NWA-TNA PPV 56 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, NWA-TNA presented PPV 56 in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. Outside the arena, NWA World Champion AJ Styles tells Scott Hudson that he has no comment about D’Lo Brown.

Sonny Siaki comes out of the limo as well and tells Hudson that TNA is making a documentary based on his life because the cameras are always on him.

NWA-TNA PPV 56 (July 30, 2003) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT!]

Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn
2-Out-of-3 Falls Match

Skipper attacks Lynn before the bell, working over Jerry Lynn with an overhead double under hook suplex. Lynn counters the Play of the Day and rolls Skipper up to win the match. Skipper is pissed about that and issues a challenge to Lynn for a second match right now.

Skipper wants a best two out of three falls, and Lynn accepts that. Skipper misses a standing spin kick, and Lynn hits a back suplex to continue his dominance of Skipper. Lynn hammers away on Skipper in the corner until Skipper drops Jerry face-first over the top rope and hits a spinning kick.

Skipper crotches Lynn on the top rope, and Skipper manages to walk the top rope to hit a hurricanrana, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Skipper continues to work over Lynn with basic strikes. Lynn fights back with right hands and backdrops Skipper to the apron.

Lynn misses a leg drop, but Skipper misses an elbow drop. Skipper misses a slingshot clothesline from the apron, goes for a pinfall still, and gets a two count. Skipper boots Lynn in the corner and hits a handstand leg drop from the corner for a two-count.

Skipper nails Lynn with a leg drop on the apron from the floor. Lynn backdrops Skipper and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Lynn hits a middle rope swinging facebuster, but Skipper kicks out at two on the cover.

Skipper counters the cradle piledriver and catapults Lynn into the corner. The referee is knocked down, and Skipper low blows Lynn. Skipper has his weight scale, but that gets drop-kicked into his face, and Lynn goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Jerry Lynn

Sonny Siaki made his way out to the ring and promptly began to rip on the NWA World Champion, AJ Styles. Styles came out and reminded Siaki about his role on “Team Styles.”

Styles tells Siaki that Sonny rides his coattails, which gets a response from Siaki, insulting Styles, but AJ fires back with a slap to his face. D’Lo Brown makes his way out and puts over AJ for having the fire to the best in the business.

Brown knows that it has been eating Styles up knowing that he wasn’t able to defeat him last week, so they agree to have a rematch next week. Siaki attacks Brown for a moment until Styles pulls Siaki off.

Styles gets a few shots in on D’Lo Brown until Erik Watts comes out and makes the save. Watts ends up announcing that next week, AJ Styles will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against D’Lo Brown inside a Steel Cage.

Backstage, Julio Dinero tells Raven that CM Punk flaked out on them for the match tonight, but Raven doesn’t care because no matter what, he will get his revenge tonight.

Edward Chastaine vs. The Sandman

It was a short match, The Sandman with the White Russian leg sweep on Edward Chastaine. The Sandman goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: The Sandman

Backstage, Shark Boy is feeling depressed until Athena and Norman Smiley try to cheer him up. Smiley is able to improve Shark Boy’s spirits by showing him how to do the Big Wiggle.

Mike Tenay announces that Don Callis suspended Jerry Lynn from last week’s show and that New Jack is indefinitely suspended.

Norman Smiley & Shark Boy vs. Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger

This is another short match, as the main purpose is to get over Diamond and Swinger against a comedy duo. Diamond and Swinger win the match following the Problem Solver.

After the match, Glen Gilbertti has his men grab Jeremy Borash to attack him, but here comes Chris Harris and James Storm to make the save, running the heels from the ring. Storm issues a challenge to the heels for a strap match next week.

Mike Tenay had a sit-down interview with Vince Russo, who said that he once loved Jeff Jarrett but now hates him for having put his children on television.

Backstage, NWA X-Division Champion Chris Sabin taunted Frankie Kazarian about having to start from the bottom again. That was until Erik Watts came over and revealed that Kazarian was the special referee for the upcoming title defense.

Michael Shane vs. Chris Sabin

Early on, they trade wristlocks until Shane takes Sabin down to the canvas. Sabin backs Shane into the corner and hammers away on him until Shane hits an arm drag. Shane follows up with a hurricanrana and a spinning heel kick, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.

Shane backdrops Sabin to the apron, and Sabin hits a springboard dropkick, sending Shane to the floor. Shane rolls back into the ring to avoid Sabin and knocks Sabin off the apron with a forearm strike.

Shane takes Sabin out with a somersault dive over the top to the floor! Sabin knocks Shane on the top rope and crotches Shane on the top rope. Sabin dropkicks Shane off the top to the floor, and the champ hits an impressive springboard dive to the floor!

Sabin maintains control of the match with a body scissors in the middle of the ring but isn’t able to get a submission out of Shane. Sabin attempts a middle rope bulldog, but Shane counters with a middle rope swinging neckbreaker!

Shane hits a leaping forearm shot and is acting a lot like his trainer, Shawn Michaels. Shane plants Sabin with a Flatliner but can’t get a three-count on the cover. Sabin spikes Shane with a springboard tornado DDT, goes for a pinfall gets a two count.

Shane cuts Sabin off with a super kick, but Sabin kicks out before three. Sabin plants Shane with a DDT after having Shane over his shoulder, but Shane still kicks out at two.

Sabin loses his temper and grabs the championship, but Kazarian prevents Sabin from using it. Shane rolls Sabin up but only gets a near fall. Sabin hits a big yakuza kick and shoves Kazarian.

Kazarian hits the Wave of the Future on the championship! Shane goes for the cover, but a second referee comes in and ejects Kazarian to the backstage area! Sabin nails Shane with the title from behind, and the second referee makes the count.

Winner: Chris Sabin

A vignette for Mad Mikey is aired as it shows Mikey getting very angry at various things in life such as traffic and having to wait for fast food.

Backstage, Ricky Morton cuts a promo saying that he taught Kid Kash everything he knows but didn’t teach Kash everything that Morton knows.

Ricky Morton vs. Kid Kash

Kash avoids Morton early on and is begging off in the corner. Morton decks Kash with a right hand and follows up with a hip toss and an arm drag. Morton clotheslines Kash over the top to the floor and plays to the crowd.

Morton takes Kash out with a suicide dive! I wasn’t expecting that! Kash dropkicks Morton off the apron, but Morton blocks a baseball slide and pulls Kash to the floor. Kash sends Morton face-first into the ring steps, and Kash continues to work over his mentor.

Kash heads to the top rope and hits a clothesline to get a near fall on Morton. Kash and Morton exchange a few strikes until Kash knee-lifts Morton and hits a gut buster. Kash has an arm lock on the canvas, but Morton refuses to give in.

Morton, with a backslide, gets a two-count. Kash hammers away on Morton. Kash kicks Morton in the ribs and heads to the apron but misses a somersault dropkick attempt. Morton takes Kash over with an overhead suplex and a dropkick for a two-count.

They begin to trade pin attempts, but Kash pokes Morton in the eyes. Morton crotches Kash on the top rope but loses his footing and still hits a hurricanrana. Abyss comes in from behind, with the referee distracted by Kash to hit the Shock Treatment on Morton. Kash goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Kid Kash

After the match, Kash went towards Sarah Lee and tossed a chair at Morton to end the segment.

They air a vignette promoting the return of Christopher Daniels. He will be returning next week.

Shane Douglas, Slash & Brian Lee vs. Raven, Julio Dinero & Alexis Laree
Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match

Dinero nails Slash with a trash can lid several times. Raven knocks Douglas with a trash can lid as well off the apron. Laree is caught and dropped by the heels. Dinero attempts a dive but is caught as well. Raven baseball slides Dinero to knock the heels down.

They begin to brawl on the floor for a few moments. Douglas hammers away on Raven against the guard railing and drops Raven across the guardrail before clotheslining Raven into the crowd.

Slash nails Dinero with a trash can and hits Laree with one as well. Douglas loads up his boot to nail Raven in the crowd as Slash uses a crutch on Dinero over the back. Raven has been busted wide open as well.

Brian Lee low blows Dinero while Slash hits Laree with a trash can lid in the ring. Douglas hits Raven with a trash can to keep him down on the floor. Lee hits Dinero over the head with a trash can lid as the heels are standing tall in the ring.

Slash drops Laree with a Whirly Bird. Raven gets into the ring, and Douglas hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Dinero nearly pinned Lee by countering a Doomsday Device, but that momentum was short-lived. Lee accidentally, with big boots, Douglas to the floor.

Laree takes Slash over the top with a hurricanrana, but Lee cuts her off with a right-hand strike. Lee decks Laree a second time but is soon met with a double superkick from Dinero and Raven. Raven and Dinero clean house with trash can lid shots to the heels.

Laree has a kendo stick and begins to hit Douglas and Slash in the ribs several times. Douglas is met with a dual trash can shot from Dinero and Raven.

Dinero clotheslines Lee over the top to the floor, and Raven puts Douglas on a table on the floor and hits an elbow drop from off the middle rope! Raven is pulled under the ring while Lee has Laree and hits a choke slam!

Dinero shoves Slash off the top rope and hits Lee with a trash can lid shot. Raven is back from under the ring, goes for a pinfall, gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Brian Lee, Slash & Shane Douglas.

Backstage, D’Lo Brown uses an apple to shred it up against the steel cage and says that it will be AJ Styles next week.

Joe E. Legend vs. Jeff Jarrett
Guitar and Bat on a Pole Match

Jarrett starts the match by hitting Legend with a dropkick and hammers away on Legend in the corner with right hands. Legend cuts Jarrett off with a knee lift and stomps away on Jarrett to get control of the contest.

Jarrett shoves Legend off the middle rope, and Legend hits the guardrail chest first. Jarrett continues to work over Legend with right hands on the floor. Jarrett hits a backdrop and looks to go for the guitar but Legend prevents Jarrett from reaching the guitar.

Jarrett pummels Legend on the canvas, but Legend drives Jarrett gut-first onto the canvas. Legend has a surfboard on Jarrett briefly but isn’t able to get a submission. Jarrett looks for a middle rope cross boy, but Legend hits a backbreaker instead for a near fall.

Legend goes for the guitar, but Jarrett stops Legend by hitting a running powerbomb! Legend battles back with a snap power slam and heads to the top rope. Legend tries to get the guitar, but Jarrett press slams Legend to the canvas.

Jarrett goes for the Stroke and hits the move on a second try. Jarrett grabs the baseball bat, but Sonny Siaki comes into the ring and yanks it away. Jarrett attacks Siaki, but Legend has the bat now.

Legend waits for Jarrett and hits Jeff right in the face, but Jarrett kicks out at two. Siaki climbs, trying to get the guitar, but security prevents Sonny from getting it. Jarrett has the baseball bat and hits Siaki with it!

The red-shirt security comes in, and Jarrett kicks Kevin Northcutt. Legend plants Jarrett face first into the canvas and, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Legend climbs the rope, but Jarrett crotches Legend and hits a superplex.

Jarrett climbs the corner, but Legend stops Jarrett again with a right hand. Jarrett rams Legend face-first into the pole and hits the Stroke from the top rope. Jarrett grabs his guitar and comes off the top but they seemingly botch that badly.

Legend super kicks Jarrett after avoiding the bat. Jarrett comes off the middle rope and smashes Legend over the head to win the match.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

After the match, Christopher Daniels enters the ring and attacks Jarrett! Daniels returned a week earlier. Daniels takes Jarrett out with an Arabian moonsault! Daniels continues to attack Jarrett on the floor and says that tradition ends tonight.

Daniels leaps off the ring steps to take Jarrett out with a cross body. Daniels comes off the top rope and drives the baseball bat into Jarrett’s chest. NWA-TNA PPV 56 goes off the air.