NWA-TNA PPV 60 – NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 60 from the TNA Asylum in Nashville, TN. We were immediately underway with our first contest.

BG James, Ron Killings & Konnan, Three Live Kru vs. Shane Douglas, Sinn & Slash.

Konnan and Slash kick off the contest with Konnan getting the advantage hitting a shoulder block. Konnan plants Slash with a reverse DDT and plays to the crowd.

Slash battles back with right hands, but here comes Killings to hit a scissors kick. BG James hits Douglas and holds Douglas open for Killings to hit a top rope leg drop to Shane’s groin.

Slash attempts a cross body but is caught and slammed to the mat by BG James and Killings. Slash drops BG James following a bicycle kick and Sinn enters to double team James to keep control of the match.

Slash hits a reverse lifting DDT on Sinn to have him land onto BG James. BG James runs into a back elbow and Sinn goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. BG James with a rollup out of the corner.

Slash takes BG James down with a vertical suplex, goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Douglas tags in and keeps control of BG James until he is dropped with a hip toss.

BG James nails Douglas with a clothesline and tries to make the tag. Killings gets the tag, and Douglas begs off. Killings takes Douglas down with a head scissors takedown.

Killings continues with a spinning heel kick and Douglas staggers into a corner. Slash accidentally clotheslines Douglas in the corner as the match starts to break down.

Konnan works over Sinn on the floor while Killings attempts a front suplex on Douglas, but James Mitchell enters the ring to distract Killings.

Killings clotheslines Douglas over the top to the floor, but the Gathering runs into the ring to prevent Mitchell from getting involved. The referee calls for the bell. The match is a No Contest.

Backstage, Sonny Siaki cuts a promo saying that tonight he buries the career of D’Lo Brown.

D’Lo Brown vs. Sonny Siaki

Brown works over Siaki on the floor, sending Siaki into the apron back first. Brown leaps off the apron to hit a moonsault on the floor.

Brown hits a slingshot senton splash, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Brown backdrops Siaki over the top to the floor and attempts a dropkick from the ring.

But he is caught, and Siaki power bombs Brown dangerously across the apron, followed by a swing into the ring steps. Siaki hits a split-legged moonsault, but Brown kicks out at two. Siaki clotheslines Brown and taunts the fans.

Siaki leaps off the middle rope but Brown hits an ace crusher in midair! Brown clotheslines Siaki several times and continues with a backdrop. Trinity gets on the apron to distract the referee as Brown hits a sit out spine buster.

Brown sees this, and Trinity jumps off the apron. Siaki plants Brown with a swinging neckbreaker but only gets a two on the cover attempt.

Brown drives Siaki down with a swinging side slam but Trinity comes off the top to plant Brown with a tornado DDT! Siaki hits the Siaki Driver, goes for a pinfall on Brown & gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Sonny Siaki

After the match, Siaki and Trinity attack Brown and use a chair on him.

Backstage, Siaki and Brown are brawling outside until Jeff Jarrett appears and tosses Siaki into the back of the hearse after hitting Siaki with a guitar.

Don Callis comes out and complains about Erik Watts giving Jerry Lynn a NWA X-Division Championship match.

Callis doesn’t think that Lynn should be rewarded for his out of control behavior. Callis said that he doesn’t have an obsession with Lynn, but rather with people who follow the rules.

NWA-TNA PPV 60 (August 27, 2003) - TNA Wrestling
[Photo: TNA Wrestling]

NWA X-Division Championship Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Michael Shane ©

Lynn controls Shane early on with headlocks and a hammerlock, but Shane takes him down and walks on his back, but Lynn returns the favor. Lynn avoids a punch in the corner and hammers away on Shane with several strikes.

Lynn takes Shane over with a head scissors and several arm drags. Shane backdrops Lynn to the apron and drops him throat first across the top rope.

Shane continues by hitting a baseball slide but gets slammed face-first across the apron as he tries to hit a moonsault.

Shane drop toe holds Lynn face first into the ring steps. Lynn comes back by dropping Shane’s throat first across the top and knocks Shane off the apron with a springboard dropkick.

Shane attempts to suplex Lynn back into the ring but Lynn lands on his feet and gets dropped first across the top rope, again. Lynn fights back with strikes but gets pulled down by his hair.

Jerry Lynn whiplashes Shane to the canvas and kicks the champ in the face. Shane dumps Lynn through the middle rope to the floor to avoid Jerry. Shane comes off the apron to axehandle Lynn over the back.

Lynn drop-toe holds Shane face first into the middle turnbuckle but gets rammed face first into the top turnbuckle. Shane hits a flying forearm and a scoop slam. Shane heads to the top rope but jumps off and instead signals for the superkick.

Lynn avoids the move and big boots Shane instead. Lynn yells at Don Callis and is low blowed by Shane which nearly gets a pin fall. Lynn mounts Shane and pummels the champion with several strikes.

Callis leaves the announcer’s table and runs to the backstage area. Lynn spears Shane and follows up with a power bomb! Lynn plants Shane with the TKO!

Lynn goes for the cradle piledriver but has to deal with the red-shirt security. Lynn turns around and Shane hits the super kick and goes for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: AND NEW NWA X-Division Champion, Jerry Lynn

Mike Tenay had a sit-down interview with Raven earlier in the day. Raven still thinks it is his destiny to be the NWA World Champion.

He talked about his blood feuds with Tommy Dreamer and Sandman in ECW. AJ Styles and Vince Russo came to the area but Styles was shoved down to the floor to end the segment.

The Sandman vs. Abyss

The Sandman spits beer in Abyss’s face and hits him with a kendo stick. Abyss comes back with a clothesline and stomps away on Sandman before chopping him in the corner.

Abyss catches Sandman on a slingshot cross body attempt and rams Sandman back first into the ring post. Sandman leaps off a chair and hits Abyss with a springboard splash against the railing.

Back in the ring, Sandman hits a top-rope Swanton bomb. Kid Kash enters the ring and shoves Abyss and low blows him!

Kash counters a power bomb by hitting a head scissors over the top to the floor, where Abyss lands on a table but it doesn’t break.

Sandman gets a two-count on a cover attempt. Abyss quickly hits the Black Hole Slam, and The Sandman goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Abyss

Backstage, Terry Taylor tells Abyss that he should stand up to Kid Kash. Kash appears and slaps Taylor. Abyss steps in front to prevent Taylor from getting at Kash.

Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger vs. America’s Most Wanted (c)

All four men start brawling on the floor with Storm working over Swinger with chops and Harris hammering away on Diamond. Storm drops Swinger face-first into the ring steps.

Harris hits a snap suplex on Diamond on the floor. Harris is choking Diamond with something while Swinger hits a suplex on Storm on the floor. Harris looks like he was using a chain on Diamond.

Swinger decks Harris on the floor and goes back to Storm. Swinger rams Storm back first into the apron. Diamond works over Storm and tags in Swinger.

Diamond and Swinger hit a side slam/reverse DDT combo & go for a pinfall, and get a two-count. Storm kicks a charging Diamond in the corner, but Diamond hits a Northern Lights suplex for a two-count.

Storm gets double teamed in the corner while Harris is trying to get involved and distracts the referee.

Diamond with a vertical suplex on Storm goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count on Storm. Swinger misses a clothesline, and Storm hits a spinning kick to drop Johnny.

Harris gets the tag, as does Diamond, and Harris cleans the house, hitting a full Nelson slam on Swinger. Harris mounts Diamond with several right hands but is stopped by Swinger.

Harris hits a bulldog on Swinger and heads to the top rope. Harris hits a top rope crossbody on Diamond, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Harris spears, Swinger!

Diamond hits Harris with a super kick, and Storm super kicks. Diamond goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Diamond low blows Storm out of the corner.

Harris attempts a slam on Diamond but is met with a low blow from Swinger, almost leading to a title change.

Harris pulls Swinger off the middle rope to help Storm. We get a tower of doom out of the corner and all four men are down. Glen Gilbertti makes his way down to cheer on his guys.

Gilbertti grabs one of the title belts and a steel chair. Swinger slides the belt into the ring to Diamond. Storm kicks the belt into Diamond’s face but Gilbertti pulls the referee out of the ring! Gilbertti is trying to convince the referee that the champs used the belts.

Gilbertti hits Harris with a steel chair, Diamond, and Swingerhit the Problem Solver and goes for a pinfall to get the 1-2-3!

Winners: AND NEW NWA World Tag Team champions Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger!

Bullrope Match
“The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs. Glenn Gilbertti

Rhodes makes his way down to the ring and we’ll be having the bull rope match right now. Early on, Rhodes works over Gilbertti with jabs and a low blow.

Gilbertti bails to the floor and is pulled back into the ring, where Rhodes chokes him with the rope. Gilbertti continues to try and leave the ring but is yanked back into the ring.

Gilbertti is busted wide open as Rhodes uses the cowbell on him. Gilbertti kicks Rhodes on the knee several times, followed by jabs. Rhodes nails Gilbertti with an elbow strike to drop him.

Rhodes hits Gilbertti with the cowbell again and grabs his own bullrope. Gilbertti is distracting the referee as Christopher Daniels enters the ring and hits Rhodes from behind! Rhodes is laid out, and Gilbertti goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Glenn Gilbertti

After the match, Chris Harris runs into the ring and cleans house. Harris drops Daniels with a spear! Swinger and Diamond enter the ring to beat on Harris.

But here comes Jeff Jarrett to clean house, too. Jarrett has his guitar and smashes Daniels over the head with it.

Mike Tenay had a sit down interview with Mad Mikey earlier in the day. Mikey talks about being hit every time he was bad and that the “Mikey” commercials bothered him.

Mikey says that by the second counseling session, the counselor was on the couch. Mikey has a tantrum after saying he would prove himself by winning a title in NWA-TNA.

Backstage, Three Live Kru are asked if they are high. Johnny Swinger, Simon Diamond and Glen Gilbertti enter the scene, though Jeff Jarrett takes Gilbertti out with a guitar shot from out of nowhere.

RODDY PIPER RETURNING TO TNA… We also are told about a Super X Tournament happening next week.

AJ Styles vs. Raven

This one looks like it is getting plenty of time, as there is a half-hour left in the show. Styles opens the match by kicking Raven on the thigh but is met with a right hand to back him into a corner, but Raven doesn’t follow up.

Raven head butts Styles on the groin for a two count and sends Styles to the floor. Styles quickly rolls back into the ring to avoid Raven.

Raven attempts a DDT, but Styles breaks free and is met with several jabs. Raven sends Styles to the floor, but Styles rolls back into the ring again. Raven hits a snap suplex for a near fall.

Raven tosses Styles over the top to the floor and rams Styles face first into the ring steps. Raven nails Styles over the head with a trash can on the floor.

Raven hits a side Russian leg sweep sending Styles back first into the guardrail a couple of times. Styles has been busted wide open as Raven continues to work over AJ on the floor, hitting the same move several times, and Styles is knocked out.

Back in the ring, Styles stops Raven with a low blow and hits a springboard reverse DDT but can’t make the cover. The Gathering comes out and brings Russo to the backstage area.

AJ Styles and Raven trade strikes until Styles nails Raven with a spin kick and goes for a pinfall & gets a two-count. Styles hits a vertical suplex and hits a knee drop.

Raven drops Styles with a super kick, and Styles rolls to the apron. Styles hits a springboard hurricanrana but on the pinfall Raven has his leg under the ropes.

Styles locks in a death lock, but Raven doesn’t give up. Styles wedges the chair into a corner and super kicks Raven.

Styles drop-toe holds Raven face first into the steel chair for a two count. Raven tosses the chair into Styles’ face and both men drop down to the canvas. Raven clotheslines Styles a couple of times and has a second wind as he hits a knee lift.

Raven hits a running bulldog out of the corner but can’t keep Styles down on the cover. Raven blocks a springboard by hitting Styles with a chair and nearly wins the match.

Raven attempts the DDT but Styles gets out but Raven hits the Styles Clash but Sinn comes out and pulls the referee out of the ring.

Styles plants Raven with a DDT, but Raven kicks out at two. Styles accidentally dropkicks Sinn off the apron. Raven goes for the DDT but Styles rams Raven into the referee.

Raven still hits the DDT, but the referee is knocked down. Slash comes in, but Raven kicks powder into his face. Slash is blinded and drops Styles with the Whirly Bird. Raven covers Styles but still can’t get a three-count.

Raven attempts a top rope DDT, but Shane Douglas knocks Raven off the top. Raven power bombs Styles in midair and knocks the New Church off the apron. Douglas low blows Raven and Styles hits the Styles Clash on Raven and goes for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: AJ Styles

After the match, “Wildcat” Chris Harris grabs a microphone and says that they are tired of being screwed by Vince Russo.

Harris threatens the referee to either restart the match or reverse the decision. The referee doesn’t need to make a decision as we get a massive brawl.

Erik Watts comes out and announces that next week… there will be…. WAR GAMES! It’s going to be a steel cage weapons War Games. Be ready for BLOOD!

NWA-TNA PPV 60 goes off the air.