cousin. Garza rips off his pants to reveal he’s wearing trunks and hits a great dropkick to send Carrillo to the outside. A beautiful looking moonsault to the outside onto Humberto is next. Garza rolls him into the ring and gets a two count.

Carrillo gets some offense in with a handspring arm drag (which looked COOOOL btw), some moonsaults and a tope suicido. This time he rolls Garza in and gets a two count. He hops up to the top rope but is cut off and is hit by a top rope hung dropkick. Humberto shakes it off and jumps to the top rope to hit a missile dropkick, and another moonsault.

Garza blocks by raising his feet which in turn is reversed into a cattle mutilation! Great sequence! Garza then reverses into a cattle mutilation of his own, but a double clothesline gives us a double down and a break from the pace of this match!

A springboard moonsault from Carrillo was caught by Garza, but Humberto breaks free. He hits the Aztec Press for the pinfall in a great opener!

Winner – Humberto Carrillo

The fantastic chemistry between the two really helped this match. The innovative spots looked great too.

Backstage again, this time with The Brian Kendrick. The reason he turned on Tozawa last week is that he feels disrespected by the 205 Live locker room. He is a veteran that deserves respect.

Drew Gulak & Tony Nese vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

Oney has teamed up with his NXT tag team partner Danny Burch for this matchup, which also serves as Danny’s debut on 205 Live.

Gulak and Burch begin the match and roll around the ring in a Greco-Roman kinda style of wrestling. The highlight here was the consistent headlock that Burch had slapped around the head of the champ. Good solid start.

Lorcan tags in and literally chops Gulak straight out of the ring! Some double-teaming from Lorcan/Burch keep Drew away from Nese, although they can’t get the pinfall. Finally, Gulak breaks free after some nice distraction work from Nese. It’s payback time now as the champ knocks around Burch and repays the headlock he suffered from earlier.

Danny wriggles free and tags in Lorcan who rushes straight at Gulak. A sneaky thumb to the eye of Oney from Nese brings the match back to the heels. Turnabout is fair play as this time Gulak and Nese cut the ring in half and keeps Lorcan away from Burch.

Eventually, Oney gains momentum and fires back at Nese, hitting a sunset flip. But Tony replies with a swift kick to the head of Lorcan to carry on his dominance of the match so far. Gulak tags in but immediately slips up and allows Lorcan to send him flying out of the ring.

A slow crawl to Burch was interrupted by Drew, but a great Northern Lights suplex puts the champ out of action, letting him tag out freely. Danny Burch runs in and with Lorcan’s help, they hit a Magic Killer onto Gulak, with Nese breaking up the pinfall attempt.

A Doomsday Device from Lorcan/Burch goes awry and Tony hits Lorcan with a sweet 450 splash! Burch makes the save and eventually hit the Doomsday Device onto Tony Nese. But a great show of resilience doesn’t keep Nese down for long as he stands up and goes toe to toe with Lorcan, striking each other with hard-hitting strikes.

Burch rushes in and with Lorcan’s help, they nail the Magic Killer for the win in a great main event!

Winners – Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

Wow! A great show with two great matches! That main event was awesome and we really need to wake people up to the fact that 205 Live consistently put on great matches!

Ok announcement time! You may have seen, as of next week, 205 Live is moving days. It is going from Tuesday nights to Friday nights. With that in mind, the 205 Live Landscape will be published on Saturday’s as of next week.

As always, you can hit me up on my social media for all kinds of wrestling-related chat. The links are below. So until later peeps…..TA TA!

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You can read past editions of the Landscape right here!