ROH TV for 10-18-21 Episode #526 – (S.O.S BATTLE King & Lee)

In the latest ROH TV for 10-18-21 review, episode #526 featured two matches. Quinn McKay introduces the two matches slated to take place on this evening. The first being an eight-man tag team match, including The Foundation. The other match is for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championships. This is Ring of Honor ROH TV for 10-18-21 episode #526. Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Colemen are the two men on commentary to start off the show.

ROH TV for 10-18-21
Kaun and Moses seek revenge and the Ring of Honor World Tag Team titles against the champions (pictured on the right) Kenny King and Dragon Lee [Photo: Ring of Honor]

ROH TV for 10-18-21
ROH World Tag Team Championship

Soldiers of Savagery (Moses & Kaun) vs. Kenny King & Dragon Lee (c)

S.O.S. came to the ring first, followed by the ROH Television and co-holder of the ROH World Tag Team Championship, Dragon Lee, and his championship partner Kenny King. Before the match is underway, the champions share what they plan on doing to their challengers during this match. From the ring of the bell, S.O.S. was immediately on the attack of the champions. Lee and Moses start off the match. But once Moses regains the advantage, King attempts to jump him from behind. That was until Kaun thwarted his efforts in the early part of this match.

Eventually, Moses and Kaun are on the attack against Kenny King. After the brief commercial break, Kaun is shown with the advantage on Dragon Lee. Both members of S.O.S. are a well-oiled machine against La Faccion members and champions Lee & King. Kaun attempts a suplex of Lee into the ring, but King pulls the leg from under Kaun, forcing Lee to fall onto him. Lee has a half crab on Kaun with him placing a foot on the side of his head. King is then tagged in and continues the attack on Kaun. Kenny King and Dragon Lee continue to work on Kaun as referee Todd Sinclair is distracted.

Kaun’s leg is the focus of King’s attack. Dragon Lee even would pull the rope away, making it impossible for Kaun to reach the bottom rope. He eventually does as we head to another commercial break. After the break, Kaun hits a springboard back suplex on Kenny King, leading to a hot tag to Moses. Dragon Lee is also tagged in, and he gets wiped out. Moses comes in guns a-blazing. Eventually, King comes in, but Kaun refuses to allow King to get the better of him. Dragon Lee then drops Moses and has him set up in a tree of woe leading to King to then hit a blue thunder bomb!

Bestia comes to ringside to show his support for L.I.J. Dragon Lee and Kaun go after one another blow for blow. They hit their implant D.D.T., but the referee is distracted until Shane Taylor comes to ringside. Kenny King then hits Royal Flush along with Dragon Lee hitting the incinerator leading to a pinfall and a three count.

Winners: AND STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions Kenny King and Dragon Lee


ROH TV Episode 526
The Foundation (pictured on the left from top to bottom) Rhett Titus, Tracy Williams, Jonathan Gresham and Jay Lethal look to make a statement against their opponents (pictured on the right from top to bottom) Taylor Rust, Eli Isom, Joe Keys & World Famous CB.

ROH TV for 10-18-21
World Famous CB, Joe Keys, Taylor Rust & Eli Isom vs. The Foundation (‘Hot Sauce’ Tracy Williams, Rhett Titus, Jonathan Gresham & Jay Lethal)

Before the match, Isom addresses what they plan on doing, and that pure wrestling is right here. Lethal addresses this match and what stands across the ring from them. Williams shares that it is a pleasure to stand across the ring from them but that they are THEE measuring stick in pure wrestling in Ring of Honor. Before the bell rings, all eight men demonstrate the code of honor against one another. Williams and Rust start off the match.

Rust and Williams lock up and jockey for position. Finally, Taylor Rust is able to avoid an armbar. Williams eventually gets Rust down on the mat. Rhett Titus tags in while Williams has Rust locked in a hammerlock. World Famous CB is tagged in, and Riccaboni points out that the pride-colored tights by CB are a tribute to his friend, the late Hana Kimora. CB drops down Titus and is relentless in working over the Foundation member.

Isom is tagged in, and he begins to work over Titus. The two attempt to jockey for position. Titus is busted open, and he tags out to Jay Lethal. Isom and Lethal then lock up, and neither goes down after a shoulder tackle in the middle of the ring. Eli pulls on Lethal’s arm, preventing the cartwheel into a dropkick by Lethal.

Lethal leaves the ring and then returns, making a tag to Jonathan Gresham. Joe Keys wants in on this match, and he locks up with Gresham. Throughout the match, each pairing in this match attempts to get the better of their opponent. Time and time again attempt to maintain control of the match. In the match’s closing moments, Gresham has his former protege Joe Keys locked in a trap leg submission forcing him to tap out.

Winners: The Foundation

After the match, all eight men adhere to the code of honor. We then hear from Vincent addressing how he is pure and now born atop the mountain. He speaks of how he has been purified.

Next Week:

  • Rhett Titus vs Tony Deppen
  • Chris Dickinson & Brody King vs. Jonathan Gresham and Tracy Williams
  • Homicide vs. Jay Lethal

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