Back with WWL this 2/23/19 as the company seems to set itself up for an upward swing of stories and characters. Last week we focused on the World title scene as Angel Fashion was able to overcome his tag team partner Mike Mendoza’s own ambition for the title to pin the Champion BJ and earn a rematch. Today though we focus on the heart of the company. The tag team scene. We’re hot off the heels of the very hot feud between Champions Primos Melendez (Melendez Cousins) and WestSide Mafia. WSM has exited the promotion but just as they do, CWA Tag Team Champions The Fugitives appeared and challenged the local Champions. We witness that match today.
Before the show formally starts, a graphic in dedication to a local wrestler named Arnaldo Miranda is shown. He committed suicide about a week ago in a very sad story as he suffered from depression.
We start with a recap of last week and the show into before going into the first match of the night.
Match #1: Big Daddy Montes vs OB.
This is OB’s formal debut after him having a previous match months ago. This time though he’s a formal part of the roster. Big Daddy Montes was formally a member of a stable called “Puro Macho” (Absolute Males) bu the group left for another company and he stayed behind. He’s been losing all his matches lately and is trying to get out of his funk. Montes tries to punk the much skinnier OB but it doesn’t work and he’s sent out of the ring with a Hurriacanrana. Montes sees a Suicide Dive coming but he gets too distracted arguing with the fans heckling him, letting OB hit the Suicide Dive anyway. We get a very old school handshake spot with Montes asking for a handshake while having his left hand behind him (no fingers crossed sadly) but yet again, OB sees through his shenanigans.
After a promo for the All Or Nothing taping, we see a new vignette for El Gentil (The Gentle One). He helps a lost soul send a text message to his sweetheart.
We return to the match and the action picks up as Montes has better control hitting a Clothesline and German Suplex but OB fires back with the Slingblade and a Meteora. OB throws several shots with one of the commentators mentioning they remind him of Terry Funk. When you look at OB’s very Japan-imitating striking, you’ll wonder what Terry Funk he was talking about. It was a really weird comment made. Montes hits a Spinebuster and tries to make a cover with his feet on the ropes but the referee rather easily sees it. They argue a bit and shove each other with OB taking advantage for a Schoolboy and the win as Montes continues his downward spiral and is so sloppy he can’t even cheat properly. It was a pretty good match establishing OB and furthering Montes’ deterioration.

We see a sit down interview for #1 Contender Angel Fashion as he talks about his career starting 13 years ago. He became a fan thanks to his grandfather who paid for him to go to Shane The Glamour Boy’s (Shane Sewell of TNA fame) school who got him a spot in WWC as a referee one night when they were missing two referees. He would go on to be a referee for WWC for years before he was confronted in 2014 by The Invader #1 (yes, the one who killed Bruiser Brody and the WWC booker at this time) who knew he was wrestling under a mask behind WWC’s back and gave him to opportunity to wrestle for WWC and it started his career where he would win their Jr Heavyweight and Puertorican titles but he saw the writing on the wall after a while. He was not gonna be able to go further and left. After some advice from Invader, he landed in WWL and has also gone to work indies in the US, The Crash in Mexico and has try-outs with WWE. A phenomenal way to establish him as a top star here as you know his entire journey.

Match #2 for the WWL Tag Team Championships: Challengers CWA Tag Team Champions The Fugitives (Lynx & Niche) vs Champions Melendez Cousins (Alex & Victor Melendez).
This is basically urban vs rural as The Fugitives are two urban street thugs from the island’s metropolitan area and the Melendez are farmers from the southwest. They try to do a formal presentation for the match with in-ring intros for the contestants but the commentators talk all over it. The Fugitives have held the Tag Team titles of all mayor Puertorican promotion with the exception of WWL.
Alex and Niche start things off evenly before going off to Victor and Lynx. However, as things go on the action gets more and more personal. At first, they tried a respect match however The Fugitives were received harshly by the pro-WWL crowd and they antagonized the crowd. That’s been leaking into the actual match. Victor sends Lynx to the outside for a Tope but Niche gets his partner out of the way drawing more ire from the crowd. In the ring, The Melendez hit a Double Brainbuster to Niche. Lynx manages to rescue and take control a while at least until Alex tries a Headscissor but Niche puts on the brakes and hits a Gutbuster. A Big Boot from Lynx to Alex makes Alex bleed from the nose and they exchange some stiff slaps to the face. Lynx hits an Eye of the Storm Powerbomb but Alex responds with a Canadian Destroyer as we go to break.
Coming back Alex throws partner Victor with Belly To Bellies over Niche and Lynx in the corners for some tandem offense but the outsiders retaliate with a Missile Dropkick an Alex elevated on to Lynx shoulders. The two teams hit their finishing moves as the crowd is losing their minds for the action. All four collapse following Superkicks and the match is counted down leading to a Time Limit Draw. This was a fantastic match and by total coincidence, it was very similar to Xix Xavant vs Gilbert in WWC as well as Dominik Dijakovic vs Keith Lee in NXT. We’re shown they’re evenly matched until the crowd peaks. They slow a bit and then pick it up a bit more for ending to let the crowd wanting more and with the image that the two parties are very evenly matched. Solid stuff here. This leads into a 3 Way Match with both sets of titles on the line involving these two teams and LAX.

The show ends with a video for the All Or Nothing taping this coming 15th.
It was a fine show this week as things are moving very smoothly here. You’re kept on top of things regarding the top story and they’re doing a solid job of growing everyone in the undercard.

With that in mind, I hope you enjoyed this review. Follow my Facebook page here to see all my work and follow me on Twitter here. Until next time!

Originally posted by AB Morales