ECW Heat Wave 2000 | ECW Saturday Night RetroView

The seventh edition of ECW‘s summer Heat Wave pay-per-view came to us live from the Grand Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles, California as ECW Heat Wave 2000 emanated from. The card featured defenses of the ECW Television and World Heavyweight championships, along with an era-defining cruiserweight fatal four-way. Let’s get right into the PPV!

Heat Wave 2000 kicks off with Jasmin St. Claire on the beach with the Blue Boy (Formerly the Blue Meanie) bullying strangers on the beach. They run into a guy in good shape who Blue Boy calls fat. A fight nearly breaks out, but St Claire puts a stop to it with a well-placed strike below the belt.

WWE Network - ECW Heat Wave 2000

St. Claire and the Blue Boy make out on the beach, but the camera pans over to Sinister Minister. Apparently, Blue Boy sold his soul to be thin and have Jasmin. The Minister talks about how we’re in Los Angeles, where things happen when it gets hot. He references a lot of WWF pay per views, before talking about the main event. We pan over again to see Mikey Whipwreck buried up to his neck in sand. Sin-Min gives his maniacal cackle as we transition to inside the arena.

Joel Gertner & Joey Styles are in the ring to open things up. Styles is glad to be on the West Coast, and Gertner spits a dirty rhyme. However, this time Gertner’s rhyme was on the especially filthy side, drawing the attention of Cyrus. Gertner gets on the apron but comes back inside as Cyrus is asking the people if they know who he is.

He brags about deporting Super Crazy and taking the Television Title from Tajiri. Cyrus used the ECW on TNN budget to promote Rollerjam, and stripped Rob Van Dam of the Television Title. Joel cuts him off and says he doesn’t want to be on TNN.

Cyrus says he’s canceled ECW and threatens to turn out Gertner’s lights. He says Gertner delivers the fat gay demographic, so Gertner makes gay jokes about Cyrus. They argue some more, with Gertner saying he helps Cyrus, but Cyrus counters by saying Gertner never paid a due in wrestling.

Styles says he has an IQ over 140 and went to an Ivy League college so he doesn’t need to put up with Cyrus. It’s been a pleasure working with Styles but Gertner is done. Cyrus gloats, but Gertner sneaks up on him and gets in a few good shots before security drags him away.

Big Sal comes in and beats up some security and referees before his match.

ECW Heat Wave 2000
Sal E. Graziano (w/Tony Mamaluke) vs. Balls Mahoney

Balls Mahoney beats up Tony Mamaluke but gets decked by Big Sal. Mahoney hammers away at the FBI’s big man before nailing him with a chair. Sal won’t go down and chokeslams Mahoney, followed by a belly-2-belly suplex for the win.

Winner: Big Sal (2:30)

We see Bobby Eaton appearing at the ECW Arena to go after CW Anderson for disrespecting the Anderson Family.

ECW Heat Wave 2000
Kid Kash, Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. Simon Diamond, CW Anderson & Johnny Swinger 

Kid Kash & Simon Diamond get things going with a technical sequence. Kash nails a chop in the corner before they kick each other away to give us a standoff. CW Anderson comes in but is quickly taken down and nailed with a middle-rope elbow drop. Danny Doring & Roadkill crush Johnny Swinger & Diamond in the corner before clearing the ring. Kash nails a slingshot hurricanrana over the top to the floor to take Anderson down.

Back in the ring, Kash hits a springboard clothesline to Anderson before another hurricanrana sending Diamond to the floor with another hurricanrana. The numbers finally get too big for Kash to handle, so Swinger takes over. Anderson comes in, but charges into an elbow in the corner, followed by a moonsault press to put him down. It’s off to Doering & Swinger with Doering cleaning house with jawbreakers.

Diamond comes back with a cobra clutch leg sweep to drop Doring,  Diamond plants him for a two-count. Anderson blasts him in the jaw with the left hand, but Doring slams him face-first into the mat. Roadkill comes in and cleans house, sending Diamond, Anderson & Swinger to the floor for a big dive from Doring.

Kash hits an even bigger one but Roadkill tops them all by taking out all 5 guys. Back inside, and Roadkill gets crotched on the top allowing Diamond & Swinger to double-team Doring with a backbreaker/reverse DDT combination. Anderson with a spinebuster plants Kash for a two count, but Roadkill breaks it up with a leg drop to the back of the head.

Kash breaks up the Problem Solver to Doring, who nails the double arm DDT on Diamond. Kash follows up with The Money Maker gets the win for his team.

Winners: Kid Kash, Danny Doering & Roadkill (11:01)

ECW Heat Wave 2000
Jerry Lynn vs. Steve Corino

Jerry Lynn starts with some chops in the corner and scores with a middle rope bulldog. A clothesline sends Steve Corino to the floor, and Lynn’s big dive takes both of them out. Back in the ring, Jerry Lynn is sent to the apron, but he sends Corino down onto the floor to take over again. A tornado DDT onto the floor busts Corino open, then Lynn gouges at the cut and hammers away back inside.

Corino gets punched in the corner, but he comes back with an atomic drop, followed by some left hands. A Bionic Elbow puts Lynn down for two, and a powerslam gets the same. They head back to the floor with Corino making sexual remarks about some fans’ mothers before whipping Lynn into the barricade.

Back in, and a t-bone suplex stops Lynn’s offense for two. Jack Victory throws in a chair, but Jerry dropkicks it into Corino’s face to put both guys down. Lynn hammers away and the blood starts to flow from Corino’s head. Lynn brings another chair into the mix, delivering a top rope DDT onto the chair, but only picks up a 2-count.

Lynn rubs Corino’s blood on his own face before writing DIE on his stomach. Corino comes back with a superkick, only to get taken down with a reverse DDT, scoring another near-fall for Lynn.

Corino hits the Old School Expulsion for a two-count of his own, but Jack Victory tries to bring in some powder. Victory throws the powder, but Lynn ducks, sending the powder right into the ref’s eyes.

Corino takes his boot off and lays Lynn out again, but there’s no referee. Victory hits Lynn in the head with the cowbell for two; then they trade roll-ups for a bunch of two counts until Lynn counters a backslide into a Cradle Piledriver for the win.

Winner: Jerry Lynn (15:23)

We cut backstage to The Sandman with Lori at his side. Sandman cusses Rhino out for what he did to Lori. Rhino sneaks in, and nails The Sandman in the head with a Singapore cane, before taking Lori to a toilet to try to drown her. Sandman gets up for the save, as security breaks up the brawl.

New Jack makes his down to the ring only to get jumped by Da Baldies before Nova & Chris Chetti run in for the save and we have a tag match.

ECW Heat Wave 2000
Da Baldies (Tony DeVito & Angel) vs. Chris Chetti & Nova

Angel gets beaten up to start, and Da Baldies are quickly knocked to the floor. Chris Chetti & Nova both hit big dives to take out a Baldie each, before Chetti tries to fight them both off on his own. Angel hits a jawbreaker to put Chetti down, but Nova misses a Swanton Bomb.

DeVito hits a sit-out Rock Bottom, but misses the followup moonsault instead of covering. Nova pops back up and hits rolling piledrivers into a Helicopter Bomb for two on DeVito, followed by the Amityville Horror & the Tidal Wave gets the job done for Chetti & Nova

Winners: Chris Chetti & Nova (5:00)

Backstage, Tommy Dreamer talks about his career. He used to work at a pizzeria while training to be a wrestler, but it didn’t exactly pay the bills. He’s lost money, friends and jobs because of his committment to pro wrestling, and he wouldn’t change a thing. Francine & Justin Credible are all that stand in the way of his big payoff tonight, and he wants to do things the hard way.

Dreamer nearly has a breakdown in front of the camera, ranting about how tired he is of being on a network that doesn’t respect them and everyone taking away what they created. He bangs his head into a locker and pulls at the cut.

ECW Heat Wave 2000
Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Little Guido vs. Psicosis
– Four-Way Dance

Mikey Whipwreck plants Psicosis to start, and Tajiri kicks him to the floor. Whipwreck nails a quick Whippersnapper on Little Guido and throws him outside, setting up a huge dive. Tony Mamaluke tries to get involved but gets dropped by Whipwreck. Then, Little Mikey dives on Big Sal, only to get rammed into the post. Back inside, Psicosis hits a guillotine leg drop on Whipwreck to pick up the first elimination.

Psicosis turns his attention to his rival, Tajiri, but takes an arm drag for his trouble. The Japanese Buzzsaw follows up with a standing hurricanrana. He then looks for Little Guido, who pops up from under the ring, driving Tajiri throat-first into the ropes. Guido and Psicosis brawl in the aisle.

But Tajiri takes them both out with an Asai Moonsault. Tajiri nails Guido with his signature kicks and follows up with a superplex. Psicosis adds a moonsault leg drop for two, before walking into Kiss Of Death. Tajiri nails Psicosis with a hard kick to the face and eliminates him with a bridging German Suplex.

We’re down to Tajiri & Guido, with Guido getting chopped in the corner. Tajiri tries to take him down in a powerbomb-style pin, but Guido bridges up, starting a series of pins and counter pins. When both men are up, Tajiri goes for The Tarantula hold, but Guido wriggles free. Seeing little option, Tajiri decides it’s steel chair time.

Tajiri puts his opponent in the tree of woe and baseball slides the chair into Guido’s face. Back up, and Guido nails Tajiri with a steel chair receipt. Guido then hits a middle rope Fameasser to send Tajiri outside before they slug it out in the corner. They chop it out until Tajiri blows the green mist in his eyes and hits a brainbuster onto the chair for the win.

Winner: Yoshihiro Tajiri (9:12)

Backstage ECW World Heavyweight Champion Justin Credible says tonight, ECW introduces barbed wire to pay-per-view. It’s going to be hanging above the ring in the Stairway To Hell match.

ECW Heat Wave 2000
The Sandman vs. Rhino (c)
– ECW Television Championship

The match starts with Rhino and Sandman jaw-jacking in the middle of the ring before Sandman literally breaks his Singapore cane over Rhino’s head. Rhino doesn’t go down, though, and nails Sandman with a clothesline. Sandman fires back with his fists and the duo take this match down to the floor. We get a piece of barricade thrown into the ring, where Sandman sends Rhino face-first into the steel.

A top rope hurricanrana onto the barricade metal scores a two count for Sandman, who follows it up with a power slam. Sandman lays the barricade on Rhino’s chest and hits a Swanton Bomb for another two count. After setting the barricade piece in the corner, Sandman sends Rhino into it again, bending the metal rail. This outrageous violence draws the attention of The Network, who come to beat up Sandman.

Spike Dudley returns on a broken leg, and Corino takes a 3D, with Spike playing Bubba Ray Dudley. Rhino hits the Gore on Spike before delivering a piledriver off the apron, through a table. Back inside, Sandman blasts Rhino in the head with another Singapore Cane. However, Rhino breaks up his Russian leg sweep by sending him into the bent barricade. After that, all it takes is a piledriver for Rhino to retain his ECW Television Championship.

Winner: AND STILL Television Champion: Rhino (8:38)

ECW Heat Wave 2000
Rob Van Dam (w/Bill Alfonso) vs. Scotty Anton

Rob Van Dam drops Scotty Anton with a quick kick to the face, and a Rolling Thunder gets a two-count. Anton bails to the floor, but RVD follows him out and nails a moonsault off the barricade. The spinning kick from the apron drives a chair into Anton’s back before RVD takes him back inside for a delayed gorilla press.

A middle rope moonsault scores two for Rob, as this has been one-sided so far. Van Dam goes up to the top rope for a Van Daminator, but Anton takes the chair away. Anton pelts the chair at RVD’s head to take over. Another chair shot has RVD in trouble, and Anton hits a unique bulldog off the apron, catching Van Dam on the rail.

Back in the ring, Scotty puts RVD in the Tree of Woe. Mr. Pay-Per-View wrestles out plants Scotty with a belly 2 back superplex for a two count. Anton takes him down and makes RVD do the Clap, only to tick RVD off again.

They head outside again, with Anton sending him face-first into the barricade. Back to the tree of woe, but Rob gets his foot free for a very weak kick, sending a chair into Anton’s face. Alfonso tries a chair shot of his own, but is intercepted. RVD kicks Anton in the face to put both guys down.

RVD kickflips the chair into Anton’s face for a two count, and split-legged moonsault gets the same. Alfonso puts the chair onto Anton for Rolling Thunder but Anton gets in a chair shot to the knee.

The Clapper goes on, but Anton lets go and puts a hold on Alfonso. One of the most telegraphed Van Daminators yet makes the save, and he follows the 5-Star Frog Splash, but RVD doesn’t go for the cover. Instead, Anton crawls into the corner, then RVD climbs the ropes as Alfonso puts a chair in Anton’s face. RVD connected with Van Daminator into Anton’s face for the win.

Winner: Rob Van Dam (19:02)

We get a recap of the match between Justin Credible & Tommy Dreamer from Cyber Slam, where Credible took the ECW World Heavyweight Title from Dreamer 20 minutes after Dreamer won it, as well as Hardcore Heaven where Dreamer had to give up his chance to prevent Credible from throwing the ECW World Heavyweight Title in the trash.

ECW Heat Wave 2000
Justin Credible (w/Francine) (c) vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Jazz & George)
– ECW World Heavyweight Championship
‘Stairway To Hell’ Match

The match starts off with a technical sequence, and Justin Credible superkicks Tommy Dreamer in the face to take over. They quickly take the match outside where Dreamer hits the ECW Champion with a beercan. They head into the crowd, where Credible gets busted open.

Dreamer brings out a ladder near the announcers’ area, but gets shoved off the ladder. Back to ringside with Dreamer getting in a shot to take over and putting the ladder on the corner in the ring. Dreamer gets whipped face-first into the end of the ladder.

Credible replaces the ladder with an open chair in the corner, but puts the ladder over the bottom rope. Tommy catapults him hands-first into the ladder, and tries to set up something at the top. However, Francine hits him with a low blow. Dreamer falls but lands on Francine in a big crash, drawing in Jazz & George.

George turns on Jazz, helping Francine up. Francine misses a Bronco Buster to George and gets beaten up by Jazz, including ripping off her top & Jazz takes a That’s Incredible, but Dreamer hits the Tommyhawk for a two count.

Dreamer climbs the ladder to bring down the barbed wire which he wraps around the top rope. Credible goes up top, but gets crotched on the wire. Then he pulls Dreamer into That’s Incredible on the wire for two. Tommy hits a DDT onto the wire but Justin hits another That’s Incredible on the barbed wire to get the win.

Winner: AND STILL ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Justin Credible (12:20)