NWA-TNA PPV 40 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, April 9th, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 40. In the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews.
A video played a recap of what happened last week. They hype up the Gilbertti/Styles, Lynn/Kash, and “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes/Next Generation feuds leading into tonight. Raven Evenflow DDT on Trinity, and apparently, Kash not caring. Mike Barton NWA-TNA debut.
The opening contest is the Armed Asylum match, where weapons have been placed throughout the TNA Asylum.

Sandman & New Jack vs. Brian Lee & Slash Disciples of the New Church, with Father James Mitchell vs. Ron & Don Harris The Harris Brothers 

The match starts before the Harris Brothers are even introduced. They are all brawling in and out of the ring. It takes about twenty seconds for blood to be introduced as Slash is busted open thanks to a cheese grater that New Jack used on him. New Jack uses a staple gun as well on Slash.
Sandman is sent flipping through a table in the corner. Sandman is backdropped onto a table, but the table doesn’t break. Slash dives off the balcony to hit a Swanton bomb on Don through a table! New Jack backdrops Lee off the balcony, and Lee barely goes through a couple of tables.
Sandman is sent through another table by the Harris Brothers on the floor. New Jack goes all the way to the top of the balcony and dives off to splash Slash through a table! Sandman is fighting back against the Harris Brothers with a Kendo stick and trash can. Don Harris stops Sandman with a big boot into the trash can. Ron & Don Harris give The Sandman H-Bomb Ron Harris goes for a pinfall referee Andrew Thomas counts, the 1-2-3!

Winners: Don and Ron Harris.

Backstage, Goldylocks is with Mike Barton. Barton has made his reputation by knocking people out. Barton is cut off by D’Lo Brown. Brown has a problem with Mike Sanders for costing him the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship last week. Gilbertti tells Brown he will get him, Sanders, later tonight. Chris Harris is in the S.E.X. locker room.
Gilbertti asks Harris to tell Sanders not to enter the locker room. Harris leaves to do that. Don West is surprised to see “Wildcat” Chris Harris in S.E.X. locker room.
Mike Tenay announces that if Triple X doesn’t win the main event match, they must give the winning team gets an NWA World Tag Team Championship Match at a later date. Hermie Sadler and Jeff Hammond make their way out to the entranceway. Hermie Sadler makes an announcement that he will drive the NWA-TNA race car in five NASCAR Cup Series races.
The first one will be the Coca-Cola 600, Memorial Day weekend at Lowe’s Motor Speedway, Concord, NC. The other four races are to be named later. Jeff Hammond will join Mike Tenay and Don West on commentary for the X-Division match tonight.
Backstage, Raven arrives at the arena with Alexis Laree and Julio Dinero.
Mike Tenay and Don West Interrogation interview with “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes is asked a bunch of word associations. He puts down Next Generation and calls Ted Turner “daddy.” He also makes a fart noise regarding WCW. Rhodes chooses Harley Race over Ric Flair.

Ladder Match
Brian Lawler vs. “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes

Lawler introduces a ladder into the match early on and drives the ladder right into Rhodes face on the floor. The ladder is messed up, but Lawler continues to climb, but Rhodes gets in the ring and tips it over, causing Lawler to drop across the top rope throat first. Rhodes actually climbs the step ladder to drop an elbow across Lawler’s chest.
Lawler low blows Rhodes as he started to climb the ladder. David Flair runs out to the ring and attacks Rhodes. Flair climbs the ladder, but Nikita Koloff comes out to the ring and attacks Lawler. He grabs at the belt and takes Lawler out. Koloff gives Rhodes the belt, and they embrace. The Super Powers, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Nikita Koloff reunite.

Winner:  “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes

After the match, Erik Watts comes out and steals the belt again. Nikita Koloff raises “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes‘ right arm and points to him.
Outside the arena, Goldylocks catches up with “Wildcat” Chris Harris. James Storm asks Harris what he is doing. Harris says he is just hanging out with the boys. Storm is upset that Harris didn’t talk to him. Harris says the S.E.X. guys aren’t as bad as they are made out to be. Harris doesn’t know what he is doing wrong.
Harris sees Sanders and tells Sanders that Gilbertti wants to see him. Harris reminds Sanders that no one in the locker room likes Sanders. Sanders notes he has had heat since he started in the business. Harris thinks Sanders is an @$$hole. Sanders leaves to go talk to Gilbertti.
[Photo: IMPACT!]

Glen Gilbertti vs. AJ Styles

Styles starts off with a dropkick and a Hurricarana to get the early advantage. Styles with a German suplex goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Gilbertti is dropped throat first across the top rope but Gilbertti dropkicks Styles in midair. Gilbertti sends Styles head first into the ring steps and guardrail.
Gilbertti drives Styles down to the canvas with a back suplex. Gilbertti turns AJ Styles inside out with a big clothesline to maintain control of the contest. Gilbertti stops Styles with an atomic drop and a side Russian leg sweep. Styles avoids a swinging neckbreaker. Gilbertti avoids a moonsault to hit a swinging neckbreaker.
Styles drops Gilbertti with a gut buster. Styles plants Gilbertti with a springboard reverse DDT. Gilbertti, with a DDT on Styles, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Gilbertti nearly steals a win with his feet on the ropes, but the referee saw his feet on the ropes. Styles attacks from behind to hit the Styles Clash on Gilbertti referee Mike Posey counts, the 1-2-3! Styles had his feet on the bottom rope for leverage.

Winner: AJ Styles. 

After the match, Gilbertti and referee Mike Posey were arguing in the ring. Posey didn’t see Styles had his feet on the bottom rope for leverage. Referee Mike Posey shoved Gilbertti Posey gets out of the ring and starts walking to the back Gilbertti attacks him from behind on the ramp. Gilbertti punches Posey, then tosses him over the guardrail, grabs a steel chair hits Posey twice across the back with it.
Backstage, Glen Gilbertti talks to Mike Sanders. Gilbertti says that D’Lo Brown is not one of them. Gilbertti wants Sanders to beat D’Lo Brown’s @$$ tonight.

Sonny Siaki & Desire vs. David Young & Athena

Sonny Siaki asked for a microphone says to David Young; these fans don’t want to see us wrestle. They want to see Desire and Athena wrestle. Athena slaps Siaki across the face after he insults her. Young & Siaki agree to get out of the ring and let the girls settle this between themselves. Young is on the apron, gets in the ring, gives Athena a Spinbuster Desire goes for a pinfall referee Rudy Charles counts, the 1-2-3!

Winner: Desire

After the match,  David Young put on a S.E.X. t-shirt. Young is the newest member of S.E.X. Backstage, Goldylocks talks to Perry Saturn. Saturn talks about being in five hundred fights. Saturn says he was told 13. He had to be in those fights to prove he was a fighter. NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett, interrupts the promo, and Saturn says this is my interview time. Mike Barton comes over from behind and attacks Saturn.

Perry Saturn vs. Mike Barton

They brawl towards the ring, and Saturn is already bleeding over the right eye. Barton hits a springboard twisting cross body on Saturn. Saturn counters a pump handle slam with a release suplex. Saturn hits a German suplex a couple of times. Saturn drops Barton with a clothesline and a springboard dropkick for a two-count.
Saturn locks in a cross-arm breaker but can’t get a submission. Barton drops Saturn with a clothesline out of the corner. Barton hammers away on Saturn with a series of punches. Saturn takes Barton over with a t-bone suplex but is knocked out with a left hook. Barton drives Saturn down to the mat with a delayed vertical suplex.
Saturn is bleeding. Barton continues to punch Saturn until Saturn fights back with blows of his own. Saturn superkicks Barton for a two-count. Saturn hits the Death Valley Driver and goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Saturn takes Barton down and wrenches on Barton hand to get a submission win. They are playing it up as if Barton broke his hand, punching Saturn.

Winner: Perry Saturn.

Backstage, New Jack and Sandman are arguing about what happened tonight. The New Church, Father James Mitchell, throws a fireball into Sandman’s face. The New Church attacks New Jack. They go outside to brawl some more!

D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Sanders

Sanders and Brown quickly go at it in the ring, trading right hands. Brown drops Sanders with a back elbow and more right hands. Brown stomps a mud hole on Sanders in the corner, too. Brown comes out of the corner to drop Sanders with a clothesline. Sanders baseball slides Brown off the apron and hits a moonsault on the floor of the apron!
Sanders tosses Brown into the guardrail and taunts the fans. Sanders continues his offense with a snap suplex on the floor. Sanders gets a near fall on the cover back in the ring. Sanders hits a wrist clutch suplex, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. That was a nice move from Sanders. Sanders backdrops Brown and follows up with a kick to the chest.
Sanders mocks Brown before dropping a knee across his chest. Brown drops Sanders with a forearm and a clothesline. Brown drives Sanders down to the mat with a spine buster before hitting a leg drop for a near fall. Brown nearly wins with a leaping sidekick. Sanders hits a neck breaker, but Brown powers out at two.
D’Lo Brown went for a swinging slam, but Sanders blocked it. Sonny Siaki and Desire run out as Brown went to the top rope, and Brown is crotched on the top rope. Sanders recovers while Desire has the referee distracted. Sanders hit a superplex, but Brown kicks out at two. Brown, with a sit-out spine buster on Sanders, goes for a pinfall referee Rudy Charles counts the 1-2-3!

Winner: D’Lo Brown 

After the match, Brown is attacked by Siaki, Gilbertti, and Sanders.
Earlier today, Mike Tenay sat down with Trinity, who talked about doing a lot of extreme sports. Trinity thought wrestling was a traditional jump. Trinity trained with Amazing Red and the SAT’s at Mikey Whipwreck’s school. She talks about working as Stunt Woman name drops all the shows she works for.
Here comes Kid Kash to sit down and witness the Trinity Show. Kid Kash seems mad that the fans are cheering for Trinity. Kid Kash says he’s wrestling Raven tonight because of her. He wants Trinity to be there because Raven will get to her before he gets to Kid Kash.

Raven with Alexis Laree and Julio Dinero vs. Kid Kash with Trinity

Kid Kash knocks Raven down with a sidekick and dumps Raven over the top to the floor. Raven hits a clothesline with a knee lift. Raven catapults Kid Kash into the corner, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Laree distracts Kid Kash so that Dinero can hit Kid Kash, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.
Raven backdrops Kid Kash goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. Kid Kash drop-toe holds Raven’s face first onto a steel chair. Kid Kash hits a triple jump Hurricarana and a tornado DDT!  Kid Kash goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Raven with a Powerbomb on Kid Kash gets a two-count.
Kid Kash, with a cross body, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Trinity hits a top rope Hurricanrana on Raven! Trinity also kicks Raven before going to the top to hit a moonsault on Dinero and Laree on the floor! Trinity leaves. Raven with Kid Kash with an Evenflow DDT goes for a pinfall referee Andrew Thomas counts the 1-2-3!

Winner: Raven

Don West runs down what’s still to come on tonight’s NWA-TNA PPV #40. 4 Team X-Division Elimination Match. Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red vs. Jason Cross & Shark Boy vs. Jonny Storm & Chris Sabin vs. Triple X, Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper. If Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red, Jason Cross & Shark Boy, Jonny Storm & Chris Sabin win the match.
They become the two top contenders for the NWA X-Division Championship. If Triple X, Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper loses the match, the winning team gets an NWA  World Tag Team Championship Match vs. Triple X.
NASCAR on FOX Analyst Jeff Hammond joins Mike Tenay and Don West on commentary for the main event. Chris Sabin is making his NWA-TNA debut in this match.

Triple X (Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper) vs. Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red vs. Jason Cross & Shark Boy vs. Jonny Storm & Chris Sabin 

Lynn and Storm had a nice chain wrestling between the two to start the match. Lynn gets three pinfall attempts on Storm from Greco-Roman knuckle locks and gets two counts on all three. Nice chain wrestling between Amazing Red and Shark Boy arm drags & head scissors. Amazing Red goes to the top rope.
Shark Boy catches him in midair with a dropkick, goes for a pinfall gets a two-count. Shark Boy charges out of the corner. Amazing Red catches him and, with a Power slam, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Shark Boy with a Springboard Bulldog on Daniels goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Daniels with a Neckbreaker on Cross goes for a pinfall referee Rudy Charles counts, the 1-2-3!
Shark Boy & Jason Cross have been eliminated from the match.
Storm with a Standing Reverse Hurricanrana on Daniels goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Lynn, with a Cradle Piledriver on Chris Sabin, goes for a pinfall referee Rudy Charles counts, the 1-2-3!
Jonny Storm & Chris Sabin have been eliminated from the match.
Skipper has Lynn up across his back. Daniels comes off the top rope with an elbow drop. Skipper goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Amazing Red with an Enzugiri Kick on Daniels goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Lynn, with a Power Bomb on Skipper, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count.
Amazing Red with Hurricanrana on Daniels goes for a pinfall. Skipper breaks it up on two count. Daniels with an STO followed by the Best Moonsault Ever! Goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Off the top rope, Daniels & Skipper double team Lynn with a Vertical Suplex Crossbody combination move. Skipper goes for a pinfall Amazing Red breaks it up with a dropkick on the two count.
Amazing Red with an Inside Cradle on Daniels referee Rudy Charles counts, the 1-2-3!

Winners: Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red. 

Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red are now the two top contenders for the NWA X-Division Championship.
Backstage, Goldylocks conducts an interview with Erik Watts. Watts didn’t come to TNA for the belt. Watts doesn’t care about the belt all that much. He cares about Jeff Jarrett. Watts says that Jarrett didn’t mean to choke Goldylocks. Watts says Jarrett is sad because no one likes Jarrett.
Watts thinks TNA is making it seem like the fans like Jarrett when they are actually booing him. Watts talks about all the expensive things he has gotten in life. Watts cares for Jeff Jarrett. “You must live life, or life will live you.” Erik Watts. throws it back to Mike Tenay to end the interview.
Mike Tenay is standing in the ring to call out NWA-TNA World Champion Jeff Jarrett for an interview. Tenay wants to know what Jarrett is thinking about. Jarrett recalls his old gimmick in WWF. Jarrett asks Tenay if he realizes how many challengers he has for his belt. Tenay asks if Jarrett is paranoid or if it’s pressure.
Tenay says that Jeff Jarrett needs to represent the NWA as the champion. Jarrett gets annoyed and gets in Tenay‘s face until Raven’s music hits. Raven, Alexis Laree and Julio Dinero come out. Raven stands on the announce table. Raven wants Jarrett to beat up Tenay if it will make him feel like a man.
Raven wants this to be all about him. Raven is going to take the NWA-TNA World Championship away from Jarrett. Raven knows that Jarrett obsesses over the championship. Without the belt, Jarrett doesn’t belong. Jarrett says while Raven was detoxing, he was winning championships. Their match is in three weeks.
Jarrett wants Raven tonight, but instead, a bunch of security gets in the ring to prevent that from happening. Raven enters the ring with a steel chair, and security runs away. Raven is on the apron.
Dusty Rhodes comes in and tries to stop Jarrett from behind, and instead, Jarrett hits Rhodes over the head with a steel chair because he thought it was someone else! Raven is standing on the ring apron, laughing at Jarrett. NWA-TNA PPV #40 goes off the air.