MARKO STUNT  – Always Measuring Up

Marko Stunt is one of the most unique cases in the game today. Professional wrestling has long been regarded as a sport where giants  thrive. 

While there’s truth to this sentiment, it shouldn’t discredit the successes of those that deviate from the norm.

From scrappy heroes such as Spike Dudley to world-renown superstars like  Rey Mysterio, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight” is a cliché  that holds considerable weight.

When it comes to those in the modern age, few fit said cliché as well as Marko Stunt.

Standing at 5 feet, 2 inches, “Mr. Fun Size” can still pack a punch in the ring. Stunt, is a high-flying Mississippi native with something to prove in this upstart wrestling organization.

With a background in gymnastics and a love for drama, Stunt’s transition to professional wrestling shouldn’t come as a surprise.

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