NWA-TNA PPV 25 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, NWA-TNA PPV 25 aired. A video highlighting the Roddy Piper/Vince Russo war of words is shown. The video constantly promotes the birth of Sports Entertainment Xtreme. We see footage of the dominance of the Harris Brothers and the heel turn by BG James. The video finishes off with Percy Pringle’s appearance.

NWA-TNA opening video, followed by Mike Tenay and Don West, welcomes everyone to the show.

Tony Mamaluke vs. Jason Cross

Cross with a brain buster on Tony Mamaluke goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Mamaluke with a German Suplex on Cross gets two count. Cross missed a Summersault Leg Drop Mamaluke Chop blocks Cross’ right leg. Mamaluke, with a German Suplex on Cross, gets a two count. Mamaluke with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Mamaluke locks in Sicilian Crab on Cross taps out.

Winner: Tony Mamaluke.

BG James has appeared in front of the announcers’ table and tells Tenay and West to guard a guitar sitting on the announcers’ table. BG says Jeff Jarrett will need the guitar to retain the title tonight. BG proceeds to have Ron and Don the Harris Brothers give Jason Cross suffers the same move, and both men are sent to the floor.

BG believes he has everyone’s attention and mentions that Vince Russo isn’t here tonight because he is recruiting new members for S.E.X. BG says that the army will grow. Next, BG brings up DX and how he and Vince Russo helped make DX the best thing going at the time.

BG is cut off by his father, Bob Armstrong. Bob can’t believe that BG has thrown away tradition for Vince Russo. Bob wants to know what made BG go down the road with Vince Russo. BG says that the road he chose has brought him straight to the top. Bob isn’t going to play favorites for his son. Bob calls out Ron Killings to come out.

Killings has a steel chair and steel chain. Bob announces that BG James will face Ron Killings in a chain match with a steel chair being attached in the middle of the chain. Their will be zero rules for the match. Bob tells the Harris Brothers to kiss his ass. Bob awards the Harris Brothers a NWA World Tag Team Championship match.

However, Bob makes it seem like a punishment. BG charges the ramp and brawls with Ron Killings. Harris Brothers brawl with the New Church until security and referees run down to break up the fight.

Mike Tenay and Don West put over the recent tour of Jeff Jarrett defending the NWA World Championship all over Europe facing Sting, Lex Luger, and Nathan Jones. Don West also goes over the matches scheduled to take place tonight.

Backstage, Goldylocks is with Jorge Estrada, saying that Estrada “has lost his smile.” Estrada says that Jimmy Yang is too good for him to work in Japan. Priscilla left him for Brian Lawler. Estrada is looking for a new direction in his career. Goldylocks asks Estrada if the Flying Elvises are dead, but Estrada walks away.

Kid Kash vs. Jorge Estrada

Estrada is still wearing the ring gear for the Elvises. Early on, neither man can get a clear advantage until Kash works on the left arm of Estrada after blocking an arm-drag attempt. Then, Estrada knocks Kash to the floor and connects with a dangerous springboard twisting Swanton bomb.

Estrada rolls Kash back into the ring and goes for a pinfall, and gets two. Kash, with a springboard somersault dive, goes for a pinfall and gets two. Kash throws Estrada down to the mat face first and goes for a pinfall and gets two. Kash with a bodyslam slam and a boot scrape. Estrada with a drop toe hold and a springboard leg drop.

Estrada continues with a hip toss into a neck breaker for a pinfall and two. Kash with a double springboard missile dropkick. Kash, with a tornado DDT on Estrada goes for a pinfall and gets two. Both men trade a series of open-hand chops until Kash spikes Estrada with an excellent looking brain buster for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Jorge Estrada.

After the match, Kash simply walks to the back. Backstage, Goldylocks goes into a room where Scott Armstrong is with his father, Bob Armstrong, who is talking on the phone. Goldylocks wants to know who Bob is talking to. Bob walks away as Scott goes to talk to Ron.

Chris Divine and Quiet Storm (Divine Storm) with Trinity vs. America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm)

Harris and Chris Divine started the match off. They traded several wrist locks early on and also traded a few sleeper holds. Harris with a clothesline as Divine came off the ropes and Storm tagged in. Storm works on James Storm with a series of boots, but James returns with a few right hands to the midsection.

James takes Quiet over with a Hurricanrana, but Quiet takes James over with head scissors. James with a boot to the side of Quiet’s head. James backdrops Divine onto Quiet on the floor, and both AMW members dive onto their opponents on the floor. With her weekly spot, Trinity took everyone out with a top rope moonsault.

Storm with a missile dropkick on Quiet and a double clothesline on Quiet as well. Harris drives Quiet down with a delayed vertical suplex. Quiet with a rolling elbow to stop Harris’s momentum. Divine, with a back suplex on Harris, goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Divine with a side Russian leg sweep for another near fall on Harris.

Quiet comes off ropes and plants Harris with a running stunner. Divine goes to the top rope but is shoved off by Harris. Harris with a spear on Quiet and tags in James. James with a series of forearms on Quiet. James with a whiplash slam on Quiet and a super kick on Divine as he leaped off the top rope. AMW with a double-team slam on Quiet.

Harris, with a tilt, a whirl power slam on Divine, which gets a two count. AMW goes for the Death Sentence, but Trinity rolls in as Quiet distracts the referee. Trinity low blows “Cowboy” James Storm, and Divine, with a schoolboy, roll up on Storm and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: America’s Most Wanted

Outside the building, Scott Armstrong is talking to BG James, smoking. Scott is trying to talk some sense into BG, but BG doesn’t care. Finally, BG says that he paved his road and leaves his brother.

A video highlighting the attack by AJ Styles on Amazing Red last week. The video also puts over Amazing Red’s talent.

NWA-TNA PPV 25 (December 11, 2002) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT Wrestling]

Amazing Red vs. AJ Styles (with Mortimer Plumtree)

Red attacks Styles before the bell with several right hands but Styles shoves Red away. Red with a standing shooting star press to the back of Styles. Red with a kick right to the face of Styles and hits the 718 and dropkicks Styles to the floor. Red goes for a slingshot cross body but is caught, and Styles connects with a backbreaker.

AJ Styles gets a two-count back in the ring. Styles drives Red down with a backbreaker and a gut buster to control the contest. Styles with a vicious discus clothesline for a two count. Styles locks in a chin lock and delivers several shots to the face. Styles reverses a move by Red and goes for the Styles Clash, but Red blocks it.

Styles blocks a tornado DDT driving Red down with a suplex which gets a two count. Styles sends Red to the floor, where Mortimer Plumtree kicks Red several times. Red is sent back into the ring, and Styles gets a two-count. Red slides to the floor and takes Plumtree down with a head scissors takedown.

Styles drops Red chest first across the ring apron and grabs the ring steps. Styles blocks a DDT attempt and drops Red face first onto the ring steps. Styles rolls into the ring and gets a two-count. Styles scoop slams Red down and connects with a standing Swanton Bomb for a near fall.

Red with a snap, Hurricanrana goes for a pinfall and gets a two-count. Styles with a reverse DDT and gets a two-count. Styles with a submission move with a reverse chin lock rolling over onto his stomach, but Red doesn’t give up. Red with the Code Red but only gets a near fall! Red with several right hands but runs into a big boot from Styles.

Styles with a sit-down power bomb but only gets a near fall. Styles goes for the Spiral Tap but Red crotches him on the top. Red sets Styles up for a Hurricanrana, but Styles nearly reverses into the Styles Clash, but Red gets out of it and connects with a nice kick to the head of Styles.

Red goes back to the top and attempts a Superplex, but Styles stops Red and signals for a Styles Clash. Red blocks and drives Styles off the TOP with a Hurricanrana that has Styles land face first on the mat. Red goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Amazing Red.

After the match, Amazing Red celebrates his win up the ramp as Styles and Plumtree are left shocked in the ring.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Ron and Don The Harris Brothers vs. (c) Primetime Brian Lee and Slash, The disciples of the New Church Father James Mitchell & BellDonna

All four men brawl before the bell. AJ Styles and Mortimer Plumtree join Mike Tenay &  Don West on commentary for this match. All four men are just trading right hands in the ring until they go to the floor, where Slash dives onto Don off the top to the floor. Then, they brawl into the crowd and hit each other with chairs and anything that’s not nailed down.

Slash and Ron are battling in the ring, where Ron drives Slash down with a sit-down spine buster. Harris Brothers with a double vertical suplex on Brian Lee (which Don West calls the H-Bomb, incorrect). Slash with the Slash and Burn on Ron Harris as Lee clotheslines Don several times. BG James enters the ring and hits Slash with a steel chair.

Ron goes for a pinfall on Slash and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: AND NEW NWA Tag Team champions Ron and Don Harris, The Harris Brothers.

Percy Pringle III makes his way down to the ring and tells the referee Andrew Thomas about what happened and that BG James is underneath the ring.

BG James is spotted, and referee Andrew Thomas reversed the decision after talking with NWA Senior Referee Scott Armstrong. Still NWA Tag Team champions, Primetime Brian Lee and Slash, The disciples of the New Church.

After the match, Father James Mitchell says that Percy Pringle III has no reason to mess with their business. Everyone proceeds to go after Percy Pringle III, but “Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris AMW come back out and hit the Harris Brothers with steel chairs. New Church suffers the same fate.

A video promoting the feud between Jerry Lynn and Sonny Siaki is shown.

Mike Tenay had a sit-down interview with Sonny Siaki earlier today and asks him about the lack of respect. Siaki mentions he has been in the business for four years and hears that all the time. Siaki should respect the old guys, but he doesn’t care.

The fans have came to see him become the X-Division Champion. Siaki has waited a long time for his moment. Siaki has put Lynn out for two weeks, and he is going to “make his belt, my belt… the end.”

NWA X-Division Championship Match
Sonny Siaki vs. (c) Jerry Lynn

Slow start to the match as they traded headlocks and go behinds for the first few moments. Lynn with a crucifix pin attempt which gets a two count. Lynn, with several drop-toe, holds and follows up with a cradle pin, but Siaki kicks out. The referee blocks Lynn’s punch and allows Siaki to hit Lynn.

Siaki sends Lynn to the floor, but Lynn lands on his feet. Siaki goes to the floor, but Lynn comes back in. With a springboard dropkick, Lynn sends Siaki off the apron and down to the floor. With right hands on the floor, Lynn sends Siaki head first onto the announcers’ table. Siaki rams Lynn head first into the ring apron.

Lynn trips Siaki on the apron and connects with a slingshot leg drop on the apron for a near fall. Siaki blocks a suplex and drops Lynn throat first across the top rope, which gets Siaki a two count. Siaki with a short arm clothesline for yet another near fall. Siaki with a knee to the midsection, but Lynn comes back with a roll-up out of the corner for a near fall.

Siaki with a low blow and super kick after shoving the referee. Siaki gets a two-count following the move. Siaki sends Lynn to the floor and rams Lynn face first onto the X-Division Championship. Siaki rams Lynn head first onto the ring steps. Lynn sends Siaki headfirst into the guard railing. Lynn, with a backdrop sending Siaki hard to the floor.

Siaki sends Lynn face-first into the guard railing a couple of times. Siaki gets a two-count back in the ring. Lynn blocks a scoop slam driving Siaki down with a reverse DDT. They trade a series of right hands, with Lynn getting the better of the battle. With several clotheslines and a sit-out power bomb, Lynn nearly gets him a three count.

Lynn spikes Siaki with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Siaki plants Lynn with a scoop slam into an ace crusher which only gets him a two count. The referee bump in the corner, so the referee didn’t see Lynn roll Siaki up. Lynn blocks Siaki’s finisher and drives Siaki down with the cradle pile driver, but the referee isn’t able to make the count.

Lynn, with a side slam and goes to the top rope. A woman gets on the apron and crotches Lynn on the top rope. Siaki with a top rope Siakalypse Siaki goes for a pinfall and calls the 1-2-3!

Winner: AND NEW NWA X-Division Champion, Sonny Siaki.

After the match, Siaki celebrates his title win.

Steel Chain Match with a Steel Chair connected in the middle of the Steel Chain.
Ron Killings vs. BG James

James tries to get out of the match but is met with a leaping forearm shot from Killings. James with a few right hands to start the match. James wraps the chain around his fist and delivers a shot. James grabs the chair and tries to set it up. Killings goes to the top rope and dropkicks the chair into James, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count.

Killings with a scissors kick that drives James head first onto the chair, and Killings goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. Killings places the chair onto James and leaps off the top but misses a moonsault and lands on the steel chair. James rams the chair into the side of Killings and bridges the chair between the middle and top turnbuckle.

James with several more blows. Killings yanks on the chain and James goes headfirst into the turnbuckle Killings goes for a pinfall and gets a two count. They no longer have the chain attached. James tries the pump handle slam, but Killings reverses and hits a sit-out front suplex, driving James onto the steel and goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Ron Killings.

After the match, Killings places the chair on top of James and goes to the top rope signaling for the 450 splash. Bob Armstrong runs down and prevents Killings from making the move. Armstrong raises Killings hand. James goes to hit Killings, but Killings moves and James hits his father “Bullet” Bob Armstrong with a steel chair.

James hits Killings but looks upset at the fact that he hit his father. Scott Armstrong and Jeremy Borash check on “Bullet” Bob Armstrong. Referees Andrew Thomas and Rudy Charles check on Ron Ron Killings.

Mike Tenay and Don West talk about the main event, and Don West hypes up next week’s show. Next, Mike Tenay will have a sit-down interview with Percy Pringle III; why is he in NWA TNA? A video going over the history between Curt Hennig and Jeff Jarrett is shown.

Mike Tenay had a sit-down interview with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett says that he has worked his entire life to get to this point to be the NWA World Champion. Jarrett puts over the title win as a dream. Tenay asks Jarrett about Sean Waltman’s refusal to work with Vince Russo. Jarrett calls that “ridiculous” and “acting like a coward”.

Jarrett says that Waltman showed him that he didn’t want to be in TNA. Jarrett does the right thing and says he will not talk about Owen Hart on television. He does say that no one is responsible for the death of Owen Hart. Jarrett says that Piper is a old timer and puts over Piper’s time in the business.

Tenay asks Jarrett about Vince Russo. Tenay asks Jarrett is if he is with Russo. Jarrett will answer Russo to his face, “when the time is right.”

NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Curt Hennig vs. (c) Jeff Jarrett

They trade go behinds with Hennig going into the ropes, and after Jarrett refuses to let go, Hennig spits in his face! Stand still after a side headlock takedown by Hennig twice. Hennig with several chops in the corner, but Jarrett comes back with a hip toss and a dropkick. They trade right hands with Jarrett going to town on Hennig on the floor.

Jarrett hits Hennig with a steel chair a few times. Jarrett goes towards the guitar but doesn’t use it. Hennig takes Jarrett down and drops down onto Jarrett’s left knee. Hennig leaps onto the knee of Jarrett and wraps Jarrett’s leg around the ring post. Hennig places Jarrett in an Indian death lock, and Jarrett is almost pinned because of the pain.

Hennig nails Jarrett with a right hand, and Jarrett almost gets counted out. Jarrett manages to get out of the hold with right hands. Jarrett with an atomic drop and a kick to the side of Hennig’s head. Jarrett kicks Hennig’s legs, and Hennig falls to the mat. Jarrett catapults Hennig face first into the middle turnbuckle.

Jarrett sends Hennig into an exposed top turnbuckle, and the referee is knocked out as Hennig stumbled backwards. Jarrett grabs the guitar but places it back down. Jarrett goes for the Stroke, but Hennig low blows Jarrett and goes for the Hennig Plex. Vince Russo comes to ringside, grabs the guitar, and hits Hennig twice, but the guitar doesn’t break. Jarrett goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: AND STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett.

After the match, Russo gives Jarrett the belt and gets right in his face. AJ Styles runs down to the ring and attacks Jarrett as NWA-TNA PPV #25 goes off the air.