On November 26th, 1987, the WWF presented Survivor Series 1987. Howard Finkel announced the event with Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura and Gorilla Monsson as both approached the announce table. This was the inaugural Thanksgiving Day event from the Richfield Coliseum. This ushered in a team warfare squadron of faction versus faction.
They had individual five on five teams facing each other along with an eight-team tag team match. Monsson and Ventura went through the rules, which included pinfall, submission, count-out, disqualification, and the referee’s elimination due to injury.
We witness The Honky Tonk Man’s Team being interviewed backstage before the event. It was a rowdy crew as Honky Tonk Man addressed their plans. Once they made their way to the ring, the Macho Man’s crew addressed what would take place as well. They then proceeded to the ring as the WWF presented the 1987 Survivor Series.
Team Honky Tonk Man vs Team Macho Man
Beefcake and Hercules began the match with one another. There was a great deal of posturing jocking for position between them. Brutus hip tossed Danny Davis and then Ron Bass into the ring. It was then Beefcake and Davis until Jake Roberts was tagged into the ring. Roberts makes the tag into Savage, who then tagged into Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat then whips Davis into the corner but is then caught with a big boot.
Davis then tags in Harley Race. Race works over Steamboat until he makes a comeback. Both men exchange chops until Race was whipped over the top rope to the floor. Race hits a belly-to-belly suplex, but then he makes his way over to Jim Duggan, who then clotheslines Race onto the floor. The referee continues to count both men on the floor. Both are counted out.
Harley Race and Jim Duggan are eliminated. It is now a 4-on-4 matchup.
Roberts and Bass restart the match until Jake tags in Savage. Macho Man works over Ron Bass and then suplexes the Outlaw. Honky Tonk is then tagged in, but then Savage gets caught in the adversary part of the ring. Savage then tags in Beefcake, who hits a high knee on Ron Bass. Beefcake then follows up with a three count for the elimination.
Outlaw Ron Bass is eliminated. It is now a 4 on 3 for Team Macho Man.
Hercules then comes in and begins to battle Beefcake. A headbutt into the midsection of Beefcake leads to a tag into Honky Tonk Man. The Honky Tonk Man continues to work over Beefcake’s arm and shoulder. Honky Tonk drags Beefcake back into his corner and makes the tag to Hercules. Hercules traps the leg of Beefcake and then tags in Honky Tonk Man.
Beefcake attempts to make a comeback, but Honky Tonk is relentless in his attack of The Barber. Beefcake hits an atomic drop on Honky Tonk Man and a series of punches. The Barber regains control but doesn’t make the tag but gets caught with Shake, Rattle, and Roll, and the pinfall and eliminated.
Brutus Beefcake is eliminated, and it is now a 3-on-3 match up.
Savage charges into the ring and Hercules catches him, and Honky Tonk works over the Macho Man in the corner. Danny Davis is then tagged into the match, and Savage overpowers him until Honky Tonk is made his way into the match. Savage then tags in Jake Roberts, who throws lefts and rights into the head of The Honky Tonk Man. Honky Tonk cuts off the ring and works over Roberts in the corner.
Hercules is then tagged into the ring, who then tags in Danny Davis. Davis works over Roberts and then forces him back into Davis’ team’s corner. Roberts begins to look incensed and hits Davis with a short clothesline, which is a sign for the DDT. Roberts hits the DDT for the pinfall and elimination of Davis from this men’s Survivor Series 1987 matchup.
Dangerous Danny Davis is eliminated. It is now a 3-on-2 lead for Team Macho Man.
Hercules wastes no time jumping into the matchup. He hits Roberts with a clothesline. He then attempts a pinfall, but Roberts kicks out at two. Hercules then begins to work Roberts over and makes the tag to the Honky Tonk Man. Savage jumps into the ring and attempts to help Roberts but only furthers a distraction.
Honky Tonk and Hercules work over Roberts. A reverse chinlock by Honky Tonk on Roberts wears him down. However, Roberts begins to fight back. Roberts hits a knee lift and attempts to make a tag, but Hercules is tagged in and works over the back and then locks in a rear chinlock on The Snake.
Roberts then tosses Hercules over, but he regains control with another rear chinlock. Jake The Snake continues to fight back and hits a chin breaker and then makes a tag to Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat. Steamboat is hitting Hercules with chop after chop. He then hits a chop off the top rope he tags in Savage. Savage, who hits the top rope elbow, smashes onto Hercules for the three count and the elimination.
Hercules is eliminated as it is now a 3-on-1 advantage for Team Macho Man.
The Honky Tonk Mank then comes into the ring, and Savage goes after him with lefts and rights. However, a misses shoulder tackle leads to an advantage by Savage. Macho then tags in Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat then continues the assault and tags in Roberts. Roberts steps on the hand and begins to throw fist after fist on Honky Tonk Man. Savage is then tagged in and slams Honky Tonk Man. Savage hits a double ax handle. He then hits an atomic drop, and Honky goes over the top rope and up the aisleway.
Honky Tonk Man is counted out and eliminated. Team Macho Man is victorious.
Winners: Randy Savage, Jake Roberts, and Ricky Steamboat
Backstage and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan is seen along with ‘The Doctor of Style’ Slick and their entire team. One Man Gang, Ravishing Rick Rude, ‘The Natural’ Butch Reed, King Kong Bundy, and Andre The Giant. They make a claim to what they will do later on in the evening.
WWF Survivor Series 1987
Women’s Elimination Match
The Glamour Girls (Judy Martin and Leilani Kai) w/Jimmy Hart, Dawn Marie, Donna Christianello, & Sensational Sherri vs Velvet McIntyre, Rockin Robin, Jumping Bomb Angels, & The Fabulous Moolah
Sensational Sherri starts the matchup against Velvet McIntyre. McIntyre recovers and makes the tag to Fabulous Moolah. Moolah takes the fight to Sherri. Donna Christinello is whipped into the match. Yamazaki of the Jumping Bomb Angels is tagged in. McIntyre is tagged back in the match with her taking the fight to Christinello. McIntyre floats over with a forward roll into a pin on Christinello for the three count and the win.
Donna Christenello is eliminated, and it is now a 5-on-4 for Team Fabulous Moolah.
Leilani Kai comes in and takes the fight to McIntyre momentarily. She then makes the tag to Rockin Robin. Robin was brought into the women’s corner as Dawn Marie is tagged into the match. Robin is in the ring with Judy Martin. Martin makes the tag to Sensational Sherri.
Sherri brings Robin back into her corner and makes the tag to Dawn Marie. Dawn Marie and Robin exchange blows as Robin gains the advantage. Rockin Robin hits a cross body off the ropes and covers Dawn Marie for the three count and the elimination.
Dawn Marie is eliminated, and it is now a 5-on-3 advantage for Team Fabulous Moolah.
Leilani Kai then jumps Rockin Robin. Robin manages to make her way over to her corner and makes the tag to Yamazaki of the Jumping Bomb Angels. Yamazaki bridges out of a pinning attempt. She then attempts another pinning attempt. She hits a couple of crossbody splashes and then makes a tag to Tateno, who climbs the top turnbuckle.
After a flying armbar, she is whipped into her own corner as Sherri is tagged into the match. Tateno makes the tag to Rockin Robin. Robin takes the fight to Sensational Sherri. Leilani Kai is whipped into the corner and is hit with a monkey flip. Robin is then brought back into their corner as Sherri was tagged in. A suplex is then followed up with a pinfall as Sensational Sherri eliminates Rockin Robin with a pinfall from the women’s Survivor Series 1987 matchup.
Rockin Robin is eliminated, and it is now a 4-on-3 advantage for Team Fabulous Moolah.
Tateno is then tagged in, and she goes after Sherri. She continues to take the fight to the champion. Judy Martin is then tagged in that whips Tateno across the ring. Velvet McIntyre is then tagged into the match, and she hit her with a slingshot. Moolah hit a dropkick. Martin takes a pounding from Moolah. She then makes a tag to Yamazaki. Yamazaki is brought into the corner as LeiLani Kai is tagged in.
She hits a double ax handle on Yamazaki. A tag is made to Sherri, who is relentless in her attack. Tateno is tagged in as Judy Martin is beaten down. Moolah whips Martin from one end of the ring to the other. A side headlock on Moolah by Martin leads to a clothesline by Martin for a pinfall and elimination.
Fabulous Moolah is eliminated, and it is now a 3-on-3 tie between both teams.
Tateno comes in and is caught by Judy Martin. After another big boot attempt, she clobbers Martin. Tateno then drags Martin into their corner. McIntyre is tagged in and continues to beat down Martin and then locks in a Boston Crab. Velvet then attempts a surfboard attempt on Martin. McIntyre then dropkicks Martin, but it’s back into her own corner. Sensational Sherri is then tagged in.
Sherri drops a leg on McIntyre, who is then whipped into her own corner. No tag is made, but Tateno is covered but only for a count of two. Velvet McIntyre is tagged in and hits a giant swing on Sensational Sherri. She hits another float over pinning attempt, eventually gaining the three count and eliminating Sensational Sherri.
Sensational Sherri is eliminated, and it is now a 3-on-2 advantage for Team Fabulous Moolah.
Judy Martin attacks Velvet McIntyre until Tateno is tagged in and hits a front roll into a headbutt into Martin’s midsection. Yamazaki is tagged in and wrenches a double under hook suplex on Martin. Leilani Kai is then tagged in and locks in a body scissors on her.
Kai slingshots Yamazaki back into her own turnbuckle, bringing McIntyre back in the match. Leilani Kai used McIntyre’s own leverage, causing a slingshot off the top rope. Kai makes the pin eliminating her from the Women’s Survivor Series 1987 matchup.
Velvet McIntyre is eliminating, making it now a 2-on-2 affair between both teams.
Both tag teams come into the match and take the fight to both Kai and Martin. A kick to the back of Yamazaki leads to a bodyslam by Leilani Kai. Kai then climbs the turnbuckle as Yamazaki is attempting to get up off the mat. She moves out of the way, avoiding, and as she gets up, Tateno hits a crossbody from the opposing side for the pinfall and the win.
Leilani Kai is eliminated, making this a 2-on-1 advantage for Team Fabulous Moolah.
Judy Martin comes into the ring and immediately takes the fight to Tateno. Martin picked her up for a fireman’s carry and dropped her face-first on the apron. Tateno then drops her and makes a tag to Yamazaki, drops a knee off the top turnbuckle. A clothesline off the top rope by Yamazaki, who is tagged in, leads to a crossbody, and the pinfall win.
Judy Martin is eliminated as the remaining survivors are Tateno and Yamzauki of the Jumping Bomb Angels of Team Fabulous Moolah at Survivor Series 1987.
Winners: The Jumping Bomb Angels
(Side note: Throughout the match, neither Yamazaki nor Tateno’s names were mentioned as they were consistently referred to by their team name, which is unfortunate. A touch of research and both of their names appear).
Backstage, Bobby Heenan & Mr. Fuji are backstage with the four teams ready to take place in this tag team elimination matchup as The Bolsheviks are awaiting the rest of their partners to come to the ring.
WWF Survivor Series 1987
The Bolsheviks (w/Slick), Demolition (w/Mr Fuji), The Dream Team (w/Johnny V), The Islanders (w/Bobby Heenan), The Hart Foundation (w/Jimmy Hart) vs Strike Force, The British Bulldogs, The Rougeau Brothers, The Young Stallions, & The Killer Bees
The one difference here is if your partner is eliminated, then the whole team is eliminated during this match. The lighting at this point seems rather awkward. Volkoff and Martel start off this matchup. Volkoff’s scoop slam, followed by a tag to Boris Zukoff, turns into a back body drop and tag to Tito Santana. A flying forearm to Zukoff followed by a pin and three count leads to an elimination.
The Bolsheviks are eliminated, leading to a 10-on-8 advantage for Team Strike Force.
Ax immediately comes into the ring and slams Santan, who makes a tag to Jacques Rougeau. Dino Bravo is then tagged in, and B Brian Blair is tagged into the match. Davey Boy Smith is tagged in, as is Smash. Tito Santana is then tagged in, who then tags in The Dynamite Kid. Haku is tagged in and begins to exchange chops with one another.
Jumping Jim Brunzel is tagged in, who then tags in B Brian Blair. Paul Roma comes in and begins to work over the leg of Jim Neidhart. Neidhart then recovers and makes the tag to Smash. Smash tags in Ax, who continues to work on Paul Roma.
Haku is then tagged into the match and beats down Roma. The Tongan then tags in his partner Tama. Tama then beats on Jim Powers. Both Ax and Smash get their fill as they work over the Rougeau’s. A missed crossbody by Jacques leads to a pin by Ax for a three count and the elimination.
The Rougeau Brothers are eliminated, leading to an 8-on-8 matchup.
Dynamite Kid comes in and then begins to exchange blows with Tama. Jim Powers is then tagged in the ring, who then catches a clothesline. Neidhart is tagged into the match. He sets up Powers, and Haku drops a thrust chop on him. Ax is tagged in, and he continues to work on Paul Roma. Roma is then caught with a big boot. Ax tags in Greg Valentine. Valentine then slams Roma and follows up with a shoulder breaker.
Valentine tags in Dino Bravo, who picks up Roma and slams him down. Bravo tags in Smash but Roma tags in B Brian Blair. The Dynamite Kid hits a snap clothesline but gets caught with a boot as well. However, Smash tossed the referee across the ring, leading to a disqualification and an elimination by Demolition.
Demolition is eliminated, leading to an 8-on-6 advantage for Team Strike Force.
Bret Hart comes in and piledrives Dynamite Kid. He then follows up with a pinning attempt but only for a count of two. Hart and Kid go blow to blow with one another. Dynamite Kid tags in Jim Powers. Powers takes the fight to Tama. Tama then attempts a Tama bomb misses. Martel is tagged in and takes the fight to Tama.
He hits a dropkick on Tama but then attempts a Boston Crab. However, Neidhart is tagged in the ring, as is Tito Santana. Santana stops a pinning attempt. Neidhart then drops a forearm on Santana, who then makes a pinfall and an elimination.
Strike Force is eliminated, making this a 6-on-6 matchup.
Haku hits a dropkick on Jim Powers. Powers is brought into the corner of the heels. Valentine works over Jim Powers. Valentine is caught but makes a tag to Jim Neidhart. Haku is tagged in and hits a thrust kick, followed by a backbreaker. The Hammer attempts a suplex but is blocked by Jim Powers. Valentine then tags in Bret Hart. Hart hits a backbreaker leading to an elbow by Tama on Powers. Powers tags in Paul Roma. Neidhart and Roma go toe to toe.
Valentine then makes his way into the ring, who then drops a forearm off the top rope. Hart attempted a dropkick, but Roma makes the tag to The Dynamite Kid. Kid hits a belly-to-back on Hart. Roma is tagged in, but Hart makes his way into the match. This leads to a tag by B Brian Blair, along with one by Haku on the other side. Powers tried to take down Haku, who has the counter always.
Jim Neidhart momentarily works over Roma and then tags in Bret Hart. Hart and Davey Boy Smith go toe to toe. Smith gorilla presses Hart and then tries to follow up but is topped. Davey Boy Smith attempts a suplex and sets him up for Dynamite Kid. However, Kid hits a headbutt but appears to get the worst of it. This leads to Haku catching Dynamite with a thrust kick knocking him down, leading to a pinfall and an elimination.
The British Bulldogs are eliminated, leading to a 6-on-4 advantage for Team Hart Foundation.
Paul Roma comes in and begins to try to take the fight to Haku. Dino Bravo is tagged in and misses an elbow drop. Jim Powers is tagged into the match but is worked over. Greg Valentine slams Powers and works with his partner. Neidhart is tagged into the match who then tags in Bret Hart. Jim Brunzel and Paul Roma cause more of an issue than they did anything else.
Valentine brings Powers back in his corner, leading to a tag to Dino Bravo, who hits a back body drop. Bravo is relentless and works over Jim Powers. Valentine is tagged in and blocks the figure four leg lock. A blind tag to Paul Roma leads to a sunset flip by Roma on Valentine, leading to a three-count and an elimination.
The Dream Team is eliminated, leading to a 4-on-4 match up.
Roma tags in Jumping Jim Brunzel, who then tags in B Brian Blair. A small package by Blair leads to another tag to Jumping Jim Brunzel. Brunzel hits a high knee but that only. Hart is tagged into the match. This leads to Brunzel and Hart going at it one on one. Brunzel works over the leg of Bret.
B Brian Blair is tagged in, as is Paul Roma; all members work on the Hitman’s leg. Hart catches Roma with a punch. Tama is then tagged in and goes after Roma. Haku is tagged in, leading to a double elbow. Haku scoops Roma and slams him. Roma then tags in Brunzel. He follows a slam with a leg drop. Brunzel then hip tossed Haku to his own turnbuckle. Hart is tagged in, and Roma continues to work over the Hitman.
Hart hits a belly-to-back suplex on Roma, followed by a pinfall attempt. Tama is tagged in and begins to work over Roma. Haku is tagged in and hits a double head but with his partner. Arm drag by Roma leads to Haku with a series of chops and then a standing dropkick. Neidhart hits a dropkick himself and then hits a power slam on Roma. Hart is tagged into the match and works over Roma.
Roma avoids a clothesline and makes the tag to Jim Brunzel. A missed dropkick caused Jim Brunzel to float over Bret Hart leading to a pinfall and an elimination.
The Hart Foundation is eliminated, leading to a 4-on-2 advantage for Team Strike Force.
Brunzel is then jumped all over by The Islanders. Tama begins to work over Jumping Jim. Jumping, Jim was hit with a back elbow from Tama. Haku then hits a shoulder breaker on Brunzel. The Islanders work to keep Brunzel in their corner. Haku works over Brunzel, who then is caught with a sunset flip but only for a count of two. Another pinning attempt on Brunzel leads to another count of two. Brunzel tegs in Jim Powers, who then comes at Haku with a series of punches. Roma hits a power slam who is then getting beaten down by Haku and Tama.
Paul Roma then makes the tag to B Brian Blair. Blair takes a chop and then a beat down by Tama. Tama hits a leaping back elbow. He misses an elbow drop. Jim Brunzel makes the tag in but hits a slam and then a back body drop. Brunzel hits his dropkick. But at this point, everyone comes into the ring. B Brian Blair dons a mask and hits a sunset flip on Tama, leading to a three count and the final elimination.
Winners: The Young Stallions and The Killer Bees
Ted DiBiase is in his limousine, counting his money and talking about what he needs to survive. He shares that it takes money to survive. That is all it takes to be thankful for. He likes what the money can do for him, how he can make anyone do something for his money. DiBiase shows how he can make a child do what he wants for the money. The Millon Dollar Man shares stories of what someone had to do to make money. The stories are humiliating and embarrassing.
Greg Degeorge interviews The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart. They shared how this was slated to be a night where the Intercontinental champion shared how he was a victim of a travesty of justice! He said he would face anyone and anywhere. Whether it is Hulk Hogan or Macho Man Randy Savage. Honky Tonk was quick to pat himself on the back.
WWF Survivor Series 1987
The Heenan Family (Ravishing Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy w/Bobby Heenan), ‘The Natural’ Butch Reed, One Man Gang (w/Slick), & Andre The Giant vs Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink), Don Muraco, ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff, Ken Patera & Hulk Hogan
Muraco and Rude start off the match for their respective teams. The two begin to exchange blows back and forth. Orndorff is then tagged in and begins to take the fight to Rick Rude. He then drills Rude into Hogan’s boot. The Hulkster then comes into the ring on fire. Elbow drop after elbow drop continues to keep Rude down. Bam Bam Bigelow is then tagged into the match and drops a splash on Rude.
A Gorilla press by Bigelow then leads into a tag on Ken Patera. Rude makes his way out, and Patera makes his way into the match. Muraco is then back in the ring going after Butch Reed. Orndorff comes in and takes the fight to Butch Reed. Hogan is then tagged into the ring and hits a big leg. He follows it up with a pinfall and a three count.
‘The Natural’ Butch Reed is eliminated. Team Hogan leads the match with a 5-on-4 advantage.
Andre then comes into the match, and Hogan had no idea he was in the match. Patera is in the match as the referee states that Hogan tagged in. However, Andre leaves and tags in King Kong Bundy. Patera takes the fight to Bundy. A clothesline by Patera leads to a tag to Orndorff. The One Man Gang then comes into the match, and he faces a fury of punches by Orndorff.
Rude is tagged into the match, and he gains a momentary advantage on Paul Orndorff. Mr. Wonderful makes a pinfall but only for a count of two. Orndorff tags in Muraco, who then continues his beat down on Rick Rude. Rude tags in One Man Gang. Gang begins to beat on Muraco until he scoots away and makes a tag to Patera.
Patera hits a cross body and makes a pinfall attempt but only for a count of two. Gang begins to beat down on Patera, who then keeps him in the opposing corner. One Man Gang has a front face lock on Patera, holding the Olympian away from his corner. Gang then brings his opponent back into his team’s corner. Patera tries to fight back and drives fists, and gets caught with a clothesline off the ropes by the One Man Gang. Gang follows up with a pinfall and an elimination from the 1987 Survivor Series.
Ken Patera is eliminated make it now a 4-on-4 matchup.
Hogan comes in and begins to take the One Man Gang. He follows up a whip into the corner with a clothesline. The Hulkster follows that up with knife-edge chops. Bam Bam is then tagged in. He continues to drives forearms and fists on The One Man Gang. A collision leaves both men down, but both make a tag to their respective corners.
Orndorff & Rude are tagged into the match. Mr. Wonderful gave the sign for a piledriver, but a distraction leads to a rollup by Rude, leading to a pinfall and an elimination from the 1987 Survivor Series.
‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff is eliminated. It is now a 4-on-3 advantage for Team Andre.
Muraco comes in immediately and beats on Rude and then follows up with a tag to Bigelow. Hogan is then tagged in and hits a high knee. Muraco then hits a power slam on Rude, leading to a pinfall and an elimination.
‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude is eliminated. It is now a 3-on-3 matchup.
Muraco and Bundy exchange fists in the matchup. The Rock works on the leg of King Kong Bundy. King Kong Bundy rakes the eyes and makes a tag to the One Man Gang. Gang exchanges blow after blow with Muraco. A whip to the corner leads to a slam that didn’t work out for Muraco. Don Muraco was hit from behind by Andre, leading to a splash by the One Man Gang. He then proceeds to make a pinfall for the three count and the elimination from the 1987 Survivor Series.
Don ‘The Rock’ Muraco is eliminated. It is now a 3-on-2 advantage for Team Andre.
Bigelow and the One Man Gang exchange fists. A false sunset flip by Bigelow leads to a tag by Bundy. Bundy drops a knee on Bigelow and then makes a tag back to the One Man Gang. One Man Gang proceeds to choke Bigelow across the ropes. A tag is then made to Bundy. Bigelow is clearly in trouble. Another tag to One Man Gang. Gang works over Bigelow leads him into the wrong corner.
Bundy is tagged in and attempts an elbow but misses. One Man Gang comes back into the ring and then makes a tag to Andre. Andre swings, and Bigelow makes a tag to the Hulkster. Hogan and Andre exchange chops. The Hulkster whips out everyone. Hogan is getting counted out. The referee is counting him down, and he’s eliminated.
Hulk Hogan is eliminated, leading to a 3-on-1 advantage for Team Andre.
Bigelow is all alone facing the three massive men. Bundy and Bigelow face each other in the ring. Bigelow takes down Bundy with a headbutt and a shoulder tackle. He then hits a dropkick. Bigelow reverses an Irish whip into the corner turnbuckle. Bam Bam Bigelow hits a slingshot splash into the ring onto Bundy as Bundy lies on the mat. He follows this up with a three count and an elimination from the 1987 Survivor Series.
King Kong Bundy is eliminated, leading to a 2-on-1 advantage for Team Andre.
One Man Gang comes into the ring and beats down on Bigelow. A clothesline by the One Man Gang leads to a pinning attempt but only for a count of two. One Man Gang applies a rest hold on Bigelow and then follows up with punches. Bigelow attempts to fight back with punches to the One Man Gangs midsection. Andre hits a big boot on Bigelow. One Man Gang attempts a splash. Bigelow lays his arm over the fallen One Man Gang for a pinfall and the elimination.
One Man Gang is eliminated, leading to an even 1-on-1 matchup between the two teams.
Andre The Giant immediately comes into the ring and goes after Bigelow. A fist and headbutt by Andre leads to an even further attack by the Frenchmen. However, Bigelow avoids a further attack by rolling out of attempted swings on the part of Andre. He charged after Andre, who moved out of the way. Andre then locks up Bigelow for a front facelock suplex and follows up with a pinfall and an elimination from the 1987 Survivor Series.
Winner: Andre The Giant of the 1987 Survivor Series.
After the match, Hogan charges the ring attacking Andre with the WWF Championship belt. Both Heenan and Hogan are jocking for position either in or out of the ring. Andre won the match, but Hogan really did take over the moment from Andre.