Ring of Honor World Title Match Announced for 18th Anniversary

If you thought tensions were high in the inter-federation feud between Villain Enterprises of ROH and Strictly Business of the NWA. Business is about to be kicked up a notch or two. As the Ring of Honor World Title match for the upcoming 18th Anniversary has been announced.

48 hours ago at the Gateway to Honor show in St.Louis, the main event was a three-way dance for the ROH championship. It saw belt holder PCO square off against Rush and Overkill Mark Haskins.

Out of the blue, Nick Aldis, the driving force behind Strictly Business interfered in the match. While the referee had his attention focused elsewhere, Aldis clubbed PCO with the NWA belt. In the process laying out the champion and leaving him wide open to Rush’s highly effective finisher, the Bull’s Horns. Game, set, match. The Villain Enterprise member lost the match and his championship gold as well.

The French Canadian Frankenstein who ironically won the strap from Rush held it for a mere eleven weeks and a day, the proverbial cup of coffee. Hopefully, not a Starbucks coffee served up by an affable middle-aged barista named Tony.

Consequences and repercussions are inevitable after the Nick Aldis coup de Dis-grace. As of the 4th of April, PCO will hope to extract a huge measure of revenge when he goes mano a mano with the National Treasure at Supercard of Honor slated for Lakeland, Florida.

In the meantime and in-between time as Ed Whalen would say, on the 13th of March at the OH 18th anniversary show, Rush will put his title on the line against Mark Haskins.

This show will be held in Las Vegas. Rush is only the 5th ROH competitor to hold the championship on two different occasions. He is known for putting away even redoubtable foes in very little time. If you have any doubts, just ask Dalton Castle. He has acrobatic prowess aplenty.  Rush can more than hold his own in the realm of striking and technical wrestling.

The young veteran is poised on the cusp of greatness. While he hopes for a long title run, el Toro Blanco is now the man with a target on his back. Taking a very close and careful aim in less than two weeks at Overkill. Mark Haskins, the young British run and gun star who holds several victories within ROH. With wins over Flip Gordon, and Matt Taven, Haskins looks to dethrone Rush.

The first hurdle Rush will face will be by no means a walkover. March 13th, a date to mark on your calendar. The Ring of Honor World Title Match will take place at 18th Anniversary.