NWA-TNA PPV 55 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA in the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews with NWA-TNA PPV 55.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match 
AJ Styles (c) vs. D’Lo Brown

The only way to win the First Fall is by pinfall. Brown opens the match, turning Styles inside out with a shoulder block. Brown knocks Styles to the floor, but they quickly return to the ring.

Brown leaps off the top rope to hit a flying clothesline, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Brown counters the Styles Clash, but AJ Styles gets an ankle lock on Brown. Brown counters with one of his own and drives Styles down to the canvas with a wheelbarrow facebuster.

Brown hammers away on Styles in the corner, but Styles whips Brown to the canvas with a double-leg slam. Styles hits a dropkick, but Brown counters a bodyslam, hitting a back suplex.

Styles ducks a clothesline to hit the Pele Kick. Styles goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Styles hits a spin kick to stagger Brown against the ropes. Brown recovers to hit a spinning heel kick. Brown drives Styles to the canvas with a spinebuster, but Brown kicks out at two on the pin attempt.

Styles with a Northern Lights suplex on Brown goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Brown sends Styles to the floor, but Trinity drops Brown’s throat first across the middle rope.

Styles hits a springboard 450 splash, but Brown kicks out at two! Brown stops Styles on the top rope and hits a middle rope fallaway slam! Sonny Siaki comes down to the ring, and drops Brown with a sit-down power slam. Siaki puts Styles on top of Brown for the 1-2-3!

Winner: AJ Styles leads 1-0.

Formerly known as Crash Holly in WWE. Mad Mikey is making his NWA-TNA in-ring debut.

Elix Skipper vs. Mad Mikey.

Skipper leg sweeps Mikey to start the match and taunts him. Mikey comes back with a forearm strike to drop Skipper. Elix Skipper misses a charging attack in the corner, and Mikey hits a backbreaker.

Mikey decides against going to the top rope and stomps on Skipper. Mikey leaps off the top, lands, and then splashes Skipper with the Frog Splash, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.

Skipper drops Mikey across the top rope gut first and hits a springboard leg drop. Skipper drops Mikey with a knee strike to his face. Mikey hammers away on Skipper and delivers a kick to the chest, followed by a rollup, and gets a two count.

Mad Mikey vs. Elix Skipper - NWA-TNA PPV 55 | Impact Wrestling | Today in #IMPACTHistory: Mad Mikey, better known as Crash Holly, made his TNA debut. (NWA-TNA PPV #55) | By IMPACT Wrestling | Facebook
[Photo: IMPACT!]

Skipper takes Mikey over with a headlock suplex but can’t get a three on the cover attempt. Skipper leg drops Mikey on the apron and drives Mikey’s chest first across the apron to keep the advantage.

Mikey battles back with a neckbreaker. Mikey comes back with several clotheslines, but the fans aren’t all that behind him. Mikey hits a running bulldog, but Skipper kicks out at two. Mikey trips Skipper and leaps off the top rope, hits a crossbody, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count.

Skipper avoids a clothesline but misses a spin kick. Mikey sends Skipper face-first into the corner with a head scissors, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Skipper tries to use the scale, but Mikey blocks it, only for Skipper to hit a swinging side slam goes, for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Elix Skipper

Joe E. Legend comes out and throws various insults at Jeff Jarrett before issuing an open challenge to anyone. He has hired four security guards to make sure that Jarrett doesn’t attack Legend from behind.

Joe E. Legend vs. Altar Boy Luke vs. Matt Sydal

Jeff Jarrett appears at the top of the ramp with his lucky guitar. Legend has both Altar Boy Luke and Matt Sydal on his back and hits a double Stunner. Legend hits Altar Boy Luke & Matt Sydal with the Stone Cutter. Legends goes, for a pinfall gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Joe E. Legend.

After the match, Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring, and attacks Legend & hits the Stroke on Joe E. Legend.

The red shirt security come in to stop the brawling, but Jarrett begins to hammer away on the leader of the group, Kevin Northcutt.

Backstage, Scott Hudson overhears Vince Russo yelling at NWA World Champion AJ Styles, who believes that Russo worries too much.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Second Fall Submission
D’Lo Brown vs. © AJ Styles.

Siaki attacks Brown from behind, and that allows Styles to chop block Brown’s leg and focuses his offense on Brown’s knee. Styles dropkicks the right knee to drop Brown and locks in a leg lock, trying to get a submission, and switches to an Indian Death Lock, but Brown refuses to give up.

Brown struggles to move on the leg and is met with a kick to the face by Styles. Styles gets a Crossface locked in, but Brown doesn’t give in. Styles keeps Brown on the canvas with a leg lock but is still unable to get a submission.

Brown stops Styles by lifting him into the air and hitting an ace crusher on the way down. Brown runs over Styles with a clothesline and delivers a right hand to drop Styles to the mat.

Styles goes for the Sharpshooter and has it locked in, but Brown doesn’t give in. Brown trips Styles to reverse the move and puts the Sharpshooter in with his knee on Styles’s neck to get a submission!

Winner: D’Lo Brown of the second fall

D’Lo Brown and AJ Styles are tied 1-1 in the 2 Out of 3 Falls NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Mike Tenay had a sit-down interview with Don Callis. Callis said there are two types of leaders in wrestling. Those who understand wrestling but no business, and those who understand business but not wrestling.

Callis says that market research has made it obvious that fans don’t want hardcore wrestling anymore. They also don’t want to see scantily clad women fight.

There is a brawl between Nurse Veronica, Valentina, and the TNA dancers Lollipop & April Pennington. Trinity comes into the ring and attacks Lollipop & April Pennington.

A segment featuring BG James going to the hood to interact with African Americans is aired. James assumes that all black people have guns and booze. He eventually has a makeover where he gets an afro and some pimp clothes.

Glenn Gilbertti suggests to Jeremy Borash that he would be a great valet for America’s Most Wanted. Gilbertti has a cowboy hat and gives him a shirt. Borash is sick of Gilbertti for being a jerk towards him.

Borash shoves Gilbertti, and the tag champs enter to attack Gilbertti. Gilbertti has his pants torn off, and they almost remove his underwear.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger vs. © America’s Most Wanted

Swinger and Diamond enter the ring to attack Harris and Storm to kick-start the title match. Harris backdrops Storm over the top onto Diamond and Swinger on the floor to hit a cross body.

Harris follows up with a slingshot cross body to take the challengers out as well. Harris works over Diamond while Storm pummels Swinger on the floor. Diamond knee lifts Harris into the ring, but Swinger enters to nail Harris with a clothesline to get the upper hand.

Swinger and Diamond hit a side slam/neckbreaker combo on Harris. Diamond takes Harris over with a snap suplex, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Harris continues to be double-teamed in the corner but fights back with strikes on the challengers.

Storm gets the hot tag and cleans house with right hands on Diamond & Swinger. Storm takes Diamond over with head scissors and super kicks Swinger. Storm is fired up as he hits a reverse pedigree, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count.

Diamond trips Storm from the floor and drops Storm across the guardrail chest first. Harris comes over to deck Diamond, but the referee comes over to stop the brawling. A double flatliner on Storm goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count.

Swinger drives Storm down with a back suplex, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count.

Diamond tags in, but Storm tries to fight back, only for Simon to hit the Simon Series, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.

Simon and Storm are trading right hands until Storm hits Diamond with a forearm strike. Storm hits a weak-looking back suplex on Diamond. Swinger and Harris get the tag and are cleaning house on Diamond & Swinger.

Harris hits a swinging neckbreaker on Diamond and a full nelson slam on Swinger. Harris hits a top rope cross body but Swinger kicks out at two. Diamond pulls the top rope down, and Harris crashes to the floor.

Diamond super kicks Storm, and Swinger nearly got a three count on a rollup. Harris pulls the top rope, and Diamond crashes to the floor. Storm has Swinger, and Harris goes to the top rope, looking for and hitting the Death Sentence!

Glen Gilbertti comes into the ring with a bull rope and attacks.

Winners: AND STILL: NWA World Tag Team champions, America’s Most Wanted

After the match, Harris is triple-teamed, being whipped with the bull rope. Storm is hogtied for trying to make the save.

Backstage, Shane Douglas says that Raven should be ready to have his @$$ franchised tonight.

Raven, CM Punk & Julio Dinero vs. Shane Douglas, Brian Lee & Slash.

Raven, Dinero, and Punk charge the ring, and everyone begins to brawl to kick off the match. Dinero comes off the top to double clothesline Lee and Slash. Raven clotheslines Douglas over the top to the floor.

Douglas and Raven legally start the match until Douglas backs into a corner and tags in Slash to try his luck, as does Punk. Slash works over Punk with a few chops in the corner but Punk hits a t-bone suplex and works over Slash with chops followed by a high knee and discus forearm goes, for a pinfall gets a two count.

Slash counters a hurricanrana attempt with a quick power bomb. Lee tags into the match and bodyslams CM Punk. Douglas gets the tag to maintain control over Punk by wrenching on his neck. Dinero gets the tag and spin kicks Slash and Douglas.

Dinero clotheslines Douglas over the top to the floor before hitting Slash with a swinging full-nelson slam and, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.

Lee grabs Dinero and drives Dinero back first into the ring post back first. Slash has Diner and slams Julio to the canvas. Lee big boots Dinero and taunts Raven and Punk on the apron.

Slash tags in and continues to work over Dinero in the corner. Slash misses a top rope senton splash. Douglas and Raven get the tags, with Raven hammering away on the heels with right hands.

Raven hits a clothesline on Slash and wants Douglas, who bails from the ring. Raven chases Douglas into the crowd, and they brawl to the backstage area. A mysterious masked man grabs Raven from behind the curtain, and Douglas laughs.

Lee is backdropped over the top rope to the floor by Punk and Dinero. Punk & Dinero double team Slash, but Douglas crotches Dinero on the top rope. Slash has Punk on his shoulders to allow Douglas to hit a top rope clothesline.

Slash goes under the ring to grab a table. Raven returns but is busted wide open. Raven is put against the table, but Raven fights back. The referee is bumped in the corner as Raven hits a bulldog/clothesline combo on Slash and Douglas.

Raven DDTs Slash and attempts the same for Douglas, but Mitchell enters, and Douglas spears Raven through the table and goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Brian Lee, Slash & Shane Douglas.

Mike Tenay continues his sit-down interview with Sting for the fourth installment. Sting basically puts over finding Christ in 1998 and credits Ted DiBiase and Nikita Koloff for putting his life back together.

In the ring, Tenay introduces Sara Lee, Ricky Morton, Harley Race, Larry Zbyszko, and Corscia Jones, who are here to endorse the new NWA authority figure. Kid Kash comes into the ring and insults Sara Lee, Ricky Morton, Harley Race, and Corscia Jones.

Morton tells Kash that he wouldn’t have a ring to stand in if it wasn’t for them years ago. Kash responds by slapping Ricky Morton across the face and grabs Sara Lee. Kash says you take one step closer I will snap her neck.

Erik Watts enters the ring and choke-slams Kash. Watts reveals that he is the new Director of Authority for TNA! Watts holds Kid Kash to allow Harley Race to punch Kash to the canvas!

Raven speaks from the Nest and issues a challenge to the New Church for a six-man Clockwork Orange House Of Fun match next week.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Ladder Match
D’Lo Brown vs. © AJ Styles

AJ Styles runs to the ladder at the top of the ramp, but Brown chases after him and hammers away on Styles. Tenay claims that Brown is undefeated in ladder matches dating back to IWA days in Puerto Rico.

Styles rams Brown face-first into the ring steps. Styles rams the guardrail to Brown’s midsection, but Brown springboards off the ring steps to take Styles out with a cross body in the crowd.

Vince Russo is watching by the entrance ramp as Brown tosses the ladder into Styles’ face. Brown sets up a table on the floor and looks to suplex Styles from the ring to the floor, but Styles lands on the apron and is able to hit a springboard head scissors. Styles takes Brown out with a somersault dive over the top to the floor!

Styles slams the ladder across Brown’s back on the floor to maintain control of the title match. Styles hits Brown over the back with a steel chair. Styles slides the ladder into the ring and continues to work over Brown.

Styles sends Brown chest first into the ladder and the ladder also falls onto Brown! Styles goes back to working over Brown with a steel chair. Styles wedges a steel chair in the corner, but Brown nails Styles with the ladder.

Brown begins to climb the ladder but Styles shoves him off the ladder and hits Brown with the ladder. Styles rams the ladder into Brown’s midsection to keep control of the match. Styles climbs the ladder, but Brown stops the champ and slams Styles to the canvas.

Styles shoves Brown off the ladder, and Brown lands throat-first across the top rope. Styles drops the ladder across the back of Brown. Styles set up two tables on the floor on two different sides of the ring.

Brown backdrops Styles on the ramp way to stop Styles in his tracks. Brown places Styles on the table and sets up the ladder in the ring. Brown climbs the ladder and leaps off to hit a frog splash off the top of the ladder onto Styles through the table!

Brown sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring and has his hand on the belt, but Sonny Siaki comes in and tips the ladder over, causing Brown to crash to the floor, missing the table that was set up!

Styles begins to climb, but so does Brown, and they are both going for the gold. They have their hands on the belt and crash to the canvas, with both men holding the championship. The referee declares the match a Draw.

Winner: AND STILL: NWA World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles