Before a visionary faced an established phenomenal talent, we had two men who didn’t cross paths before making a statement over a decade ago.
The match took place on April 28th, 2006, in Muscatine, IA, at an NWA No Limits show. AJ Styles and Seth Rollins (then competing as Tyler Black) took place against one another for the first time.
The two men facing each other were current WWE champion AJ Styles and former WWE champion Seth Rollins. We should mention that this match was before there was a ‘Seth Rollins;’ at the time he went under the moniker of Tyler Black.
The match went just over twenty-eight minutes and featured a more seasoned Styles against a green Tyler Black.
Since then, times have changed for both men. The match took place in a gymnasium in front of a crowd of possibly a couple of hundred people.
It begins with the camera focused on the entrance and a very young, fresh-faced Tyler Black emerging from behind the heavy-duty steel doors.
Fans immediately gravitated towards him as he slapped hands with everyone in attendance on his way to the ring.
He was quite enthusiastic, soaking in all the adulation of the crowd as he stood on a table and slapped his chest, showing how pumped up he was for this matchup.

HE IS….Phenomenal
Once Black is in the ring, the camera pans away to the doors to focus in on the next participant.
Emerging from behind the doors was an equally fresh-faced AJ Styles, with his clean-cut look and short hair, and missing the AJ tattoo that runs down the right side of his rib cage.
Styles, much like Black, walked in with much fanfare and carried a little more notoriety at the time. He also slapped hands with fans along his way to the ring.
We can tell that this was relatively new for all involved, as it didn’t have the refined finish that we have become accustomed to seeing in the WWE today.
AJ Styles and Tyler Black – Earning Styles Respect
Both men stood in the ring, prepared to go as they were announced for the match. We have to remember that, this being years removed.
It lends itself to seeing things from both men that we may not necessarily see from them anymore. This is what makes this matchup so exciting.
The match started off simply enough, with both men trying to feel their way along, trying to lock up, not unlike what fans will see from either man today.
Both men’s physiques have certainly developed since this match. Both have developed the strength of their upper body and core. The physical differences also make what we see from them here quite unique.
Both men pretty much used a ground game to try to wear down and exhaust the other guy. Those in attendance appreciated the story these two were telling early on. Both men then began to exchange arm drags in what seemed like a progressive moment in the match.
However, just when it appeared as though Black had the advantage, Styles regained the advantage with a side headlock on the mat.
There were a few attempts to use leverage in order to make a pinning attempt. There weren’t a lot of high spots early on, with each man spending more time trying to work on their opposition.
This was until Styles hit Black with a phenomenal dropkick and followed that up with a plancha to the outside the ring onto Black.
AJ Styles vs Tyler Black
This was when it began to pick up. Styles rolled Black into the ring and attempted a pinfall, only getting a two count. He then proceeded to hit Black with a side backbreaker and once again got a two-count.
A vertical suplex led to another count of two. At this point, Black attempted to make a comeback by hitting Styles with a few kicks, almost defensively, to keep distance between himself and the phenomenal one.
However, that only went so far as Styles hit a vertical shoulder breaker leading to another pinfall attempt.
Styles then transitioned to what appeared to be the last chancery, a submission maneuver made famous by Austin Aries. Black writhed in pain, then struck Styles out of desperation in order to break the hold.
However, when Styles attempted a springboard move, Black dropkicked the top rope, knocking his opponent down. Black then climbed the top rope and hit a standing moonsault onto Styles on the outside, with nothing to brace their fall but steel folding chairs.
He then rolled Styles in the ring and attempted his own pinfall, but again only a two-count was made. Black, still trying to recover himself from the earlier beating he received, was moving slowly as he slammed Styles.
He then proceeded to hit a running senton. Styles attempted to make a comeback, but Black continued to get the advantage with a variation of a side headlock and reverse chin lock, wearing down the phenomenal one.
The Return to a Vertical Base.
Once both men returned to a vertical base, Black hit a bridging suplex on Styles. He then followed it up with a rolling fireman’s carry into a standing moonsault, but only to a count of two.
Styles slowly began to mount a comeback, only for Black to counter. Styles ended the sequence with a Pele kick, taking Black down and buying time to recover.
Both men attempted standings suplexes, countering each other’s effort until Styles ultimately succeeded.
He followed that up with a suplex into a standing reverse neckbreaker, once again to no avail. Styles signaled for the Styles Clash, but Black countered it and then caught AJ in mid-air for a powerbomb pinning combination.
The match truly began to pick up. Spots included Styles’ famous moonsault into a Scorpion death drop. Black then perched his opponent on the top rope and hit a superplex from the top rope, once again, for a count of two.
Both men appear completely exhausted at this point, but Black managed to hit a running kick and a standing 450 splash.
Styles revived and again signaled for the Styles Clash, this time hitting it for the three count. At the same time, there may have only been a few hundred in attendance that didn’t take away from the action these two showcased in this match.
Winner via pinfall: AJ Styles
After the match, Styles got on the microphone and pointed out how good Black was. He said that he is the future and gave him the match of his life. It ended with a handshake a hug out of mutual respect.
Fans shared their appreciation, and then Black got on the microphone and said ‘Thank you’ to AJ for helping make a dream come true. Once Black left the ring, fans showed their respect for him by patting him on the back or giving him hugs.
All wrestlers have to start somewhere, and this match gave fans a glimpse of how these two tremendous athletes give it their all regardless of the size of the crowd.
Styles had a higher level of recognition and popularity due to his being in TNA at the time. But Black was an unknown in comparison.
The match took place prior to Black joining Ring of Honor, which was where a wider range of fans began to see just how talented he was. This small venue gave fans an opportunity to see this promising young talent in action.
AJ Styles and Tyler Black – Setting the Stage for the Future
The running time of the video is over 28 minutes, but that isn’t really an accurate account of the match. It was probably closer to about 20 minutes of in-ring action.
This is quite telling as both men got a great deal of offense. When we consider the time when the match took place it makes sense that AJ Styles walked away from the winner.
However, Black (or Rollins) was certainly given an opportunity to show just how good he was.
Before watching the match, it would have been easy to think that Black was green going in. But that wasn’t true at all. His moves looked polished, his selling of offense appeared refined.
This was twelve years before he was in WWE, where he has only gotten better. This was what Seth Rollins was then to think of what comes of him now against AJ Styles.
AJ Styles and Tyler Black
It is incredible to think that nearly twelve years after this match, both men are now prominently featured performers in WWE but have never faced each other while with the company.
A number of the moves the men performed in the match perhaps couldn’t be done today.
However, it is probably safe to assume that they could put on an even better performance today.
We have to consider that in WWE, often a day is dedicated to planning out a match so that it appears as flawless as possible in its execution. It said a lot back then about the work of a young Seth Rollins and a more established AJ Styles.
We hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane. We encourage you to watch the match for your own enjoyment. Click the link below for AJ Styles and Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) in 2006.