NWA-TNA PPV 12 – NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On September 4th, 2002 we hear from Low-Ki, a few fans, Kid Kash, NWA World Heavyweight Champion “R-Truth” Ron Killings, Jorge Estrada, Jimmy Wang Yang, Monty Brown, Sonny Siaki, and Mike Tenay give their thoughts on the X-Division in NWA-TNA PPV 12.

NWA-TNA PPV 12 (September 4, 2002) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT]
Jeremy Borash and Goldylocks welcome us to the show. Goldylocks says she never knows what to expect and when she never disappointed when comes to the X-Division. Jeremy then talks about how the X-Division is a combination of many styles from the English mat wrestling, high flying Lucha Libre, High Impact Japanese style is a hybrid of all these wrestling styles rolled into one that’s what the X-Division in NWA-TNA.

6-Man Tag Team Match
AJ Styles, Low-Ki, and Jerry Lynn vs. The Flying Elvises Jorge Estrada, Sonny Siaki and Jimmy Wang Yang.

Estrada, Siaki, and Yang are known as the Flying Elvises. Tenay explains how the X-Division is not about weight limits, it is about wrestlers going out there and performing incredible matches. Styles, Lo-Ki and Lynn extend their hands for handshakes but the Elvises decline and attack. Styles, Low-Ki, and Lynn all slide under the Elvises and dropkick them out of the ring. Low-Ki hits a suicide dive and Lynn flies off the top rope to the outside.

Inside, Styles hits Yang with a power slam coming off the ropes for two. Yang comes back with a high mat slam and a running leg lariat for two. Styles counters a suplex with an elbow attack in mid-air and tags in Lynn. Off the ropes, Lynn hits with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two. Lynn blocks a charge in the corner and hits a tornado DDT but Yang lands on his feet and dropkicks Lynn.

He charges at Lynn in the Elvises corner and catches him with a boot as he moonsaults off his chest. After a shoulder block, he tags in Siaki. Siaki hits with an uppercut but misses a somersault splash. Lynn ducks a clothesline and connects with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Siaki tries a wheel-barrel but Lynn counters it into a bulldog for two. Low-Ki tags in and chops away but runs into a Siaki uppercut and a neckbreaker for two. Siaki charges at Low-Ki in the corner and eats a boot. Low-Ki misses a second boot coming out of the corner as Siaki hits with a backbreaker for two.

Estrada tags in and they hit a combination Samoan drop/springboard moonsault for two. Jorge chops in the corner but Lo-Ki reverses an Irish whip. Estrada floats over, perches Low-Ki on the top rope, and hits an elevated cutter. A standing moonsault gets him two. Low-Ki slides under Estrada off an Irish whip and dropkicks his knees. Ki connects with a few kicks and makes the tag into Styles as Estrada tags in Yang.

Styles hits a hard elbow smash off the ropes then his soon-to-be patented springboard moonsault into an inverted DDT. Cover gets two. Styles goes to German suplex Yang but he lands on his feet and hits with a running round kick. Cover is interrupted by Low-Ki at two. Low-Ki and Yang go at it and West wonders why he isn’t getting disqualified for it. A rolling kick by Low-Ki sends Yang off the apron and onto the floor.

Estrada enters and hits Low-Ki with a sit-out spinebuster. The cover is interrupted by Lynn at one. Lynn connects with his cradle piledriver but Siaki enters the ring and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker.

Styles comes back in with a kick to the back of Siaki’s head then backs Yang into a corner. Lo-Ki goes to kick Yang but hits Styles accidentally. Estrada goes to the top and hits Low-Ki with a missile dropkick. Yang goes to the top and comes down with a corkscrew moonsault goes for the pin gets 1-2-3!

Winners: The Flying Elvises Jorge Estrada, Sonny Siaki, and Jimmy Wang Yang.

After the match, we briefly hear more from Jorge Estrada and Jimmy Wang Yang on being the winners of the first match on the first NWA-TNA PPV from June 19th, 2002. Jorge Estrada talks about the pressure lifted off his shoulders after the match was over. We then hear from Mike Tenay his comments on The Flying Elvises winning that match. Set the tone for what the X-Division was going to be.

We hear from Jimmy Wang Yang and Jorge Estrada again. Yang comments on his favorites to watch in the X-Division are Amazing Red, Low-Ki, and AJ Styles. Yang comments that Style and him started in wrestling together. Estrada comments I’m not saying we’re better than anyone else, it’s are time to show what we can do in NWA-TNA. Yang comments on his time in WCW he didn’t think he would win a championship there, he can definitely, see winning a championship in NWA-TNA happening.

Tenay comments that, The Flying Elvises have had communication issues lately sounded around Sonny Siaki’ ego. Sonny Siaki comments the best in the X-Division is hands down me him, Sonny Siaki.

Jeremy Borash comments to Goldylocks You are sweet on Sonny Siaki? Goldylocks replies In his own head. Hey Sonny! Jeremy and Goldylocks talked about the first X-Division Championship Match AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki vs. Psicosis vs. Jerry Lynn.

Highlights from the X-Division Elimination Match AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki vs. Psicosis vs. Jerry Lynn.

The match is double elimination starts with AJ Styles vs. Psicosis. Styles hits Styles Clash on Psicosis goes for a pin, gets the 1-2-3!

Low-Ki -Ki vs. AJ Styles.

Styles with a Facebuster goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles

Lynn with a Cradle Piledriver on AJ Styles goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Jerry Lynn vs. Psicosis

Lynn with a Cradle Piledriver goes for a pin gets 1-2-3! Psicosis has been eliminated from the match. Jerry Lynn vs. Low-Ki.

Low-Ki with a Snap Elbow Drop on Lynn goes for a pin gets a two count. Lynn with a Cradle Piledriver goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Low-Ki has been eliminated from the match.

Lynn with a Tilt a whirl backbreaker on Styles for a pin gets a two count. Lynn with a DDT out of the corner goes for a pin gets a two count. Styles with a Styles Clash goes for a pin gets 1-2-3! Lynn and Styles exchange Forward rolls both pin attempts get a two-count. Styles with a Moonsault off the apron, followed by a DDT on the floor rolls Lynn back into the ring, goes for a pin gets a two count.

Lynn with Twisting Brainbuster goes for a pin gets a two count. Styles goes to the top rope hits Spinal Tap goes for a pin gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: AND NEW X-Division Champion AJ Styles.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Slash & Tempest The New Church with Father James Mitchell vs. (c) Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles

Mark “Slick” Johnson. Slash & Tempest The New Church was dominant in the early part of the match. Father James’s Mitchell likes what he’s seeing right now. Styles Springboards off the top rope on Slash goes for a pin gets a two count. Tempest with a Death Valley Driver goes for a pin gets a two count. Slash & Tempest with a double choke slam on Styles while, Lynn is arguing with the referee, Slash goes for a pin gets a two count.

Lynn hits a Bulldog on Tempest goes for a pin gets a two count. Lynn hits Cradle Piledriver on Tempest. Slash charges at Lynn backdrops him, over the top rope to the floor. Styles tags himself in Lynn doesn’t look happy about that. Slash pulls Lynn out of the ring to the floor. Meanwhile, in the ring Styles goes to the top rope hits Spinal Tap on Tempest goes a pin gets 1-2-3!

Winners: AND STILL NWA World Tag Team Champions Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
The Flying Elvises Jorge Estrada & Jimmy Wang Yang vs. (c) Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles

Scott Armstrong is the referee. Styles with a Back Heel Kick to Estrada goes for a pin gets a two count. Styles tags Lynn into the match, double team from Lynn & Styles Lynn with Drop Toehold on Wang Yang followed by Standing Swanton from Styles. Lynn goes for a pin gets a two count. Lynn with a Tilt a whirl backbreaker to Wang Yang goes for a pin gets a two count. Styles tags into the match. Estrada with a Side Effect on Styles goes for a pin gets a two count.

Estrada with Split Leg Moonsault goes for a pin gets a two count. Lynn tags into the match. Jerry Lynn with Sunset Flip Powerbomb on Estrada Wang Yang breaks it up at two. Lynn Springboard Splash on Estrada goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Winners: AND STILL NWA World Tag Team Champions AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn.

After the match, Styles left Lynn in the ring. Backstage AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn brawling. Lynn with a Cradle Piledriver to Styles one those equipment cases.

AJ Styles is in the ring, Jerry Lynn comes out to confront him tells Styles I will tell you what you want to know. Lynn asked Styles how many years have you been wrestling 3 ½ to 4 years? Lynn replies 3 ½ years the new guy always want to sound like they have more experience. Tell me how many years have I been wrestling? 14 years.

Lynn and Styles continue to go back and forth on the mic. Lynn tells Styles to follow his lead. Styles I understand. Lynn to Styles You will respect me. When he had his back turned AJ Styles attacks Jerry Lynn Enziguri, discus clothesline followed by Styles Clash.

PrimeTime Elix Skipper vs. AJ Styles

Rudy Charles is the referee. Styles goes for Styles Clash Skipper reversed it into pin gets a two count. Styles goes to the top rope hits Spinal Tap goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Winner AJ Styles.

Jerry Lynn was on commentary for that match.

Jerry Lynn vs. Low-Ki

Scott Armstrong is the referee. Low-Ki with an Inside Cradle gets a two count. Lynn with a Tornado DDT goes for a pin gets a two count. AJ Styles is on commentary he leaves the announce table gets upon the apron, Lynn with an Irish Whip across the ring Low-Ki reversed it Styles with an Enziguri to Lynn. Scott Armstrong called for the bell threw out the match.

Winner: No Contest.

After the match, AJ Styles gets in the ring trash talk Jerry Lynn. Low-Ki grabs Styles kicks him, in the head knocking Styles out of the ring.

Amazing Red vs. Low-Ki

Rudy Charles is the referee. Amazing Red is in control of the match hits a Neckbreaker goes for a pin gets a two count. Low-Ki with Roll through Drop Kick followed by Snap Elbow Drop ala The Great Muta goes for a pin gets a two count. Low-Ki with a Double Underhook Suplex goes for a pin gets a two count. Amazing Red with a Standing Shooting Star Press goes for a pin gets a two count.

Amazing Red with Sunset Flip into a Powerbomb Ed Ferrara asked on commentary What do you call that? Tenay replied he calls that, The Code Red goes for a pin gets a two count. Amazing Red with a Springboard DDT goes for a pin gets a two count. Low-Ki hits Ki-Krusher 99 goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Winner Low-Ki

6-Man Tag Team Match
SAT’s vs. The Flying Elvises

Rudy Charles is the referee. Jorge Estrada and Jimmy Wang Yang want to tag into the match. Sonny Siaki ignores them basically saying ‘I got this’. Siaki with a Neckbreaker on one of the SAT’s Siaki goes for a pin gets a two count. Jorge Estrada & Jimmy Wang Yang have left their corner joined Mike Tenay, Don West, and Ed Ferrara on commentary. SAT’s were in control of the match while, Estrada & Wang Yang were on commentary.

Wang Yang returned to The Flying Elvises’ corner asked for a tag Siaki waved him, off again. SAT’s in control of the match again, one of the SAT’s goes for a pin on Siaki gets a two count. Jimmy Wang Yang joined commentary again. Two SAT members have Siaki up on the top rope hit Double Spanish Fly followed by Amazing Red up on the top rope hits Corskscrew Moonsault Amazing Red calls it Inferior Red.

Amazing Red goes for a pin gets a two count Estrada & Wang Yang break up pinfall. Amazing Red hits Code Red on Estrada goes for a pin Wang Yang breaks it up at two. Siaki rolls into the ring, goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Winners: The Flying Elvises.

We hear more Mike Tenay talking about SAT’s taking 17 hour bus ride each way from Brooklyn, NY to Nashville, TN. Then we hear from SAT’s. Kid Kash comments watching the SATs and Amazing Red are his favorite matches to watch in the X-Division. Sonny Siaki thinks Amazing Red is one of the best in the X-Division. We hear from Amazing Red. He mentions growing up watching Rey Mysterio, Jr. teaming with his cousins SATs I love it.

Jeremy Borash and Goldylocks throw to video packages with highlights of Low-Ki’s matches so far in NWA-TNA. Mike Tenay gives his thoughts on Low-Ki. We hear from Jorge Estrada Jimmy Wang Yang. Estrada talking about Lo-Ki calls him, The man of the X-Division. We hear from Amazing Red talking about Low-Ki. Tenay talks about Lo-Ki Mix Martial Arts background, his wrestling style and look make him, one of the most interested wrestlers in the X-Division.

Triple Threat X-Division Championship Match
Low-Ki vs. Jerry Lynn vs. (c) AJ Styles

Scott Armstrong is the referee. Lynn with tilt a whirl backbreaker on Lo-Ki only gets a one count. Lynn with Sit-out Powerbomb on Styles goes for a pin gets a two count. Lo-Ki breaks it up. Fans chanting Low-Ki! Low-Ki! Low-Ki! Lynn with German Suplex with bridge on Styles Low-Ki with School Boy roll up gets a two count. Low-Ki had Dragon Sleeper on Styles Lynn breaks up. Lynn hits DDT on Low-Ki goes for a pin gets a two count. Styles breaks it up.

Lynn had Styles up on the top rope hits DDT goes for a pin gets a two count Low-Ki breaks up. Low-Ki with Double Underhook Suplex on Styles goes for a pin gets a two count Lynn breaks it up. Styles with Inverted DDT on Low-Ki goes for a pin gets a two count Lynn breaks it up. Lynn goes for a pin on Low-Ki gets a two count. Low-Ki, Lynn and exchange a number of pinfall attempts all get two counts. Scott Armstrong got sandwiched in the corner.

Styles goes out of the ring, gets steel chair at ringside hits Lynn over the head with it. Styles went up to top rope going for Spinal Tap. Low-Ki rolled into the ring goes for the pin gets 1-2-3!

Winner: AND NEW X-Division Champion Low-Ki.

They show Goldylocks interview with Low-Ki getting his thoughts on joining the X-Division.

Four Corners X-Division Match
Sonny Siaki vs. Jorge Estrada vs. (c) Lo-Ki vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

Rudy Charles is the referee. Jorge Estrada tags into the match hits Standing Moonsault on Low-Ki goes for a pin gets a two count. Estrada tags in hits Sprinboard Moonsault on Lo-Ki goes for a pin gets a two count. Estrada tags into the match, Wang Yang has Estrada Boston Crab Estrada Submits Jorge Estrada is eliminated from the match. Low-Ki hits Ki-Krusher 99 on Jimmy Wang Yang goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Jimmy Wang Yang has been eliminated from the match. We are down to the final two Low-Ki vs. Sonny Siaki. Low-Ki catches Siaki with O-Connor Roll 1-2-3!

Winner: AND STILL X-Division Champion Low-Ki.

Four Corners X-Division Match
Amazing Red vs. SATs vs. (c) Low-Ki

Rudy Charles is the referee. One SAT drives the other SAT into the mat goes for a pin gets 1-2-3! One of the SAT’s has been eliminated from the match. Amazing Red goes to the top rope hits Inferior Red on the other SAT goes for a pin gets 1-2-3! The other SAT has been eliminated from the match.

Low-Ki hits Ki-Krusher 99 from the middle rope on Amazing Red goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Winner: AND STILL X-Division Champion Low-Ki.

Best of 3 Falls Series-
Fall One Falls Count Anywhere
AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn

Rudy Charles is the referee. The match went back and forth between Styles & Lynn, Eventually, Lynn hits Cradle Piledriver on the ramp goes for a pin gets 1-2-3!

Winner of the 1st Fall Jerry Lynn.

After the match, Goldylocks conducts an interview with Jerry Lynn.

Fall Two – Andrew Thomas is the referee. Styles hits Styles Clash on steel chair goes for pin gets 1-2-3!

Winner of the 2nd Fall AJ Styles.

Fall Three – 10 Minute Iron Match. Andrew Thomas is once again the referee. Styles got two pinfalls in the first 20 seconds. Lynn drives Styles into the match goes for a pin gets 1-2-3! The score is 2-1 Styles Lynn with a Tombstone Piledriver goes for a pin gets 1-2-3! Lynn hits Styles Clash goes for a pin gets 1-2-3! One minute left in the 10 Minute Iron Man Match.

AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn 10 Minute Iron Man Match goes the Time Limit Styles with 3 Pinfalls Lynn with 3 Pinfalls. After the match, X-Division Champion Low-Ki comes into the ring, raises both AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn’s hands then attacks both men.

Mike Tenay, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ron Killings, Amazing Red, give their thoughts on AJ Styles. They show an interview Goldylocks conducts with AJ Styles getting his thoughts on the X-Division 2 ½ months into NWA-TNA.

They show highlights from the X-Division Championship Triple Ladder Match Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles vs. (c) Low-Ki.

Mike Tenay, SATs, give their thoughts on Jerry Lynn. Jeremy Borash throws it to an interview Goldylocks conducted with new X-Division Champion Jerry Lynn. AJ Styles interrupts calls Lynn an old man tells him, to enjoy that X-Division Championship while you have it. Lynn and Styles shake hands. Styles turns around Low-Ki there, AJ Styles walks off.

Low-Ki tells Lynn don’t worry about AJ Styles he’s not the only one gunning for the champ! Lynn replies I’m looking forward to it Low-Ki. NWA-TNA PPV #12 goes off the air.